getDownloadURL in array of dictionary (re-rendering issue, forEach) - reactjs

I have an array of dictionaries, (e.g. [{}, {}, {}, {}], each dictionary contains information about book)
I want to download image from firebase storage using getDownloadURL.
My current code's like...
const [resObj, setresObj] = useState() // empty variable for update state
let result = [] //create empty array for copy & push new obj
useEffect(() => {
props.resObj.forEach((obj) => { // props.resObj: array of dictionary I explained before
const jpgName = 'bookDB/'+ obj.도서번호 + '.jpg';
const imgRef = ref(storage, jpgName)
.then((url) => {
bookUrl: url
}) // copy & push dictionary
.catch((error) => {
if (error.code === 'storage/object-not-found') {
console.log('이미지 파일 없음')
bookUrl: ""
} else { console.log(error)}
}, [])
after this code update 'resObj' variable,
I map resObj in component like...
return (
{resObj? => {
key = {}
className = '~~'
onClick = {}
src = {item.bookUrl}
unfortunately.. it doesn't show nothing..
It seems that forEach, useEffect, useState, getDownloadURL Promise seriously entangled..
I tried 1) devide download image code as function, 2) devide download image code as recoil, 3) escape download image code from useEffect, 4) ...(extra variances of code)...

The problem is that your call to setresObj happens before any of the calls to result1.push have happened, so you're always setting an empty array. It's easiest to verify this by setting breakpoints and running in the debugger, or by adding some console.log calls.
The fix is to use Promise.all to wait for all download URLs to have been retrieved and only then call setresObj. Something like this:
useEffect(() => {
let promises = => {
const jpgName = 'bookDB/'+ obj.도서번호 + '.jpg';
const imgRef = ref(storage, jpgName)
return getDownloadURL(imgRef)
.then((url) => {
return {
bookUrl: url
.catch((error) => {
if (error.code === 'storage/object-not-found') {
console.log('이미지 파일 없음')
bookUrl: ""
} else { console.log(error)}
Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {
}, [])


Lifecycle of useState hook in React.js

I have the following synchronism problem. Given that I know that the React useState hook is asynchronous, I run into the following: I'm downloading some images from Amazon S3, I manage to save it correctly in my hook: defaultSelfiePicture and depending on the weight of the image (or so I think) sometimes I get the images loaded correctly and sometimes not. I have tried to force state changes after I finish saving the object in my hook but it never renders the image, only if I change component and come back is when it is shown in the cases that it takes longer to load.
const [defaultSelfiePictures, setDefaultSelfiePictures] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
if ( !== undefined) {
}, [])
const loadAllPictures = () => {
let p1 = loadUrlDefaultFrontPictures()
let p2 = loadUrlDefaultBackPictures()
let p3 = loadUrlDefaultSelfiePictures()
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]).then(result => {
console.log('end all promises')
const loadUrlDefaultSelfiePictures = async () => {
if ( > 0) {
let readedPictures = []
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
if ([i].type === 'SELFIE'
//&&[i].side === 'FRONT'
) {
if ([i].s3Href !== null &&[i].s3Href !== undefined
) {
const paramsKeyArray =[i].s3Href.split('')
let paramsKey = paramsKeyArray.pop()
let params = {
Bucket: process.env.REACT_APP_S3_BUCKET,
Key: paramsKey
await s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, function (err, url) {
name: 'selfie.jpeg',
url: url
} else {
let urlPicture =[i].localHref
let response = await axios.get(`${URL_IMG}${urlPicture}`, {
responseType: 'blob'
function readAsDataURL(data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onloadend = () => {
const base64Data = await readAsDataURL(
name: 'selfie.jpeg',
url: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64Data.slice(21)}`
And I obtain this :
I can see that the hook has content, but that content is not updated until the next rendering of the component, also if I try to make any changes when I detect that the .length has changed it tells me that it is 0...
And right after the next render I get this:

Rendering elements of array fetched with React does not work

I'm successfully fetching an array of objects from a local ethereum blockchain (successful as in, I've logged the data in componentDidMount and it is what its supposed to be). Its a dynamically sized array
(inventory), so I gotta fetch it element by element. Here are the relevant parts:
async componentDidMount() {
this.setState({fetching: true}, () => {
.then(result => this.setState({fetching: false}))
async loadData() {
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum)
const netId = await
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
this.setState({account: accounts[0]})
if(typeof accounts[0] !== 'undefined'){
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0])
this.setState({balance: balance})
else {
window.alert('Please login with MetaMask')
try {
const plotRepository = new web3.eth.Contract(PlotRepository.abi, PlotRepository.networks[netId].address)
const plot = await plotRepository.methods.claimPlot(this.state.account).send({from: this.state.account})
this.setState({plot: new web3.eth.Contract(Plot.abi, _plot.plot)})
const size = await this.state.plot.methods.size().call()
const tiles = await this.state.plot.methods.getTiles().call()
await this.loadInventory() // this is where I'm loading the array in question
this.setState({size: size})
this.setState({tiles: tiles})
// logging the array here works
} catch (e) {
} else {
window.alert('Please install MetaMask')
async loadInventory() {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(inventoryinfo)) {
const item = await this.state.plot.methods.getInventoryItem(key).call()
this.setState({inventory: [...this.state.inventory, {
name: key,
value: parseInt(item[0][1]),
count: item[1]
Again, logging the array in the fetching functions works just fine. I'm also using a flag (fetching) which denotes whether all data has been successfully loaded or not, and I only try to render data once everything is loaded:
render() {
const { plot, account, fetching, tiles, inventory } = this.state
return (
<div className="App">
<p>Currently logged in with account: { this.state.account }</p>
<p>Balance: { this.state.balance } </p>
{ fetching ? // make sure things are fetched before rendering them
<p>Loading</p> :
<UserPlot tileData={tiles} plot={plot} account={account}/>
inventory[0].name // inventory[0] is undefined
// inventory.length is not
Trying to display any element of the array gives me an undefined error. Rendering the array length works though ({inventory.length}). This is weird since I'm doing the same thing with another array that I'm fetching and displaying in the UserPlot component and that works just fine (only difference is that in this case the array is static and I can load it all in one go but I don't think that has anything to do with it)

(Refactor/Improve) Loop to make API calls and manupilate Array following the "no-loop-func"

Despite looking and following numerous answers here at stackoverflow,I have still failed to refactor this code to abide by the ESLint no-loop-func.
I keep getting the following warning, despite my efforts to refactor the code:
Compiled with warnings.
Function declared in a loop contains unsafe references to variable(s) 'lastResult', 'biologyBooks', 'page' no-loop-func
Here's the code:
import React from 'react';
import { apiFullCall } from '../../apiHelper';
const MyComponent = props => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState({ total: 0, biologyBooksByAuthor: [] });
let isLoaded = React.useRef(true);
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('token');
const authorID = sessionStorage.getItem('author_id');
const getBooks = async() => { // fetch items
let page = 1;
let scienceBooks, biologyBooks;
// create empty arrays to store book objects for each loop
let scienceBooks = biologyBooks = [];
// create a lastResult object to help check if there is a next page
let lastResult = { next: null };
do { // the looping - this is what I have failed to refactor
try {
await apiFullCall( // Make API calls over paginated records
).then(res => {
if (res) {
const { status, body } = res;
if (status === 200 || status === 201) {
lastResult = body; // assign lastResult to pick "next"
body &&
body.results && => { // we map() over the returned "results" array
// the author with queried "author_id" writes science books;
// so we add each book (an object) into the science category
// We then filter the author's biology books (from other science books)
biologyBooks = scienceBooks.filter(
({ is_biology }) =>
typeof(is_biology) === "boolean" && is_biology === true
return null;
// increment the page with 1 on each loop
}).catch(error => console.error('Error while fetching data:', error));
} catch (err) { console.error(`Oops, something went wrong ${err}`); }
// keep running until there's no next page
} while ( !== null);
// update the state
setState(prevState => ({
...prevState, total: scienceBooks.length, biologyBooksByAuthor: biologyBooks,
React.useEffect(() => { // fetch science books by author (logged in)
if (isLoaded && authorID) {
return function cleanup() {...}; // clean up API call, on unmount
}, [isLoaded, authorID]);
return (
// render the JSX code
Please note that I actually declared the said variables lastResult, biologyBooks and page outside the "do-while".
Any help or clues will be greatly appreciated.
The function the warning is referring to is the .then callback, if you're using async/await stick to it, try removing the .then part by assigning the result to a variable instead and remove the unnecessary .map, you can concatenate previous results with spread operator or .concat.
import React from 'react';
import { apiFullCall } from '../../apiHelper';
const MyComponent = props => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState({
total: 0,
scienceBooksByAuthor: [],
const isLoaded = React.useRef(true);
const token = sessionStorage.getItem('token');
const authorID = sessionStorage.getItem('author_id');
const getBooks = async () => {
// fetch items
let page = 1;
let scienceBooks = [];
// create a lastResult object to help check if there is a next page
let lastResult = { next: null };
do {
// the looping - this is what I have failed to refactor
try {
const res = await apiFullCall(
// Make API calls over paginated records
if (res) {
const { status, body } = res;
if (status === 200 || status === 201) {
lastResult = body; // assign lastResult to pick "next"
// concatenate new results
scienceBooks = [
...((lastResult && lastResult.results) || []),
// increment the page with 1 on each loop
page += 1;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Oops, something went wrong ${err}`);
// keep running until there's no next page
} while ( !== null);
const biologyBooks = scienceBooks.filter(
({ is_biology }) =>
typeof is_biology === 'boolean' && is_biology === true,
// update the state
setState(prevState => ({
total: scienceBooks.length,
scienceBooksByAuthor: scienceBooks,
React.useEffect(() => {
// fetch science books by author (logged in)
if (isLoaded && authorID) {
return function cleanup() {...}; // clean up API call, on unmount
}, [isLoaded, authorID]);
return (
// render the JSX code

Why when the state is updated the changes in the rendering are not updated?

I have created a hook to access the collections of the database and its methods.
import { remote } from 'electron'
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"
function useCollections(collections = []) {
let [dbInstances, setDbInstances] = useState(null)
let [data, setData] = useState(null)
// Create
let create = async (doc, dbName) => {
await dbInstances[dbName].create(doc)
let newData = await dbInstances[dbName].readAll()
setData({, [dbName]: newData })
// Get details
let getDetails = async (id, dbName) => {
let doc = await dbInstances[dbName].read(id)
return doc
// Delete
let deleteOne = async (id, dbName) => {
await dbInstances[dbName].deleteOne(id)
let newData = await dbInstances[dbName].readAll()
setData({, [dbName]: newData })
// Update
let updateOne = async (id, updatedDoc, dbName) => {
await dbInstances[dbName].archive(id, updatedDoc)
let newData = await dbInstances[dbName].readAll()
setData({, [dbName]: newData })
useEffect(() => {
console.log('mounting component')
let newDBIs = {}
collections.forEach(col => newDBIs[col] = remote.getGlobal(col))
console.log('db instances settted', newDBIs)
}, [])
// When DBs are instantiated, request all docs and set data with response
useEffect(() => {
if (
dbInstances !== null &&
data === null &&
Object.keys(dbInstances).length === collections.length)
console.log('setting data')
let newData = {}
collections.forEach(async col => newData[col] = await dbInstances[col].readAll())
console.log('data setted => ', newData)
}, [dbInstances])
return {
export default useCollections;
In the component where the data returned by the hook is consumed, even though the variable data contains the expected data, these are not rendered.
import WindowsLayout from "../../components/layout/WindowsLayout"
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import { remote } from "electron"
import useCollections from "../../hooks/useCollections"
const EditWorkWindow = ({ workId }) => {
let { data, deleteOne, updateOne } = useCollections([
useEffect(() => {
if (data !== null) console.log(data)
}, [data])
return (
<WindowsLayout title="Edit work window">
<div style={{ height: 243 }} className="window-content">
<div className="padded-more bg-gray-200">
<button onClick={() => console.log(data)}>CLG</button>
</WindowsLayout >
export default EditWorkWindow
The effect hook shows the expected data by console.
<h2>{JSON.stringify(data)}</h2> = {}
When the button is clicked, the expected data is displayed on the console.
I can't understand why if data contains properties, they are not shown in {JSON.stringify(data)}
This is what is shown by the console after clicking on the button
console.log(data) image
And this is example data and their its properties
"product":"Work name 1",
"product":"Work name 2",
"name":"Studio name 1",
"name":"Studio name 2",
"name":"Rate name 1",
"name":"Rate name 1",
Async problem it is.
// When DBs are instantiated, request all docs and set data with response
useEffect(() => {
if (
dbInstances !== null &&
data === null &&
Object.keys(dbInstances).length === collections.length)
console.log('setting data')
let newData = {}
collections.forEach(async col => newData[col] = await dbInstances[col].readAll())
console.log('data setted => ', newData)
setData(newData) // <-- 👋LOOK HERE
}, [dbInstances])
So you let newData = {} empty object, and send it off to trigger an update re-render by calling setData(), but newData is empty at the moment of calling.
In your rendering function JSON.stringify(data) pickup the data, but it's still empty at the moment of rendering!
It's only when async col => newData[col] = await someValue call is resolved, that your newData's properties will get assigned new values, the newData object stays the same. But by the time it's resolved, the rendering is done already.
Solution: wait till async function call is resolved, then you call setData()
useEffect(() => {
// ...
const promises = col => {
newData[col] = await dbInstances[col].readAll())
Promise.all(promises).then(() => { setData(newData) })
The reason why you see the updated value when inspecting in console, is because you didn't inspect "quick enough". By the time you mouse-click to expand the object in console, its properties are already assigned values. But if you change
console.log('data setted => ', newData)
// to
console.log('data setted => ', JSON.stringify(newData))
you'll see an empty object.

ReactJS: Check if array contains value else append

I'm trying to check if a JSON response contains a value already inside an array and if it doesn't add it in. The problem I'm having is understanding how to approach this in reactjs. I'm checking before I append it but it doesn't want to work. I've tried passing in user object & but these fail. The attempt below fails to compile but it should help understand what I'm trying to achieve.
componentWillMount() {
.then(results => {
return results.json();
.then(data => { => (
if(userList.hasOwnProperty( {
userList.push({label: user.title, value:})))
map return the resultant array, but you are not returning anything from it, you should instead use forEach Also you need to check if the userList array contains the id, for that you can use findIndex
What you need is
state = {
userList: [];
componentDidMount() {
.then(results => {
return results.json();
.then(data => {
const newUserList = [...this.state.userList];
data.forEach((user) => { // use { here instead of
if(userList.findIndex(item => item.value === < 0) {
newData.push({label: user.title, value:})
this.setState({userList: newUserList});
render() {
return (
{/* map over userList state and render it here */}
I'd recommend using reduce to turn the returned data into an array you'd like, then adding those values to your existing user list:
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => data.reduce((acc, user) => {
const idList = =>;
if (idList.indexOf( === -1) {
acc.push({label: user.title, value:})
return acc;
.then(newList => userList = [...userList, ...newList]);
