How to share SASS styles between libs inside my NX monorepo? - monorepo

I'm trying to build a component library for angular and react. That's why I want to use the same styles(sass) for both libs. I created a separate folder for my styles and included my main sass inside the component. but when I try to make a test npm build and tried to use inside an angular project I paced this problem
how can I solve this?

as found in this blogpost.
create a lib for styles
nx generate #nrwl/angular:library ui
The problem now, is the #import in all the scss files.
How to make them recognize the correct files?
On angular.json on every project the path will have to be included.
"projects": {
"ds-project": {
"projectType": "application",
"architect": {
"build": {
"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
"includePaths": [ "libs/ui/src/lib/styles" ]
"extractCss": true,
Now you can import the mixins on the scss files of your project just like if they were still part of the project:
#import "mixins/list_mixin";
#import "variables";
#include list_layout;
Even the base style, like font-family are importable.
Inside the style.scss of the project to became the global styles (for this case the module contains the global styles).
// styles.scss
/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */
#import 'module';


Use SASS-Variables of Bootstrap in React components

I use Bootstrap with SASS in my React (Next.js) project. I would now like to use the SASS variables of Bootstrap in the SASS modules (scoped) of the components.
#import "~bootstrap/scss/functions";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/variables";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/mixins";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/maps";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/utilities";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/utilities/api";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/containers";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/grid";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/root";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/reboot";
import '../styles/style.scss'
.text {
font-size: $font-size-lg;
Of course, I now get an error because $font-size-lg was not defined.
How do I provide the bootstrap variables in the module files so I can use them?
What is the problem ?
You are importing the Bootstrap SASS variables file in your global style.scss file. However, the SASS modules (scoped) of your React components are not aware of the variables defined in the global file.
One way to make the variables available in your SASS modules is to define them again in the module files, this way you'll have to import the variables file in every SASS file.
To avoid importing variables file in every SASS file is by defining them globally in a way that they are shared among all the SASS files. You can do this by using the CSS :export directive.
For example, in your style.scss file, you can define the variables using the :export directive:
#import "~bootstrap/scss/variables";
:export {
font-size-lg: $font-size-lg;
// other variables
Then in your SASS modules (scoped) of your React components, you can import these variables by using the :import directive:
:import {
} from '../styles/style.scss';
.text {
font-size: font-size-lg;
You can also use a library like sass-module-dts-generator that will generate a typeScript file with all the exported variables, this way you'll be able to use them in your JavaScript code.
I have checked the "How to Use Sass with CSS Modules in Next.js" guide at freecodeCamp and it seems that you should import the bootstrap variables directly in your scss module.
Will it not work, if you import your /styles/style.scss in the /components/text/style.module.scss with the following import command?
#import "../../styles/style.scss"
Unfortunately, I cannot check it myself.

Customizing Bulma with Next.js

I try to customize the Bulma default yellow colors for my Next.js project.
I have one global Sass file where I am changing the default $yellow and $warning color. However, when I import this file in my _app.js, nothing happens.
#import "../node_modules/bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables"
$yellow: #dc7185
$warning: $yellow
#import "bulma/css/bulma.css"
Since you want to overwrite Sass variables you'll want to import the Sass file rather than the CSS one.
/* You global Sass file */
$yellow: #dc7185;
$warning: $yellow;
#import "~bulma/bulma.sass";

React How to generate a separate stylesheet for a specific component?

Here I want to generate a separate stylesheet for Landing component and hopefully for other. Other components will have Hero component too. Can anyone tell me how can I do that?. Is it a good idea?.
Anything with an underscore _name.scss, tells your sass compiler that it's a partial scss file. Simply don't use an underscore for single component scss files, for example: Hero.scss. Then in your Hero.js, you can import the style like so:
import './Hero.scss';
<div className="heroContainer">...</div>
or, if your webpack has been configured to allow scss module imports, then you could do:
import { heroContainer } from './Hero.scss';
<div className={heroContainer}>...</div>
If you want to share heroContainer's styles with other stylesheets, simply use the #extend in your scss file.
clientsContainer {
#extend .heroContainer;
The downside to this approach is that you'll have to manually import any partials, like _vars.scss, _mixins.scss...etc, and any other dependent stylesheets into each new Example.scss file.
Ideally, if you're working in a large team, it's better to individualize your scss stylesheets, so that everything is modular (components and their styles can be passed off to someone else, instead of having to send ALL of your stylesheets for ONE component).

How to use SCSS variables into my React components

I am working on a React project that follows this structure
src |
components |
Footer |
Header |
scss |
Into my variables file I was using the css custom variables so, all them where on :root and I can access them in my components styles.
When I wanted to create the dark colours I wanted to use the SCSS function darken, but it does not evaluate them and throws an error saying that var(--blue) is not a valid colour.
As a solution I decided to move all the variables into a SCSS variables but when project is building it throws another error that says that a $blue is not defined.
The unique solution possible I can use, it is to include the variables file in all the styles files but, I do not know if there are a better solution for the structure that I am using.
From React 17
To access your scss variables into the react component, you need to do something like that
Install node-sass as a dependency or dev dependency
No need to do any config change in webpack
import as a module <-- main point
$color: skyblue;
$primaryColor: red;
:export {
color: $color;
primary-color: $primaryColor;
import variables from '<YOUR_PATH>/variables.module.scss';
const App = () => {
If you don't want to use styled-component
then you can follow this link.
I use a similar structure to organize my .scss files. I like having the styles in the same folder as the component. However, I import all scss files to my main.scss file. This helps avoid style conflicts in the DOM.
import "./scss/helpers.scss"
import "./variables.scss"
import "./Footer/style.scss"
import "./Header/styles.scss"
Make sure to name your files with an underscore so that all the files get merged on compilation. Note you don't need to name the underscore in the import.
Using this method you only need to import styles once into your app. index.jsx
There are different ways I can recomend you to tackle this.
1- Duplicate the values of those variables. Add them both on your variables.scss and as constants in some other file, maybe config.js or constants.js that way you'll be able to reference these values from your react components, the downside to this, is you'll have to remember to change them in two places if you have to modify the value.
2- Consider using styled-components. With styled components you can define your styles within your components, using variables or props within the styles.
3- Use some mechanism to define these variables in a single file or as environment variables, and setup your build process to be able to import these values into js and scss files.
It is possible to use custom variables with that project structure using css-vars mixin.
After proposing the option to evaluate custom variables before executing the SCSS function, a guy suggested me this mixin. I have just tested and works pretty nice.

Use react-md in gatsby js

I'm trying to use React Material Design (react-md) within my Gatsby JS project and am finding that the CSS rules are not being applied. So when I import a component like a Button and render the component, it has no styling on it whatsoever.
Here is what I did to install react-md:
In my gatsby-config.js I added the following
plugins: [
And then, under layouts>index.scss I have
#import '~react-md/src/scss/react-md';
And then I import that into my layouts>index.js as
import './index.scss'
When I render a Button component, it does not have any styling. I inspected the component and it has all the correct CSS classNames applied to it, but the rules do not seem to be working.
Add to your index.scss in layouts folder
#import url(',500,700|Material+Icons'); //optional
#import '~react-md/src/scss/react-md'; // Required
$md-primary-color: $md-teal-500; //optional colors
$md-secondary-color: $md-purple-a-400; //optional colors
#include react-md-everything; // Required
NOTE: with #include react-md-everything; you get whole react-md css library.
If you want to minimize CSS prefer to use #import per respective react-md-component based on the following format:
#include react-md-components
e.g. use #include react-md-buttons to the scss-file of your react component where you want to import and use a <Button/> from react-md
Documentation: Minimizing Bundle - react-md docs
