I have '/FEATURES=SQLENGINE,FULLTEXT' in my silent install string for SQL Server Express 2019.
Though Fulltext search is not installing.
I have included this silent install within an installer, it also creates a named instance.
Later in the installer i run some query's to fill the database and create all tables. Full-text search is needed for this.
I get the error: 'full-text search is not installed or a full-text component cannot be loaded'
Does anyone have some clearance as to why this may be happening?
I am trying to install MS SQL SERVER 2016 with SQL Server R Services using web installer and command line.
I am doing this based on this article https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt695943.aspx
Using same web installer, but not command line works perfectly. All desired features are there.
Problem is that command line installation installs only SQLEngine and Replication features.
Logs investigation does not help much. It seems that proper files have not been downloaded and this is the reason why they are missing
My command line is:
SQLServer2016-SSEI-Expr.exe /ConfigurationFile=C:\temp\configuration.ini /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /MediaPath=C:\SQLSetup /ENU
And the configuration file content is
What am I doing wrong?
Update: Logs: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3028367/20161005_093914.zip
Update 2: I think I have found the reason for missing files
When I run SQLServer2016-SSEI-Expr.exe /? I get this out put:
Optional settings for basic install
D:\Downloads\SQLServer2016-SSEI-Expr.exe [/ConfigurationFile=C:\Configuration.ini] [/IAcceptSqlServerLicenseTerms] [/Med
iaPath=C:\SqlServer2016Setup] [/ENU]
ConfigurationFile Specifies the ConfigurationFile to use.
IAcceptSqlServerLicenseTerms Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms.
MediaPath Location where SQL Server setup media will be downloaded and extracted to.
ENU Use this parameter to install the English version of SQL Server on a localized operating
"Basic!" I need "custom" It is available with the same installer if I use UI
It seems your INI file asks SQLServer to install only few features like SQLEngine and analytics.
when you specify
SQL will install..
. The SQL feature will install the database engine, replication, and full-text. The Tools feature will install Management Tools, Books online, SQL Server Data Tools, and other shared components
when you specify
It will install all the above mentioned features
so you might be missing some features due to the way you are specifying
Due to this article https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3192738 only basic installation is supported by web installer, at least at this point
I can't confirm that Full-text service is running or installed. There is no sql server full text search [instance] running as a service on the machine. I thought this would be installed with advanced services? But it's not there.
When I run
select fulltextserviceproperty('isfulltextinstalled')
I get a '0' which according to other posts means that it is not installed. I installed Sql Server Advanced Services 2014 with all tools checked. And in Sql Server Configuration Manager I see the service 'Sql Full Text Filter Daemon Launcher' and it is running. Is there another service that I don't have running that needs to be there? How do I install full text search for Sql Server Express 2014 With Advanced Services or install the service so that I can run full text search? Please help !
When running this command
I get the message:
Cannot use full-text search in user instance.
Ok so I figured out that I was using localDb and full text search does not work on LocalDb. So I switched over to Sql Express.
Question - I'm developing a MVC 5 application with code first. Because I'm not using localdb anymore will I run into any development issues or any roadblocks?
I installed VS 2013. It installed SQL Server 2012 Express with LocalDB. That's great, except that I need full-text search, and it didn't install "Advanced Services" (and I didn't see an option during install).
I've downloaded SQL Server 2012 Express w/Advanced Services to add this, but it seems to want to install it on a new instance. Does this sound familiar to you? How did you add SQL Server Advanced Services to your LocalDB installation?
I had the same issue last VS version, and resorted to reinstalling SQL Server then. I apologize for coming to the community with a mundane question, but it vexes me. :)
Here's what I did:
start the SQL Server Express Advanced install
choose to modify an existing instance
check "full-text" under Instance Features / Database Engine Services
find that the installed instances list is empty at the "Instance Configuration" screen, and it wants to install a new instance
Looks like this cannot be done, unfortunately.
LocalDB is cool, but apparently not all-powerful.
Check out this existing post (among others):
Can't create an index catalog in localdb v\11.0
Check at Windows services, the Instance name (found within braces) for the SQL Server service.
start the SQL Server Express Advanced install
choose to modify an existing instance
check "full-text" under Instance Features / Database Engine Services
find that the installed instances list is empty at the "Instance Configuration" screen, and it wants to install a new instance...
At this point,
Manually type the instance name manually that you found at Windows services. (Instance name Case Sensitive though)
I have sql server 2008 R2 Express installed, but it seems the full text search feature hasn't been installed. So after reading up on it in dozens of forums I concluded that it can be added by running the installer again and just adding the feature to the already existing installation. So I downloaded the installation executable called SQL Server 2008 R2 Express 64 bit W/Tools from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/en/us/editions/express.aspx
The file name is SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe. When I run it, it correctly starts up the installation software. I then click on "New Installation or add features to an existing installation" which starts the wizard. However when I get to the features section it doesn't offer the Full-text-search feature as so many forums are suggesting it should. Could someone please clarify for me how I can get this feature added? It says on the Microsoft website that SQL server express "Offers reporting capabilities, full-text search, and spatial support", so I know it's not a version issue.
Thank you in advance for any help.
You need the version with the so called advanced services for fulltext search with express.
Trying to install fulltext on my sql server 2008 box.
I went to 'programs and features', selected sql server 2008 and now I get this popup asking to choose either: add/ repair or remove.
I click on add, and it asks me for the location of sql server CD? I extracted the ISO we have, not sure which file to point it too?
Download the installer from:
Or for SQL 2008 R2 Express, it is here:
Then go to where you saved it and Unzip the self extracting EXE (right click and click "Extract").
Go to Add or Remove Programs and you can now "Add Features" by browsing to the extracted files.
For full details on how to upgrade and install fulltext search on an existing SQL Server 2008 Express instance see my post here
To add features to a SQL Server installation, you should run the installer itself from the install disc. As u07ch suggested, you can mount the image, or you can burn the disc. Once you do that, run through the installer and you'll see the option to add Full Text Search from the "features" page.
Download the microsoft Virtual CD Control Panel and mount the iso as a cd drive on your computer; then point the add/ remove install software at that.