React - Handle clicking a button to display some text - reactjs

I map buttons and need them to display text once clicked. I use an ID state to grab which key was clicked and then the classname should display that text, and should only display one description at a time.
Here's my code for the component:
import { useState } from 'react';
const items = [
name: 'Pizza',
description: 'Cheese, bread, red sauce',
price: '4.99',
key: 0,
name: 'Spaghetti',
description: 'cooked noodles, red sauce, parmesan',
price: '3.99',
key: 1,
{ name: 'Soda', description: 'pepsi products', price: '4.99', key: 2 },
const MenuItem = () => {
const [ID, setID] = useState(null);
const itemHandler = (item) => {
if (ID === null) {
} else {
return (
<li className="items">
{ => {
return (
<ul key={item.key}>
<button className="menu-item" onClick={itemHandler}>
{`${} ${item.price}`}
className={`menu-description ${
ID === item.key ? 'active-item' : 'none'
export default MenuItem;
When I console.log(item) I get the event (clicking the button) instead of item from the items array. Not sure what I can do to fix.


React vertical Nested List open and close sub List

i have a react.js component in which i am displaying states and under i am displaying districts. To display this list it's working fine. The problem i want when i press any sates only that particular state sublist should display not all states sublist.
import React,{useState} from "react"
Const [open,,setOpen]=useState(false);
//Wrapper component
{, index) => {
return <StateList state={state} key={index} />;
//state component
<div onClick={()=>setOpen(!open)}>
<span >{}</span>
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
${open ? "rotate-180" : ""}
{open && <AreaList area={city} />}
//district component
const AreaList = ({ state }) => {
return => (
<span className="ml-2 text-outer-space">
Here is working solution (without styles):
import { useState } from "react";
const data = [
name: "Fujairah",
districts: [
{ name: "Al Buthna" },
{ name: "Al Bedia" },
{ name: "Town Center" },
{ name: "Wadi Al Sedr" }
name: "Abu Dhabi",
districts: [{ name: "Al Aman" }, { name: "Al Bahya" }]
const App = () => {
return (
{ => {
return <City key={} city={city} />;
const City = ({ city }) => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => setOpen(!open)}>
{open && <DistrictList city={city} />}
const DistrictList = ({ city }) => {
return => (
<li key={}>
export default App;

repeater field repeating incorrectly

I want to click a button to add a tab and then have content inside the tab that can also be repeated. Currently the part where I click on the button to add a new tab is working however entering content in tab one duplicates it in tab 2 once I create another tab ie: the inside content of tab 1 and 2 seems linked when it shouldn't be. I should be able to create multiple tabs and then enter unique data inside each tab.
If I have explained this poorly please let me know and I will elaborate further. I think it perhaps needs to be an array of objects within an array of objects.
registerBlockType("blocks/tabs", {
title: __("Tabbed Blocks", "custom-blocks"),
description: __("Tabbed content blocks", "custom-blocks"),
icon: "smiley",
category: "custom-category",
keywords: [__("tabs", "custom-blocks"), __("repeat", "custom-blocks")],
attributes: {
tabs: {
type: "array",
default: [""],
tiles: {
type: "array",
default: [""],
edit: (props) => {
const {
attributes: { tabs, tiles },
} = props;
const [showTab, setShowTab] = useState("");
const handleTabClick = (index) => {
return (
<div className="tabs">
<ul id="tabs-nav">
{, index) => (
<span onClick={() => handleTabClick(index)} id={`#tab${index}`}>
placeholder="Tab title"
onChange={(tabTitle) => {
const newObject = Object.assign({}, t, {
tabTitle: tabTitle,
tabs: [
...tabs.filter((item) => item.index != t.index),
{, index) => (
showTab == index ? `tab-content show` : `tab-content hide`
<div className="home-tabs">
{, index) => (
<div className="copy">
placeholder="Tab Content Title"
onChange={(tabTileTitle) => {
const newObject = Object.assign({}, tile, {
tabTileTitle: tabTileTitle,
tiles: [
(item) => item.index != tile.index
Some content...
onClick={() => {
tiles: [...tiles, { index: tiles.length }],
Add Tile
onClick={() => {
tabs: [...tabs, { index: tabs.length }],
Add Tab
save: (props) => {
return null;

How to toggle a button in React and increment the number by 1 or -1

I'm working on the like and dislikes Ratio button like youtube Concept (Unique vote), I want to click on the button and increase the value for like by 1 and decrement for dislike by -1. but when I click on my button the increment or the decrement keeps going.
i will share with you my code :
const SingleMovieCard = ({singleMovie : {id, title,image ,category, likes, dislikes}, removeMovie}) => {
const [isLike, setIsLike] = useState(likes);
const [isDislike, setIsDislike] = useState(dislikes);
const likeMovie = () => setIsLike(isLike + 1);
const dislikeMovie = () => setIsDislike(isDislike - 1) ;
return (
<section key={id} className="single-movie">
<img src={image} alt={title}/>
<div className="movie-info">
<h2 className="title">{title}</h2>
<h4 className="category">{category}</h4>
<div className="ratio-section">
<i onClick={likeMovie} class="far fa-thumbs-up"></i>
<i onClick={dislikeMovie} class="far fa-thumbs-down"></i>
<button className="btn" onClick={()=> removeMovie(id)}>Delete </button>
export default SingleMovieCard;
Parents element of this component :
import React from 'react';
import SingleMovieCard from '../SingleMovieCard/SingleMovieCard';
const MoviesCards = ({moviesList, removeMovie}) => {
return (
<div className="grid-list">
{> {
<SingleMovieCard singleMovie={singleMovie}
removeMovie={removeMovie} />
export default MoviesCards;
This is the data :
export default [
id: '1',
title: 'Oceans 8',
image: '',
category: 'Comedy',
likes: 4,
dislikes: 1
id: '2',
title: 'Midnight Sun',
category: 'Comedy',
likes: 2,
dislikes: 0
}, {
id: '3',
title: 'Les indestructibles 2',
image: '',
category: 'Animation',
likes: 3,
dislikes: 1
As I understood your question you need Unique Vote
const [likeCount setLike] = useState(likes);
const [dislikeCount, setDislike] = useState(dislikes);
const [likeState, setLikeState] = useState(false)
const [dislikeState, setDislikeState] = useState(false)
const [vote, setVote] = useState(false)
const [isLike, setIsLike] = useState(0);
const [isDislike, setIsDislike] = useState(0);
const likeMovie = () => {
if(!vote && !likeState) {
setLike(likeCount + 1);
if(vote && likeState) {
setLike(likeCount - 1);
const dislikeMovie = () => {
if(!vote && !dislikeState) {
setDislike(dislikeCount - 1);
if(vote && dislikeState) {
setDislike(dislikeCount + 1);
<i onClick={likeMovie} class="far fa-thumbs-up"></i>
<i onClick={dislikeMovie} class="far fa-thumbs-down"></i>

React, passing a function in props is not working

I am trying to delete a certain entry in my list according to its index. However, the delete button is in a separate component. So I need to pass the function that deletes the entry in the list from my current app component to the child content component.
The App.js is:
import { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Content from './components/Content/Content';
function App() {
const Tours = [
image: "",
title: "",
price: "$",
text: ""
const [list, setList] = useState(Tours);
function handleRemove(id) {
const newList = list.filter((item) => !== id);
return (
{, index) => {
return (
<div key={index}>
<Content tour={value} delete={ () => handleRemove(index)}/>
export default App;
component.js is:
const Content = (props) => {
return (
<div className="single-tour">
<img src = {props.tour.image} alt= {props.tour.title}></img>
<div className="container">
<h4 className ="title">{props.tour.title}</h4>
<h4 className="tour-price">{props.tour.price}</h4>
<button className="delete-btn" onClick={()=> props.delete}>Delete</button>
export default Content;
the console.log in the handleDelete is not showing, meaning the function is not being passed. What is the problem?
Please try:
onClick={()=> props.delete()}
In order to remove the card according to the id values, please also add them to your Tours object:
const Tours = [
image: "",
title: "",
price: "$",
text: "",
id: 1,
You should pass the value to the function like this.
here is the codesandbox link
you should and id field to the the list of tours and pass it down to the component
function App() {
const Tours = [
id: 0,
image: "",
title: "title 1",
price: "$ 1",
text: "text"
id: 1,
image: "",
title: "title 2",
price: "$ 2",
text: "description"
const [list, setList] = useState(Tours);
function handleRemove(id) {
const newList = list.filter((item) => !== id);
return (
{, index) => {
return (
<div key={}>
<Content tour={value} delete={() => handleRemove(index)} />
in the content component, you should pass the id of the tour object to the function
const Content = (props) => {
return (
<div className="single-tour">
<img src={props.tour.image} alt={props.tour.title}></img>
<div className="container">
<h4 className="title">{props.tour.title}</h4>
<h4 className="tour-price">{props.tour.price}</h4>
onClick={() => props.delete(}
You're filtering the array by id which the objects do not have. What you can do is pass an index the filter method:
const newList = list.filter((item, i) => i !== index);
However, a better practice would be to add an id attribute to the object instead of relying on order.

Function invoking only for first item React

i wrote code to expand "more info" block after clicking button, but function invoking only for first item.
Is it happening beacuse i use let more = document.getElementById("more"); ?
How can i change code for expanding only specifed item?
const Currency = ({ filteredItems, isLoading }) => {
const addListeners = () => {
let more = document.querySelectorAll(".more-info");
more.forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener("click", toggle)
const toggle = () => {
let more = document.getElementById("more");
if (more.className === "more-info") {
more.className = "more-info-active";
} else {
more.className = "more-info";
return isLoading ? (<div className="loader">Loading...</div>) : (
<div items={filteredItems}>
{ => (
<div key={} className="item-wrapper">
<div className="item">
<img src={item.image} alt="crypto symbol"></img>
<p>{item.current_price} pln</p>
<button onLoad={addListeners} onClick={toggle} className="info-btn" id="item-btn" >➜</button>
<div id="more" className="more-info">
<div className="more-data">
<div className="info-text">
<p>high_24: {item.high_24h}</p>
<p>low_24: {item.low_24h}</p>
<p>price_change_24h: {item.price_change_24h}</p>
<p>price_change_percentage_24h: {item.price_change_percentage_24h}</p>
<Sparklines className="sparkline" height={60} margin={10} data={item.sparkline_in_7d.price}>
<SparklinesLine style={{fill:"none"}} color="#b777ff" />
Dont use document.getElement... , this is a Real DOM but React uses Virtual DOM.
Instead create a state with an array and on onClick event pass item as an argument and store in state , you can store only id e.g.
Last step, check in JSX if state includes , if true then expand
this is an example , keep in mind this is not the only solution. Just simple example.
import React, { useState } from "react";
const fakeData = [
id: "123123-dfsdfsd",
name: 'Title One',
description: "Description bla bla bla One"
id: "343434-dfsdfsd",
name: 'Title Two',
description: "Description bla bla bla Two"
id: "6767676-dfsdfsd",
name: 'Title Three',
description: "Description bla bla bla Three"
function App() {
const [tabs, setTabs] = useState([]);
function _onToggle(item) {
const isExist = tabs.includes(
if (isExist) {
setTabs(prevData => prevData.filter(pd => pd !==
} else {
setTabs(prevData => [, ...prevData])
return (
<div className="app">
{, i) => (
<div key={i}>
<h3 onClick={() => _onToggle(item)}>{}</h3>
<p style={{ display: tabs.includes( ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
{ item.description }
export default App;
