Incorrect combobox colors with classic toolkit / material theme / dark mode - extjs

When using classic toolkit with the material theme and dark mode turned on, the combobox list appears incorrectly when expanded - you can see the effect in this fiddle:
As you can see, the background appears as white, as well as the text. I suspect it is related to some sass variable, but have no idea where to look for it?

The expanded list is created by Ext.view.BoundList,
so sass probably will be $boundlist-background-color$boundlist-background-color


Change the color of Android tensileHighlightTopImage & tensileHighlightBottomImage

Having read the question and answers in this post , I don't quite understand how to go about manipulating the "tensile Highlight Image". Can anyone give an example of how I can work with these constants and change the color to one that I prefer?
I set constants tensileHighlightBool and tensileDragBool both to false, which works for me as it removes the tensile drag effect and the "blue" tensile highlight image, which doesn't blend with the theme of my app.

Why is the Designer in Codename one not reporting the attributes I set?

I started a Codename One project with the "Hello World bare bones". I used to define the styles in the Theme tab from the Designer but now it is becoming tedious.
Actually for some selectors, even if I override (unchecking the Derive box) some properties the style is not changed in the Designer (see below) or in the app itself.
However, in the list of selectors, the color is not the one I selected but the alignment seems to be it.
It seems that the theme is locked somewhere. Do I make a mistake, or should I set a constant to "unlock" the theme, or even should I clear some directories?
Please note that I am using NetBeans with designer V 1.1
Edit March 1st 2017
Following #Diamond's great tips, I was able to change the foreground color by setting the Border to empty (instead of NULL). However now the alignment is still not what I expect (see below). How can I do for this property ?
Any help appreciated,
In the Designer, Border is superior to background color and background image. Which means if the border image is set, a background color will have no effect unless the border is just a stroke or line.
Always solve this with these few steps:
Go to the Border tab and uncheck the override.
Click the ... button next to Border Help and a new Dialog will show.
Change the Type (First line) to Empty and click Ok.
Your background color will now have an effect.

Angular Material intentions and hues used by components

I am trying to use angular material,
I read everything in the documentation's theming section revied most of the demos and directive docs and even tried to have a look into the source code and I was wandering if there is a guide somewhere that explains how each angular material ui directive uses the different intention palettes and hues set in a theme.
The reason I am asking for this is that it feels like as long as we choose standard palettes everything plays nice but the moment we want to make any change we are blind as to the implications.
(e.g. how to prevent a situation where you choose a background color the ends up being the same color as some accent color used for example as the underline color for a textbox causing the undeline not to be visible.)
There is one part in the mentioned documentation that comes to mind.
Specifying Custom Hues For Color Intentions
You can specify the hues from a palette that will be used by an intention group by default and for the md-hue-1, md-hue-2, md-hue-3 classes.
By default, shades 500, 300 800 and A100 are used for primary and warn intentions, while A200, A100, A400 and A700 are used for accent.
You can check the hues/shades used by each component in the source. There is a *-theme.scss file for each component:
And there is the official material design style guide, telling you which hues/shades are used for what.

Change my CTAGS theme

I'm using ctags, which I installed in Ubuntu. When I autocomplete something in vim, the autocomplete text is white on a bright pink background. It's quite painful to look at. Is there a way to change these colors? I haven't found a way to do this, and none of the docs mention anything about theme or colors. Thanks!
I figured it out. You can change the color using:
:highlight Pmenu ctermbg=<color> ctermfg=<color>
Pmenu is PopupMenu, the menu tab-completion brings up. To format the currently selected item in the Pmenu, use PmenuSel.
ctermbg is the background color, and ctermfg is the foreground color. These can be named common color names such as red, green, blue, etc.
I set mine like this in vimrc:
hi Pemnu ctermbg=blue ctermfg=white
hi PmenuSel ctermbg=yellow ctermfg=black
Adding to the previous answer by 'mouche' for setting the colors for terminal vim, the following commands can be used to set the color of the pop-up menu for GVim:
:highlight Pmenu guibg=brown guifg=white
:highlight Pmenusel guibg=yellow guifg=black gui=bold

How to find the correct color to edit with the Visual Studio 2010 Theme Editor?

I really like the Dark Expression theme for the Visual Studio 2010 Color Theme Editor, apart from a few things here and there.
One example is that certain UI elements (such as e.g. Smart Tags) are almost unreadable because they have dark text on dark backgrounds.
I know that I can use the Customize Colors dialog(!) box to edit the colors, but how do I figure out which color to edit?
There's a lot of colors, and it's not very apparent which ones control which UI elements. Is there any way to figure that out?
you can snoop Visual Studio to find out more information about the colors used etc. With Snoop you can even change the colors and look at the results instantly!
So you can just read out wich color is used on wich place and then search the color by name.
