I don't know what this [0] in the mudarPosicao function, can someone explain it to me?
function mudarPosicao(arr, de, para) {
arr.splice (para, 0, arr.splice(de, 1)[0]);
return arr ^-this
array = mudarPosicao(array, 1, 0)
splice returns an array, so you need to actually retrieve the value from it, hence the [0].
I realize there are a ton of questions on SO with answers about this but for some reason, I can't get any to work. All I want to do is test if an array has at least one member. For some reason, Apple has made this complicated in Swift, unlike Objective-C where you just tested if count>=1. The code crashes when the array is empty.
Here is my code:
let quotearray = myquotations?.quotations
if (quotearray?.isEmpty == false) {
let item = quotearray[ Int(arc4random_uniform( UInt32(quotearray.count))) ] //ERROR HERE
However, I get an error:
Value of optional type '[myChatVC.Quotation]?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'subscript' of wrapped base type '[myChatVC.Quotation]'.
Neither of the fix-it options to chain or force unwrap solve the error. I have also tried:
if array != nil && array!. count > 0 and if let thearray = quotearray
but neither of those will work either
Thanks for any suggestions.
randomElement already exists, so don't reinvent the wheel:
var pepBoys: [String]? = ["manny", "moe", "jack"]
// ... imagine pepBoys might get set to nil or an empty array here ...
if let randomPepBoy = pepBoys?.randomElement() {
The if let will fail safely if pepBoys is nil or empty.
You could unwrap the optional array and use that like this, also use the new Int.random(in:) syntax for generating random Ints:
if let unwrappedArray = quotearray,
!unwrappedArray.isEmpty {
let item = unwrappedArray[Int.random(in: 0..<unwrappedArray.count)]
check the first element is exist or not
var arr: [Int]? = [1, 2, 3, 4]
if let el = arr?.first{
I would recommend use guard statement
guard let array = optionalArray, !array.isEmpty else { return }
I have a function in swift and I am using a for loop in it.
let pointTF = [emailTF,passTF,resetEmailTF]
for i in 0...pointTF.count
return coachMarksController.helper.makeCoachMark(for: pointTF[i])
I want to return this value outside the loop? How can I do that? Please help
Assuming the above code is wrapped in a function you can define an array of CoachMark objects outside the scope of the for loop, and append the generated coachMark to the array:
var coachMarks: [CoachMark]()
for i in 0...pointTF.count
var cm = coachMarksController.helper.makeCoachMark(for: pointTF[i])
//Then you can return a single CoachMark:
return coachMarks[1]
Don't really know what you are returning, but if you want to return an array of the results you loop through, i suggest using a map for it, neat and simple.
return pointTF.map({ coachMarksController.helper.makeCoachMark(for: $0) })
I've actually googled this extensively, within stackoverflow and elsewhere.
Most questions are about [UInt8] to String or [UInt8] to type_a (not array).
To clarify, I'd like to take an array of type_a. Get its pointer and tell swift to treat the next n iterations of type_b (size_of) as array of type_b.
I've tried variations of https://stackoverflow.com/a/26954091/5276890 which didn't work. A comment there led me to https://stackoverflow.com/a/42255468/5276890.
withMemoryRebound seems like the right way but I couldn't find the right invocation.
Here's a sample code of what I'm doing instead to convert [UInt8] to [UInt32.bigEndian], both to clarify and in case it's useful (not likely)
var intData = [UInt32]()
let M = UInt32(256*256*256)
var m = M
var bigE:UInt32 = 0
for i in 0..<data.count {
bigE += UInt32(data[i]) * m
if m == 1 {
bigE = 0
m = M
} else {
m = m/256
I have to admit I never could figure out the whole closures+withUnsafe* syntax and mostly used patterns online and modified them. I'd spend the time learning this, just as soon as the language authors decide and settle down on one specific syntax :(
Use withUnsafeBufferPointer to get a pointer to the element
storage of the source array.
Use withMemoryRebound to "reinterpret" that pointer as pointing
to elements of the target type.
Use Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(...) to create an array of the
target type.
let source: [UInt16] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let dest = source.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
$0.baseAddress!.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt32.self, capacity: 2) {
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: 2))
print(dest) // [131073, 262147]
Or as a generic function:
func convertArray<S, T>(_ source: [S], to: T.Type) -> [T] {
let count = source.count * MemoryLayout<S>.stride/MemoryLayout<T>.stride
return source.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
$0.baseAddress!.withMemoryRebound(to: T.self, capacity: count) {
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: count))
let source: [UInt16] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let dest = convertArray(source, to: UInt32.self)
print(dest) // [131073, 262147]
If you only need a (temporary) view on the array storage interpreted
in another type then you can avoid the Array creation
and use the UnsafeBufferPointer (which is a Collection and
has array-like methods) without copying the data:
source.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
$0.baseAddress!.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt32.self, capacity: 2) {
let u32bufptr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: 2)
// ... Operate on u32bufptr ...
for elem in u32bufptr { print(elem) }
I need to order an array of struct.
I've try:
let aRes = self.aSoundTracks_Filtered.sort{ $0.st < $1.st }
provide error: Cannot invoke 'sort' with an argument list of type '((_, _) -> _)'
also try this:
let hasPrefixAndSuffixw = self.aSoundTracks_Filtered.sort( $0.st < $1.st )
provide error: Anonymous closure argument not contained in a closure
Any idea? :)
My aSoundTracks_Filtered was delared like this:
var aSoundTracks_Filtered = [SoundTrack]()
My struct was like this:
struct SoundTrack {
let sID : Int
let st : String
Your code works fine when you tested in a Playground in the following way:
struct SoundTrack {
let sID : Int
let st : String
var aSoundTracks_Filtered = [SoundTrack]()
aSoundTracks_Filtered.append(SoundTrack(sID: 1, st: "a"))
aSoundTracks_Filtered.append(SoundTrack(sID: 2, st: "b"))
aSoundTracks_Filtered.sort{ $0.st > $1.st } // [{sID 2, st "b"}, {sID 1, st "a"}]
But sort() sorts an array in-place. What you probably want to use is sorted(), which does not modify the original array and returns a new sorted array:
let aRes = aSoundTracks_Filtered.sorted{ $0.st > $1.st }
The above code is for Swift 1.2, for Swift 2.0 returning a sorted array is called "sort" again, but it is a (protocol extension) method now instead of a global function. I hope this help you.
So, it's actually pretty simple. However I wonder where the selfcomes from when you access the array. I don't know which class it belongs to, in case it would belong to the struct itself (I wouldn't know why but just in case) you'll have to mark the function as mutating as you're changing the value of a struct's attribute. The second thing is actually that you'll have to use curley brackets:
self.aSoundTracks_Filtered.sort({$0.st < $1.st})
Here's what I'm currently doing/trying to do to accomplish my goal. But it is not removing the "row" the way I would like it too.
So, I'm making an object, then pushing it into an array. And the adding to the array part works fine and just as I expect.
var nearProfileInfoObj:Object = new Object();
nearProfileInfoObj.type = "userInfo";
nearProfileInfoObj.dowhat = "add";
nearProfileInfoObj.userid = netConnection.nearID;
nearProfileInfoObj.username = username_input_txt.text;
nearProfileInfoObj.sex = sex_input_txt.selectedItem.toString();
nearProfileInfoObj.age = age_input_txt.selectedItem;
nearProfileInfoObj.location = location_input_txt.text;
nearProfileInfoObj.headline = headline_input_txt.text;
So after that later on I need to be able to remove that object from the array, and it's not working the way I'm expecting. I want to take a variable whoLeft and capture their ID and then look in the array for that particular ID in the userid part of the object and if its there DELETE that whole "row".
I know you can do a filter with an array collection but that doesnt actually delete it. I need to delete it because I may be adding the same value again later on.
whoLeft = theiruserIDVariable;
public function userLeaving(element:*, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean
if (element.userid == whoLeft)
return false;
return true;
But this doesnt seem to be deleting the whole row like it implies. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
Instead of modifying the original array, the new filtered array is returned by the filter method. So you need to assign the returned array to theArray.
Try this
theArray = theArray.filter(userLeaving);
EDIT This turned out to be slower than for loop:
An alternative to the hand coded loop could be something like this:
public function searchAndDestroy(element:*, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean
if (element.userid == whoLeft)
return false;
return true;
As far as I know, every() terminates the first time the test function returns false. So the question is: for a big list, which is faster, the for loop or the loop that every() does with the overhead of the test function call.
EDIT #2 But this was faster than a for loop for a test I ran on an array of a million Points:
for each(var element:Object in theArray)
if (element.userid==whoLeft)
I think this is what you're looking for:
for(var i:uint = 0, len:uint = theArray.length; i<len; i++)
if(thisArray[i].id == whoLeft.id)
thisArray.splice(i, 1);
However, do you really need it in an Array because you could always use a Dictionary which would mean accessing it by id which would be a lot simpler to remove.