How to give even color to the table row and same color to the next row which is added after button click - angular13

I have one table ,I'm adding even odd color to the table rows. Each row have score button when I click on score button row should be expand.
I'm not using angular material table.


antd+react.js show table rows when clicking on table header

i have a list of rows
and i want to show the content of a row when clicking on it
i did it using Panel and Collapse of antd but i am not really satisfied
and i am looking for a solution using Table: expand table rows when clicking on the header ( i found "expandable" an attribute of antd Table but its related to expandable rows and its not really what i want)

How to use react table and expand starting from the third column?

When user clicks the downwards arrow, it will expand and show the grey area. It wont expand the 1st and 2nd column. How do i achieve this with React Table? Before and after table

React - Drag and drop rows and columns in table

Like the title says, I need to be able to select either a row or a column of a table and drag the whole row or column and drop it in another position. I can drag one or the other but not both.
An example could be a table with categories in the Y-axis and dates in the X-axis. I would need to select a whole category row and drag along the axis, same with date columns but in the other axis.

How to blur rest of the table while focus on a row of antd-table

I have an ant-d table in which some rows will have errors and edit them options, when the user clicks edit on this error rows, input field opens inside the row for correction, and I want rest of the table rows to go blur in the background during this operation until save. Is it possible to do so for ant-d table?

Maintain ngRepeat order while bound data changes

I am new to Angular and I am now learning about directives.
I have created a directive that will create a table.
You can sort the table by clicking on the header arrows.
You can also edit/delete a row by clicking on the action button.
The problem with my table is that when the rows are sorted by some column,
and I edit an item under that column, the table resorts because of the changed data. Thus my currently editting item moves to another row and the current input fields contain a different one.
For example, if I sorted the table by visits, and then I edit a visit data in a row,
changes to :
How can I maintain the current order of the rows during edit,
and only allow resort when I click on the apply button (check) ?
You can copy the model which will be edited during editing. And in your save function, update the actual model in table list.
