MongoDB Realm Functions on React Native - reactjs

Just started using the Realm MongoDB and i watched this video from MongoDB and followed exactly what he did, but for some the function on the client side is not working. I'm using Expo React Native
I have this simple Realm function
exports = function(arg){
var collection ="mongodb-atlas").db("questiondb").collection("questions");
collection.insertOne({name:arg}).then((doc) => {
When i call it in the real console, it works fine.
This is the front end function
const connectDB = async () => {
const appID = "myapp-ckwfl";
const app = new Realm.App({ id: appID });
const credentials = Realm.Credentials.anonymous();
try {
const user = await app.logIn(credentials);
await user.functions.addQuestion("Myself");
console.log("Logged in");
} catch (error) {
I'm getting the 'Logged in' in the console.
I went to check the activity log on the MongoDB atlas and it shows OK to both login and function
However, the function log shows me this message
[ "FunctionError: can't find a table mapping for namespace questiondb.questions" ] { "name": "addQuestion" }
And i have the database 'questiondb' with the collection 'questions'.
What am i missing here?

I ran into a similar error. The problem was that my BSON did not contain an "_id" field. But the BSON validation when saving it allowed me to save the schema like that. But when querying data through graphql I got this exact same error. So the solution was to fix the BSON schema. Even if the BSON schema saves and deploys successfully it can still be that it will not work for graphql.
You can see if your BSON has errors by navigating here:


Hive database not working offline while works fine when connected to internet

I am developing a flutter application in which I am implementing hive database for caching data.
I have added both hive and hive_flutter packages.
I am getting data from APIs and store that to hive to update data, It works fine when I used app connected to internet but didn't works when I try to read while being offline. Here is the code of my API method I am calling to get data:
static Future<List<UserPost>> getPosts() async {
//I call my API in try block, if its successful, I update the data in hive
List<UserPost> posts = [];
try {
var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''),);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
//Clear hive box from old data;,jsonDecode(response.body));
} catch (e) {
print('You are not connected to internet');
//I am getting data here from hive database and it works fine while connected to internet
var listMaps =await, defaultValue: []);
posts =<UserPost>((map) {
//Here flow stucked whenever working offline,
//Data is also available but here conversion cause error, I have tried many way but fails.
return UserPost.fromMap(map);
return posts;
I don't why I am getting error, I have tried many conversion ways here but all works while being online. Any help will be highly apprerciated.
I think I've understood the error but you should explain better which type of error you're having.
Anyway pay attention to the operations on Hive, which are often async, for example Hive.openBox(Constants.APIDATA_BOX);.
So when you have internet connection, you have to await for the response and Hive has time to open the box, otherwise it will throw an error so, considering the futures, you should do this:
static Future<List<UserPost>> getPosts() async {
List<UserPost> posts = [];
await Hive.openBox(Constants.APIDATA_BOX);
try {
var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''),);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
//Clear hive box from old data
} catch (e) {
print('You are not connected to internet');
var listMaps = await, defaultValue: []);
posts =<UserPost>((map) {
return UserPost.fromMap(map);
return posts;
Note that await Hive.put() in a normal box is not strictly necessary, as explained in the docs

react native returning network error when made get request to my django server [ which is running live on server and not on localhost ]

I tried other public api's and they worked but when I try my own GET api created in django rest framework it returns network error.
Note : I have my server running on digital ocean to which I am making request using axios.get() and not to local server.
also I have added in
and when I run the same api's in postman or directly on browser they successfully returns the data, so the problem is with react native code can someone help in guiding where I am wrong.
below the example of my code.
const getData = async () => {
try {
const {data} = await axios.get('https://myGETurl/');
} catch (error) {

MongoDB Webhook function to save forminput in database

I've been trying to save data from my form in my MongoDB for some time.
I also get a response from the database.
See also: create object in mongo db api onclick sending form
Unfortunately there are not enough tutorials in my mother tongue and I don't seem to understand everything in English.
I've tried some of the documentation, but I always fail.
What is missing in my webhook function so that the form data can be stored?
exports = function(payload) {
const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
const mycollection = mongodb.db("created_notifications").collection("dpvn_collection");
return mycollection.find({}).limit(10).toArray();
The Webhookfunction was totally wrong.
exports = function(payload, response) {
const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
const requestLogs = mongodb.db("created_notifications").collection("dpvn_collection");
body: EJSON.parse(payload.body.text()),
query: payload.query
}).then(result => {

React Native Firebase Database doesnt return value

I am simply trying to just print out the object that should be returning from my firebase DB call but instead, it by-passes the once method and jumps straight to the catch method. I posted the code below.
const db = firebase.database();
var info = db
.then(snapshot => {
console.log('User data: ', snapshot.val());
i resolved this mistake....nothing was actually wrong with the code its just that the device i was using was not connected to wi-fi so I am assuming it couldn't actually reach the Firebase servers. Silly mistake.

Fetch status 200 but pending endllessly, except first call

I've been searching to solve this problem for a while but couldn't find a working solution.
I'm making a simple social network website and this API returns a article data such as text, image and video url, etc, all saved in server's local MySQL Database. My front-end is React and server is Nginx reverse proxy with Node.js using Express. When I load the page, I create 5 React components that each make fetch request for given article number.
The following code snippet is the fetch API that asks the server to fetch data from database:
//server-side script
app.get('/api/getArticle/:id', (req, res) => {
const con = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'myhost_name',
user: 'myUser',
password: 'myPassword',
database: 'myDB',
con.connect(function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
const idInterest =;
let sql = 'some_sql';
con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send("Error while getting article data");
else {
res.set('Connection', 'close')
//React script
fetch('')//Retrieve top 5 article ID
.then((response) => {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
nodesList.push(<Container articleId={data[i]['id']}/>)
ReactDOM.render(<React.StrictMode><NavBar />{nodesList}<Writer writer="tempWriter" /></React.StrictMode>, document.getElementById('root'));
//Container.jsx; componentDidMount
const url = "" + this.props.articleId.toString();
fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
credentials: "include",
}).then((response) => {
response.json().then((json) => {
//processing json data
This used to work very fine, but suddenly the getArticle/:id calls started to show 200 status but 'pending' in 'time' column in Chrome network tab, endlessly, all except the first*getArticle/:idcall. This prevents my subsequent .then() in each Container from being called and thus my entire tab is frozen.
Link to image of network tab
As you see from the image, all pending fetches are missing 'Content Download' and stuck in 'Waiting(TTFB)', except the first call, which was '39'
I checked the API is working fine, both on Postman and Chrome, the server sends result from DB query as expected, and first call's Json response is intact. I also see that console.log(response.json()) in React front-end shows Promise{<pending>} with *[[PromiseStatus]]: "Resolved"* and *[[PromiseValue]]* of Array(1) which has expected json data inside.
See Image
This became problematic after I added YouTube upload functionality with Google Cloud Platform API into my server-side script, so that looks little suspicious, but I have no certain clue. I'm also guessing maybe this could be problem of my React code, probably index.js, but I have no idea which specific part got me so wrong.
I've been working on this for a few days, and maybe I need common intelligence to solve this (or I made a silly mistake XD). So, any advices are welcomed :)
