how can I join a table (that has columns names as numbers) to another table ? I keep getting an error
I have tried everything not sure what else to try should I use Varchar?
When a part is created in a table ("ASC_PMA_TBL"), a number is auto-generated. Any "sub-parts" that are subsequently created then have an associated number. So for example, the "master" part might be 18245, and it may have several subparts which would be "18245-50", or "18245-40", etc. Subparts are always identified by having the master part number, followed by a '-' then a two-digit number. Each sub part has a date associated with it ("EO_DATE"). All I want to do is display records where the "master" dates don't match each of the sub-parts dates. All data is in the one table "ASC_PMA_TBL".
Normally this would be easily achieved using a join. However in the database, the subparts are not related to their master through the use of foreign keys, so I'm having to find a different way of doing things.
Furthermore, the date field is a date/ time field, so to compare them I first have to convert the field into a date only field. I can do this, but then am unable to use the alias in my query!
Any help is much appreciated :)
I have tried creating temporary tables and using subqueries, but cannot solve this problem :(
UPDATE: Managed to solve the problem using temporary tables, truncating the part number of the sub-parts to match the master parts, and then joining the two to compare the dates. Might be messy, but it works!
##MParts INNER JOIN ##SParts ON ##SParts.MP_NO = ##MParts.PMA_PART_ONLY
(##MParts.EO_DATE <> ##SParts.EO_DATE)
If you want to compare just dates and not times you gotta convert the dates:
select *
from ASC_PMA_TBL master
inner join ASC_PMA_TBL parts
ON parts.number like CAST(master.number AS VARCHAR(30)) + '[_]%'
where CAST(master.EO_DATE AS DATE) <> CAST(parts.EO_DATE AS DATE)
That's the main idea, get all master and parts where part number is like master number + underscope.
Note that you have to escape "_" in []-quotes when performing LIKE
As part of my classes on relational databases, I have to create procedures as part of package to fill some of the tables of an Oracle database I created with random data, more specifically the tables community, community_account and community_login_info (see ERD linked below). I succeeded in doing this for tables community and community_account, however I'm having some problems with generating data for table community_login_info. This serves as an intermediary table between the many to many relationship of community and community_account, linking the id's of both tables.
My latest approach was to create an associative array with the structure of the target table community_login_info. I then do a cross join of community and community_account (there's already random data in there) along with random timestamps, bulk collect that result into the variable of the associative array and then insert those contents into the target table community_login_info. But it seems I'm doing something wrong since Oracle returns error ORA-00947 'not enough values'. To me it seems all columns the target table get a value in the insert, what am I missing here? I added the code from my package body below.
ERD snapshot
PROCEDURE mass_add_rij_koppeling_community_login_info
TYPE type_rec_communties_accounts IS RECORD
(type_community_id community.community_id%type,
type_account_id community_account.account_id%type,
type_start_timestamp_login community_account.start_timestamp_login%type,
type_eind_timestamp_login community_account.eind_timestamp_login%type);
TYPE type_tab_communities_accounts
IS TABLE of type_rec_communties_accounts
INDEX BY pls_integer;
t_communities_accounts type_tab_communities_accounts;
SELECT community_id,account_id,to_timestamp(start_datum_account) as start_timestamp_login, to_timestamp(eind_datum_account) as eind_timestamp_login
BULK COLLECT INTO t_communities_accounts
FROM community
CROSS JOIN community_account
FORALL i_index IN t_communities_accounts.first .. t_communities_accounts.last
INSERT INTO community_login_info (community_id,account_id,start_timestamp_login,eind_timestamp_login)
values (t_communities_accounts(i_index));
END mass_add_rij_koppeling_community_login_info;
Your error refers to the part:
INSERT INTO community_login_info (community_id,account_id,start_timestamp_login,eind_timestamp_login)
values (t_communities_accounts(i_index));
(By the way, the complete error message gives you the line number where the error is located, it can help to focus the problem)
When you specify the columns to insert, then you need to specify the columns in the VALUES part too:
INSERT INTO community_login_info (community_id,account_id,start_timestamp_login,eind_timestamp_login)
VALUES (t_communities_accounts(i_index).community_id,
If the table COMMUNITY_LOGIN_INFO doesn't have any more columns, you could use this syntax:
INSERT INTO community_login_info
VALUE (t_communities_accounts(i_index));
But I don't like performing inserts without specifying the columns because I could end up inserting the start time into the end time and vice versa if I haven't defined the columns in exactly the same order as the table definition, and if the definition of the table changes over time and new columns are added, you have to modify your procedure to add the new column even if the new column goes with a NULL value because you don't fill up that new column with this procedure.
PROCEDURE mass_add_rij_koppeling_community_login_info
TYPE type_rec_communties_accounts IS RECORD
(type_community_id community.community_id%type,
type_account_id community_account.account_id%type,
type_start_timestamp_login community_account.start_timestamp_login%type,
type_eind_timestamp_login community_account.eind_timestamp_login%type);
TYPE type_tab_communities_accounts
IS TABLE of type_rec_communties_accounts
INDEX BY pls_integer;
t_communities_accounts type_tab_communities_accounts;
SELECT community_id,account_id,to_timestamp(start_datum_account) as start_timestamp_login, to_timestamp(eind_datum_account) as eind_timestamp_login
BULK COLLECT INTO t_communities_accounts
FROM community
CROSS JOIN community_account
FORALL i_index IN t_communities_accounts.first .. t_communities_accounts.last
INSERT INTO community_login_info (community_id,account_id,start_timestamp_login,eind_timestamp_login)
values (select community_id,account_id,start_timestamp_login,eind_timestamp_login
from table(cast(t_communities_accountsas type_tab_communities_accounts)) a);
END mass_add_rij_koppeling_community_login_info;
I'm using Microsoft Query to pull data from MS SQL Server to Excel. Many of my tables have the same column names, for example:
When I pivot in Excel, only the column names are shown. A pivot filter might have multiple fields called "active" which is very confusing.
I'd like to alias every column with the table name it's from, so that in the filter it would say "task_active" and "user_active". My Excel SELECT statement would be:
SELECT active AS task_active, name AS task_name FROM task...
Is there a quick way to prepend the table name to an alias using a formatting tool? I have Apex SQL Refactor, and Notepad++ but I haven't found a way to do this without having to manually type all of the column names again.
If you populate resultset to datatable then datatable to excel then it will automatically change duplicate column name to col1,col2 etc.
This is not your want it to be specific.
Method 1 . Create temp table with desire column name
Insert the result in #temp table
Return #temp table result set
Method 2 : Use dynamic query.
Wht your real query look like ?
Hi I have two tables with me
I am attaching Image ...
What i want to get is Name of all the tblSubcategory(SubName)..
what i have tried so far is following join and output is below
You can see here There is no tblsubcategory reflecting(Pk_Id=23 , Subname= blaa)...
Any way to get the Subname Blaa . I mean all the SubName of tblsubCategory(left table)
All the non-matching columns of your right table will have NULL value, So they will be eliminated by your SV.ProdId = '1' filter . If you want them to get included you can put one more filter like below :
FROM tblSubCategory tblProductSbcategoryVal SV ON tblSubCategory.pk_SubId = SV.SubCatId
WHERE SV.ProdId = '1'
I want a list of properties about a given table and for a specific record of data from that table - in one result
Something like this:
Column Name , DataLength, SchemaLengthMax
...and for only one record (based on a where filter)
So what Im thinking is something like this:
- Get a list of columns from sys.columns and also the schema-based maxlength value
- populate column names into a temp table that includes (column_name, data_length, schema_size_max)
- now loop over that temp table and for each column name, fetch the data for that column based on a specific record, then update the temp table with the length of this data
- finally, select from the temp table
sound reasonable?
Yup. That way works. Not sure if it's the best, since it involves one iteration per column along with the where condition on the source table.
Consider this, instead :
Get the candidate records into a temporary table after applying the where condition. Make sure to get a primary key. If there is no primary key, get a rowid. (assuming SQL Server 2005 or above).
Create a temporary table (Say, #RecValueLens) that has three columns : Primary_key_Value, MyColumnName, MyValueLen
Loop through the list of column names (after taking only the column names into another temporary table) and build sql statement shown in Step 4.
Insert Into #RecValueLens (Primary_Key_Value, MyColumnName, MyValueLen)
Select Max(Primary_Key_Goes_Here), Max('Column_Name_Goes_Here') as ColumnName, Len(Max(Column_Name)) as ValueMyLen From Source_Table_Goes_Here
Group By Primary_Key_Goes_Here
So, if there are 10 columns, you will have 10 insert statements. You could either insert them into a temporary table and run it as a loop. If the number of columns is few, you could concatenate all statements into a single batch.
Run the SQL Statement(s) from above. So, you have Record-wise, column-wise, Value lengths. What is left is to get the column definition.
Get the column definition from sys.columns into a temporary table and join with the #RecValueLens to get the output.
Do you want me to write it for you ?