Error while running fuzzy search using pg_trgm extension - database

I have created pg_trgm extension in postgres. Application works fine for querying for several days. But after few days, gives an error ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying % text
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
When dropping the extension and recreating, then everything works smooth.
What goes wrong not able to get? Is there a permanent solution so that I didn't need to create the extension again and again?

Either you didn't create the extension pg_trgm in that database, or you created it in a schema that is not on the search_path active for the query.
You can also schema-qualify an operator:
WHERE col OPERATOR(schema_name.%) 'searchstring'


TYPO3 Exception: Could not determine pid

While trying to add a new fe_users record, on save I get
(1/1) Exception
Could not determine pid
It's TYPO3 9.5.20.
We already have a lot of entries in multiple folders which could be edited without problem.
But those records were imported (by EXT:ig_ldap_sso_auth or with mysql terminal)
These records are used only to be shown (no login is used).
What configuration is missing or could be wrong?
as #biesior mentioned: the error message does not come from the core but from an extension. It's EXT:solrfal (in version 7.0.0)
The real error was not in EXT:solrfal. this extension just hides the error with a misleading message.
The real reason was a wrong database configuration for the table fe_users. Although it is not possible in SQL to have a default value for fields of type text (and any given value is ignored) TYPO3 expects a default value if it is configured. As this is not returned from the database it assumes an error. And EXT:solrfal hooks into the error handling and assumes a wrong error.
Hi just got the same problem.
The error message was called in solrfal ConsistencyAspect::getRecordPageId() which was called by ConsistencyAspect::getDetectorsForSiteExclusiveRecord(). I remember that I have added various tablenames to siteExclusiveRecordTables of Extension Settings of solrfal. And yes, there was one table without pid. After removing this table from list, deleting files works again.

Snowflake - how to refer to internal stage for specified table with special characters in its name?

Snowflake allows table names to contain special characters, as long as the table name is surrounded by double quotes.
However, I'm having trouble referring to the internal stage for such tables. Double quotes don't seem to work when referring to these stages.
CREATE TABLE "cars (sedan)" (myint int)
Attempts to refer the internal stage for this table will fail (this was done on snowflake's online console):
LIST #%"cars (sedan)"
PUT file:///tmp/myfile.csv #%"cars (sedan)"
error message (for LIST):
SQL compilation error: syntax error line 1 at position 13 unexpected '('.
If the table name was something nice (like "cars"), then the query will succeed.
What is the proper way to refer to these stages?
Try wrapping it in single quotes:
list '#%"cars (sedan)"'
Alternatively, you may also use $$ for enclosing the identifier and #%, as below:
ls $$#%"cars (sedan)"$$;
According to the documentation, when copying data from files in a table stage, the FROM clause can be omitted because Snowflake automatically checks for files in the table stage.
Could you omit the FROM since the name is throwing the error?

Oracle create db link using a proxy schema

So I want to create a database link in oracle, my username is jefferson and I want to connect trough opms so I was told to do this.
create database link tmpp connect to jefferson[opms] identified by nothing using $something ;
For some reason when I try to use [] syntax it just tells me indentified is missing. Why is this not working, I was told to do it this way but I can't find any help in the official documentation for [] usage or the correct syntax.
You can create a fixed-user database link like this, but you need to enclose the entire proxy user identifier in double-quotes; and because it's now a quoted identifier the case has to match the DBA_USERS username, which is uppercase by default:
create database link tmpp connect to "JEFFERSON[OPMS]" identified by nothing using ... ;
As noted in MOS document 1477939.1 you can't create a connected-user database link (which you aren't trying to do); and the 30-character limit on identifiers applies, so the total length of both usernames plus the square brackets has to be 30 characters or less (which is also fine in your example).
However, as discussed in this related question, this functionality is currently broken in and above because of bug 19191702.

Specify and use multiple libraries in ODBC connection string

My odbc connection string for connecting to DB2i looks like this:
Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};system=xx.xx.xx.xx;dbq=LIB1 LIB2 LIB3 LIB4 LIB5 LIB6 LIB7 LIB8;languageid=ENU;qrystglmt=-1;cmt=0;signon=1
The above connection string specifies multiple libraries/schemas for use. But when I try to access a file/table from a library other than the first one (like from LIB2...LIB8) I get a exception saying "FILE xx not found in LIB1"
Why does not it automatically search for the file/table in other specified libraries, it searches for the file in the first library only?
I need a workaround for this situation.
Use "system naming" mode, by adding naming=1 to your connection string.
In your library list, place a comma before the first library.
Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};system=systemname;naming=1;
This works as documented in the manual:
The library list is used for resolving unqualified stored procedure calls and finding libraries in catalog API calls. ...
The first library listed in this property will also be the default library, which is used to resolve unqualified names in SQL statements.
As stated above, Schema/library list is used to resolve functions/procedure names, not tables.
Let assume you need to read data from lib1.tab1 and lib2.tab2;
Here my personal workarounds (from easy to complex):
a) ask the db admin to have - for each table you need to use - the corresponding schema name, then do "select * from lib1.tab1 join lib2.tab2 on [...]" ;-)
b) ask the db admin to create on schema "MyAlias" several alias (create alias) for each table you want to use. Then do "set current schema=MyAlias" followed by all the SQL statement you need e.g. "select * from tab1 join tab2". Since you’re querying myalias.tab1 which is an alias pointing to table lib1.tab1 it should work.
c) Complex: create your own SQL function that returns the corresponding schema_name for a table (e.g. myfunct('TAB1'). This could be done reading system view “qsys2.systables” where table_name=’TAB1’ and returning TABLE_SCHEMA column, which is a varchar(128). Once you got it, build up a dynamically prepared using the variable you just obtained. E.g.
"set mylib = myfunct('TAB1').
"set mystmt = 'select * from '||table_schema || ‘.tab1’ …”
Prepare mystmt and then execute mystmt.
I did something similar in VBA using ado ibmdrda and it worked.
hope this helps.

How to retrieve the name of a file and store it in the database using SSIS package?

I'm doing an Excel loop through fifty or more Excel files. The loop goes through each Excel file, grabs all the data and inputs it into the database without error. This is the typical process of setting delay validation to true, and making sure that the expression for the Excel Connection is a string variable called EFile that is set to nothing (in the loop).
What is not working: trying to input the name of the Excel file into the database.
What's been tried (edit; SO changed my 2 to 1 - don't know why):
Add a derived column between the Excel file and database input, and add a column using the EFile expression (so under Expression in the Derived Column it would be #[User::EFile]). and add the empty. However, this inputs nothing a blank (nothing).
One suggestion was to add ANOTHER string variable and set its properties EvaluateAsExpression to True and set the Expression to the EFile variable (#[User::EFile]). The funny thing is that this does the same thing - inputs a blank into the database.
Numerous people on blogs claim they can do this, yet I haven't seen one actually address this (I have a blog and I will definitely be showing people how to do this when I get an answer because, so far, these others have fallen short). How do I grab an Excel file's name and input it in a database during a loop?
Added: Forgot to add, no scripts; the claim is that it can be done without them, so I want to see the solution without them.
Note: I already have the ability to import the data from the Excel files - that's easy (see my GitHub account, as I have two different projects for importing all sorts of txt, csv, xls, xlsx data). I am trying to also get the actual name of the file being imported also into the database. So, if there are fifty Excel files, along with the data in each file, the database will have the fifty file names alongside that data (so if each file has 1000 rows of data, each 1000 rows would also have the name of the file they came from next to them as an additional column). This point seems to cause a lot of confusion, as people assume I'm having trouble importing data in files - NOPE, see my GitHub; again that's easy. It's the FILENAME that needs to also be imported.
Test package:
Solution: #jaimet pointed out that the Derived Column needed to be the #[User::CurrentFile] (see the test package). When I first ran the package, I still got a blank value in my database. But when we originally set up the connection, we do point it to an actual file (I call this "fooling the package"), then change the expression on the connecting later to the #[User::CurrentFile], which is blank. The Derived Column, using the variable #[User::CurrentFile], showed a string of 0. So, I removed the Derived Column, put the full file path and name in the variable, then added the variable to the Derived Column (which made it think the string was 91 characters long), then went back and set the variable to nothing (English teacher would hate the THENs about right now). When I ran the package, it inputted the full file path. Maybe, like the connection, it needs to initially think that a file exists in order for it to input the full amount of characters?
Appreciate all the help.
The issue is because of blank value in the variable #[User::FileNameInput] and this caused the SSIS package to assume that the value of this variable will always be of zero length in the Derived Column transformation.
Change the expression on the Derived column transformation from #[User::FileNameInput] to (DT_STR, 2000, 1252)#[User::FileNameInput].
Type casting the derived column to 2000 sets the column length to that maximum value. The value 1252 represents the code page. I assumed that you are using ANSI code page. I took the value 2000 from your table definition because the FilePath column had variable VARCHAR(2000). If the column data type had been NVARCHAR(2000), then the expression would be (DT_WSTR, 2000)#[User::FileNameInput]
You're using the wrong variable in your Derived Column component. You are storing the filename in #[User::CurrentFile] but the variable that you're using in your Derived Column component is #[User::FileNameInput]
Change your Derived Column component to use #[User::CurrentFile] and you'll be good.
Hope that helps.
If you are using a ForEach loop to process the files in a folder then I have have used the technique described in SSIS Junkie's blog to get the filename in to an SSIS variable: SSIS: Enumerating files in a Foreach loop
You can use the variable later in your flow to write it to the database.
TO all intents and purposes your method #1 should work. That's exactly how I would attempt to do it. I am baffled as to why it is not working. Could you perhaps share your package?
Tony, thanks very much for the link. Much appreciated.
