Seed phrases, root keys, and derived keys.. what can be derived from what? - cryptocurrency

I am trying to understand a little bit more about how keypairs are derived from the initial mnemonic seed phrase.
What I think happens is that from the seed phrase, you can derive a 'root keypair' (i don't know if this is the right term, but i've seen it used elsewhere). With the Solana CLI for example, this is what you get if you don't specify a derivation path, or explicitly pass m/44'/501' as the path.
As far as i'm aware it isn't possible to take this root keypair and get the seed phrase back (this is by design as part of the BIP39 standard).
You can also pass other paths to get other keypairs eg by passing m/44'/501/0/1', m/44'/501/1/1', and this is what something like the Phantom wallet app will give you as your account, rather than the root.
What i'm not sure on is whether you can derive these additional keypairs from the root key, or only from the seed phrase.. I know that if someone gets hold of one of the non-root derived account private keys, they can't infer anything about any of the other private keys, or the root key, because the paths are 'hardened'. Also, if someone gets hold of your seed phrase they can clearly derive your root keypair, and all other derived keypairs, but if someone gets hold of the root keypair (but not the seedphrase) can they derive other accounts from that?
Thanks for any help!


pagination for the list secrets for logic apps

I am using List secrets activity to get all the secrets from key vault. I am only able to get first few values as pagination is not Woking for this activity. Is there any other way I can get all the secrets values from the logic apps.Right now I am only able to do for first page values only and as per Microsoft there is limitation of maximum 25 items.
I've managed to recreate the problem in my own tenant and yes, it is indeed an issue. There should be a paging option in the settings but there's not.
To get around this, I suggest calling the REST API's directly. The only consideration is how you authenticate and if it were me, I'd be using a managed identity to do so.
I've mocked up a small example for you ...
The steps are ...
Create a variable that stores the nextLink property. Initialise it with the initial URL for the first call to the REST API, it looks something like this ... ... and is straight out of the doco ...
In the HTTP call as shown, use the Next Link variable given that will contain the URL. As for authentication, my suggestion is to use a managed identity. If you're unsure how to do that, sorry but it's a whole other question. In simple terms, go to the Identity tab on the LogicApp and switch on the system managed status to on. You'll then need to assign it access in the KeyVault itself (Key Vault Secrets User or Officer will do the job).
Next, create an Until action and set the left hand side to be the Next Link variable with the equal to value being expression string('') which will check for a blank string (that's how I like to do it).
Finally, set the value of the Next Link value to the property in the response from the last call, the expression is ... body('HTTP')?['nextLink']
From here, you can choose what you do with the output, I'd suggest creating an array and appending all of the entries to that array so you can process it later. I haven't taken the answer that far given I don't know the exactness of how you want to process the results.
That should get you across the line.

Get a list of dead keys in X11

Is there a way to check for dead keys in the current layout? I am currently capturing the users input for a project I am doing. I created a map of all keys on the keyboard, but there seems to be no flag or whatsoever defining a key as dead or not. I use libxkb in my current code.
The layout is retrieved using
KeySym * keysyms = XGetKeyboardMapping(display_, keycode_low, keycode_high - keycode_low + 1, &num_keysym);
I understand you need to know which key will not directly produce a character, maybe because you are writing a game and do not want to have it use keys as input that would require another key to be pressed to produce some output (if so, please mention in the question)
Not through standard Xlib calls, to my knowledge, and definitely not without actually pressing the respective key. Composing is entirely done within Xlib, and transparent to the front end. (For its original purpose, it should be as transparent as possible to work properly, after all)
You could, however, do the same thing that Xlib does and parse through the various Compose configuration files starting with $HOME/.Xcompose. But that could be a tedious process.
On second thought, I am definitely not proposing the following:
You could, for each key you are looking for information, create a synthetic keypress event and feed it into XLookupString. Hand in an emptied XComposeStatus structure as well. If the structure returns modified, this could be a strong hint you have found a compose key. But it could also mean the server modifies it without any need..... If I were very desparate, I'd probably try.

How to design a DataBase for well structured Java API Documentation?

I have a scenario to design a database for Java API Documentation, in which I have to present the information about every class and method in a given piece of code. For example, consider:
1. main()
2. {
3. String foo="test";
4. foo.substring(1,2);
5. }
Here, I have to show documentation for class String and method substring from Java docs (The classes/methods can be any valid class/method).
My Observations:
The classes may repeat in various packages, so they can't be unique. Same goes for methods.
The method name foo() can be :
1) The method of this class
2) Overrides the method of some parent class
3) Simply inherits the a method.
With this info, I have following tables:
) ;
INHERITEDCLASSES is a multi-valued attribute.I know it's a really poor thing, but I have reasons.
1) 1st check if the method is available in JAVAMETHODDESCRIPTION table (Either as the class method itself, or a override method ).
2) If not, it has to be a method which is inherited for some parent class. So we have to show the documentation of method of this parent class.To save multiple searching, the value INHERITEDCLASSES contains is as follows(for some random class):
java.lang.Object: clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
so that it's parent class is java.lang.Object followed by the list of methods, so that it's easy to match the method name.
Sample output:
I know there are lot of design issues.How can I improve my database design?
About the multi-valued entry, if decomposed to another table may result into redundant entries.For eg. Object class is the super class for all.
Link for documentation page
hard to tell everything because a lot of things is unspecified, but:
a few things to consider: loaded java class is identified by unique full name (x.y.z.Myclass$Inner.class) and it's classloader. if you don't care about loaded class but only the source code (javadoc) then you can probably skip classloader.
javadoc can be at method, class, package and field level (each of them can be uniquely identified by signature)
if you want to support javadoc for inherited methods then you need to model multiple inheritance (javadoc can be inherited also from interfaces) and in your application traverse that tree top on request to display the javadoc. other option is to do the traversing during saving the content to db
another thing is versioning of library and jdk. don't know if you want to support different versions.
The best method for going about something like this, is to get to the 3rd normal form. You may not stay there, but at least by "seeing it" you learn a few things along the way about your system, the relationships, and such.
Once you get to that stage, then start looking at what you have, and ask yourself how it will behave with your specific situation. ie how are you accessing it .. is it going to perform poorly, would it help to denormalize things a little to help improve query performance, etc, etc.

JDO, unowned relationship and persisting multiple objects at once

I would like to have an unowned relationship between two persistence capable classes, created at once. The relationship has to be unowned, because my app can’t really guarantee that the two instances I want to persist will stay in the same entity group for good. My relationship is a bidirectional one-to-many:
// in first class
private Set<Key> instancesOfSecondClass;
// in second class
private Key instanceOfFirstClass;
Then, in one servlet doPost() call, I need to persist one instance per these classes. I actually made a nice methods to maintain both sides of the relationship. First, the Key id (I use …
#Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
private Key id;
… as primary keys everywhere) is added to the Set in first class, then a convenience method is called on the instance of second class to notify of this change and update the one Key property accordingly, comparing old values, null checks and everything. Indeed I don’t yet have any Key when the instance is fresh, so I need to persist them both first with pm.makePersistent() call, then do the assignment and wait for pm.close() to happen later.
But, what really happens, is pretty confusing. After running the servlet (whose sole purpose is to return serialized Keys of these two instances for use elsewhere), I go check the datastore viewer and see:
the instance of first class got persisted (actually have one more issue here throwing at me NullPointerException from at the very moment I call pm.makePersistent() on the instance with Set<Key>)
the instance of second class got persisted (so far so good)
the instance of second class has the Key reference to the first instance persisted, yay
the set of Keys on the first instance is… wait for it… empty
The local datastore shows just empty space, while the one online shows <null>, even though my constructor for the class (a one with arguments) creates a new instance of HashSet<T> for the relation.
Using Google App Engine for Java 1.6.4, happened in 1.6.3 too.
Spent a whole day trying to solve this, putting transactions in between, using two PersistenceManagers, different order of persisting calls, cross-group transactions enabling, nothing helped.
Generically, I would be happy to find a working way to create and update two instances in two separate entity groups with unowned relationship between them, no matter of the possible inconsistence (doesn’t worry me that much, based on the frequency of possible updates).
In the mean time, I found two more possible solutions, but haven’t tried them yet: 1. create not only two, but four PersistenceManagers (one to create first instance, second to create second instance, third to update one side of relationship, fourth to update the second side of relationship), or 2. detach the instances and make them persistent again after update. Not sure which way to go now.
v2 of the plugin provides "real" unowned relations with none of this Key hackery needed before. You can persist both sides in the same transaction if you have the multiple-Entity-Groups flag set, or you can persist them non-transactional.
Just look at the tests for ideas
I have no control over what goes in their docs, just what goes in their code ;-)

User information in Nancy

I'm knocking together a demo app based upon Nancy.Demo.Authentication.Forms.
I'm implementing Claims and UserName in my UserIdentity:IUserIdentity class and, as per the demo, I've got a UserModel with UserName.
In the SecureModule class, I can see that the Context.CurrentUser can be used to see who it is that's logged on, but as per the interface, this only supplies the username and the claims. If I then need to get more data (say messages for the logged on user) for a view model, all I can see to use as a filter for a db query is the username, which feels, well, weird. I'd much rather be using the uniqueIdentifier of the user.
I think what I'm trying to get to the bottom of, if it is better to add the extra fields to my IUserIdentity implementation, or to the UserModel? And where to populate these?
Not sure my question is that clear (It's not clear in my head!), but some general basic architecture advice would go down a treat.
Sorry for the delayed reply.. bit hectic at the moment :)
The IUserIdentity is the minimum interface required to use Nancy's built in authentication helpers, you can implement that and add as much additional information as you like to your class; it's similar to the standard .net IPrincipal. If you do add your own info you'll obviously have to cast to your implementation type to access the additional fields. We could add a CurrentUser method to stop you having to do that, but it seems a little redundant.
You can stop reading here if you like, or you can read on if you're interested in how forms auth works..
FormsAuth uses an implementation of IUsernameMapper (which is probably named wrong now) to convert between the Guid user identifier that's stored in the client cookie and the actual user (the IUserIdentity). It's worth noting that this GUID needs to be mapped to the user/id somewhere, but it's not intended to be your database primary key, it is merely a layer of indirection between your (probably predictable) user id/names and the "token" stored on the client. Although the cookies are encrypted and HMACd (depending on your configuration), if someone does manage to crack open and reconstruct the auth cookie they would have to guess someone else's GUID in order to impersonate them, rather than changing a username (to "admin" or something smilar), or an id (to 1 for the first user).
Hope that makes sense :)
