Scrollbar appears during framer-motion animation? - reactjs

Bringing an image or a component from far off the side of the screen, into the screen via a variant like
const containerVariants = {
hidden: {opacity : 0, x: '-100vw'},
visible: {opacity : 1, x : 0}
where initial is hidden and animate is visible, will result in the scrollbar appearing. I do not see the scrollbar appear on the tutorials I watch, any idea why this happens or how I can prevent the scrollbar from appearing?
It seems counter-intuitive that a scrollbar would appear during framer motion as how else can I slide objects into view.

I had the same issue, resolved by removing "overflow: auto;" from css of the container for my animated components.

If you want to explicitly remove the scrollbars from appearing, you want to add overflow: hidden; to the style for that element and make sure there is a specified height.


Framer Motion changes y-axis value because of flexbox

I am using Framer Motion to animate my hambuger menu. I want to make my nav items and icons slide from left to right or from right to left. However the animation on the items changes their y-axis value during the animation on mobile. I figured out that this happens because of setting
justify-content: space-between
on the navbar. I only want the items to slide in a horizontal line.
Here is a url to my problem in codesandbox: link

How to do slide in/out animation when using flex layout and AngularJS

I have a layout which uses flex to resize its internal components to the window size.
Part of the left column has either some "control buttons" or an "event log" of which visibility can be toggled.
I'd like to animate that show/hide so the log messages div slides out from the right. When the log messages div is hidden, it will slide back towards the right.
The system is using AngularJS (not "Angular").
The majority of examples online show how to animate opacity to fade in and out and the few that show sliding animation use position: relative wrapping position: absolute elements. However, using absolute wrapping relative messes up the flex layout: wrong elements are visible and resizing doesn't work properly.
Any idea on how to achieve that effect?
Here is a fiddle showing the layout.

Nuka Carousel heightMode don't work in react

I have a nuka carousel with 3 slides and the height of the slides depends on the size of the content. So if one slide has 5 rows of text and another has 6 rows of text the one will be higher than the other.
So to fix this I found a heightMode prop where the slides height will be set after the tallest slide but when I test locally it doesn't do anything.
Is there any way to change slideHeight manually?
Does anybody know if heightMode prop is working or not?
I also encountered this problem and here's my fix. I Just added some css code:
.slider-list {
height: auto!important;
.slider-slide {
position: sticky!important;

How to hide the scrollbar?

I use Quill, and I use a scrollbar plug-in in it, but the original scrollbar of Quill still exists. That's no effect with overflow: hidden. How can I hide it?
Two overlapping scrollbars
It's pretty hard solve the issue without actually seeing the code but here's what worked for me.
.ql-container, .ql-editor{
height: auto;
That's it, now the quill scroll bar should disappear and in absence of a secondary scrollbar attached, the .ql-container should auto grow fitting the content.

IE7 causing disappearance of background image on scroll

I'm having an IE7 issue with a website i'm working on -
Basically, the background image is not showing on behind the form on the 'Free Trial'
panel, and is disappearing when I scroll down on the others.
I've tried adding position:relative; on a bunch of elements but it doesn't seem to
make a difference.
Any ideas anyone? thanks.
Add this style to your page to see if you are experiencing an issue with hasLayout:
.panel .panel-wrapper { zoom: 1; }
If this does correct your issue than a more "standard" way of correcting the background rendering would be to set an explicit width to those same ".panel-wrapper" items.
