Not able to view tables in pgadmin 4 - pgadmin-4

I have installed pgadmin 4 was not able to see any dropdown under tables option due to which my query did not get executed. As suggested in previous articles . I have changed my local host to and post that I am not able to see same options as under server.
enter image description here
enter image description here


Refresh button not updating database in SSMS although query is successfully completed :(

I'm running different queries in SSMS it shows "command completed successfully" but when I refresh the database, can't see the updates in databse.
Though you can see in image that I have created two database as students and students1. I have deleted the database students1 and it shows that the command completed successfully but still students1 is present in object explorer.
I'm a noob trying to learn sql but theses kind of glitchs are making the experience worst for me. Can you please help me?enter image description here
right click on the "Databases" and press "Refresh". If you want to refresh list in the IntelliSense then in the query window press Crtrl+Shift+R

SQL Server Management Studio does not use color in text editor

I currently have an issue with my SSMS since my PC has been reformatted with windows 10. It doesnt show any functions name with the correct color (should be pink), string (should be red), JOIN (should be grey), etc.
The only keyword it recognize are SELECT, INSERT, PRINT, TRANSACTION and couple more. I checked into my font & colors settings and they are set correctly. I even reinstalled twice without any difference.
Here is an image of how it look like, its a link because i am not allowed to embbed an image directly
Here is my settings on SQL System Function
I finally found the solution. My Tools -> Options -> International Settings -> Language was set to "Same as Microsoft Windows" which is French. But the rest of my interface is in English. I guess there is a bug where the Setting are in French, but the Editor in English and cant find the color coding properly.
Hope it can help anyone with this problem!
if you would like set all the color back, 1.Tools -> 2.Option -> 3.Environment -> 4.Choose Text Editor in Show setting for, choose Use Defaults if this does not work, than the same steps above, but choose 'Keyword' in Display items in step 4, choose any color you prefer.
Update, GETDATE() and etc are not in keyword catalog, they are in SQL System Function,check that again
In the SSMS, View - Registered Servers to check whether your local Server get registered in Database engine, if you do not see you local computer name shown in Local Server Groups, right click that, hit Task, then Register Local Server
I think you need to restart SQL server database engine instead of restating SSMS only, you could restart it by right click the database engine name, hit restart, if that does not work, try to reboot your local machine

Why would an SSRS report produce different data when run from SQL Server Reporting Services than when run using the Preview tab?

I've got a report running the data I want - from the Preview tab, that is, or when run using F5 in VS 2010. But when I upload the report (.rdl file) to SQL Server Reporting Services, and run the updated report from there, it still shows the old bunch of (restricted) data.
Am I missing a step - does something need to be done other than uploading the .rdl file from the project? It did tell me the DataSource was wrong, but once I specified the right one, it ran without a hitch (except for the missing data).
I made sure that the updated report was truly being used by SQL Server Reporting Services by adding a bogus addition to a label, and sure enough, I do see that when I run the report, so the updated report is getting there.
I also verified that both the design time and runtime reports (same file, but copied to a different location) use the same data source: the SharedDataSource reference in the project, which I see when I select View > Report Data > Data Sources is the same being used In SQL Server Reporting Services, where I set the data source by selecting the yellow right down-arrow on the report name, then "Manage" > "Data Sources" > "A shared data source" > Browse > Home > Data Sources > and selected the shared data source with the same name as the one seen in the project. Finally, I selected OK > Apply in SQL Server Reporting Services, but only a subset of the data is generated.
Why would that be? What can I do to retrieve all the data?
To clarify what happens, in answer to yelxe's comment:
When I delete the previous version of the report in SSRS and upload a "new" one (.rdl file - the new version of the report just deleted), and then click the report link to try to run it, I get, "The report server cannot process the report or shared dataset. The shared data source 'CPSData' for the report server or SharePoint site is not valid. Browse to the server or site and select a shared data source. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)"
So I click the yellow down-arrow to the right of the report and select Manage.
From there, I select Data Sources > A shared data source > Browse > Home/Data Sources/CPSData ("CPSData" is the same Shared datasource selected in the project) > OK > Apply, and then run the report.
This is where I do that:
It runs, but the data returned to the report is a subset of what I get when I run it from the IDE (VS 2010).
As for the data that is there when the report is run from SSRS, it is identical - IOW, the rows that are common to both the superset and the subset of data are identical; it's just that many rows are missing from the subset. And there doesn't appear to be anything "odd" about the data that exists in the superset - it's not 0 or negative or anything special or striking.
To reply to Eric's comment in more detail, the report's "Subscriptions", "Cache Refresh Options" and "Report History" pages shows "There are no items to show in this view. Click Help for more information about this page."
The report's Processing Options page shows
...and the report's "Snapshot Options" page shows
I noticed that the name of my Data Source was the same name as the name of my primary Dataset (they were both "CPSData"). The dataset name is just a label (it could be named "duckbilledplatypus" or whatever) but still I wondered if this confusing/misleading name for the dataset might have been problematic. So, I changed the name of the dataset to something more reasonable (I renamed it "VPM_V_RockBottom" as the Stored Procedure is named "sp_ViewPriceMatrix_Variance_RockBottom").
This made no difference, though. I replaced the new version of the report (.rdl file) in SSRS, re-ran the report, and still (don't) see the missing data.
Using the same parameters (date range and Unit name), this is what I see when run from my project's Preview tab:
...and here it is when run in SSRS:
So the "Hass"* Avocados show 18 members when run from VS 2010 (as it should be), and only 3 when run from SSRS. In both cases/places, "Asparagus Standard 11/1#" show 18 members, as they should.
Why would there be a difference, and how can I rectify this anomaly?
(sic - should be "Haas", not "Hass" (the German word for "hate"))
I have tried to remove the Dataset in SSRS and again create a new one same as the previous one.
It worked for me.

Solr Admin Page Shows No Information

I'm in the process of trying to get Solr running for my company. I've installed 4.10.3 on a server and have indexed the example docs that come with the zip file. When I start Jetty and go to localhost:8983 in the browser I see the admin screen as expected. But when I use the server's full name instead of localhost, I get the following result:
The information panel is completely empty, while using the localhost URL shows the expected graphs and information. I'm running a Win 2008 R2 server. What is preventing me from seeing this information?
The next step is to then try connecting to the same implementation from a client computer using the server's URL, but I have a feeling I need to get this straight before I get to that step.

How to remove cached server names from the Connect to Server dialog?

Or, to put it another way, where is SqlStudio.bin for SQL Server 2012? It doesn't seem to be in the place that would be expected by looking at this other SO question.
As of SQL Server 2012 you no longer have to go through the hassle of deleting the bin file (which causes other side effects). You should be able to press the Delete key within the MRU list of the Server Name dropdown in the Connect to Server dialog. This is documented in this Connect item and this blog post.
To be clear, since a couple of people seemed to have trouble with this for months: You need to click on the Server name: dropdown, and down-arrow or hover with your mouse until the server you want to remove is selected, and then press Delete. In this screen shot, I'm going to press Delete now, and it will remove the server ADMIN:SHELDON\SQL2014 from my MRU list. Note that because I merely hovered with my mouse, this is not even the server that is showing in the Server name: text box.
Note that if you have multiple entries for a single server name (e.g. one with Windows and one with SQL Auth), you won't be able to tell which one you're deleting.
Found it!
C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0\SqlStudio.bin
So the answer is as before: delete the file, or use some nifty PowerShell magic to edit it.
As for SQL Server Management Studio v18 it appears this file is now XML and you can edit it directly:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\18.0\UserSettings.xml
If you want to remove particular account or update password on Windows 10 then you can go to Windows Credentials in Credential Manager and update or remove related entry:
Control Panel >> Credential Manager >> Windows Credentials >> Microsoft:SSMS
This is the best way to clear these server names from the list.
Open the(SSMS) version. Mine is 18.
You should be right where you can see the server name dropdown list.
If not, you will open the Connect to Server dialog located in the File menu bar
Click on the Server Name field dropdown list.
"Hover over" (very important) the items you want to remove.
Pressing the delete (DEL) key on your keyboard should do the trick.
You're welcome
