JSON Object as search Query Parameters in Azure Cognitive Search - azure-cognitive-search

I need to implement a search functionality that can take JSON Object as query parameters. I am using Azure Cognitive Search. Is it possible to have JSON Object as Query Parameter in Azure Cognitive Search? For example HTTP://search.something?params={"type":"foo","color":"green"}
I know open API has that capability but I want Azure Cognitive Search


How to query wso2 APIM API documentation content using apache solr?

I am using wso2 apim 4.0.0. I would like to find out api business owner by api_id(api_name). Since WSO2 API Manager uses Apache Solr based indexing for API documentation content, is it possible to acquire any API documentation content field using solr client? If it is, any hint about how to establish connection to wso2 apim solr and get api document field is appreciated

How to update User Attributes in Azure AD B2C from ASP.NET Core?

What is the best way to programmatically change the value of an Azure AD B2C custom attribute without using user flows. Should Azure AD Graph be used or the new Microsoft Graph? I was not able to find good documentation for doing this.
For Azure AD B2C custom attribute, you should use Azure AD Graph.
The custom attribute is shown in AAD Graph like this format: extension_{appId}_{customAttribute}.
So firstly you need to get the appID for it. You can use the applications endpoint with a filter to get the application ID: GET https://graph.windows.net/myorganization//applications?api-version=1.6&$filter=startswith(displayName, 'b2c-extensions-app').
You can get the appID of the extension app. And now you know what the custom attribute name is: extension_{appId}_{customAttribute}.
Then you could call this endpoint to update the custom attribute.
PATCH https://graph.windows.net/myorganization/users/userObjectId?api-version=1.6
"extension_{appId}_{customAttribute}": "value"

Is there any way to get master list of all apps through graph explorer API

In Azure Active Directory Admin Center, I can see almost 200 application under Enterprise Application. How can I get this through Microsoft graph Explorer?
I tried with this: https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applications, but it gave me the list of apps under App Registration.
How can I get all the app list under enterprise application through graph explorer?
Microsoft Graph API
I'm sharing these first since you asked specifically about Microsoft Graph APIs in your question.
Please note that List ServicePrincipals api is only available under Beta endpoint. APIs in the beta endpoint are subject to change. Microsoft does NOT recommend that you use them in your production apps. I've shared the alternative API's in the next section.
To get a complete list
In case you need to filter down to only those where "Application Type" is "Enterprise Applications" like Azure portal allows (screenshot below)
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/servicePrincipals?$filter=tags/any(t:t eq 'WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp')
Azure AD Graph API
Even though in most cases it's advised to use the newer Microsoft Graph API, this particular case is such that Microsoft Graph API v1.0 doesn't support this functionality yet, so for production applications you should make use of Azure AD Graph API. Read here for more info Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph
Complete List
Filtered down to only those where "Application Type" is "Enterprise Applications" like Azure portal allows
https://graph.windows.net/myorganization/servicePrincipals?$filter=tags/any(t:t eq 'WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp')
On a side note, also consider using other query parameters like $top to get only say top 5 and $select to select only those fields which are really needed. Example:

How to configure Azure search to search Azure App service

In portal.azure.com, I have created an Azure Service App (Web app). The site is working great, it has folders and several htm files.
I want to have search functionality into this. Assuming Azure Search can do this, I created Azure Search service.
Now I don't know how to configure Azure Search to crawl Azure Service App.
Unfortunately Azure Search does not have an out of the box web crawler indexer.
Consider upvoting the Support for crawling HTML/websites request to move it up the backlog.

Replicate data from Azure-Active-Directory to sql database

maybe I can find the solution deep inside the developer documetation found here. But not on the surface, so I hope someone can ask the following question.
We do replicate data from on-premise active-directory to our database to store users, groups, units and configure features- and role-permissions to our applications. As we can't (at least not to start from scratch) authorize all features calling the azure-active-directory API I like to know if it is possible to replicate the needed objects from azure-ad like I can do from ad?
If yes, if someone has a link to any reference you will make my day while I continue seek for this information.
Yes, we are able to replicate the data from Azure AD through the Azure AD Graph REST. However the Azure AD is a different with Active Directory on-premise. For example, there is no organizational units.
You can check the exposed object in Azure Active Directory via the link below:
Entity and complex type reference | Graph API reference
And to get started with Azure AD Graph REST, you can refer Azure Active Directory Graph API. Also since Microsoft is working on Microsoft Graph, if there is no such object in the Azure AD Graph REST, you may also check the Microsoft Graph REST.
