I got bit confused by how to interpret the precedence of operators in the following snippet:
int a,b,c,d;
a=++b>1 || ++c>1 && ++d>1
The values of a,b,c,d at the end of this code snippet are 1,2,1,1 respectively.
I was trying to decipher what was happening here but to no avail.
I know the precedence of ++ is higher than any other operators so why b,c, and d doesn't equal 2?
According to the result I received, I guess that the expression was evaluated left to right when at the first step b is incremented to 2 therefore ++b>1 is true then because there is a logical OR the answer is returned immediately.
Like if it was : (++b>1) || (++c>1 && ++d>1)
Does operator precedence have any other role other than to group operands together? What does it have to do with the order of execution for example?
The reason is because of Short-circuit evaluation which means that the evaluation will stop as soon as one condition is evaluated true (counting from the left).
a=++b>1 || ++c>1 && ++d>1
is therefore similar to this:
if(++b > 1) {
a = true;
} else if(++c > 1) {
if(++d > 1) {
a = true;
In the follwing code,
int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d;
d = a++ && b++ || c++;
printf("%d\n", c);
The output will be 3 and I get that or evaluates first condition, sees it as 1 and then doesn't care about the other condition but in c, unary operators have a higher precedence than logical operators and like in maths
2 * 3 + 3 * 4
we would evaluate the above expression by first evaluating product and then the summation, why doesn't c do the same? First evaluate all the unary operators, and then the logical thing?
Please realize that precedence is not the same concept as order of evaluation. The special behavior of && and || says that the right-hand side is not evaluated at all if it doesn't have to be. Precedence tells you something about how it would be evaluated if it were evaluated.
Stated another way, precedence helps describe how to parse an expression. But it does not directly say how to evaluate it. Precedence tells us that the way to parse the expression you asked about is:
/ \
/ \
&& c++
/ \
/ \
a++ b++
But then when we go to evaluate this parse tree, the short-circuiting behavior of && and || tells us that if the left-hand side determines the outcome, we don't go down the right-hand side and evaluate anything at all. In this case, since a++ && b++ is true, the || operator knows that its result is going to be 1, so it doesn't cause the c++ part to be evaluated at all.
That's also why conditional expressions like
if(p != NULL && *p != '\0')
if(n == 0 || sum / n == 0)
are safe. The first one will not crash, will not attempt to access *p, in the case where p is NULL. The second one will not divide by 0 if n is 0.
It's very easy to get the wrong impression abut precedence and order of evaluation. When we have an expression like
1 + 2 * 3
we always say things like "the higher precedence of * over + means that the multiplication happens first". But what if we throw in some function calls, like this:
f() + g() * h()
Which of those three functions is going to get called first? It turns out we have no idea. Precedence doesn't tell us that. The compiler could arrange to call f() first, even though its result is needed last. See also this answer.
I've a C university exam coming up next week and i was looking at old exam papers a one of the questions gives this fragmented bit of code.
int a=2, b=-1, c=0;
if (a-2||b&&c||a){
} else {
We have to determine what the output of this code will be but the if statement makes no sense to me any if statement I've come across has been very specific like saying
if( x == 0)
I don't know what this is looking for my only assumption is that its going to be always true. Am I right or is there more to it then that?
This assignment has two goals:
to show what booleans are in C: Essentially they evaluate to ints with false mapping to 0 and true mapping to 1. In turn, any numeric or pointer value can be used in an integer context, with the respective zero value (0, 0.0, NULL (pointer), 0.0f, 0L etc.) evaluating as false and all others as true.
to show the precedence of operators
&& has a higher precedence than ||, so this statement is equivalent to
a-2 || (b&&c) || a
which will evaluate to true if any of the values is true.
As a==2, a-2 is 0. c is 0, so b && c is 0 as well.
So we have 0 || 0 || a, which is true as a is 2.
Most languages interprets non-zero integers as true and zero as false, so here you would have to calculate each one of the terms. Without any parenthesis, I would suggest that the && statement is taken in account first. So we have:
if (2-2 // gives zero
|| // OR
-1 && 0 // -1 AND 0 gives false
|| // OR
a) // Which is 2, which is true
So you're right, this statement is always true. This exercice was about showing predecence orders, and the fact that everything is numerical, even in boolean logic.
This is really important for you to understand.
If the predecence was the other way around (|| > &&), you must understand that it would have been false instead. I think this example's whole point is here.
(a-2 || b) && (c || a)
false && true
--> false
You need to understand that truth and falsity in C is always numerical.
Namely, anything that evaluates to numerical zero is false, and anything that evaluates to numerical non-zero is true.
In c language integers 0 is treated as false and any non-zero integer value is true but it should be noted that it is language specific and the sme statement will show compilation error in java as java is more strict and integers are not converted to booleans.
Talking about the above assignment problem the expression inside if statement will evaluate to true as
(a-2||b&&c||a) is same as
(2-2||-1&&0||2) which is same as
(0||0||2) which is evaluated as
(false||false||true) and hence the entire expression evaluates to
hope it helps.
int a=2, b=-1, c=0;
int first=a-2; //0 -> false
bool second= b&& c; // nonZero&&zero -> true&&false -> false
int third = 2; // nonZero -> true
// false|| false|| true -> true
if (first || second || third ){
} else {
you need to understand two things before solving this problem that is
operator precedence and
associativity of operators
operator precedence tells c compiler that which operation to perform first.
and if two operators have same precedence than associativity tells evaluate left to right or right to left in you expression
int a=2, b=-1, c=0;
if (a-2||b&&c||a){
you can think it as
means - has top precedence so it will solved first
reduced to if(0||(b&&c)||a){}
then && has higher precedence so
reduced to if(0||false||a)
then the associativity is left to right so
reduced to if(false||a)
that is(false||2)
return true
In almost every programming language as far as I know 0 means false and 1 means true.
So coming up to your question: you have used && and || operators. Both of these are called Logical operators.
Now first block of yours is a-2||b :-
2-2||-1 so 0||-1. Now since the right expression of || is -1 the or operator will return 1 i.e. True because one of the values of 0 and -1 is non-zero 0 i.e. -1.
Therefore the expression resolves to 1&&c||a :-
Now c=0, therefore 1&&0 returns a 0 because && will only return 1 if both the expressions right and left of it are non zero.
So expression becomes 0||2 :-
Now since || (or operator) requires only one of operands either on right or left side to be non zero hence 0||2 returns 1.
Now your if (a-2||b&&c||a) statement resolves to
if (1)
printf("True\n"); }
Therefore since 1 means TRUE the if statement will execute and you will get output as True.
This question already has an answer here:
Logical AND, OR: Is left-to-right evaluation guaranteed?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
Is the left part of the && always evaluated before the right part?
I want to know because I'm wondering if I can change
if(i > 0)
if(someFunc(arr[i-1], arr[i]))
//do work
if(i > 0 && someFunc(arr[i-1], arr[i]))
or would this cause undefined behaviour if the right side gets evaluated first and arr[0-1]is referenced?
Yes, because of short-circuit behavior of logical && operator, in case of && second expression evaluates only when first is true. Read following:
6.5.13 Logical AND operator
4 Unlike the bitwise binary & operator, the && operator guarantees left-to-right evaluation;
there is a sequence point after the evaluation of the first operand. If the first operand
compares equal to 0, the second operand is not evaluated.
From Is short-circuiting boolean operators mandated in C/C++? And evaluation order?
So if i > 0 is false (for example if i = 0) then result of i > 0 expression will be false, and then second operand someFunc(arr[i-1], arr[i] will not be called (evaluated).
Accordingly, if(i > 0 && someFunc(arr[i-1], arr[i])) is safe to code, but be-careful i - 1 shouldn't be > max index value of arr[]. Really I will prefer this form of if compare to nested if blocks (flat is better then nested).
From #Maroun Maroun's answer "Is there any reason for asking if(1 || Foo())?" Additional information that might help you:
if(a && b) - if a is false, b won't be checked.
if(a && b) - if a is true, b will be checked, because if it's false, the expression will be false.
if(a || b) - if a is true, b won't be checked, because this is true anyway.
if(a || b) - if a is false, b will be checked, because if b is true then it'll be true.
Yes. Order of evaluation for the operators &&, ||, , and ? :(ternary operator) are guaranteed from left to right. A sequence point occurs between the left and right sub-expression of these operands. All the side effects of the left sub-expression of these operators (&&, || and ,) are completed before any access to its right sub-expression.
would this cause undefined behavior if the right side gets evaluated first and arr[0-1] is referenced?
Yes. If that were the case, it would cause undefined behavior. (But it doesn't happen that way, so there won't be any undefined behavior.)
This question already has answers here:
Evaluation of the following expression
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
As I know logical operator && has higher precedence than ||. On running the code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 1, j =1, k = 1;
printf("%d\n",++i || ++j && ++k);
printf("%d %d %d",i,j,k);
return 0;
is giving the output:
2 1 1
which is possible only when ++i || ++j && ++k is evaluated like this:
(++i) || (++j && ++k)
But, according to operator precedence rule it should be evaluated as:
(++i || ++j) && (++k)
and hence output should be:
2 1 2
What is going wrong with this?
NOTE: As per my understanding I think an operator of higher precedence evaluated as follows(if it is left associative):
1. Evaluate its left expression
2. Then evaluate its right expression(if needed)
Am I wrong?
The || operator short-circuits - if its first operand evaluates to true (nonzero), it doesn't evaluate its second operand.
This is also true for &&, it doesn't use its second operand if the first one is false. This is an optimization that's possible because any boolean value OR true is true, and similarly, any boolean value AND false is always false.
OK, so you're confusing precedence with evaluation order. Nothing is contradictional here at all:
++i || ++j && ++k
is grouped as
(++i) || (++j && ++k)
since && has higher precedence. But then the LHS of the OR operation is true, so the whole RHS with its AND operation is discarded, it isn't evaluated.
To your note in the edit: yes, you're wrong: operator precedence is still not the same as order of evaluation. It's just grouping.
You say:
which is possible only when ++i || ++j && ++k is evaluated like this:
(++i) || (++j && ++k)
But, according to operator precedence rule it should be evaluated as:
(++i || ++j) && (++k)
The first grouping is correct because the precedence of && is higher than the precedence of ||. Then the expression as a whole evaluates the LHS of the ||, with the side-effect of incrementing i, which evaluates to true. That means that the RHS of the || (the && expression) is not evaluated at all because it is not needed to determine the truth of the overall expression.
So, the compiler is correct; you misunderstood precedence in some way.
Why is the first grouping correct? According to first grouping || has higher precedence than &&. What is going wrong with me?
You don't understand precedence, it seems, or you don't understand the interaction of precedence with order of evaluation. The first grouping gives higher precedence to &&.
If you have a + b * c, where * has a higher precedence than +, then it is evaluated as a + (b * c), is it not? Change + to || and * to && and the expressions are isomorphic and the interpretation is similar.
The big difference between the arithmetic expression and the logical expression is that the operands of the logical expression have to be evaluated left-to-right but the operands of the arithmetic expression do not; the compiler could evaluate b * c before evaluating a (but must evaluate b * c before doing the addition). By contrast, in the logical expression (a || b && c), the compiler must evaluate a before evaluating b && c, and when a turns out to be true, it must not evaluate either b or c, let alone b && c.
Firstly, as you said it yourself, && has higher precedence, which means that operand grouping should be
(++i) || (++j && ++k)
Why you are saying that "according to operator precedence" it should be (++i || ++j) && (++k) is not clear to me. That just contradicts what you said yourself.
Secondly, operator precedence has absolutely nothing to do with order of evaluation. Operator precedence dictates the grouping between operators and their operands (i.e. operator precedence says which operand belongs to which operator).
Meanwhile, order of evaluation is a completely different story. It either remains undefined or defined by completely different set of rules. In case of || and && operators the order of evaluation is indeed defined as left-to-right (with mandatory early completion whenever possible).
So, operator precedence rules tell you that the grouping should be
(++i) || ((++j) && (++k))
Now, order-of-evaluation rules tell you that first we evaluate ++i, then (if necessary) we evaluate ++j, then (if necessary) we evaluate ++k, then we evaluate && and finally we evaluate ||.
Since you are misunderstanding precedence, let's try to clear it up with a mathematical example. Multiplication and division have a higher precedence than addition and subtraction. Which means that this expression:
a + b * c - d / e
Can be written like this:
a + (b * c) - (d / e)
Since you correctly stated that && has higher precedence than ||, this expression:
i || j && k
can be written like this:
i || (j && k)
You can think of it as "the operation with the highest precedence gets parenthesized first", if that helps.
(But precedence is different from evaluation - if i is true, then (j && k) will never be evaluated.)
This question already has answers here:
Why does "++x || ++y && ++z" calculate "++x" first, even though operator "&&" has higher precedence than "||"
(11 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
The O/p comes out to be x=2,y=1,z=1 which doesnt agree with the operator precedence. I was running this on Turbo c++ compiler:
void main()
int x,y,z,q;
q=++x || ++y && ++z;
printf("x=%d y=%d z=%d",x,y,z);
Actually the result is in complete accordance with standard C. The logical or operator (||) short circuits after ++x because it evaluates to a non-zero number, so the rest of them are ignored.
So starting at x=1, y=1, z=1, after the short circuit, you get x=2, y=1, z=1.
Operator precedence does not in any way determine the order in which the operators are executed. Operator precedence only defines the grouping between operators and their operands. In your case, operator precedence says that the expression
q = ++x || ++y && ++z
is grouped as
q = ((++x) || ((++y) && (++z)))
The rest has absolutely nothing to do with operator precedence at all.
The rest is determined by the semantics of each specific operator. The top-level operator in this case is ||. The specific property of || operator is that it always evaluates its left-hand side first. And if the left-hand size turns out to be non-zero, then it does not even attempt to evaluate the right-hand side.
This is exactly what happens in your case. The left-hand side is ++x and it evaluates to a non-zero value. This means that your whole expression with the given initial values is functionally equivalent to a mere
q = (++x != 0)
The right-hand side of || operator is not even touched.
Makes all the variables = 1
q=++x || ++y && ++z;
Since ++x makes it = 2 and since it is not zero it stops checking the other conditions because the first one is true.
Thus, x=2, and y and z = 1
Logical && (AND) and || (OR) operators are subject to Short-Circuit.
"Logical operators guarantee evaluation of their operands from left to right. However, they evaluate the smallest number of operands needed to determine the result of the expression. This is called "short-circuit" evaluation."
Thus, for logical operators always evaluated as (no matter || or &&) left to right.
And as previously mentioned, precedence here only determines who takes who.
Then left to right rule;
q = ++x || ++y && ++z;
//ok, lets play by rule, lets see who takes who:
//first pass ++ is badass here (has highest precedence)
//q = (++x) || (++y) && (++z)
//second pass &&'s turn
//q = (++x) || ((++y) && (++z))
//done, let's do left to right evaluation
q = (++x) || rest..
q = (true)|| whatever..
hope that helps more clear.