How can i setup my discord bot automatically? - discord

I have a discord bot but I want when someone add my bot to their server they dont need to write !setup. How I can do it automatically ?
client.on('messageCreate', async message => {
if (message.content === '!setup') {
await message.guild.commands

Use the Client#guildCreate event
For instance:
client.on("guildCreate", guild => {
// What to do when the bot is invited

Under client in the discord.js docs there is an event called guildCreate which is emitted when the client joins a guild. If you listen for this event and run your setup code when it is emitted this might be what your after.
const { Client, Intents} = require('discord.js');
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS] });
client.on('guildCreate', guild => {
//Your setup code

If it's just one server that you wan to add the bot to, you can do it manually. Just follow these steps:
Go into discord developer portal > click on your bot > Oauth2 > URl Generator > click bot and any other scope you might need > choose your perms > copy and past the link into your browser and you should be done!
To do this however, you must have manage server perms in that server


guildMemberAdd event not working even with intents enabled. (discord.js)

I'm trying to set up a welcome message function on my discord bot, but no matter what I do, the bot doesn't seem to be able to use guildMemberAdd. I'm aware of the new update, and as suggested I've turned on both options under Private Giveaway Intents. But it still does not work. Here is my code:
client.on('guildMemberAdd', member => {
const emb = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("new member")
.setDescription("welcome to the server!")
I have also found an answer online suggesting to use this:
const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({ ws: { intents: new Discord.Intents(Discord.Intents.ALL) }});
But no matter how I write that, my bot just won't even come online unless I use const client = new Discord.Client(); with nothing in the parentheses.
With v12 coming along, in order to get your full channels list you're only able to get the cached ones in your server. Hence why you should change this line:
You passed in the intents params wrong. Here is the correct way to do it.
const { Client, Intents } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({ ws: { intents: ['GUILDS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES', 'GUILD_MEMBERS', 'GUILD_PRESENCES'] } });
If you use this the guildMemberAdd event will emit.
Make sure you have intents turned on in the developer portal. As Shown in this image

How i can make a discord bot in specific channel delete and resends msg

How i can make a discord bot in specific channel and who ever write delete that message and resend it ?
Assuming you want the bot to resend any message as the bot in a specific channel here's an example using Discord.js
If I misunderstood and you want the bot to send a message as a specific user, that's not possible.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.on('message', msg => {
if ( === 'channel name') {

How to send a message to every user that is in same guild as bot?

So basically I want to make bot able to send a message to every user that is in the same guild as a bot, I want to make it with a timeout, so I don't abuse Discord API.
Sending DM's using setTimeout would take forever so I filtered guilds with a channel named auto-partnership
setTimeout(() => {
let channel = client.channels.cache.filter(channel => === "auto-partnership")
channel.forEach(channel => {
channel.send( "test")
}, 5000);
A bot is sending test message to every guild with a channel named auto-partnership

DiscordJS Backdoor Command

I have had reports off my support server of my discord js bot of my bot being abused in multiple ways.
I want to have a way upon launch of my bot to see a list of servers as well as invite links to those servers. I do not know the id of server or anything.
The most I've managed to find out how to do is this
var server = client.guilds.get("idk the id part");
console.log('I am in the following servers:');
server.createInvite().then(invite =>
console.log( + "-" + invite.url)
In your ready event (client.on('ready', () => {}), add the following lines:
client.guilds.tap(guild => {
console.log(`Name: ${} ID: ${}`);
This should output
Name: Test1 ID: 00000000000000
in the console for each server.
Also, considering that making a lot of invites might clog up your bot, and is generally more of a hindrance than help to server admins, you might consider making a createinvite command:
const svID = args[0];
const guild = client.guilds.find(guild => === svID);
const channel = guild.channels.find(channel => channel.position === 1);
.then(invite => message.reply(invite.code));
You can either wait for the bot to emit it's ready event and loop through the guild collection:
client.once('ready', () => {
// client.guilds should be ready
or handle each guild individually:
client.on('guildCreate', (guild) => {
// The guild the bot just joined/connected to
// Should also be emitted when the bot launches
Either should work, but my recommendation would be the second approach, as this will also allow you to track join events whilst the bot is running.

How to know the inviter of the bot ? discord.js

I want to know who is the inviter of the bot but I don't find anything on the documentation or on forum.
If someone has an idea :/
Recently discord added an entry in guild audit logs that log everytime someone adds a bot into the server, so you can use it to know who added the bot.
// client needs to be instance of Discord.Client
// Listen to guildCreate event
client.on("guildCreate", async guild => {
// Fetch audit logs
const logs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs()
// Find a BOT_ADD log
const log = logs.entries.find(l => l.action === "BOT_ADD" && ===
// If the log exits, send message to it's executor
if(log) log.executor.send("Thanks for adding the bot")
Old Anwser
The discord API doesn't allow this.
But, you can send a message to the Owner of the guild using the property guild.owner to get it
client.on('guildCreate', guild => {
guild.owner.send('Message here').catch(e => {
// Can't message to this user
