Where does one access events that are emitted from a solidity contract, either via a node or a mirror? - hedera-hashgraph

How can I get emitted events from a solidity smart contract on the Hedera Network? My best guess is via ContractFunctionResult.

You have few options:
Use hether.js, so something like:
// Setup a filter and event listener to know when an address receives/sends tokens
const filter = contract.filters.Transfer(walletAddress, null);
contract.once(filter, (from, to, amount, event) => {
console.log(`\n- Event: ${from} sent ${amount} tokens to ${to}`);
More on hether.js events here: https://docs.hedera.com/hethers/application-programming-interface/contract-interaction/contract#events
You can use ethers.js or web3.js with the Hedera SDKs to parse event logs, either from transaction records or mirror node api results. So, to get event data in a readable fashion you would use the contract’s ABI, log data, and ethers/web.js.
Here's some sample JS code using ethers.js and mirror node (can do something similar with info from the tx record):
async function getEventsFromMirror(contractId) {
const url = https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/contracts/${contractId.toString()}/results/logs?order=asc;
.then(function (response) {
const jsonResponse = response.data;
jsonResponse.logs.forEach(log => {
// create an object to specify log parsing requirements
let logRequest = {};
logRequest.data = log.data;
logRequest.topics = log.topics;
// parse the logs
let event = abiInterface.parseLog(logRequest);
// output the from address and message stored in the event
console.log(Mirror event(s): from '${AccountId.fromSolidityAddress(event.args.from).toString()}' update to '${event.args.message}');
.catch(function (err) {
Get the logs and events directly from a mirror node (https://hips.hedera.com/hip/hip-226 and https://hips.hedera.com/hip/hip-227) and use your own library, if applicable. Probably the first two options make more sense for most folks.


What is best practice for for testing fulfilled chainlink oracle requests ethers/hardhat?

I am using hardhat with ethers on rinkeby to test a smart contract that makes a a get request to a local chainlink node. I can observe on the node dashboard that the request is fulfilled.
I am struggling to write a test that waits for the 2nd fulfillment transaction to be confirmed.
I see similar tests in the SmartContractKit/chainlink repo tests
it("logs the data given to it by the oracle", async () => {
const tx = await oc.connect(roles.oracleNode).fulfillOracleRequest(...convertFufillParams(request, response));
const receipt = await tx.wait();
assert.equal(2, receipt?.logs?.length);
const log = receipt?.logs?.[1];
assert.equal(log?.topics[2], response);
I fail to see that this would wait for the fulfilled transaction at all. In the consumer.sol this function calls there is an event RequestFulfilled, that is emit, but it doesn't seem like this test is listening to it.
Another example I found, ocean protocol request test, accomplishes this by creating a mapping of request id's, an accessor, and a while loop in the test the polls until the request id is found.
it("create a request and send to Chainlink", async () => {
let tx = await ocean.createRequest(jobId, url, path, times);
request = h.decodeRunRequest(tx.receipt.rawLogs[3]);
console.log("request has been sent. request id :=" + request.id)
let data = 0
let timer = 0
while(data == 0){
data = await ocean.getRequestResult(request.id)
if(data != 0) {
console.log("Request is fulfilled. data := " + data)
timer = timer + 1
console.log("waiting for " + timer + " second")
This makes sense, and I see how it works. However I would like to avoid creating a mapping, and accessor when I imagine there has got to be a more optimal way.
You'd want to look at the hardhat-starter-kit to see examples of working with Chainlink/oracle API responses.
For unit tests, you'd want to just mock the API responses from the Chainlink node.
For integration tests (for example, on a testnet) you'd add some wait parameter for a return. In the sample hardhat-starter-kit, it just waits x number of seconds, but you could also code your tests to listen for events to know when the oracle has responded. This does use events to get the requestId, however, you actually don't have to make a the event yourself, as the Chainlink core code already has this.
it('Should successfully make an external API request and get a result', async () => {
const transaction = await apiConsumer.requestVolumeData()
const tx_receipt = await transaction.wait()
const requestId = tx_receipt.events[0].topics[1]
//wait 30 secs for oracle to callback
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000))
//Now check the result
const result = await apiConsumer.volume()
console.log("API Consumer Volume: ", new web3.utils.BN(result._hex).toString())
expect(new web3.utils.BN(result._hex)).to.be.a.bignumber.that.is.greaterThan(new web3.utils.BN(0))

How to queue requests using react/redux?

I have to pretty weird case to handle.
We have to few boxes, We can call some action on every box. When We click the button inside the box, we call some endpoint on the server (using axios). Response from the server return new updated information (about all boxes, not the only one on which we call the action).
If user click submit button on many boxes really fast, the request call the endpoints one by one. It's sometimes causes errors, because it's calculated on the server in the wrong order (status of group of boxes depends of single box status). I know it's maybe more backend issue, but I have to try fix this on frontend.
Proposal fix:
In my opinion in this case the easiest fix is disable every submit button if any request in progress. This solution unfortunately is very slow, head of the project rejected this proposition.
What we want to goal:
In some way We want to queue the requests without disable every button. Perfect solution for me at this moment:
click first button - call endpoint, request pending on the server.
click second button - button show spinner/loading information without calling endpoint.
server get us response for the first click, only then we really call the second request.
I think something like this is huge antipattern, but I don't set the rules. ;)
I was reading about e.g. redux-observable, but if I don't have to I don't want to use other middleware for redux (now We use redux-thunk). Redux-saga it will be ok, but unfortunately I don't know this tool. I prepare simple codesandbox example (I added timeouts in redux actions for easier testing).
I have only one stupid proposal solution. Creating a array of data needs to send correct request, and inside useEffect checking if the array length is equal to 1. Something like this:
const App = ({ boxActions, inProgress, ended }) => {
const [queue, setQueue] = useState([]);
const handleSubmit = async () => { // this code do not work correctly, only show my what I was thinking about
if (queue.length === 1) {
const [data] = queue;
await boxActions.submit(data.id, data.timeout);
setQueue(queue.filter((item) => item.id !== data.id));
useEffect(() => {
}, [queue])
return (
{config.map((item) => (
handleSubmit={(id, timeout) => setQueue([...queue, {id, timeout}])}
Any ideas?
I agree with your assessment that we ultimately need to make changes on the backend. Any user can mess with the frontend and submit requests in any order they want regardless how you organize it.
I get it though, you're looking to design the happy path on the frontend such that it works with the backend as it is currently.
It's hard to tell without knowing the use-case exactly, but there may generally be some improvements we can make from a UX perspective that will apply whether we make fixes on the backend or not.
Is there an endpoint to send multiple updates to? If so, we could debounce our network call to submit only when there is a delay in user activity.
Does the user need to be aware of order of selection and the impacts thereof? If so, it sounds like we'll need to update frontend to convey this information, which may then expose a natural solution to the situation.
It's fairly simple to create a request queue and execute them serially, but it seems potentially fraught with new challenges.
E.g. If a user clicks 5 checkboxes, and order matters, a failed execution of the second update would mean we would need to stop any further execution of boxes 3 through 5 until update 2 could be completed. We'll also need to figure out how we'll handle timeouts, retries, and backoff. There is some complexity as to how we want to convey all this to the end user.
Let's say we're completely set on going that route, however. In that case, your use of Redux for state management isn't terribly important, nor is the library you use for sending your requests.
As you suggested, we'll just create an in-memory queue of updates to be made and dequeue serially. Each time a user makes an update to a box, we'll push to that queue and attempt to send updates. Our processEvents function will retain state as to whether a request is in motion or not, which it will use to decide whether to take action or not.
Each time a user clicks a box, the event is added to the queue, and we attempt processing. If processing is already ongoing or we have no events to process, we don't take any action. Each time a processing round finishes, we check for further events to process. You'll likely want to hook into this cycle with Redux and fire new actions to indicate event success and update the state and UI for each event processed and so on. It's possible one of the libraries you use offer some feature like this as well.
// Get a better Queue implementation if queue size may get high.
class Queue {
_store = [];
enqueue = (task) => this._store.push(task);
dequeue = () => this._store.shift();
length = () => this._store.length;
export const createSerialProcessor = (asyncProcessingCallback) => {
const updateQueue = new Queue();
const addEvent = (params, callback) => {
updateQueue.enqueue([params, callback]);
const processEvents = (() => {
let isReady = true;
return async () => {
if (isReady && updateQueue.length() > 0) {
const [params, callback] = updateQueue.dequeue();
isReady = false;
await asyncProcessingCallback(params, callback); // retries and all that include
isReady = true;
return {
process: (params, callback) => {
addEvent(params, callback);
Hope this helps.
Edit: I just noticed you included a codesandbox, which is very helpful. I've created a copy of your sandbox with updates made to achieve your end and integrate it with your Redux setup. There are some obvious shortcuts still being taken, like the Queue class, but it should be about what you're looking for: https://codesandbox.io/s/dank-feather-hqtf7?file=/src/lib/createSerialProcessor.js
In case you would like to use redux-saga, you can use the actionChannel effect in combination with the blocking call effect to achieve your goal:
Working fork:
Here is the code for boxSagas.js:
import {actionChannel, call, delay, put, take} from 'redux-saga/effects';
// import axios from 'axios';
import {submitSuccess, submitFailure} from '../actions/boxActions';
import {SUBMIT_REQUEST} from '../types/boxTypes';
function* requestSaga(action) {
try {
// const result = yield axios.get(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos`);
yield delay(action.payload.timeout);
yield put(submitSuccess(action.payload.id));
} catch (error) {
yield put(submitFailure());
export default function* boxSaga() {
const requestChannel = yield actionChannel(SUBMIT_REQUEST); // buffers incoming requests
while (true) {
const action = yield take(requestChannel); // takes a request from queue or waits for one to be added
yield call(requestSaga, action); // starts request saga and _waits_ until it is done
I am using the fact that the box reducer handles the SUBMIT_REQUEST actions immediately (and sets given id as pending), while the actionChannel+call handle them sequentially and so the actions trigger only one http request at a time.
More on action channels here:
Just store the promise from a previous request and wait for it to resolve before initiating the next request. The example below uses a global variable for simplicity - but you can use smth else to preserve state across requests (e.g. extraArgument from thunk middleware).
// boxActions.ts
let submitCall = Promise.resolve();
export const submit = (id, timeout) => async (dispatch) => {
submitCall = submitCall.then(() => axios.get(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos`))
try {
await submitCall;
setTimeout(() => {
return dispatch(submitSuccess(id));
}, timeout);
} catch (error) {
return dispatch(submitFailure());

salesforce Change Data Capture not sending change event

I am using firebase functions to subscribe to change events for opportunity using specified cometD. my handshake all is working but the change is not received at all. i have made sure that in setup Opportunity object is selected. Any advice on what else to check or debug as why nothing is happening?
export const helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest(async(request, response) => {
functions.logger.info("Hello logs!", {structuredData: true});
const data = {
"url": "https://XX.salesforce.com",
"accessToken": "XXX"
await cometd_setup(data)
await cometd.handshake(function (handshake:any) {
if (handshake.successful) {
functions.logger.log("successful opty sending data")
cometd.subscribe('/data/OpportunityChangeEvents', cometd_processdata)
} else {
logger.info('Handshake failed', handshake);
response.send("Hello from Firebase!");
the method that process data is currently simply doing a console log as below
var cometd_processdata = function (server_data:any) {
// Do something more useful with the data
functions.logger.info("got new data:", server_data);
The name of the subscription channel for Change Data Capture (CDC) events on standard objects is /data/<Standard_Object_Name>ChangeEvent. For an Opportunity standard object, the CDC channel is /data/OpportunityChangeEvent (no s on the end)

How to call the same api multiple times in Express Route?

I'm working on a Node app with Express. I'm chaining several http calls to data api's, each dependent on the previous req's responses.
It's all working except the last call. The last call needs to happen multiple times before the page should render.
Searching has turned up excellent examples of how to chain, but not make a call to the same API (or HTTP GET, data endpoint, etc.) with different params each time.
I'm trying to do something like this: Using a generator to call an API multiple times and only resolve when all requests are finished?
var getJSON = (options, fn) => {
.get((req, res) => {
var idArray = [];
var results = [];
.... send params here, (result) => {
//add response to results array
//create var for data nodes containing needed id params for next call
let group = result.groupsList;
//get id key from each group, save to idArray
//use id keys for params of next api call
function dataCallback(myArray){
// number of ID's in myArray determine how many times this API call must be made
myArray.forEach(element => {
.... send params here, (result) => {
// put render in callback so it will render when resolved
}, myRender());
function myRender() {
res.render("index", { data: results, section: 'home'});
I learned the problem with the above code.
You can call functions that are outside of the express route, but you can't have them inside the route.
You can't chain multiple data-dependent calls, not in the route.
Anything inside route.get or route.post should be about the data, paths, renders, etc.
This means either using an async library (which I found useless when trying to build a page from multiple data sources, with data dependent on the previous response), or having an additional js file that you call (from your web page) to get, handle and model your data like here: Using a generator to call an API multiple times and only resolve when all requests are finished You could also potentially put it in your app or index file, before the routes.
(It wasn't obvious to me where that code would go, at first. I tried putting it inside my router.post. Even though the documentation says "Methods", it didn't click for me that routes were methods. I hadn't really done more than very basic routes before, and never looked under the hood.)
I ended up going with a third option. I broke up the various API calls in my screen so that they are only called when the user clicks on something that will need more data, like an accordion or tab switch.
I used an XMLHttpRequest() from my web page to call my own front-end Node server, which then calls the third party API, then the front-end Node server responds with a render of my pug file using the data the API provided. I get html back for my screen to append.
In page:
callFEroutetoapi(_postdata, _route, function (_newdata){
function putData(tData){
var _html = tData;
var _target = document.getElementById('c-playersTab');
applyHTML(_target, _html);
function callFEroutetoapi(data, path, fn){
//url is express route
var url = path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log('data coming into xhr request: ', data);
//xhr methods must be in this strange order or they don't run
xhr.onload = function(oEvent) {
if(xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
//if success then send to callback function
if(xhr.status === 200) {
// ]console.log('server responded: ', xhr.response);
else {
console.log("Something Died");
console.log('xhr status: ', xhr.status);
xhr.onerror = function (){console.log('There was an error.', xhr.status);}
xhr.open("POST", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
It adds an extra layer, but was necessary to show the latest, frequently changing data. It's also reusable which is better for a multiscreen web app. If there were fewer views (completely different screens and co-dependent datasets), a more centralized model.js file mentioned above would work better.

Caching in React

In my react App I have a input element. The search query should be memoized, which means that if the user has previously searched for 'John' and the API has provided me valid results for that query, then next time when the user types 'Joh', there should be suggestion for the user with the previously memoized values(in this case 'John' would be suggested).
I am new to react and am trying caching for the first time.I read a few articles but couldn't implement the desired functionality.
You don't clarify which API you're using nor which stack; the solution would vary somewhat depending on if you are using XHR requests or something over GraphQL.
For an asynchronous XHR request to some backend API, I would do something like the example below.
Query the API for the search term
_queryUserXHR = (searchTxt) => {
type: "GET",
url: url,
data: searchTxt,
success: (data) => {
this.setState({previousQueries: this.state.previousQueries.concat([searchTxt])
You would run this function whenever you want to do the check against your API. If the API can find the search string you query, then insert that data into a local state array variable (previousQueries in my example).
You can either return the data to be inserted from the database if there are unknowns to your view (e.g database id). Above I just insert the searchTxt which is what we send in to the function based on what the user typed in the input-field. The choice is yours here.
Get suggestions for previously searched terms
I would start by adding an input field that runs a function on the onKeyPress event:
<input type="text" onKeyPress={this._getSuggestions} />
then the function would be something like:
_getSuggestions = (e) => {
let inputValue = e.target.value;
let {previousQueries} = this.state;
let results = [];
previousQueries.forEach((q) => {
if (q.toString().indexOf(inputValue)>-1) {
this.setState({suggestions: results});
Then you can output this.state.suggestions somewhere and add behavior there. Perhaps some keyboard navigation or something. There are many different ways to implement how the results are displayed and how you would select one.
Note: I haven't tested the code above
I guess you have somewhere a function that queries the server, such as
const queryServer = function(queryString) {
/* access the server */
The trick would be to memorize this core function only, so that your UI thinks its actually accessing the server.
In javascript it is very easy to implement your own memorization decorator, but you could use existing ones. For example, lru-memoize looks popular on npm. You use it this way:
const memoize = require('lru-memoize')
const queryServer_memoized = memoize(100)(queryServer)
This code keeps in memory the last 100 request results. Next, in your code, you call queryServer_memoized instead of queryServer.
You can create a memoization function:
const memo = (callback) => {
// We will save the key-value pairs in the following variable. It will be our cache storage
const cache = new Map();
return (...args) => {
// The key will be used to identify the different arguments combination. Same arguments means same key
const key = JSON.stringify(args);
// If the cache storage has the key we are looking for, return the previously stored value
if (cache.has(key)) return cache.get(key);
// If the key is new, call the function (in this case fetch)
const value = callback(...args);
// And save the new key-value pair to the cache
cache.set(key, value);
return value;
const memoizedFetch = memo(fetch);
This memo function will act like a key-value cache. If the params (in our case the URL) of the function (fetch) are the same, the function will not be executed. Instead, the previous result will be returned.
So you can just use this memoized version memoizedFetch in your useEffect to make sure network request are not repeated for that particular petition.
For example you can do:
// Place this outside your react element
const memoizedFetchJson = memo((...args) => fetch(...args).then(res => res.json()));
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
}, [pokemon]);
Demo integrated in React
