How do I add an 'onClick' event to a mapped data? - reactjs

{data && => <Cards data={data} key={data._id} />)}
The code checks if there is data and of course if there is, it displays the card component.
I want to add a click event so I could know which of the list of cards retuned in particular is being clicked.
I've done this, it does not work.
{data && => <Cards onClick={click} data={data} key={data._id} />)}
and here is the click function
const click = (e) => {

You have a typo onClick and not onCLick
You can wrap the <Card/> inside a <div> and add onClick to the div or inside the <Card/> component add onClick to the parent component and pass your click function as a prop


is there any way to use reusable component with same button should perform different functionality

I want to make one reusable component name: ABC 5 times in which all ABC component should have different data and i want to add a functionality where 1st and 5th ABC should have true state by default and the remaining 3 should have false and then i want to close and open particular component with an arrow but the problem is that all component are opening and closing instead of the particular one
because you should add functionality as a prop from the parent of the component you are using it in. as in
const CustomButton = ({handleClick, buttonText, otherProps}) => {
return <button onClick={handleClick}>{buttonText}</button>
const App = () => {
return (
<CustomButton buttonText={"SEND"} handleClick={() => {/*fetch something or do something*/}} />
<CustomButton buttonText={"DELETE"} handleClick={() => {/*do another thing*/}} />
<CustomButton buttonText={"DO SOMETHING"} handleClick={() => {/*say hi to your users*/}} />
<CustomButton buttonText={"DO SOMETHING ELSE"} handleClick={() => {/*you can do anything*/}} />
if you need to render buttons according to the data count(example: length of an array) you can use method to render components and use its index to open and close the elements by passing the index as a prop to CustomButton and using the handleClick function as () => {handleClick(index)} and handle the operation in just one function in the parent component.

How to fix this error in react `onClick` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `string` type

I have this codes in react:
const [categoryId, setCategoryId] = useState("");
{, index) => {
const { catName, _id: categoryId } = singleCategory;
return (
className="category-single-div flex-3 center-flex-align-display"
<p className="text-general-small2 category-custom-text">{catName}</p>
<div className="category-icons-div ">
onClick={() => {
<AiFillDelete className="category-icon-edit category-icon-delete" />
I used map to get an array of objects, and I needed their individual _id when a user clicks the edit button. I also want to call another function on the same edit button via onClick. It is working but displays an error.
Warning: Expected onClick listener to be a function, instead got a
value of string type.
I need that _id so as to pass it to a state and have access to it globally within the component at the top level.
Is this workable?
Your problem comes from the FaEdit component.
onClick={(editCategory, id) => { // you need to have onClick as a prop defined inside the FaEdit component
export default function FaEdit({className, onClick, categoryId}){
const handleChange() => {
onClick(true, categoryId)
<div className={className} onClick={() => handleChange()}>Click</div>

Render JSX from material-ui Button onClick

I'm trying to render JSX when a material-ui button is clicked. I'm logging to the console when clicking but cannot see any of the JSX getting rendered.
interface TileProps {
address?: string;
const renderDisplayer = (address: string) => {
console.log('Rendering address', address!);
if (typeof(address) == 'undefined' || address == '') {
return(<div className='error'><li>No address found</li></div>)
return(<AddressDisplayer address={address} />)
const Tile = (props: TileProps) => {
<div className='tile'>
<Button variant='contained' onClick={() => {renderDisplayer(props.address)}}>Display</Button>
export default Tile;
I can see the console.log('Rendering address', address!); running when the button is clicked, but the JSX isn't getting rendered.
Could this be because I'm using React functional components instead of class components?
Your question is somehow unclear for me. If you want to render <div className='error'><li>No address found</li></div> based on typeof(address) == 'undefined' || address == '' condition, there is no need to click on the button and it's better to use conditional rendering. For example:
{!props.address ? (
<div className='error'><li>No address found</li></div>
) : (
<AddressDisplayer address={props.address} />
But if you want to render your address component by clicking on the button, you should define a state and set it true when clicking on the button. Like this:
const [shouldShowAddress, setShouldShowAddress] = useState(false);
{shouldShowAddress && (
{!props.address ? (
<div className="error">
<li>No address found</li>
) : (
<AddressDisplayer address={props.address} />
onClick={() => {
Please read about the Life cycle This not how react work onclick function
renderDisplayer is called and return JSX to onClick event you need to use state here to render the component with ternary oprator renderDisplayer fuction do setState so DOM will update

Reusable Modal Component React Typescript

I have a component which has a button within it, like so -
<Button variant="primary" disabled={checkAccepted} onClick={openModal}>Send</Button>
I would like this button to, when it is active, to open up a modal when clicked. I am unsure how to do this and have been messing around with props but can't seem to figure it out. I also want the modal to be reusable so that any content can be passed in the modal body.I am thinking how do I open up the modal from within my openModal function?
I tried returning it like so -
const openModal = () => {
return (
<ModalBody>*Pass in swappable content here*</ModalBody>
But that doesn't seem to work. I am sure I am missing something.
You can't return components from an event handler. The way to handle events in react is almost always to alter the state of your application which triggers a re-render. In your case you need to keep track of the open state of your modal.
This can be done either in a controlled way (you keep track of the open state yourself and pass it to your <Modal> component as a prop) or in an uncontrolled way (the <Modal> component manages the open state itself). The second approach requires that you provide e.g. an element to render to your Modal component that acts as a trigger:
const MyModal = ({ children, trigger }) => {
const [modal, setModal] = useState(false);
const toggle = () => setModal(!modal);
return (
{React.cloneElement(trigger, { onClick: toggle })}
<Modal isOpen={modal} toggle={toggle}>
Then you can use it like that:
<MyModal trigger={<Button variant="primary">Send</Button>}>
<p>This is the content.</p>
Or you can implement it in a controlled way. This is more flexible as it allows you to render the triggering element anywhere:
const MyModal = ({ children, isOpen, toggle }) => (
<Modal isOpen={isOpen} toggle={toggle}>
Usage Example:
function App() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const toggle = () => setIsOpen(!isOpen);
return (
<div className="App">
<Button variant="primary" onClick={toggle}>
<MyModal isOpen={isOpen} toggle={toggle}>
<p>This is the content.</p>
You should pass the function which triggers the modal to your <Button /> component as prop. Then, in your component, you want to add the onClick event. You can't set an onClick event to the <Button />. It will think of onClick as a prop being passed to <Button />. Within <Button /> you can set the onClick event to an actual <button> element, and use the function which was passed in as a prop on that event.
You can use state to keep track of when the modal button is clicked. Your function can look like: (I am using class based components here, but you can do the same thing with functional components)
buttonClickedHandler = () => {
this.setState({isModalButtonClicked: !this.state.isModalButtonClicked});
Then, you can set the Modal component,
<Modal isShow={this.state.isModalButtonClicked} modalButton={this.buttonClickedHandler}>
<div> ...set contents of modal</div>
<button onClick={this.buttonClickedHandler}>Show Modal</button>
So, within the Modal component, you can have something like this:
<Backdrop showModal={this.props.isShow} clicked={this.props.modalButton}/>
Backdrop is basically the greyed out background. You can also set an onClick event to listen to when the backdrop is clicked.

React - Setting state to target with onClick method

I am trying to recreate a tabs component in React that someone gave me and I am getting stuck while getting the onClick method to identify the target.
These are the snippets of my code that I believe are relevant to the problem.
If I hardcode setState within the method, it sets it appropriately, so the onClick method is running, I am just unsure of how to set the tab I am clicking to be the thing I set the state to.
On my App page:
changeSelected = (event) => {
// event.preventDefault();
<Tabs tabs={this.state.tabs} selectedTab={this.state.selected}
selectTabHandler={() => this.changeSelected}/>
On my Tabs page:
{ => {
return <Tab selectTabHandler={() => props.selectTabHandler()} selectedTab={props.selectedTab} tab={tab} />
On my Tab page:
return (
className={'tab active-tab'}
When I console.log( or console.log( I am receiving "undefined"
There are a few issues causing this to happen. The first issue is that you wouldn't use in the Content component because you aren't reacting to DOM click event directly from an onClick handler as you are in Tab, instead you are handling an event from child component. Also keep in mind that would only be applicable to input or similar HTML elements that have a value property. An element such as <div> or a <span> would not have a value property.
The next issues are that you aren't passing the tab value from Tabs to Content and then from within Content to it's changeSelected() handler for selectTabHandler events.
In addition the onClick syntax in Tab, onClick={props.selectTabHandler(} is not valid, you will not be able to execute the handler coming from props and pass the value. You could instead try something like onClick={() => props.selectTabHandler(}.
Content - need to pass tab value coming from child to changeSelected():
render() {
return (
<div className="content-container">
selectTabHandler={tab => this.changeSelected(tab)}
<Cards cards={this.filterCards()} />
Tabs - need to pass tab coming from child to selectTabHandler():
const Tabs = props => {
return (
<div className="tabs">
<div className="topics">
<span className="title">TRENDING TOPICS:</span>
{ => {
return (
selectTabHandler={tab => props.selectTabHandler(tab)}
export default Tabs;
Also don't forget the unique key property when rendering an array/list of items:
selectTabHandler={tab => props.selectTabHandler(tab)}
Here is a forked CodeSandbox demonstrating the functionality.
