How to fix unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'NoneType' and 'int' - django-models

I have been trying to add the amount to the investment balance, but I don't know why it isn't working. This is where the problem is investment.balance += investment.amount
def create_investment(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
invest_form = InvestmentForm(request.POST)
if invest_form.is_valid():
investment =
investment.balance += investment.amount
messages.success(request, 'your investment is successfull')
messages.success(request, 'your investment is not successfull! Try again.')
invest_form = InvestmentForm()
context = {'invest_form': invest_form}
return render(request, 'create-investment.html', context)
class Investment(models.Model):
amount = models.PositiveIntegerField()
balance = models.PositiveIntegerField()

I think that "" is extra code
Remove it and test again
Also you can do it in a second way
name = form.cleaned_data['name']
number = form.cleaned_date['phone_number']
p = Person(name=name, phone_number=number, date_subscr


Custom Locust User for SageMaker Endpoint Keeps running after time limit is reached

I have been trying to build a SagemakerUser from the base User class in the Locust library. The issue though is when I use it with a timed shape test, when said test ends (you can see a message: Shape test stopping) the load test shrugs it off and continues. Below is the script I have written to this end. My question is how is this behaviour explained?
import pandas as pd
from locust import HttpUser, User, task, TaskSet, events, LoadTestShape
from sagemaker.serializers import JSONSerializer
from sagemaker.session import Session
import sagemaker
import time
import sys
import math
import pdb
df = "some df to load samples from"
endpoint = "sage maker end point name"
class SagemakerClient(sagemaker.predictor.Predictor):
def predictEx(self, data):
start_time = time.time()
start_perf_counter = time.perf_counter()
name = 'predictEx'
result = self.predict(data)
total_time = int((time.perf_counter() - start_perf_counter) * 1000)"sagemaker", name=name, response_time=total_time, exception=sys.exc_info(), response_length=0)
total_time = int((time.perf_counter() - start_perf_counter) * 1000)"sagemaker", name=name, response_time=total_time, response_length=sys.getsizeof(result))
class SagemakerLocust(User):
abstract = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SagemakerLocust, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.client = SagemakerClient(
sagemaker_session = Session(),
endpoint_name = "sagemaker-test",
serializer = JSONSerializer())
class APIUser(SagemakerLocust):
def call(self):
request = df.text.sample(1, weights=df.length).iloc[0]
class StepLoadShape(LoadTestShape):
A step load shape
Keyword arguments:
step_time -- Time between steps
step_load -- User increase amount at each step
spawn_rate -- Users to stop/start per second at every step
time_limit -- Time limit in seconds
step_time = 30#3600
step_load = 1
spawn_rate = 1
time_limit =2#3600*6
def tick(self):
run_time = self.get_run_time()
if run_time > self.time_limit:
return None
current_step = math.floor(run_time / self.step_time) + 1
return (current_step * self.step_load, self.spawn_rate)

how to use initiate function for a cart in Django?

I'm learning Django and I'm trying to make a Cart, which the customer can get and item and add it in his/her order row and then the order will be submitted. so my teacher said use def initiate(customer), and I don't understand how to use it. Can someone please explain it to me? Thank you.
here is the code I'm working on it:
User = get_user_model()
class Customer(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=Product, related_name="User")
phone = models.CharField(max_length=20)
address = models.TextField()
balance = models.IntegerField(default=20000)
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance += amount
def spend(self, amount):
if amount > self.balance:
raise ValueError
self.balance -= amount
class OrderRow(models.Model):
product = models.ManyToManyField(Product)
order = models.ForeignKey('Order', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
amount = models.IntegerField()
class Order(models.Model):
# Status values. DO NOT EDIT
customer = models.ForeignKey('Customer', on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
order_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
total_price = Sum(F('amount') * F('product__price'))
status = models.IntegerField(choices=status_choices)
def initiate(customer):
def add_product(self, product, amount):
Order.status = 1
OrderRow.product = Product.objects.get(
if OrderRow.objects.filter(product=product).exists():
preexisting_order = OrderRow.objects.get(product=product, order=self)
preexisting_order.amount += 1
new_order = OrderRow.objects.create(
You are probably supposed to create a new Order associated with this customer. Something along the following lines:
def initiate(cls, customer):
return cls.objects.create(customer=customer, status=cls.STATUS_SHOPPING)
There are some other issues with your code. You cannot use SET_NULL if the fk is not nullable:
customer = models.ForeignKey('Customer', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=true)
There should not be multiple products per row:
class OrderRow(models.Model):
product = models.ForeignKey(Product) # not many2many!
# ...
Also, your add_product needs quite some fixing:
def add_product(self, product, amount):
self.status = self.STATUS_SHOPPING # the instance is self + use your descriptive variables
# filter only rows in the current order!
if self.orderrow_set.filter(product=product).exists():
# fix naming: this is a row, not an order
preexisting_order_row = self.orderrow_set.get(product=product)
preexisting_order_row.amount += amount # why +1, you are adding amount
new_order_row = OrderRow.objects.create(
) # create saves already

ndb unique key in range

I'm using google app engine and need to have the keys of an entity between 1000 and 2^31. I'm considering 2 ways of doing this:
1) keep a counter of the created keys as detailed here But this requires several datastore read/writes for every key and I'm not sure it is guaranteed to be consistent.
2) generate a random int in my range and check if that key is already in the database. To make it cheap, i'd like a keys_only query, but i can't find a way to do this except saving the key also as a separate field:
Is there a better way to achieve this?
How many writes per second are you expecting in production? Both of your proposals are good, but for our application I decided to go with a sharded counter approach. You can also set the id of an entity before you put it to avoid the query altogether:
then you can look it up:
Id doesn't have to be a string, it can be a number also:
If you decide to go with the sharded counter, here's our production-level code which is darn close what you read in that article ;o) Memcache adds the level of consistency we needed to be able to get the right count.
class GeneralShardedCounterConfig(ndb.Model):
SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE = 'gen-count-{}-{:d}'
num_shards = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=200)
def all_keys(cls, name):
config = cls.get_or_insert(name)
shard_key_strings = [GeneralShardedCounterConfig.SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE.format(name, index)
for index in range(config.num_shards)]
return [ndb.Key(GeneralShardedCounter, shard_key_string)
for shard_key_string in shard_key_strings]
class GeneralShardedCounter(BaseModel):
count = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
def get_count(cls, name):
total = memcache.get(name)
if total is None:
total = 0
all_keys = GeneralShardedCounterConfig.all_keys(name)
for counter in ndb.get_multi(all_keys):
if counter is not None:
total += counter.count
memcache.set(name, total, constants.SHORT_MEMCACHE_TTL)
return total
def increase_shards(cls, name, num_shards):
config = GeneralShardedCounterConfig.get_or_insert(name)
if config.num_shards < num_shards:
config.num_shards = num_shards
def _increment(cls, name, num_shards):
index = random.randint(0, num_shards - 1)
shard_key_string = GeneralShardedCounterConfig.SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE.format(name, index)
counter = cls.get_by_id(shard_key_string)
if counter is None:
counter = cls(id=shard_key_string)
counter.count += 1
# Memcache increment does nothing if the name is not a key in memcache
def increment(cls, name):
config = GeneralShardedCounterConfig.get_or_insert(name)
cls._increment(name, config.num_shards)
def _add(cls, name, value, num_shards):
index = random.randint(0, num_shards - 1)
shard_key_string = GeneralShardedCounterConfig.SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE.format(name, index)
counter = cls.get_by_id(shard_key_string)
if counter is None:
counter = cls(id=shard_key_string)
counter.count += value
# Memcache increment does nothing if the name is not a key in memcache
memcache.incr(name, value)
def add(cls, name, value):
config = GeneralShardedCounterConfig.get_or_insert(name)
cls._add(name, value, config.num_shards)
Example of get_or_insert. Insert 7 unique keys
import webapp2
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from datetime import datetime
import random
import logging
class Examples(ndb.Model):
data = ndb.StringProperty()
modified = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty() # NOT auto_now_add HERE !!
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
count = 0
while count < 7:
random_key = str(random.randrange(1, 9))
dt_created =
example = Examples.get_or_insert(random_key, created=dt_created, data='some data for ' + random_key)
if example.created != dt_created:
logging.warning('Random key %s not unique' % random_key)
count += 1
self.response.write('Keys inserted')
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/', MainHandler)
], debug=True)

'Model is not immutable' TypeError

I am getting this traceback;
--- Trimmed parts ---
File "C:\Users\muhammed\Desktop\gifdatabase\", line 76, in maketransaction
gif.tags = list(set(gif.tags + tags))
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\ext\ndb\", line 2893, in __hash__
raise TypeError('Model is not immutable')
TypeError: Model is not immutable
Here is related parts of my code;
class Gif(ndb.Model):
author = ndb.UserProperty()
#tags = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
tags = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
def get_by_tag(cls,tag_name):
return cls.query(cls.tags == ndb.Key(Tag, tag_name)).fetch()
class Tag(ndb.Model):
gif_count = ndb.IntegerProperty()
class PostGif(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
user = users.get_current_user()
if user is None:
link = self.request.get('gif_link')
tag_names = shlex.split(self.request.get('tags').lower())
def maketransaction():
tags = [Tag.get_or_insert(tag_name) for tag_name in tag_names]
gif = Gif.get_or_insert(link)
if not # first time submission = user
gif.tags = list(set(gif.tags + tags))
for tag in tags:
tag.gif_count += 1
if validate_link(link) and tag_names:
What is the problem with gif.tags = list(set(gif.tags + tags)) line?
You are inserting tags instead of keys, you need to access
tags = [Tag.get_or_insert(tag_name).key .....]
but you can also make this a single network hop like this
futures = [Tag.get_or_insert_async(tag_name) for tag_name in tag_names]
gif = futures.pop().get_result()
tags = [future.get_result() for future in futures]
but that's not really the question just a suggestion ^, for clearer answer with .key is
gif.tags = gif.tags + [tag.key for tag in tags]
# or
gif.tags.extend([tag.key for tag in tags])

Is it better to change the db schema?

I'm building a web app with django. I use postgresql for the db. The app code is getting really messy(my begginer skills being a big factor) and slow, even when I run the app locally.
This is an excerpt of my file:
(NEVER, 'Never'),
(DAILY, 'Daily'),
(WEEKLY, 'Weekly'),
(MONTHLY, 'Monthly'),
...some more...
class Transaction(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
type = models.IntegerField(max_length=1, choices=TYPE_CHOICES) # 0 = 'Income' , 1 = 'Expense'
amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=12, decimal_places=2)
date = models.DateField(
frequency = models.IntegerField(max_length=2, choices=REPEATS_CHOICES)
ends = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
category = models.ForeignKey(Category, related_name='transactions', blank=True, null=True)
account = models.ForeignKey(Account, related_name='transactions')
The problem is with date, frequency and ends. With this info I can know all the dates in which transactions occurs and use it to fill a cashflow table. Doing things this way involves creating a lot of structures(dictionaries, lists and tuples) and iterating them a lot. Maybe there is a very simple way of solving this with the actual schema, but I couldn't realize how.
I think that the app would be easier to code if, at the creation of a transaction, I could save all the dates in the db. I don't know if it's possible or if it's a good idea.
I'm reading a book about google app engine and the datastore's multivalued properties. What do you think about this for solving my problem?.
Edit: I didn't know about the PickleField. I'm now reading about it, maybe I could use it to store all the transaction's datetime objects.
Edit2: This is an excerpt of my cashflow2 view(sorry for the horrible code):
def cashflow2(request, account_name="Initial"):
if account_name == "Initial":
uri = "/cashflow/new_account"
return HttpResponseRedirect(uri)
month_info = {}
cat_info = {}
m_y_list = [] # [(month,year),]
trans = []
min, max = [] , []
account = Account.objects.get(name=account_name, user=request.user)
categories = account.categories.all()
for year in range(2006,2017):
for month in range(1,13):
month_info[(month, year)] = [0, 0, 0]
for cat in categories:
cat_info[(cat, month, year)] = 0
previous_months = 1 # previous months from actual
next_months = 5
dates_list = month_year_list(previous_month, next_months) # Returns [(month,year)] from the requested range
m_y_list = [(date.month, date.year) for date in month_year_list(1,5)]
min, max = dates_list[0], dates_list[-1]
transacs_in_dates = []
txs = account.transactions.order_by('date')
for tx in txs:
monthyear = ()
monthyear = (,
if tx.frequency == 0:
if tx.type == 0:
month_info[monthyear][INCOME] += tx.amount
if tx.category:
cat_info[(tx.category, monthyear[0], monthyear[1])] += tx.amount
month_info[monthyear][EXPENSE] += tx.amount
if tx.category:
cat_info[(tx.category, monthyear[0], monthyear[1])] += tx.amount
if monthyear in lista_m_a:
if tx not in transacs_in_dates:
elif tx.frequency == 4: # frequency = 'Monthly'
months_dif = relativedelta.relativedelta(tx.ends,
if <
months_dif += 1
years_dif = relativedelta.relativedelta(tx.ends,
dif = months_dif + (years_dif*12)
dates_range = dif + 1
for i in range(dates_range):
dt =
if (dt.month, dt.year) in m_y_list:
if tx not in transacs_in_dates:
if tx.type == 0:
month_info[(fch.month,fch.year)][INCOME] += tx.amount
if tx.category:
cat_info[(tx.category, fch.month, fch.year)] += tx.amount
month_info[(fch.month,fch.year)][EXPENSE] += tx.amount
if tx.category:
cat_info[(tx.category, fch.month, fch.year)] += tx.amount
import operator
thelist = []
thelist = sorted((my + tuple(v) for my, v in month_info.iteritems()),
key = operator.itemgetter(1, 0))
thelistlist = []
for atuple in thelist:
for i in range(len(thelistlist)):
if i != 0:
thelistlist[i][4] = thelistlist[i-1][2] - thelistlist[i-1][3] + thelistlist[i-1][4]
list = []
for el in thelistlist:
if (el[0],el[1]) in lista_m_a:
transactions = account.transactions.all()
cats_in_dates_income = []
cats_in_dates_expense = []
for t in transacs_in_dates:
if t.category and t.type == 0:
if t.category not in cats_in_dates_income:
elif t.category and t.type == 1:
if t.category not in cats_in_dates_expense:
cat_infos = []
for k, v in cat_info.items():
cat_infos.append((k[0], k[1], k[2], v))
Depends on how relevant App Engine is here. P.S. If you'd like to store pickled objects as well as JSON objects in the Google Datastore, check out these two code snippets:
Also note that the Google Datastore is a non-relational database, so you might have other trouble refactoring your code to switch to that.
Cheers and good luck!
