I am using the V3d_View::SetProj to change view orientation but i dont't know how to use AIS_ViewCube to do it.
Should i use this method?
aViewCube->HandleClick (aDetectedOwner);
Given there is a Grid using a cell editing plugin is there a way to reference a combobox editor without doing it in a global way ?
I have this working:
this.grid().rowAt(0).cellAt(0).click(); // click to show the combo
ST.comboBox('combobox[itemId=someID]').expand().setValue(1); // this works but looks for the combo globally
BUT I think I should be able to do:
this.grid().gotoComboBox('combobox[itemId=someID]'); // this doesn't work
or something like:
this.window().gotoComboBox('combobox[itemId=someID]'); // this doesn't work either (grid is within a window)
All of the goto() methods ultimately use Ext.ComponentQuery/down() to traverse the component hierarchy to resolve the future's component. If you were to try this yourself apart from the ST API, you'd find that you can't get the instance of the combobox by doing down() on the grid or its parent (e.g, grid.down('combobox[itemId=someId]').
I think a nice feature would be to have some apis in the row/cell futures that would enable specific actions on editors. It's an area we see a lot of questions in, so that would probably be a more robust solution. I'll add a feature request for it.
I need allow or no docking according the content.
For more detail, I use some DocmentPane with some DocumentContent. I want allow the behaviour floatting for the DocumentContent, but i dont want allow DocumentContent change DocumentPane. DocumentPane can only redock on original DocumentPane.
I dont know how process. I dont find drog event to check and accept the content. My DocumentPane is herited class, else i can overwrite some methodes. But DocumentPane dont have virtual Drog method.
Thank for your helps.
How does the user change the columns in a XamDataGrid such that it sets the ColumnSpan and/or RowSpan properties? I know how to do this programatically, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it via the keyboard and mouse at runtime. Are there any options I need to set on the grid in order for this to work?
By default this isn't supported in the XamDataGrid. Doing this programmatically is the only way to achieve this so if you have some mechanism in place to change these programmatically during runtime then you can do it but it's something you'll need to write yourself.
This does sound like a very useful feature though so you should head on over to the Infragistics site and submit a feature request for this.
I have just found this page indicating the support for Silverlight mouse cursors:
Is that it!!! :-| what are they thinking, at least there is stylish looking Eraser!
Is there aany other way to use custom cursors? How efficient/usable would it be to hide the cursor and show a png instead?
Is there a simple way in WPF to create a usercontrol with different modes for display, update or insert a new object?
I'm thinking (coming from a web background) something like a listview control where you can create display templates for the different modes. You can then quickly change the mode, depending what you need to do.
Any links that points me in the right direction is very welcome.
The closest option to what you're thinking would to be to use a DataTemplateSelector. Set ListView.ItemTemplateSelector to an instance of your class, and then based on the current mode of your app you can return the appropriate template for that mode.
You might also consider using the VisualStateManager to create states for your control for each of the modes, and then change the template (or parts of the template) based on the state of the control.