MongoDB nested filters application - arrays

I have data in mongodb with multiple fields, I am trying to filter data on basis of a field named create_date and then trying to fetch totalrecordscount along with further filtering the data. Following is the data structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("62a886a76034628f8028e8dc"),
"create_time" : "18:53:01",
"close_date" : "2022-05-09",
"close_time" : "13:34:43",
"country_code" : "US",
"closed_case" : 1,
"resolution_days" : 8,
"status_code" : "5",
"state_code" : "1",
"issue_resolved_flag" : "Yes",
"incident_created_by" : "09D4A6BB-C51E-EB11-A813-000D3A58F938",
"incident_modified_by" : "A3CBC776-DF3C-E711-810B-E0071B7284D1",
"modifiedon" : "2022-05-09 13:34:46.0",
"row_insertion_dttm" : "2022-06-14 02:58:21.202",
"data_source_category" : "CASE",
"resolution_duration_minutes" : 5060,
"create_date" : "2022-05-01",
"repeat_case_different_issue7_day" : 0,
"repeat_case_same_issue_7day" : 0,
"scr_7day" : 1,
"ocr_7day" : 0,
"csat_status" : "no"
I am able to aggregate the data on basis of create date and fetch the totalrecordscount for a particular date using following command :
{$group:{ _id: {datebasis: "$create_date"},
TotalRecordscount: { $sum: 1 },
The output is: {
"_id" : {
"datebasis" : "2022-06-17"
"TotalRecordscount" : 13254.0
/* 2 */
"_id" : {
"datebasis" : "2022-06-14"
"TotalRecordscount" : 16688.0
/* 3 */
"_id" : {
"datebasis" : "2022-06-09"
"TotalRecordscount" : 15478.0
But my ask is to further group the data to get the number of records on a particular date for fields like "scr_7day" equals to 0 or "resolution_duration_minutes" < 1440.
Can you help me in achieving this?

Assume you solve the date string logic as mentioned in the comment, my answer just focuses on your question.
You can work with $count and $cond operators to calculate the documents by condition.
$group: {
_id: {
datebasis: "$create_date"
TotalRecordscount: {
$sum: 1
scr_7dayIsZero: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: [
then: 1,
else: 0
resolution_duration_minutesLessThan1440: {
$sum: {
$cond: {
if: {
$lt: [
then: 1,
else: 0
Sample Mongo Playground


MongoDB: retrieve only certain properties of a document after matching

I have a MongoDB collection called books.
An example of a document is:
"_id" : ObjectId("62bf10951fecaed4dba275b1"),
"name" : "Library 1",
"positions" : [
"number" : 2,
"nodes" : [
"number" : 2,
"bookId" : "6254674d3711f90bd8e76036"
"number" : 1,
"bookId" : "621e9b5aa7951d0be4516c18"
"number" : 1,
"nodes" : [
"number" : 1,
"bookId" : "6254674d3711f90bd8e76037"
"number" : 3,
"bookId" : "6254674d3711f90bd8e76039"
"number" : 2,
"bookId" : "6254674d3711f90bd8e76035"
I need to run a query that, based on a book ID, returns the name, the positions.number and the positions.node.number.
For example, if I search for the ID 6254674d3711f90bd8e76035, it should return:
_id: ObjectId("62bf10951fecaed4dba275b1"),
name: "Library 1",
positions: {
number: 1,
nodes: {
number: 2
So far, this is what I came out with:
{ $match: { "positions.nodes.bookId": "6254674d3711f90bd8e76035" } },
{ $project: { name: 1, "positions.number": 1, "positions.nodes.number": 1 } }
Unfortunately, this returns every single node. I might need something that says:
"Select name, position.number, position.nodes.number where bookId = 6254674d3711f90bd8e76035"
Any help is appreciated.
$match: {"positions.nodes.books": "6254674d3711f90bd8e76035"}
$unwind: "$positions"
$unwind: "$positions.nodes"
$match: {"positions.nodes.books": "6254674d3711f90bd8e76035"}

Need help in querying mongodb

I have a a few documents that have the following structure. See attached image.
document structure
Each document includes an array of 'FileMeta' objects and each FileMeta object includes an array of 'StatusHistory' objects. I'm trying to get only the FileMetas that contain StatusCode equal to 4 and that the TimeStamp is greater than a certain datetime.
Tried the following query but it only returns the first FileMeta element of each document.
{ "FileMeta": { $elemMatch: { "StatusHistory":{ $elemMatch:{ "StatusCode": 4, "TimeStamp": { $gt: ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:26.542Z")} } } } }} )
What am I doing wrong?
here is the document structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ef84e2ec08abf38b0043ab4"),
"FileMeta" : [
"StatusHistory" : [
"StatusCode" : 0,
"StatusDesc" : "New File",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:00:46.286Z")
"StatusCode" : 2,
"StatusDesc" : "stby",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:20.400Z")
"StatusCode" : 4,
"StatusDesc" : "success",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:26.937Z")
"StatusHistory" : [
"StatusCode" : 0,
"StatusDesc" : "New File",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:00:46.286Z")
"StatusCode" : 2,
"StatusDesc" : "stby",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:20.617Z")
"StatusCode" : 4,
"StatusDesc" : "success",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:26.542Z")
I want to return only the FileMeta objects that include a StatusHistory that match the following conditions: StatusCode = 4 and TimeStamp > SomeDateTime
Sorry for the delay, mate, I've been quite busy lately. Hope you already solved your problem. Anyway, I think that I found the solution.
As you can see on this link, the example shows that by default the $elemMatch operator returns the whole array in case of match on any element.
For instance, consider the following collection:
{ _id: 1, results: [ { product: "abc", score: 10 }, { product: "xyz", score: 5 } ] }
{ _id: 2, results: [ { product: "abc", score: 8 }, { product: "xyz", score: 7 } ] }
{ _id: 3, results: [ { product: "abc", score: 7 }, { product: "xyz", score: 8 } ] }
If you do the following query, for example:
{ results: { $elemMatch: { product: "xyz", score: { $gte: 8 } } } }
The output will be:
{ "_id" : 3, "results" : [ { "product" : "abc", "score" : 7 }, { "product" : "xyz", "score" : 8 } ] }
{ "_id" : 3, "results" : [{ "product" : "xyz", "score" : 8 }]}
That said, if you want to return only the document in the array that matches the specified query, you must use the db.collection.aggregate() function with the $unwind and $match operator.
The query below shall give you what you want.
{"$unwind" : "$FileMeta"},
{"$unwind" : "$FileMeta.StatusHistory"},
"$match" : {
"FileMeta.StatusHistory.StatusCode" : 4,
"FileMeta.StatusHistory.TimeStamp" : {"$gte" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:26.937Z")}
"_id" : ObjectId("5ef84e2ec08abf38b0043ab4"),
"FileMeta" : {
"StatusHistory" : {
"StatusCode" : 4,
"StatusDesc" : "success",
"TimeStamp" : ISODate("2020-06-28T11:02:26.937Z")
One last tip. Consider changing your modeling to something that looks like the unwinded document, and remember that one document should be equivalent to one row in a normal relational database. So avoid storing information that should be on "several rows" on a single document.
Useful links:
The $elemMatch operator.
The $unwind operator.

Querying Arrays in MongoDB

I have a Mongo collection called players and in each document there are two entries called transactions and autographs. Both are arrays with objects inside containing a timestamp.
How can I use this db.collection.count( { timestamp: {$gt: 1585526400000} }) to display how many have been inputed into the db in the last 7 days?
Assuming the following two simplified records are in your database:
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8b8b66c1f8161eeeab762f"),
"transactions" : [
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-04-05T00:25:20.202Z")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-04-02T00:25:20.202Z")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-04-01T00:25:20.202Z")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-01-06T00:25:20.202Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8b9008b29982222cd38888"),
"transactions" : [
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-04-04T00:25:20.202Z")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-02-03T00:25:20.202Z")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-02-01T00:25:20.202Z")
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-02-06T00:25:20.202Z")
Then you can get the count of the array elements which your condition as follows:
$project: {
transactionsCount: {
$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$transactions",
as: "item",
cond: {
$gte: ["$$item.timestamp", ISODate('2020-03-30 00:00:00.000Z')]
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8b8b66c1f8161eeeab762f"),
"transactionsCount" : 3
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8b9008b29982222cd38888"),
"transactionsCount" : 1

Query Mongodb Sum of firsts element of an array of objects

I would like to write a query for summing each field payment of the first object inside an array, for each element of my database.
The schema is the following:
var schema = new Schema({
plate : String,
category : String,
brand : String,
model : String,
sign : String,
tax : [{
date : { type: Date, default: },
payment : { type: Number, default: 0 },
I wrote the following function for my query:
{$unwind: "$tax"},
{$group : {
_id : null ,
tot : { $sum: "$tax.payment"}
But in this way I retrieve the sum of all the payments inside the array tax. My goal is to take only the first, so I tried with $tax.0.payment and using arrayElemAt : [$tax,0] but all my trials gave a tot = 0.
The idea here is pick out the first element of each of payment array field via $arrayElemAt with projection and then group-sum the field $group $sum.
$project: {
firstPayment: {
$arrayElemAt: [
$group: {
_id: null,
PaymentSum: {
$sum: "$firstPayment.payment"
Demo O/P:
"PaymentSum": 11,
"_id": null
{path: "$tax"}
_id: "$_id",
payment: {$first: "$tax.payment"}
{$group: {
_id: null,
total: {$sum: "$payment"}
First I used $unwind on tax, then in the first $group stage I grouped them according to _id,
that way I will get the first payment information from unwinded tax array.
Then I used $sum to add them in the second $group stage.
I tested with this data:
Machine collection docs:
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbf09a4d7912bcbc61ee9e4"),
"tax" : [
"payment" : 10
"payment" : 20
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbf09aad7912bcbc61ee9e5"),
"tax" : [
"payment" : 30
"payment" : 40
"_id" : ObjectId("5dbf09afd7912bcbc61ee9e6"),
"tax" : [
"payment" : 50
"payment" : 60
The result I got is:
{ "_id" : null, "tot" : 90 }
I hope this fulfills your requirements.
Add $arrayElemAt in your aggregate like this..
{$unwind: "$tax"},
{$group : {
_id : null ,
tot : { $sum: { $arrayElemAt : [ "$tax.payment", 0 ]}

Find specific field in an array of embedded documents

I'm trying to find specific element of array in my MongoDB document, but with all my tries query returns all array. How can I get the right object?
My collection's document looks like:
"Achievements": [
"AchievementID": 1,
"AchievementEventID": 0
"AchievementID": 2,
"AchievementEventID": 1
"Buildings": [
"BuildingID": 1,
"BuildingType": "type1"
"BuildingID": 2,
"BuildingType": "type1"
I tried to get only one element of my Achievements array:{'Achievements.AchievementEventID': 0})
I expected to get only element with AchievementEventID equal to 0:
"AchievementID": 1,
"AchievementEventID": 0
But I got whole Achievements array.
How I could get only specific element?
You can use the Aggregation query like in the following example. The sample achive collection has 3 documents:
"_id" : 1,
"Achievements" : [
"AchievementID" : 1,
"AchievementEventID" : 0
"AchievementID" : 2,
"AchievementEventID" : 1
"Buildings" : [
"BuildingID" : 1,
"BuildingType" : "type1"
"BuildingID" : 2,
"BuildingType" : "type1"
"_id" : 2,
"Achievements" : [
"AchievementID" : 2,
"AchievementEventID" : 2
"Buildings" : [
"BuildingID" : 2,
"BuildingType" : "type2"
"_id" : 3,
"Achievements" : [
"AchievementID" : 31,
"AchievementEventID" : 1
"Buildings" : [
"BuildingID" : 3,
"BuildingType" : "type3"
The Query:
db.achive.aggregate( [
{ $project: { Buildings: 0} },
{ $unwind: "$Achievements" },
{ $match: { "Achievements.AchievementEventID": { $eq: 1 } } }
{ "_id" : 1, "Achievements" : { "AchievementID" : 2, "AchievementEventID" : 1 } }
{ "_id" : 3, "Achievements" : { "AchievementID" : 31, "AchievementEventID" : 1 } }
I added the _id field to identify the documents selected.
Updated Query:
db.achive.aggregate( [
{ $unwind: "$Achievements" },
{ $match: { "Achievements.AchievementEventID": { $eq: 1 } } },
{ $project: { AchievementID: "$Achievements.AchievementID", _id: 0} },
{ "AchievementID" : 2 }
{ "AchievementID" : 31 }
You can use $elemMatch for that
{ 'Achievements.AchievementEventID': 0},{Buildings:0, Achievements: {$elemMatch: {AchievementEventID: 0}}}
If the above solution doesn't for you then try the below one:{"Achievements.AchievementEventID": 0}, {Buildings: 0, 'Achievements.$': 1});
You can use aggregate instead of a find like this
