what is label info of Reddit dataset (pytorch geometric) - dataset

I need to work with the torch geometric Reddit dataset
I can load Reddit dataset as follows:
from torch_geometric.datasets import Reddit
path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', 'Reddit')
dataset = Reddit(path)
data = dataset[0]
The node label is the community, or “subreddit”, that a post belongs to.
But label exists as integers from 0 to 40.
I want to know the community(=subreddit) name corresponding to the label number.
I searched but couldn't find it. Please help.


I need to pull the text of an image file name from an array but am only getting "pyimage#" or "tkinter.PhotoImage object at X" as replies

I'm trying to create an array with an assortment of different randomized image files in it to display on a set of buttons in Tkinter. When a given button is clicked I'd like to add the text of that file's name to a new array. Basically, when button with imageX is clicked add "imageX" to a new array.
Unfortunately, I always get a return that isn't the image's filename, or the variable that I've set to correspond to that image, but instead either:
"tkinter.PhotoImage object at X" (where is X is a location like "0x0000020FC894D2E0") if the command is populationbeta.append (population[0])
"pyimage#" (where # is an integer that seems to relate to the number of images in the source file), if I change the command to populationbeta.append (str(population[0]))
I feel like there should be a simple way of doing this and I've tried every work around I can think of but I'm not getting it to work. Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
Here's a shortened/simplified version of the code in question:
master.title("Not working")
a1b1c1 = PhotoImage(file = r"C:/users/jdavis319/documents/bushesoflove/BoLdraw/a1b1c1.png")
a1b1c2 = PhotoImage(file = r"C:/users/jdavis319/documents/bushesoflove/BoLdraw/a1b1c2.png")
a1b1c3 = PhotoImage(file = r"C:/users/jdavis319/documents/bushesoflove/BoLdraw/a1b1c3.png")
a1b2c1 = PhotoImage(file = r"C:/users/jdavis319/documents/bushesoflove/BoLdraw/a1b2c1.png")
a1b2c2 = PhotoImage(file = r"C:/users/jdavis319/documents/bushesoflove/BoLdraw/a1b2c2.png")
population = [a1b1c1, a1b1c2, a1b1c3, a1b2c1, a1b2c2]
populationbeta = []
This gives the result: "[<tkinter.PhotoImage object at 0x000001A419D4F070>]"
This gives the result: "[<tkinter.PhotoImage object at 0x000001A419D4F070>]"
Correct. That shows that you have a list of PhotoImage objects. If you want the filenames you can use .cget('file') on the objects. cget is a common tkinter method for getting the value of a configured option.
filenames = [image.cget('filename') for image in population]
Or, if you don't want to use a list comprehension to create a list of filenames, you can do it on an individual image like so:

Covert a String to an Object which has a variable name

I searched for two hours, here on Stackoverflow and on other forums. But i can't find a solution for my problem. I have to be able to change the properties of an object that has a name that I don't know. Now i try to explain better:
The user drag some files in a form, and i get in a array() all the paths of the dragged files. For each path in files() i add to a panel a usercontrol that is the interface of an uploader. (My application it's kind of an uploader). Good, imagine that the user dragged 4 files, i have 4 different usercontrols, named "Uploader1", "Uploader2", "Uploader3" and "Uploader4". I need to change the text of a label in the uploader1, but i can't write:
Uploader1.LabelExample.Text = "Example"
Becouse it doesn't exist! (Not yet!)
So i tryed this method.
Dim UploadCounter as Integer = 1
Dim CurrentUploader = CType(Panel.Controls("Uploader" & UploaderCounter.ToString), UploadBanner)
CurrentUploader.LabelExample.Text = "Example"
I write the same with DirectCast and TryCast, but nothing.
I try also:
For Each Uploader With{.Name = "Uploader1"} as UploaderControl in Panel.Controls
Uploader.LabelExample.Text = "Example"
I searched everywhere for "convert string to an object in vb.net" but i can't find anything that work! They all return "System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'"
Sorry for my bad bad english, thanks for all that will help me! need really!

How to visualize LabelMe database using Matlab

The LabelMe database can be downloaded from http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~norouzi/research/mlh/data/LabelMe_gist.mat
However, there is another link http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/Release3.0/
The webpage has a toolbox but I could not find any database to download. So, I was wondering if I could use the LabelMe_gist.mat which has the following fields. The field names contins the labels for the images, and img perhaps contains the images. How do I display the training and test images? I tried
im = imread(img)
Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 486)
The filename or url argument must be a string.
Error in imread (line 336)
[filename, fmt_s, extraArgs, msg] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
but surely this is not the way. Please help
load LabelMe_gist.mat;
load('LabelMe_gist.mat', 'img')
Since we had no idea from your post what kind of data this is I went ahead and downloaded it. Turns out, img is a collection of 22019 images that are of size 32x32 (RGB). This is why img is a 32 x 32 x 3 x 22019 variable. Therefore, the i-th image is accessible via imshow(img(:,:,:,i));
Here is an animation of all of them (press Ctrl+C to interrupt):
for iImage = 1:size(img,4)

How can I bind the radius of my Geofire query in AngularFire?

I have a model in angularJS which is bound to firebase $scope.items=$firebase(blah) and I use ng-repeat to iterate through the items.
Every item in firebase has a corresponding geofire location by the key of the item.
How can I update my controller to only include items by a custom radius around the user? I don't want to filter by distance in angular, just ask firebase to only retrieve closer items (say 0.3km around a location). I looked around geoqueries but they have a different purpose and I don't know how to bind them to the model anyway. The user may change the radius and the items list should be updated accordingly, so they need to be bound somehow.
Any suggestion is welcome, but an example would be greatly appreciated as I don't have fluency in this trio of angular/firebase/geofire yet :P
It's difficult to figure out what you need to do without seeing your code. But in general you'll need to query a Firebase ref that contains the Geohash as either the name of the child or the priority.
A good example of such a data structure can be found here: https://publicdata-transit.firebaseio.com/_geofire/i
9mgzcy8ewt:lametro:8637: true
9mgzgvu3hf:lametro:11027: true
9mgzuq55cc:lametro:11003: true
9mue7smpb9:nctd:51117: true
0: 33.737797
1: -118.294708
The actual transit verhicles are under the l node. Each of them has an array contains the location of that vehicle as a longitutude and latitude pair.
The i node is an index that maps each vehicle to a Geohash. You can see that the name of each node is built up as <geohash>:<metroarea>:<vehicleid>.
Since the Geohash is at the start of the name, we can filter on Geohash with a Query:
var ref = new Firebase("https://publicdata-transit.firebaseio.com/_geofire");
var query = ref.child('i').startAt(null, '9mgzgvu3ha').endAt(null, '9mgzgvu3hz');
query.once('child_added', function(snapshot) { console.log(snapshot.name()); });
With this query Firebase will give us all nodes whose name falls within the range. If all is well, this will output the name of one node:
Once you have that node, you can parse the name to extract the vehicleid and then lookup the actual location of the vehicle under l.
Calculating Geohashes based on a location and a range
In the snippet above, I hardcoded the geohash values to use. Normally you'll want to to get all nodes in a certain range around a center. Instead of calculating these yourself, I recommend using the geohashQueries function from GeoFire for that:
var whitehouse = [38.8977, -77.0366];
var rangeInKm = 0.3;
var hashes = geohashQueries(center, radiusInKm*1000);
This outputs a number of Geohash ranges:
You can pass each of these Geohash ranges into a Firebase query:
hashes.forEach(function(hash) {
var query = geoFireRef.child('i').startAt(null, hash[0]).endAt(null, hash[1]);
query.once('child_added', function(snapshot) { log(snapshot.name()); });
I hope this helps you settings things up.
Here is a Fiddle that I created a while ago to experiment with this stuff: http://jsfiddle.net/aF9mN/.

How to store data from SmartGWT ListGrid?

I've been searching for hours but I couldn't find an answer to my question: I've set up a ListGrid similar to the one shown here (Link). Right now I am using a XML-File as data source (default rows) just like in the example. It is also possible to add and delete rows to/from the grid.
Therefore I would like to store every user's data from the grid in a data store (Google Datastore). So I need to read all the rows of the current user as Strings. What would be a good way to do that? I already tried the following, but without success:
ListGrid componentsGrid = new ListGrid();
//First try
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Components: "+ componentsGrid.getResultSet().get(0).getAttribute("componentType"));
//Second try
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Components: "+ componentsGrid.getAllFields());
// Third try
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Components: "+ componentsGrid.getRecords());
Anyone having a hint? Help is greatly appreciated.
If I understand well your requirement you want to read all the rows of the grid and store their data in a db.
I think you can use:
getRecordList() which *Return the underlying data of this DataBoundComponent as a RecordList.
You will be able to iterate inside this list, extract the attribute value you want for every record and store these data in your db.
Or use the getRecords() method as you said and iterate in the array of ListGridRecord obtained.
To iterate through your RecordList you have to transform it to an array, for example with a lot of dummy objects and methods:
RecordList data = MyGrid.getRecordList();
for(Record record : data.toArray()){
MyDataObject obj = new MyDataObject()
