try-except does not work python --version 3.10.5 - python-3.10

try-except thing seems to be broken...
def count_words(filename):
"""Counts aprx lines"""
with open(filename) as f_obj:
contents =
except FileNotFoundError:
msg = "Sorry, the file " + filename + " does not exist."
words = contents.split()
num_words = len(words)
print("The file " + filename + " has about " + str(num_words) +
" words.")


2D array in F Sharp

I have just started learning f# and developed a basic game however, at the moment you specify the cell to play on using a single array. For example to place an X or O on the middle cell, you would type 5 when promoted. I want to change this to accept 1,1
I have listed my source code for the game below
let arrayOfCells = [|" "; " "; " "; " "; " "; " "; " "; " " ;" "|]
let drawGrid()=
Console.Write("\n\n\t\t" + arrayOfCells.[0] + "|" + arrayOfCells.[1]+ "|" + arrayOfCells.[2] + "\n" )
Console.Write("\t\t------ "+ "\n" )
Console.Write("\t\t" + arrayOfCells.[3] + "|" + arrayOfCells.[4]+ "|" + arrayOfCells.[5] + "\n" )
Console.Write("\t\t------ "+ "\n" )
Console.Write("\t\t" + arrayOfCells.[6] + "|" + arrayOfCells.[7]+ "|" + arrayOfCells.[8] + "\n" )
You can create a 2D array in F# using the array2D function, so to initialize the cells, you could use:
let cells =
array2D [
[ " "; " "; " " ]
[ " "; " "; " " ]
[ " "; " "; " " ]
Now you can access elements using cells.[0, 0] and modify the values using:
cells.[1, 1] <- "X"
The indices are from 0 to 2 so if you want to iterate over all cells to draw the grid, you need:
printfn "-------------"
for x in 0 .. 2 do
printf "| "
for y in 0 .. 2 do
printf " %s |" cells.[x,y]
printfn "\n--------------"
This should give you all the information about 2D arrays, so that you can change the data structure in your game - there are other ways to improve this, but that's probably question for the Code Review site.

AutoIt _ArraySort(..) function not sorting correctly

I am working on an AutoIt script that will take in a text file. The text file is made up of a series of test results in groups of 5 lines. This script is to go through the file and output the median score for each group. the score is displayed after the 11th ",". For example with this sample file:
I am expecting median scores of 161.2, 110.5 and 80.2 for groups a, b and c respectively. However, the output result is as follows:
median is = 161.2 ----- sorted array : 100.2 , 160.2 , 161.2 , 300.2 , 301.2
median is = 190.5 ----- sorted array : 110.5 , 170.5 , 190.5 , 87.5 , 89.5
median is = 40.2 ----- sorted array : 190.2 , 20.2 , 40.2 , 80.2 , 90.2
The first group gets sorted correctly but after that the array is no longer being sorted. And this is despite _ArraySort(...) being called directly before the output. Any idea why this could be happening?
The code is as follows:
Func CondenseResults()
$size = 5 ;temporary, variable to be passed on from other function
$gameDetail = ""
$rawResult = "D:\RTG_Benchmark\results\results.txt"
local $openResults = FileOpen("D:\RTG_Benchmark\results\results2.txt", 1)
Local $i = 1
Local $j = 0
Local $spaceCount = 0
Local $score[$size]
Local $runMultiplier[2] ; 0 = previous, 1 = current
Local $subString
$resultLine = FileReadLine($rawResult, $i) ; read line from raw result
$subString = StringSplit($resultLine,",") ; split
If StringLen($resultLine) = 0 Then
$spaceCount += 1
$j = 0
FileWriteLine ( $openResults, "" & #CRLF)
$gameDetail = $subString[1] & $subString[2] & $subString[3] & $subString[4] & $subString[5] & $subString[6] & $subString[7] & $subString[8] & $subString[9] & $subString[10] ; substring 1 - 10
$runMultiplier[1] = $gameDetail
If $i = 1 Then ;
$score[$j] = $subString[11]
If $runMultiplier[1] <> $runMultiplier[0] Then
$j = 0
$score[$j] = $subString[11]
$j += 1
If $j >= $size Then
$j = 0
$score[$j] = $subString[11]
$resultLine = FileReadLine($rawResult, $i+1)
$subString = StringSplit($resultLine,",") ; split
If StringLen($resultLine) = 0 Or $gameDetail <> $subString[1] & $subString[2] & $subString[3] & $subString[4] & $subString[5] & $subString[6] & $subString[7] & $subString[8] & $subString[9] & $subString[10] Then
_ArraySort($score, 0,0,0,0,1)
ConsoleWrite("median is = " & ($score[$size/2] & " ----- sorted array : " & $score[0] & " , " & $score[1] & " , " & $score[2] & " , " & $score[3] & " , " & $score[4]& #CRLF))
$j = 0
$i += 1
$runMultiplier[0] = $runMultiplier[1]
Until $i >=_FileCountLines($rawResult)
$j += 1
$score[$j] = $subString[11]
ConsoleWrite("median is =" & ($score[$size/2] & " ----- sorted array : " & $score[0] & " , " & $score[1] & " , " & $score[2] & " , " & $score[3] & " , " & $score[4]& #CRLF))
Return 0
I found the issue. AutoIt was treating the numbers as strings and was sorting it one digit at a time from left to right.
Number() function took care of this issue.

unzipping a file using 7zip in SSIS

I'm currently using a Process Task to try to unzip a file in SSIS with the following settings:
I'm using this statement:
e "" -o"c:\broinctarget\" -y
I'm actually generating the above statement using:
"e " +"\"" + "" + "\"" + " -o" + "\"" +#[$Package::targetLocation] +"\""+" -y"
Am I doing something that is obviously wrong?
How do I unzip a *.zip file using 7zip in SSIS?
I ran into a similar issue on an SSIS package I wrote. I ended up generating a batch file in a c# script, and just calling that batch file in an execute process task.
I also needed the flexibility to add a password option based on some table parameters.
I realize it's an extra step, and if I were unzipping a ton of files it might matter, but for a For-Each container that is going to hit 5-10 files, its not a big deal - and you can easily read the batch file to see what was run too.
string exe7z = Dts.Variables["s7ZIPPath"].Value.ToString();;
string zipFile = Dts.Variables["sZIPFile"].Value.ToString();
string outPath = Dts.Variables["sFileLocation"].Value.ToString();
string password = Dts.Variables["sZIPPassword"].Value.ToString();
if (password.Length > 0)
password = "-p\"" + password + "\"";
if (!(outPath.EndsWith("\\")))
outPath = outPath + "\\";
string batchFile = outPath + "unzip.bat";
Dts.Variables["sZipBatchFile"].Value = batchFile;
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(batchFile))
writer.Write("\"" + exe7z + "\" e \"" + zipFile + "\" -o\"" + outPath + "\" -y " + password);

Accept parameters from a .Net console app into a Batch file

I am trying to pass parameters from a .Net console app to a batch file. The parameters are not coming into the batch file.
How can I properly set up passing the parameters into the bat file?
Here is the method in the console app that I'm executing.
private static int ProcessBatFile(string ifldr, string ofldr, string iext, string oext, Int16 filewidth, Int16 fileheight, Int16 ctr)
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.FileName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("BatProcessDir") + "imagemagick.bat";
psi.Arguments = "-ifldr=" + ifldr + " -ofldr=" + ofldr + " -iext=" + iext + " -oext=" + oext + " -iwid=" + filewidth + " -ihgt=" + fileheight;
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = psi;
return ctr;
Below, is the code in the bat file I'm trying to execute:
#echo on
echo %ofldr%
echo %ifldr%
echo %iwid%
echo %ihgt%
echo %oext%
echo %iext%
If you pass them as paramters, you can do this in the c# code:
psi.Arguments = ifldr + " " + ofldr + " " + iext + " " + oext + " " + filewidth + " " + fileheight;
and do this in the batch file:
#echo on
set ifldr=%1
set ofldr=%2
set iext=%3
set oext=%4
set iwid=%5
set ihgt=%6
echo %ofldr%
echo %ifldr%
echo %iwid%
echo %ihgt%
echo %oext%
echo %iext%
As an alternative solution, you can also directly modify the environment before executing the batch file using System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable:
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("ifldr", ifldr);
This causes less problems if the parameters may contain spaces.

Unix Awk array not printing values

This is the exact code I am running in my system with sh I don't see any details within nawk block printed or written to the file abc.txt. Only I am here 0 and I am here 1 are printed. Even the printf in nawk is not working. Please help.
processbody() {
nawk '
NR == FNR {
split($0, x, "#")
country_code[x[2]] = x[1]
system(" echo " I am here ">>/tmp/abc.txt")
system(" echo " I am here 1">>/tmp/abc.txt")
if (CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME in country_code) {
value = country_code[CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME]
system(" echo " I am here 2">>/tmp/abc.txt")
} else {
value = "null"
system(" echo " I am here 3">>/tmp/abc.txt")
system(" echo " I am here 4">>/tmp/abc.txt")
print "found " value " for country name " CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME >> "/tmp/standalone.txt"
} ' /tmp/country_codes.config
echo "I am here 5" >> /tmp/abc.txt
# Main program starts here
echo "I am here 0" >> /tmp/abc.txt
And my country_codes.config file:
$ cat country_codes.config
That's some pretty interesting awk code. The problem is that your first condition, the NR == FNR one, is active for each record read from the first file - the country_codes.config file, but the processing action contains next so after it reads a record and splits it and saves it, it goes and reads the next record - not executing the second block of the awk script. At the end, it is done - nothing more to do, so it never prints anything.
This works sanely:
awk '
split($0, x, "#")
country_code[x[2]] = x[1]
if (CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME in country_code) {
value = country_code[CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME]
} else {
value = "null"
print "found " value " for country name " CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME
} ' /tmp/country_codes.config
# Main program starts here
It produces the output:
found IND for country name INDIA
As Hai Vu notes, you can use awk's intrinsic record splitting facilities to simplify life:
awk -F# '
{ country_code[$2] = $1 }
if (CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME in country_code) {
value = country_code[CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME]
} else {
value = "null"
print "found " value " for country name " CITIZEN_COUNTRY_NAME
} ' /tmp/country_codes.config
# Main program starts here
I don't know what you want to accomplish, but let me guess: if country is INDIA, then print the following output:
found IND for country name INDIA
If that is the case, the following code will accomplish that goal:
awk -F# '/INDIA/ {print "found " $1 " for country name " $2 }' /tmp/country_codes.config
The -F# flag tells awk (or nawk) to use # as the field separator.
#user549432 I think that you want one awk script that first reads in the country codes file and builds the associative array, and then reads in the input files (not # delimited) and does a substitution?
if so, let's assume that /tmp/country_codes.config has:
and /tmp/input_file (not # delimited) has:
I am from INDIA
I am from INDIB
I am from CANADA
Then, we can have a nawk script like this:
nawk '
while (getline < "/tmp/country_codes.config")
country_code[x[2]] = x[1]
{ print $1,$2,$3,country_code[$4]}
' /tmp/input_file
The output will be:
I am from IND
I am from IND
I am from CAN
