I have this code but it's removing all reactions on message, but i want to remove reactions by specified user id
channel.messages.fetch('981767936949747722').then(function (message) {
message.reactions.cache.forEach(reaction => reaction.remove())
channel.messages.fetch('981767936949747722').then(function (message) {
message.reactions.cache.forEach(reaction => reaction.user.remove("304541381798658048")) // Replace 304541381798658048 by your user ID
This code should work.
I am working on a Discord bot and I have an embed that shows the names of people who has that role, I want to make it edit that one message everytime the role is assigned or removed. Help would be very appreciated 🙂
You can use the Client#guildMemberUpdate. The event is fired whenever the GuildMember is updated. (This includes: role added, role removed, nickname changes etc.)
Here's a simple example:
client.on("guildMemberUpdate", (oldGuildMember, newGuildMember) => {
if (oldGuildMember.guild.id == "GuildID") { // Checking if the event was fired within the required Guild.
if (!oldGuildMember.roles.cache.equals(newGuildMember.roles.cache)) { // Checking if the roles were changed.
const Channel = client.channels.cache.get("ChannelIUD"); // Getting the channel your MessageEmbed is in.
const Role = oldGuildMember.guild.roles.cache.get("RoleID"); // Getting the Role by ID.
if (!Role || !Channel) return console.error("Invalid role or channel.");
Channel.messages.fetch("MessageID").then(message => { // Getting the MessageEmbed as a Message by ID
const Embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(); // Updating the MessageEmbed.
Embed.addField(`Members of ${Role.name}`, Role.members.size > 0 ? `${Role.members.map(member => member.user.tag).join("; \n")};` : "This role has no members.");
message.edit(Embed).catch(error => console.error("Couldn't edit the message."));
}).catch(error => console.error("Couldn't fetch the message."));
So when bot sends a certain message, it reacts to it too. Now m tryin to check a user who reacted to that reaction has a certain role or not but so far I haven't been able to do so.
bot.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => {
//var member = reaction.message.guild.members.cache.find(member => member.id = user.id);
//if(message.member.roles.cache.some(role => role.name === 'Bronze')) return(message.channel.send("you dont have role."));
if (reaction.message.members.roles.cache.has('729452091168260188')) return(message.channel.send("you have the role"));
else { console.log("you dont have role"); }
You made a mistake in the following line of code:
The Message object has no property members, it should be member:
so I am trying to make a ROSTER command. The command is $roster add/remove #user RANK. This command basically should edit a previous bot's message (roster) and add a user to the roster to the RANK in the command... This is my code so far, but I haven't managed to make the roster message and the editing part of it and the RANK system. If someone could help that would be very amazing!
client.on('message', async message => {
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "roster")) {
if (!message.member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) return message.channel.send('You do not have that permission! :x:').then(message.react(':x:'))
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length + 7).split(/ +/)
let uReply = args[0];
const user = message.mentions.members.first()
if(!uReply) message.channel.send("Please use `add` or `remove`.")
if(uReply === 'add') {
if(!user) return message.channel.send("Please make sure to provide which user you would like to add...")
message.channel.send(`you are adding **${user.displayName}** from the roster.`)
} else if(uReply === 'remove') {
if(!user) return message.channel.send("Please make sure to provide which user you would like to add...")
message.channel.send(`you are removing **${user.displayName}** from the roster.`)
Sounds like the .edit() method is what you want.
Example from the docs:
// Update the content of a message
message.edit('This is my new content!')
.then(msg => console.log(`Updated the content of a message to ${msg.content}`))
To edit your bots previous message, you need to have a reference of the message you want to edit. The returned reference is a promise so do not forget to use await keyword. you can then use .edit() function on the reference to update you msg.
const msgRef = await msg.channel.send("Hello");
When I try
I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'add' of undefined
Is there a specific way to add my guild ID and update their role to that specific server through DM?
My function works within the guild by calling the command, however, through DM it doesn't.
You could do this by using message.author.id to get the user's ID and then using guild.get(guild_ID).members.fetch(user_ID) to access the GuildMember of that user.
You also mentioned that you give users the ability to run that command either in DM or a text channel in your guild.
If that is the case I would suggest adding a check to see if the command is being sent to a text channel or dm channel.
if (message.channel.type === "dm") {
const member = await client.guilds.get(guild_ID).members.fetch(message.author.id);
} else {
Ignore the if statement if you intend on having the command only run from dm.
By using the info given from Syntle and tipakA this is the solution.
if (message.channel.type === "dm") {
client.guilds.get('[SeverId]').members.fetch(message.author.id).then(async () => {
await client.guilds.get('[ServerId]').members.fetch(message.author.id).then((memberid) => {
}).catch((err) => {
I need it so that a bot will send a message and if anyone on the server reacts to that message with a reaction it will give them a role.
I Have already tried multiple times, different code samples which allow reactions anywhere in the guild but i want it specific to one channel.
client.on("messageReactionAdd", (reaction, user) => {
if (user.bot) return;
const member = reaction.message.member
switch (reaction.name) {
case "😎":
member.addRole("597011179545690121").then((res) => {
reaction.message.channel.send(`You've been given the \`${res.name}\` role!`)
case "🕵":
member.addRole("597011179545690121").then((res) => {
reaction.message.channel.send(`You've been given the \`${res.name}\` role!`)
client.on("messageReactionRemove", (reaction, user) => {
if (user.bot) return;
const member = reaction.message.member
switch (reaction.name) {
case "emoji_name_1":
member.removeRole("roleID").then((res) =>
reaction.message.channel.send(`You've been removed from the \`${res.name}\` role!`)
case "emoji_name_2":
member.removeRole("someOtherRole").then((res) => {
reaction.message.channel.send(`You've been removed from the \`${res.name}\` role!`)
I Want the outcome to be that the person reacts with say a smiley face and they get a certain role but they have to react to a certain message sent by the bot in its own dedicated channel same as pre-made bots such as Reaction Roles bot.
First we have to fetch our Message.
let channel_id = "ChanelID of message";
let message_id = "ID of message";
client.on("ready", (reaction, user) => {
client.channels.get(channel_id).fetchMessage(message_id).then(m => {
console.log("Cached reaction message.");
}).catch(e => {
console.error("Error loading message.");
Then we'll check if someone reacted to our message and give them the appropriate Role
client.on("messageReactionAdd", (reaction, user) => {
if(reaction.emoji.id == "EMOJI ID HERE" && reaction.message.id === message_id)
guild.fetchMember(user) // fetch the user that reacted
.then((member) =>
let role = (member.guild.roles.find(role => role.name === "YOUR ROLE NAME HERE"));
.then(() =>
console.log(`Added the role to ${member.displayName}`);
I advise against using this code for multiple Roles at once as that would be rather inefficient.
const member = reaction.message.member
Problem: This is defining member as the GuildMember that sent the message, not the one that added the reaction.
Solution: Use the Guild.member() method, for example...
const member = reaction.message.guild.member(user);
switch (reaction.name) {...}
Problem: name is a not a valid property of a MessageReaction.
Solution: What you're looking for is ReactionEmoji.name, accessed via reaction.emoji.name.
...[the users] have to react to a certain message...
Problem: Your current code isn't checking anything about the message that's been reacted to. Therefore, it's triggered for any reaction.
Solution: Check the message ID to make sure it's the exact one you want. If you'd like to allow reactions on any message within a certain channel, check the message's channel ID.
Consider these examples:
if (reaction.message.id !== "insert message ID here") return;
if (reaction.message.channel.id !== "insert channel ID here") return;
Problem: The messageReactionAdd event is not emitted for reactions on uncached messages.
Solution: Use the raw event to fetch the required information and emit the event yourself, as shown here. Alternatively, use Caltrop's solution and fetch the message when the client is ready via TextChannel.fetchMessage().