Getting unique ID of echo device - alexa

I built alexa smart home skill for my home assistant and need a unique device id that started my skill but can't find a way to do it. As far as I understand it is possible to do this in cutom skill, but can I pass ID, name or something, NOT user ID in smart home skill to allow me to distinguish in lambda function which device triggered my skill?
Thank you for your help.

The music features are the only ones I know of that return a device ID.


Custom Slot for Full Name of User and Linking multiple account in Single alexa skill

I have two queries related to Alexa Skill -
I am using the Account Linking feature, But when I logged in with one account I am unable to login with another account, any idea? for more information on this please refer here
For User Full Name I have created a custom Slot, but unable to fetch Exact Full Name spoken to Echo show device by the user, for example, Use speaks Danny Stone but Alexa device capture it as "Danny", Dannys tone", "Danni" etc.
Any help would be appreciated
For the name, do a two or three slot response pattern on that intent. First name can use Amazon's built in first name slot type. For the other(s), you'll need custom slots with lots of examples.
For unlinking an account, check out this option:
I read your query on the other forum. I would suggest you clear the cache of your Alexa app if you are logging on to your phone. If it does not help then open an incognito browser and disable enable the skill and link the desired account.
Use custom AMAZON.FirstName intent or AMAZON.Person intent for the names. I am not sure that it will be able to recognize some tricky names.

Parental permission message when opening Alexa skill

I'm revisiting a skill I started making a little while ago, and now it's giving me an odd message when I try to open it.
"To use Alexa Adventure Game skill, a parent needs to give permission. To do that, I sent some information to the home screen of your Alexa App."
I assume the problem has something to do with parental permissions and I want to fix it. This skill worked the last time I used it.
This is something which will come up when you've ticked YES to the question "Is this skill directed to or does it target children under the age of 13?" on the Privacy & Compliance page under Distribution. As a result of this, your skill will be considered a "kid skill".
You only have to enable the use of Alexa kid skills on your account once, but the process will differ depending on if you are in the US or elsewhere.
If possible, the most straightforward thing would be to open the Alexa App (or the Alexa website) and follow the steps to enable kid skills. If you haven't configured your skill to display a card, Amazon suggest you can also go directly to their parental consent page to grant the appropriate permissions.
Lastly, one reason why this didn't show up last time you were working on your skill could be that Amazon changed there policy a few months back to now require specific enabling of kid skills.

Alexa skill ki manual input

I am new in Alexa skill kit development
I have already read Tutorials on Alexa Skill Kit
I have to implement Alexa Skill , In which I need to manually send command and want Alexa to speak it.
i.e When user login in system I can fire API as Alexa request and I want Alexa device to Speak that for example "Welcome Have a great day"
Is it Possible ? Or Any other alternatives. ?
Notifications for Alexa skill are in still in beta. You can apply for the access to it by filling up this form here :
If Push Notifications is what you're looking for, then the answer is YES.
Since in the comments you said, "You are not asking for HOW TO DO IT", so I'll just let this link here for your reference.
I think you may want to use proactive events for your skill. They are now commercially available. You will be able to send a notification to your skill and the Amazon device will blink (yellow). However you will still need to say "Alexa check my notifications" to retrieve the actual message
Another idea would be to use "progressive response" feature:
You can fire the interaction to alexa when your API is invoked and send a progressive response. Not really a notification but it might serve you. This way you will not need to ask to check the notifications to Alexa but directly get the voice message in the progressive responses

Creating Alexa Skill Notifications (like quotemaker)

I need help in sending notifications to alexa device of a user (echo, dot, etc.. not the other non amazon alexa devices) from alexa skill i am building. I see quote maker doing it but, how its doing it is a blackbox.
For example if the user ordered some item through my skill (say abc org). I would like to notify user on their alexa devices about the status of order proactively ( eg, item shipped, or item out for deliver today).
Amazon has this already for amazon shopping, but i dont see much information on implementing the same for skills.
I saw quote maker creating a notification for self, but how its doing it is a blackbox
I had the exact same question and am still not 100% sure about the answer.
As best as I can tell, the Notifications API never made it out of developer preview, and instead has been replaced with the Proactive Events API.
Unfortunately, unless your skill needs to send notifications about trash pickup or sports scores, you're probably out of luck. Here is the complete list of all notifications types that are currently supported:
Weather alert
Sports event update
Message reminder
Order status update
Reservation confirmation
Trash collection reminder
Media content availability notification
Social game invitation notification

How to make phone call from custom alexa skill

My intent to call the specified phone number from my own skill.
For example
Me: Alexa, ask <invocation> to find the customer service number
Alexa: Sure, the customer service number is 1800-xxx-xxx-xxx. Would you like to call
Me: Yes
It would be possible to open a phone call from your programmed skill (alexa skill service). But for sure you not just want to start the call but also that the user can speak into alexa? But it's not possible to get the voice from the user.
Amazon Alexa transfers the speech input into text.
Your skill service only get JSON requests from the amazon skill interface with intents and spoken things as text.
So there is no chance to the get the audio track from the alexa user. Also stated in the forum
There is a feature request - you should watch this feature and vote for it.
Or you implement something like a callbackservice that you interconnect users telephone to service customer number. E.g. via an app on the phone - see this
You can make a call using your echo device or using the Alexa app as long as contact is in your list using Alexa Calling. Calling is only supported in U.S., U.K., Canada, and Mexico.
Here is another link to help you setup
