Datatable Plugin for CakePHP 4 - cakephp

I have been upgrading my application from cakephp 3 to cakephp 4. I was using fheider/cakephp-datatables and I have come across ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables where both support cakephp 3.
I am currently looking for a cakephp-datatable plugin which supports cakephp 4.
If anybody has an idea, I would be happy.
Thanks in Advance.

Isn't the built-in pagination is what you are looking for ? you can do advanced dynamic database links with your HTML tables.

I successfully use ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables on CakePHP 4.2.7. It works very well for me.
You might have to play around a bit to get it working correctly. Read some of the issues (open and closed) on the ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables github repository and you can likely get it working.
Good Luck!


how to convert cakephp to windows desktop app

I would like to convert my cakephp application to windows desktop application. I tried several solutions including the plugin cakephp "cakedesktop" and "exeoutput for php" which unfortunately do not work properly. I continue to seek without satisfactory results.
I am then back to you, thank you in advance for the solutions that you will propose to me.
PHP Nightrain
(First link work with cakephp, laravel, Drupal, Wordpress, ...).
Hope it helps

How can create pdf file in cakephp 2.x

I am using "tcpdf" vendor file in cakephp 2.X but it is not looking good view. I want every html tag convert properly in pdf file. Please help.
I have found the a blog for you. its will be help you to find your problem.
Read the following blog
Generating PDFs with CakePHP
You will be find a link for demostration of different PDF file generator.
May be I help you.
I have built my own plugins in the past using MPDF, they worked for years, kinda slow on some environments. Recently, I switched to WkHtmlToPdf and love it. I built my own plugin then a few weeks later realized that one already existed. I would recommend using this plugin by Friends of Cake:
A lot of the contributor for Friends of Cake are also Core CakePHP developers, so its usually very well coded, tested & documented.
This plugin also works with several PDF generation engines, which is a nice touch!
I am using wkhtmltopdf for few years and it's working very good, quality of PDF you can get from a html is very good, I am also using the cakephp for PDF generation.
I am running this command from cakephp controller
shell_exec("/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf < SOURCE_HTML_PATH/URL > < DESTINATION_PDF_PATH> ");
You can install stable version wkhtmltopdf for your linux distribution from this link

Which plugin I should use for db migration for hibernate4?

I am using grails2.3.7 and hibernate4.
However, the default database-migration plugin is not working with hibernate4.
Is there any other plugin that can do the same thing but support hibernate4?
Depending on what functionality you can do without, you may be able to use straight Liquibase in your project. It is fairly simple to setup. You could use the manual or a presentation I gave to get yourself started.
You can always look at the source of the database-migration plugin to give you clues about how to set it up if you get stuck.
The plugin is updated to support hibernate4 now.

cakephp multilingual website

We're planning for a multi language website, Any idea/tricks how can we achieve the same?
Are there some ready made components/plug-ins available in CakePHP like in open source technologies?
Kindly let me know.
Thanks !
CakePHP comes with its own i18n and l11n functions. They work well for my projects and if you don't have any other requirements they should be fine for you too. Have a look at the CakePHP book for more.

EpiWebParts in EpiServer 6

We want to add a web part framework to our EpiServer intranet. I've found this which is probably what we want. However there's no installation instructions for use under EpiServer 6 - can anyone advise on how to get started with using this framework on the current release of EpiServer?
Or you could download the souce code for CMS 6
Have you tried setting it up as you would for EPiServer 5? I can't think of any obvious reasons why it wouldn't work for EPiServer 6 as well.
Here's a post on using web parts with EPiServer
Yes, it should work the same. From CMS 5 to CMS 6 there are no breaking changes. This doesnt mean they are the same and since I am not sure how the one on coderesort works its hard for me to say. As Ted says try setting it up and post any issues you might have here and we can try to help you to the best of our knowledge.
