Drag-and-drop React UI builder? - reactjs

I want to build my own web-based version of MS Paint using React. I have the basic javascript canvas code written and now I want to make a nice gui with a menu bar across the top, and a section on the left to select which tool to use, etc.
Can anyone recommend a drag-and-drop software with pre-made components like button, menu bar etc, to make it easy for me to make a professional-looking user interface? Alternatively, some tips on what my workflow should be like would be much appreciated.

Yes you can use BulderX It will give you the option to create UI by drag and drop and it will generate the code automatically.

A few projects listed on Reddit
Using webiny myself at the moment.


codenameone app with sliding menu

new to codename one, and I'm looking to build a fairly robust app. I've read a lot of codename one documentation and have looked through many of the demos on git. My question is, what is the best way to architect the application?
Here are my basic requirements:
Splash screen
Lock screen (enabled/disabled by user)
Sliding (hamburger) menu
Contents of sliding menu will change based on current 'form'
Application settings
Based on this short list of requirements, would it better to make each different screen a form, and the sliding menu for each a different 'instance', or make a main form that contains the sliding menu (and just change contents of menu based on current screen) and make each different screen a component instead of a form?
Also, I was considering coding it by hand, and not using the gui builder.
Thank you.
I would go with separate forms mostly because of the hassle of updating the side menu for every selection you make. This would also make the general design more flexible.

Silverlight 5 - designing an editor (drag and drop)?

I am currently looking to build a workflow editor in Silverlight that will allow user to drag and drop couple of objects from toolbox and draw them on canvas, connect it with connectors - pretty much like a flow chart designer.
I have gone through Silverlight Toolkit and some other links on the web, but not really sure how would I accomplish this.
Is there any built-in functionality in Silverlight, or do I need to use any external libraries for proper drag and drop?
How good is Silverlight in drawing custom shapes?
For reference, check "SilverDiagram": http://www.silverdiagram.net/Projects/SilverDiagram.aspx
Appreciate some quick & real help in this regard.
1.Is there any built-in functionality in Silverlight, or do I need to use any external libraries for proper drag and drop?
There is no built in functionality to develop drag and drop in Silverlight. It is always better to develop your own. It is not that difficult.
2.How good is Silverlight in drawing custom shapes?
Silverlight is your excellent friend in drawing custom shapes. But you need to adapt your thinking you are coming from conventional way of GUI programming like WinForms.

Winforms - how to create something similar to a master page?

I'm trying to build an app in winforms with something similiar to masterpages in asp.net - a menu on top and when choosing an option from the menu the entire screen on the bottom will change while the menu remains (there are 10-15 screens in the future app, some are quite similar, some are not).
What is the best way of doing this? Should I use different forms for each screen or use a panel or something else?
If I use a panel or something how do I manage to use the designer with so many panels taking space on the screen?
Try with the MDIParent Form's. View the Example
If it is just keeping the same menu and opening/closing parts of the UI you could simply add and remove instances of usercontrols to the main form.
If you need more features such as docking (like Visual Studio) look at this
Another option is to use Form inheritance
Which one to select depends on what you want to reuse and the features you need.
One option would be to make your application an MDI window and then load entire forms, maximized, into the parent window.
Then, you would be able to treat each form as its own self-contained item, since it really would be exactly that.
Is it not an option for you to use WPF? A WPF browser application fits the paradigm you are describing quite well.

How to reuse content with Sencha Touch

I want to build a mobile site in Sencha which showing HTML content on a tablet device, containing many objects/divisions/containers with similar layouts and properties.
Take this example window:
Is there a best practice or recommended way to achieve reusability and DRY for writing those containers in Sencha Touch 2?
What types of objects would you use? Does it make sense to use HTML div objects + CSS?
Also, does it make sense to use Sencha in this case?
Here is how you would achieve that layout using Sencha Touch:
Unfortunately it is pretty hard to explain, but hopefully it makes sense.
I've also created a very simple example of this layout, viewable here: http://www.senchafiddle.com/#jxiA8 (make sure you press Run).
As for which objects/components; they would all be Ext.Containers. Ideally you would use the MVC structure to create custom classes (which would extend Ext.Container) for each of these items.
This is definitely a great use case for Sencha Touch. It is great for creating rich applications like this.
Best approach to render the list of items in the Orange and Yellow containers is probably with a DataView.
Relying on itemTpl to draw each item as per the official documentation of the Ext.dataview.DataView component or using an item renderer, as per the dive into dataview article. (Note that the code in that article may not work as sencha as changed a lot between the different beta versions - #rdougan's associated demo on github may be more recent).
I did expand on the layout code contributed by #rdougan to add an example of how to implement the Reusable dataviews (gist).
That demo code also contains a quickly baked solution for data injection (applyStore and injectStore), so to make it possible to define an "OrangeContainer" once and only once and pass down different data for the "highlighted" and "list" versions of the views at the top and bottom of the screen, respectively. I have no idea whether this is a good or reliable way to do it. I would be interested in feedback on this.

Coded UI Test - get my custom object (WinForms)?

I want to create an automated UI test that will test my syncfusion grid. My problem is that the recorder can't recognize this control (or any syncfusion control). I've searched a lot in the internet but I couldn't find any extension so the recorder will recognize my controls (I'm using WinForms, not WPF!), or at least a way to extend the recorder abilities so syncfusion's controls will be recognized somehow.
Is there any easy way to extend the recorder? Or is there any extension available?
Or maybe can I get the grid object from the WinClient that the recorder generates?
Start your program. Run the Spy++ utility. Type Ctrl+F to start the finder tool and drag the bulls-eye onto your form. Ok, Synchronize and have a look-see at the windows that are visible in the tree. If you see regular Windows Forms controls, like a Button or a Label, but not any of the SyncFusion controls then you've probably found the source of the problem.
Component vendors that try to improve .NET controls typically do so by creating 'window-less' controls. They are not really controls, they don't derive from the Control class and don't have a Handle property. They use the surface of the parent to draw themselves, making them look just like controls. The .NET ToolStripItem classes do this. And this is also the approach WPF uses.
The big advantage is that they render quickly and support all kinds of effects that regular controls can't support, like transparency, rotation and anti-aliased window edges. The big disadvantage is that the kind of tool that you are using suddenly gets noddy and can't find the control back. Because they work by finding the Windows window back on your form, there is no window for them.
This is a hard problem to solve, the 'control' exists only in memory and there's no good way for a tool to find it back. Using Accessibility is about the only other way for such a tool to find a control that I can think of. Which would have to be implemented by the control vendor first, a somewhat obscure feature that gets easily overlooked. You really do need the help of the vendor to find a workaround for this. Shouldn't be a problem, that's why you paid them the big money.
This is Rajadurai from Syncfusion. Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion Products. To make UI Test Automation recognize Syncfusion grids(WinForms), some internal support need to be provided in grid whose implementation is in progress and about to be completed. Please submit an incident through Direct-Trac for any further related inquiries in the following link.
You can also contact us through support#syncfusion.com. We are happy to assist you.
