"Manage Pages" not available as it is greyed out - google-data-studio

The "Manage Pages" option is greyed out from the dropdown. When in view mode, I can see all of the pages and sections that I set up at the beginning, but now I am unable to go in and update this.
It was working fine yesterday and is only affecting one of my dashboards. This issue only occurs in my dashboards, which have all of their tabs as multi-layered sections (no independent dashboard tab is a separate page).
Is there a reason why the option is unavailable?

Note that this is a sporadic issue and only affects certain dashboards (worked in the report and GIF below), though in any case, the method that I've been using as well as the recommended method on the Add pages and report navigation support page is:
Manage report pages
To manage the pages you've added to your reports:
Edit your report.
In the upper left, click "Page X of Y."
Publicly editable Google Data Studio report (embedded Google Analytics data source based on the Tutorial Report) and a GIF to elaborate:

I found that adding a blank "helper" page on a fully independent tab (with no sections) provides a fix for this issue (just hide the blank page so it doesn't look out of place). I believe the "Manage Pages" option ends up getting disabled when the dashboard is built with multi-layered sections for each and every tab.


Can't edit certain pages on DNN site after upgrade to 9.01.01

We recently upgraded one of our client sites to 09.01.01 to address a Telerik vulnerability, and then had to migrate the site from managed.com to Azure due to manage.com's outage. After the upgrade, a couple of pages on the site have been uneditable using the pencil icon in the persona bar, although the rest work fine. We're aware of the workaround of going into content > pages and clicking the pencil icon there, but even then not all of the areas on the page are editable. For example, there's one instance of the HTML module on the homepage where when you click on its pencil and then click "Edit Content," it just displays a pop-up with the text but no WYSIWYG or way to actually edit. Other instances of the HTML module work fine, on other pages and even other areas of the homepage.
What's more bizarre is that we just spun up another Azure VM and created a dev site from a clone of the live site so we could troubleshoot further, and this problem does NOT occur on that site even though it's an exact copy of the live site files and database and both sites are hosted in Azure.
Does anyone have advice on what might be causing this or how to troubleshoot? My original though was to clone the page and start removing modules one by one to see if anything made a difference, but it doesn't actually remove the module when I click delete. I've read about ways to do this directly in the database, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible, especially since we're not seeing the same problem on the cloned site.
Thank you!
Could you please see if any error appearing on the logs folder? You can see the logs here. /Portals/_default/logs/2021.02.01.log.resources? The log file name may differ based on website's logging configuration.
A similar thing can be seen from the Personal bar as well using Admin Logs.

How to hide the Template Gallery on Google Data Studio landing page?

When users navigate to data studio home page https://datastudio.google.com/navigation/reporting it unfortunately shows the 'Template Gallery'? How can we hide this?
Users just want to see their reports.
The templates create noise and confuse users to thinking they are reports built for them. Messy.
If question not appropriate for stackoverflow, can you please suggest a different forum?
The feature is currently not implemented.
Created a Feature Request by using the existing implementation in Google Sheets to demonstrate:
Option to Hide All Templates on Landing Page (like Google Sheets)
Vote on existing features by clicking on the "Star" icon (Top left).

Show entire report in SSRS Report Viewer Web Control?

So I have the SSRS Report Viewer Web control on a WebForm in my project, and it is working as expected now.
Since the print button does not naturally render in browsers other than IE, I've implemented this solution SSRS print button in Chrome and Firefox to give users in those browsers some ability to still print.
However, several of my reports are multi-page reports. It would be useful to show the entirety of the report at one time so the user only has to click the print button one time.
I've looked for a setting in the control, and simply do not see one. As I'm using server reports, it would not be possible to modify the RDL to make the page "larger".
What other approach could I take to display the whole multiple page report at one time?
If I understand correctly, you want the interactive size to show ALL your data, but the normal printed output (via the SSRS button) to use the proper page size.
To do this, you can modify the report's InteractiveSize Height property and set it to zero (0in). You can find this on the report's property page (press F4 to see the property page if not displayed). It is not shown in the normal report properties dialog -- only in the Properties Window.
This will make the interactive report page-less and render all the report data in one go. Assuming its not terribly large, this works well for people annoyed by the paging on the interactive report viewer and who just want to scroll through a data list.

Can't exit Salesforce Development Mode

When I have the Development mode enabled for my profile, and I open a custom VisualForce page, the code-editing window/frame appears on the bottom of the screen.
Problem: for 7-8 months now, this window does not disappear when I am done with the custom VF page and go on to strandard pages. It's just sitting there, and displays the code for the original VF page. In addition to that, it's keeping the custom VF's URL up in the address bar of the browser, which interferes with other VF pages which take a use of the URL data.
I have submitted this as an issue to SF Support, who had pounded on it for months, and did not resolve.
Have you experienced this problem before, or know how to fix?
I've had this problem before and found the Development Mode toolbar at the bottom of pages particularly annoying. It doesn't work with some of the Firefox plugins that I use. So, I turned it off.
To edit a page without Development Mode turned on, go to Setup > Develop > Pages (or Apex Classes for controllers).
If you'd rather keep Development Mode on you may want to try updating your browser, or try using a different browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome).
You can also use the url parameter
in the address of any VF page to temporarily disable the development Mode toolbar.

dotnetnuke: can we create a master page?

Can we create a content managed master page in dotnetnuke?
eg. I want the right pane and bottom pane to be content managed, but to show the same thing across all pages.
What you are describing is essentially what DNN calls a Skin.
A DNN skin is actually just an ASP.NET user control (ascx) that dictates page-wide or site-wide look and feel, which offers developers the same functionality as a Master page, except that it ties into DNN-specific elements and uses some DNN-specific user controls, such as menu/navigation, logo, breadcrumbs, login/user account links, etc.
Now, in order to add the ability to provide content management capabilities site-wide, you specify an area in your skin to place a module (let's say, a Text/HTML module). This area is called a pane. Once you add a module to this pane, in its settings you can tell it to appear on every page. This way, the module can be edited on any page, and its changes will be reflected on all pages automatically.
Check out DNN's site, as it contains a TON of documentation on how to do many common tasks: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Support/Documentation/DownloadableFiles/tabid/478/Default.aspx. Under the Technical Documentation section, you'll want to grab the Skinning document (I believe it's a PDF).
DNN Modules can be set to appear on all pages by checking a checkbox in the module settings. However DNN does not use the concept of a Master Page. It injects modules (user controls) in containers on a single aspx page at runtime.
A Master Page would be a great addition to DotNetNuke you cannot replace content in a single area of the page. The whole page refreshes. For example if you have a menu and you only want the content of what you select to appear in a specific content area without refreshing the rest of the page you have to resort to third party modules that attempt to do that but usually fail. There are 'module wrappers' but all the ones I've tested have issues with modules that allow the user to edit content. Edit screens are usualy different user control files (ascx) that are launched when you edit the module content. Since the page refreshes with the new page you have lost your place. Those module wrappers work fine for static content and some other controls but not for all controls.
IFrames can be used (DNN has one) to trade out content but that doesn't get rid of the probelms mentione above. I'm heavily invested in DNN, running the UCanUse.com web site so this isn't a slam on DNN. I just thought I'd try to answer the quesiton with detail.
