React: I'm not able to access the images folder from pages folder - reactjs

I'm not able to access the images folder. components available in src directly are able to access the images folder but components in the pages folder are not able to access the images folder, tried different paths but not working.
import React from "react";
import TitleImg from "../images/title-text.png";
import eyes from "../images/eyes.png";
const Sad = () => {
return (
<img src={TitleImg} alt="the-sad-guys" />
<img className="w-3/6" src={eyes} alt="eyes" />
export default Sad;

In your example the route is not correct. ../../images/title-text.png must work.
If this doesnt work, try


React not displaying images after deploy

I created a react app and it looked good , until I deployed it. After deployment, i cannot see the images, even if react loads them (i see that in the networking tab on chrome). Also the Content type was set right. Also when i go directly to the miage links, chrome renderes them.
This is the component responsable for showing the images:
import "./../styles/firstPart.css";
import logo from "./../images/croped_down.png";
import background from "./../images/background.jpg";
import PreloadImage from "react-preload-image";
import Navbar from "./../components/navbar";
const FirstPart = () => {
return (
<div className="firstPart">
<div className="mainGradient"></div>
<PreloadImage className="background" src={background} />
<PreloadImage className="logo" src={logo} />
<Navbar />
export default FirstPart;
Image path is relative and works for local. The same won't be working in prod as it takes absolute page. Check the path of image in Developer Console and see if the path is same as existed

Image is not loading while using React

I am trying to build a site using react.js and I was able to render the picture but I am not able to view the picture. I need some help. I am creating a website for a client. I am trying to render the image from Header.jsx. The picture is saved in public/Images/Img1.jpg. I have a component folder which as App.jsx, CreateArea.jsx, Header.jsx, Footer.jsx and Navbar.jsx.
[Error with pic
import React from "react";
import NavbarHeader from "./Navbar";
function Header() {
return (
<h1>SyncTech Solutions- Take your business beyond the four walls. </h1>
<img src = "/Images/Img1.jpg"></img>
export default Header;
You need to use
<img src={`${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/Images/Img1.jpg`} />
for using images from public folder.
process.env.PUBLIC_URL will store your public url... The one which you access with %PUBLIC_URL% in the index.html file.
You could use require or import syntax if your image was inside src folder since it would be processed by webpack then.
But process.env.PUBLIC_URL seems to be the correct option in your case.
Replace your <img> tag with
<Image source={require('./Images/Img1.jpg')} />

Trying to import a JSON file into React but not working

I am trying to import a JSON object from a js file in my React project. I am a newbie to React so please go easy :). I keep getting an error no matter what path I change it to (cannot be found). I've attached a screengrab of the directory structure. I am in the scripts/components folder in the home.js file. Thanks. Data is the object in the JSON file imported from the "server" folder.
import React from 'react';
import data from '../server/data';
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<section id="home">
<div className="content">
// Export out the React Component
module.exports = Home;
You have to go three directories up.
../ takes you to scripts.
../../ takes you to app.
../../../ takes you to the project root.
import data from '../../../server/data';

gatsbyjs, reactjs - why components are rendering twice and images do not appear?

I am new to gatsbyjs and using v2.
I've 3 components - loader, header and layout.
import React from "react"
import Helmet from 'react-helmet'
import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
import Header from "./header"
import Loader from "./loader"
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'
import "./layout.module.css"
const Layout = ({ children }) => (
query SiteTitleQuery {
site {
siteMetadata {
menuLinks {
render={data => (
{ name: 'description', content: 'Sample' },
{ name: 'keywords', content: 'sample, something' },
<Loader />
<Header menuLinks={} siteTitle={} />
export default Layout
In index.js
import React from 'react'
import Layout from "../components/layout"
export default () => (
Every component is being rendered twice as shown in screenshot.
Another issue I am facing with images. All the images are in src/images/ and when I use it as below in header component:
import React from "react"
import { Link } from 'gatsby'
import styles from "./layout.module.css"
const logo = 'src/images/logo.png';
const Header = ({ siteTitle, menuLinks }) => (
<header className={styles.header_area}>
<nav className={`${styles.navbar} navbar-expand-lg ${styles.menu_one} ${styles.menu_four}`}>
<div className="container">
<a className="navbar-brand sticky_logo" href="#">
<img src={logo} alt="logo" />
The image doesn't show up on a page. I checked Source in chrome developer tools and found that images are not being served via webpack.
So, why components render twice and why image doesn't show up ? what am I missing or doing worng here ?
I had the same issue when using the gatsby-plugin-layout plugin. The doc is not really clear, but when using the gatsby-plugin-layout plugin, you don't need to wrap your page between the Layout component. That plugin takes care of this automatically. If you explicitly wrap your JSX between the Layout component, the Layout is rendered twice.
I'm not sure why your page is loading double components, are you coming to the site directly, or from another path?
For your image not showing up, this is why:
Everything in your src folder is meant to be dynamic, meaning it won't be served directly. If you want to include image statically, you can create a public folder in your root directory (at the same level with src folder), and put images in there. Anything in this public folder will be served directly. So for example, you can have this structure:
|-- src
`-- public
`-- images
`-- logo.png
Then in your code, you can include the path like
<img src="/images/logo.png" alt="logo" />
I think for a logo like your use case, this method is sufficient. However, if you always link images like this, you'll be missing out a lot of gatsby's cool feature. For example, gatsby can load your image lazily, or optimize the file size! You can learn more here (gatsby official blog).

getting broken image in React App

I am trying to access an image in a React App. When I run the code I get a broken image icon on web page. I am not sure if I am accessing the right path for the image. The code I have is the following:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class HeaderName extends Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>The AquaStars New Website.</h1>
<img src="./images/picture_swimmers.png" />
export default HeaderName;
The structure of the code is the following
Seems like you are using the wrong path. If I am seeing this correct the code you posted above is from header.js which is in the src folder. Since your images folder is in public you would need to step up one folder then over to public first. The path you would want to use is,
Just note if you plan on creating a production build this path would be different. One suggestion I have used before is if the images must be in the public folder then you can reference them like,
src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/images/picture_swimmers.png'}
I was having the same issue today, my image appeared broken.
When I imported the image first in the component it worked fine, in your case it will look something like the code below.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import image from './images/picture_swimmers.png'
class HeaderName extends Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>The AquaStars New Website.</h1>
<img src={image} />
export default HeaderName;
