How to zoom in on a google data studio line chart - google-data-studio

so this chart represents my p/l during a day! X axis is created using a timestamp column and Y axis is created using a p/l column in google sheets. Now, how do I remove the blank space from 12am to 6pm. This chart represents my p/l during a day when Im trading stocks.! I only trade from 7pm to 10pm hence I don't want every single hour of the day!
I got the desired output by applying a timestamp filter but it could only be used for a specific date! Is there any way to zoom in on the blue part? or any filter to hide specific hours?
I'd grateful if you guys could help!

if you're using Time Series chart, you can go to Style-> find x-axis part-> under Range you can click the dropdown and select Range by Data.
Hope it helps!


SSRS - show missing axis on column chart where there are no values?

I have a column chart in SSRS that looks like the attached. This shows the percentage of calls across the day. I have been asked to also show the hours on the chart where there were zero calls.
I have tried adding this into my dataset in SQL however this turned almost 200 rows into 20000 rows (due to the period of time looked at which can sometimes be years)
I have tried using the lookup function to add a time dimension into my report, and then join the dataset onto this time dimension - I then found out that I can't use SUM in a lookup function so I am a bit stuck. Does anyone have any workarounds for this?
Value expression is "=Sum(Fields!Calls.Value) / Sum(Fields!Calls.Value, "UsageSummary")"
What chart looks like now (wrong)
What chart should look like (with all hours included)
Have you tried clicking on the horizontal axis properties
On the Axis Options update the Interval from Auto to 1

Time Series chart showing dates with intervals filled with dots

I have a datastudio time series chart where the x axis represents the dates in a month which is got from a query and the y axis represents the cpu utilization value for a instance, The break down dimension is the instancename. When I create the time series chart, the x-axis does not display all the datas, it displays dates with 2 days interval which is filled by dots. Is there any way i can fill the dates instead of the dots in a continuous pattern.
As per the given answer below I have updated this question. Now the unnecessary dots have been removed and it displays the dots only for which there is data, but is there any ways that the dates can be continuous for which there is data, ex as per the below chart there is data for all the dates between July8 to July 23 for the particular instance gcp-wsus, but it still displays dates with a 2 day gap interval July8,July11,July14 etc.
Can this gap be filled with dates also? Thanks
In a Time Series Chart, It can be achieved by changing the Missing Data value from the default (Line to Zero) to Linear Interpolation:
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:

representing 2 different metrics with different columns in line chart

I am preparing a datastudio report. The data studio report consists of the following columns below:
As seen in the picture it captures metric data at a particular time.
The date range is set as the end_time
The X axis will represent the end_time column and the breakdown dimension will be InstanceName column and I am preparing to show it as line chart.
There are 2 metrics readops and writeops columns.
I need to represent these 2 metrics as 2 different lines in the same chart so that the read and write operation fluctuations for the instance at a particular time can be easily viewed.
I am not sure on how to represent this on data studio. If it is 1 metrics, i know it is straight forward. I can set instancename as breakdown dimension and end_time as dimension and date range is set to end_time and can represent it. But to represent the 2 metrics as 2 different lines for a particular Instance, with the time range on x axis, i don't know as I am very new to datastudio. I want to do it without drill-down. similar to the picture below which I got from google cloud console which shows ReadBytes the Big Triangle and the smaller one at the bottom in red for WriteBytes
Can anyone help me? Thanks
There are two approaches based on how the the charts need to be displayed:
1) Filter Control
If the aim is to only display 2 lines (2 Metrics):
While allowing the user to select the required InstanceName, then a Filter Control (optionally with a default selection) could be used.
The chart would be set up using:
Dimension: end_time
Metric #1: readops
Metric #2: writeops
Editable Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to expand on the above:
2) Multiple Metrics
If the objective is to display a line for each of the InstanceName values as well as both the Metrics (readops and writeops), then the below approach would be one way.
Currently, when using a Breakdown Dimension, Google Data Studio charts (such as a Time Series chart) support a single metric.
Using the Data Set below, based on the screenshot in the question (Editable Google Sheets):
One approach is to create and use multiple CASE statements at the Data Source; for example:
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(InstanceName, "(dum)") THEN readops
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(InstanceName, "(dum)") THEN writeops
Editable Google Data Studio Data Source and an image to elaborate:
A Chart could then be created with end_time as the Dimension and using the newly created Metrics; Editable Google Data Studio Report and an image to visualise with a Time Series chart:

How to display only few intervals in x-axis while having more data using line jfreechart

I created a linechart using jfreechart and my dataset is as follows...
Date d = s.getUpdateDate();
String date = DATE_FORMAT.format(d);
lineDataset.addValue(s.getCount(), s.getAutomationName(), date);
I got a chart with count values and wrt grouping of date and automationName.
I want to display data for 365 days(which means 365 dates) in X-axis and in that case once the chart is generated i dont want all the dates to be displayed in the X-axis. In that case i need only 12 intervals to be displayed one for each month.
I need the interval to get modified so that all dates should not be displayed in x-axis.
Looking forward for your suggestions :)
Thanks in advance
I have domain axis intervals for all 365 days. It is not possible all of them in the chart. So I wanted to display only few intervals like 1 per month resulting in 12 intervals displaying in domain axis.
I came to know about timeseries chart and it automatically does it based upon chart width.
Thanks moeTi.

Reporting Services Chart - Hard Coded Series

I am developing an SSRS 2008 report which contains a number of simple charts. On the x axis I have the 12 months of this year - Jan 2009 thru December 2009. On the Y is an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 in increments of 10. I am plotting the number of times an issue occurred per month. So January could have a value of 10, February 30, etc. etc.
I would like to have a horizontal line/series that is constant and shows the yearly average for 2008. So, say the average was 30 issues per month in 2008, I would like for that line to be shown in my chart. Basically, I want to draw a straight line across the chart for that value... I can see how to add more complex series, but this seemingly simple task is getting the better of me.
Doe anyone have any idea how this could be accomplished?
Thanks in advance,
[Update] To add some further details, I am already pulling the average for each row in my dataset and have it set up as its own series. However, rather than plotting a line, this approach plots individual points for each month. While this is close to what I want, I need to join the dots so to speak. The chart is of the Error Bar (Range) variety.
Can you use a column / line hybrid chart? If so then add a constant or dynamic target value to the chart:
Design the chart.
On the Data tab in the Chart Properties dialog box, add a new data value (for example, Target).
Set the target value (see the example in Figure 9 on link this uses a constant target value of 100000 across all categories but you can do it dynamically too). Make sure to use an expression starting with = (equals). Otherwise, the value is not interpreted as a numeric value.
See the example on the MS charts page at
Add the yearly average to each row in the underlying the query. Add data series on just that value.
I managed to solve this issue myself.
As I mentioned, I was using an Error Bar graph. Right-clicking on the series of interest, I was able to change the graph type for that particular series - essentially leaving me with a chart with multiple graphs in it...particularly simple if you know where to look - which i did not! Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
