Calendar Ant Design: How to show events with variable dates? - reactjs

I am looking for a way to show events in an Ant Desing Calendar using dateCellRender with the dates from an variable object, like this one:
"id": 1,
"content": "Example",
"date": "01/05/2022",
"horario": [
"id": 2,
"content": "Example",
"date": "08/05/2022",
"horario": [
The normal way to show events is using a switch, like you can see in this CodeSandbox from AntD:
My object comes from the backend and will always change, there is a way to show dynamic events using that object?

Since antd calendar works with moment object, so when you try to render the calendar, you can covert the value of current date to string by using format method of moment object like this:
<Calendar dateCellRender={(value) => {
const stringValue = value.format("DD/MM/yyyy");
return (...);
};} />;
and compare the result of format method with date values in your data, I implemented an example by using of your data example here on codesandbox:
is this what you are looking for?


Best way to handle big dynamic form with stages in React?

I want to make an app where the admins can create "global" forms that other users can fill in. So I need these global forms to be dynamically rendered, and they are kind of big (30+ fields) and are divided in stages (e.g. stage 1 is for personal info, stage 2 is for job skills, etc).
I thought of receiving these "global" forms via JSON, something like this:
"name":"Personal information",
"placeholder":"John Smith",
"name":"Job profile",
"label":"Starting date",
"label":"Ending date",
So I created a component called MasterForm that first gets the empty form in componentDidMount(), like a blueprint. Then, once it is fetched, it tries to get the data entered by the user and put it in the form as the value property. After that, it passes the form down to the Stage component which renders every field as an Input component. That way, MasterForm controls the current stage, and allows the user to navigate among stages, and also fetches the data and fills the form. With all the checks and stuff, my MasterForm component got very big (around 700 lines), and every time I update the value of a field in the form, I update the whole form object in the state, so I think that might be slow. Also, to fill in the form with the user's data, I have to copy every nested object and array inside the form object, to avoid mutating the state, and that's also very messy (a lot of const updatedFields = { ...this.state.form.stage.fields } and stuff).
Are there better ways to do this (preferably without Redux)? How could I decouple this huge MasterForm component? Is there a better way to update the form values (other than updating the whole form every time)? or maybe React is smart and doesn't update the whole state, but just the bit that changed... I'm not sure, I'm new to React.
Look into formik and Yup
Here they are coupled together

How to iterate through a JSON array and display specific information based on an API response value in React?

I'm building a ReactJS web application, I have a JSON array:
"2149166938": {
"name": "Classical-42",
"icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/e6885dab15cafeaf0dbf80f1ff9b5eb8.jpg"
"2149166939": {
"name": "Countess SA/2",
"icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de8906743db9fce201b33802c8498943.jpg"
"2154059444": {
"name": "The Long Goodbye",
"icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/fe07633a2ee87f0c00d5b0c0f3838a7d.jpg"
When I make a call to an API I am returned a value of lets say 2154059444 which is the same value as the last object in my JSON file.
How would I iterate through the JSON file to find the object which has a value of 2154059444 and then access and render it's child values like name or icon?
you can do something like this. Your array is not proper please edit.
Create filtered data :
//here i am addding single dummy point you can make your function
et filteredData = [].concat( => {
return test["2154059444"]
and simply render it app like this .
{ => <div>{}</div>)}
Here is live link
This is simple. JSON is equivalent to Javascript object. So you can do something like result[0]["2154059444"]. You might want to use JSON.parse for converting the JSON string to Javascript object.

angular-schema-form: Add custom html to form fields

I have just started to look into angular-schema-form, so this might be something I've missed in the docs or description.
What I am trying to do is to add an icon next to the label of generated form fields and next to the field itself. Like so:
But out of the box angular-schema-form will generate:
I know I can make my own custom field types, but is that the way to go? That would require me to redefine all field types in a custom variant, because I need these two icons and their functionality on all my form fields.
I was hoping there were an easier way to add this functionality to generated html, and an easy way to add functionality (ng-click function) on them.
Edit: After reading through the docs again, I've figured out that I need to define my own custom field type (
From what I gather, I need to add the following to my modules config block:
I have also added the contents of shared/templates/customInput.tpl.html to $templatesCache.
But when I try to render a form, with a schema like
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"firstName": {
"title": "First name",
"type": "string"
"lastName": {
"title": "Last name",
"type": "custominput"
"age": {
"title": "Age",
"type": "number"
I only see the first field (firstName) and age. The custom type is just ignored.
I have tried to debug my way to the problem, but as far as I can see, the custom field is correctly added to the decorator. I've tried to console.log the schemaFormDecoratorsProvider.decorator() and there I can see my custom field type.
I've also tried to fire off a $scope.$broadcast('schemaFormRedraw') in my controller, but I still only see the built in field types.
As a test, I've tried to define my own decorator, overwriting the default Bootstrap decorator:
schemaFormDecoratorsProvider.defineDecorator('bootstrapDecorator', {
'customType': {template: 'shared/templates/customInput.tpl.html', builder: sfBuilderProvider.stdBuilders},
// The default is special, if the builder can't find a match it uses the default template.
'default': {template: 'shared/templates/customInput.tpl.html', builder: sfBuilderProvider.stdBuilders},
}, []);
I would expect to see all fields to be rendered the same, since I only define a default type and my own custom type. But still, I only see built in types rendered, my custominput is till just ignored.
What am I missing?
I've had this same problem, the problem is that you should not confuse the JSON schema with the form definition.
To render a custom component you have to change the form definition. I.e in your controller your standard form defintion might look something like:
$scope.form = [
type: "submit",
title: "Save"
You'll have to change this to:
$scope.form = [
type: "submit",
title: "Save"

how to use custom fields in line items within commercetools platform

I actually have to add some custom fields to every line item within the commercetools platform.
Line Item Docs =>
There I found this: =>
But apparently the docs for custom-fields are way too less in terms of showing "how to use them". Does somebody has any experience with that? A json example would be wonderful, with a bit more explanation. Thanks in advance.
you can create a custom type for line items using the resource type ID "line-item" or "custom-line-item" ( ) - example:
"key": "myLineItemType",
"name": { "en": "my line item type" },
"resourceTypeIds": ["line-item"],
"fieldDefinitions": [
"en":"my field",
"de":"mein feld"
Then there are 2 ways of using the new custom type and the new field.
You can set the custom type and a value at the time you create a line item using the "addLineItem" Update action on the cart resource - see this JSON example for instance:
"version": 19,
"actions": [{
"action": "addLineItem",
"productId": "9f19f37d-ec10-4ccf-9ff8-e5a295de0c3e",
"variantId": 1,
"quantity": 1
"custom": {
"typeKey": "myLineItemType",
"fields": {
"myField": {
"en":"whats up",
"de":"was ist los"
You can set the custom type of the line item with the "setLineItemCustomType" update action on the cart to make the field available. This can work with existing line items.

Association ExtJs MVC 4.2

ExtJS 4.2 MVC: I have two models ServiceM and CommentsM. ServiceM has association(hasmany) with CommentsM. I DIDNOT forget to add the requires section ServiceM. Proxy is an ajax type defined in the model itself. I also created stores for each. Coming to the view, I have a grid for viewing all the services which are derived on loading the application. itemdblclick event is used to provide a detailed view about the service which is a window extending a form. The form is popullated by the below code:
var ServiceDetailV = Ext.widget('alias name of the service detail view');
I have two questions here.
When using developer tools in google chrome, in the above code I place debugger; at the end. I have highlighted the record, right clicked and evaluated that part. I see the data part and raw part. what is this raw part. It has all the data which the server is giving me(payload), even the nested comments section which is associated with the Service data.
I am able to popullate the fields in the form, but not the list of comments. the list of comments goes into a panel present in the form. How can I popullate the comments section.
JSON data:
"data": [
"id": 1,
"x": "some text",
"q": "some text",
"a": "some text",
"r":"some text",
"comments": [
"id": 87,
"commentDate": "date",
"description": "some text"
"id": 86,
"commentDate": "date",
"description": "some text"
} "total": 1,
"success": true}
Now, how can i access the comments field and poppulate the form with this data?
Please shed some knowledge on Associations ExtJs MVC.
Well, I took a step and got the solution for this. the raw parameter actually has the raw JSON payload. In the controller part I have handled it via a select event.
onSelectIssueShowComments : function(selection,record, index, eOpts) {
I the view part
tpl : [ '<p>Previous Comments: ', '<tpl for="comments">',
'<p>{#}. {description} {commentDate}</p>', '</tpl></p>' ],
setRecord : function(record) {//this record here is record.raw
this.record = record;
if (record) {
} else {
this.update(' ');
So it displays the array of comments in a Panel.
