Add div component to react-multi-select - reactjs

I want to render a Card Item for each dropdown item in my react-multi-select component.
I know there is a way to change the label using the item renderer as shown in Manipulate React Render Properties but is there a way to render a more complicated UI that consists of images and divs?
This is my current code:
onSelect={(selected, item) => {
setValue('test', selected)
onRemove={(selected, item) => {
setValue('test', selected)
{ value: 'chocolate', name: 'Chocolate', id: 1 },
{ value: 'strawberry', name: 'Strawberry', id: 2 },
{ value: 'vanilla', name: 'Vanilla', id: 3 },
The code above gives me a UI of
The data that I want to add in is as below:
const data = [
id: 1,
title: 'Test1',
supply: 1,
owners: 5,
id: 2,
title: 'Test2',
supply: 10,
owners: 50,
id: 3,
title: 'Test3',
supply: 100,
owners: 500.


MUI Textfield does not update State

I have an app which used various inputs which is functioning. For example, I have an initial dataset which is built from an API request, see below:
const [userData, setuserData] = useState([])
const companyuser = useSelector(state=>state.companyuser.currentUser)
useEffect(()=> {
const getUserData = async ()=>{
const companyResponse = await userRequest.get(`companyprofile/findCompany/${companyuser._id}`);
const userInputDataSchema = [
id: 1,
label: "companyTitle",
type: "companyTitle",
placeholder: userData.companyTitle,
id: 2,
label: "surname",
type: "surname",
placeholder: userData.surname
id: 3,
label: "Email",
type: "email",
id: 4,
label: "Position",
type: "position",
placeholder: userData.position
id: 5,
label: "User Image",
type: "image",
placeholder: userData.userImage
id: 6,
label: "Professional Bio",
type: "professionalBio",
placeholder: userData.employees
id: 7,
label: "locationCity",
type: "locationCity",
placeholder: userData.locationCity
id: 8,
label: "locationCountry",
type: "locationCountry",
placeholder: userData.locationCountry
id: 9,
label: "whyWork_1",
type: "whyWork_1",
placeholder: userData.whyWork_1
This data is then mapped across the app, and will update when used. For example:
{ => (
<FormInput className="formInput" key={input.companyTitle}>
{ == 1 ?
<UserInput type={input.type} name="companyTitle" placeholder={input.placeholder}
onChange={handleChange} />
: null}
This is functioning. When I use the MUI larger input textfield, it does not update my state. It will dispaly the placeholder text, but if you type it will not handle it.
What is the reason?
{ => (
{ == 9 ?
label="Diversity & Inclusion at Australia Post"
/> : null}
The reason for this is could be a Mui related misconfiguration in TextField.
defaultValue any The default value. Use when the component is not controlled.
value any The value of the input element, required for a controlled component.
switching from defaultValue to value should do the job.

undefined is not an object when using sectioned multi select react native

I have a piece of code that creates a sectioned multi select component based on
This is my code:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import {I18nManager,View,Text,SafeAreaView,Image,SectionList,TouchableOpacity,TextInput,ScrollView,useWindowDimensions,Linking} from 'react-native';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';
import SectionedMultiSelect from 'react-native-sectioned-multi-select';
export function SellWithUsFirstScreen3(props){
const items = [
name: "Fruits",
id: 0,
children: [{
name: "Apple",
id: 10,
name: "Strawberry",
id: 17,
name: "Pineapple",
id: 13,
name: "Banana",
id: 14,
name: "Watermelon",
id: 15,
name: "Kiwi fruit",
id: 16,
name: "Gems",
id: 1,
children: [{
name: "Quartz",
id: 20,
name: "Zircon",
id: 21,
name: "Sapphire",
id: 22,
name: "Topaz",
id: 23,
name: "Plants",
id: 2,
children: [{
name: "Mother In Law\'s Tongue",
id: 30,
name: "Yucca",
id: 31,
name: "Monsteria",
id: 32,
name: "Palm",
id: 33,
const [selectedItems,setselectedItems] = useState([]);
onSelectedItemsChange = (theitem) => {
setselectedItems(prevState => [...prevState, theitem]);
return (
<SafeAreaView style={{flex:1,backgroundColor:'white'}}>
<View style={styles.container}>
selectToggleIconComponent={<Icon name='folder' />}
dropDownToggleIconUpComponent={<Icon name='chevron-up' />}
dropDownToggleIconDownComponent={<Icon name='chevron-down' />}
selectedIconComponent={<Icon name='heart' />}
selectText='Choose some things...'
I get this error:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'item[subKey]').
I tried several code changes but I still can't get the same result as the original author video images.
Any help please?
I think your problem is that you need double quotation marks around the strings so uniqueKey="children" for each of them. Also there is no this. so you must make onSelectedItemsChange={this.onSelectedItemsChange} into onSelectedItemsChange={onSelectedItemsChange}

Modifying select for product variation in React Js

In a small ecommerce project (sourcing data from WooCommerce) in ReactJs i have a variable product
Besides all the product data i got two array object representing the product variations, one contains all the available attribute and options:
nodes: Array(3)
id: "d2VpZ2h0OjMxOldlaWdodA=="
name: "Weight"
options: Array(2)
0: "250gr"
1: "500gr"
position: 0
variation: true
visible: true
id: "cm9hc3Q6MzE6Um9hc3Q="
name: "Roast"
options: Array(3)
0: "Light"
1: "Medium"
2: "Dark"
position: 1
variation: true
visible: true
id: "cGFja2FnaW5nOjMxOlBhY2thZ2luZw=="
name: "Packaging"
options: Array(2)
0: "Card"
1: "Tin"
position: 2
variation: true
visible: true
I save this one in a state and use it to build the select (3 select in this case)
then i have an array of object which contans all the available combinations, with price, id and so on:
nodes: Array(5)
nodes: Array(3)
0: {id: "NDB8fHdlaWdodHx8MjUwZ3I=", name: "weight", value: "250gr"}
1: {id: "NDB8fHJvYXN0fHxNZWRpdW0=", name: "roast", value: "Medium"}
2: {id: "NDB8fHBhY2thZ2luZ3x8Q2FyZA==", name: "packaging", value: "Card"}
id: "cHJvZHVjdF92YXJpYXRpb246NDA="
price: "€7,00"
variationId: 40
nodes: Array(3)
0: {id: "Mzh8fHdlaWdodHx8NTAwZ3I=", name: "weight", value: "500gr"}
1: {id: "Mzh8fHJvYXN0fHxEYXJr", name: "roast", value: "Dark"}
2: {id: "Mzh8fHBhY2thZ2luZ3x8VGlu", name: "packaging", value: "Tin"}
length: 3
id: "cHJvZHVjdF92YXJpYXRpb246Mzg="
price: "€12,00"
variationId: 38
nodes: Array(3)
0: {id: "Mzd8fHdlaWdodHx8NTAwZ3I=", name: "weight", value: "500gr"}
1: {id: "Mzd8fHJvYXN0fHxNZWRpdW0=", name: "roast", value: "Medium"}
2: {id: "Mzd8fHBhY2thZ2luZ3x8VGlu", name: "packaging", value: "Tin"}
length: 3
id: "cHJvZHVjdF92YXJpYXRpb246Mzc="
price: "€12,00"
variationId: 37
nodes: Array(3)
0: {id: "MzZ8fHdlaWdodHx8NTAwZ3I=", name: "weight", value: "500gr"}
1: {id: "MzZ8fHJvYXN0fHxMaWdodA==", name: "roast", value: "Light"}
2: {id: "MzZ8fHBhY2thZ2luZ3x8VGlu", name: "packaging", value: "Tin"}
id: "cHJvZHVjdF92YXJpYXRpb246MzY="
price: "€12,00"
variationId: 36
nodes: Array(3)
0: {id: "MzR8fHdlaWdodHx8MjUwZ3I=", name: "weight", value: "250gr"}
1: {id: "MzR8fHJvYXN0fHxMaWdodA==", name: "roast", value: "Light"}
2: {id: "MzR8fHBhY2thZ2luZ3x8Q2FyZA==", name: "packaging", value: "Card"}
length: 3
id: "cHJvZHVjdF92YXJpYXRpb246MzQ="
price: "€7,00"
variationId: 34
Basically, when i select something on any select, the other select shoould filter based on the avaialble variations: if i select 250gr as weight, the Dark Roast and the Tin Packaging sould be removed from their select since they arent combinable with 250gr; if i switch back to 500gr (or to "no option selected") they should reappear in the same place as they were before.
on the basic WooCommerce product page it already works this way (you can check its behaviour here: but replicating it in ReactJs its harder than i was thinking.
At the moment im stuck on loop that generate the select with an empty onChange handler:
const [attr, setAttr] = useState(product.attributes);
{, l) => {
return (
<div key={l}>
<option>Select option</option>
{, o) => {
return (
<option key={o} value={option}>
Any suggetion/help on how to go on from here?
here is my solution.
import { useState } from "react";
import { filterVariations, formatVariations } from "./helpers";
export function useVariations(product) {
const [state, setState] = useState({});
const filteredVariations = filterVariations(
const formatedVariations = formatVariations(
return [formatedVariations, state, setState];
export function filterVariations(variations, state) {
if (Object.keys(state).length === 0) {
return variations;
return Object.keys(state)?.reduce((accStateVars, currStateVar) => {
return accStateVars.reduce((accVars, currVar) => {
const filteredAttrsByName = currVar?.attributes?.nodes?.filter(
(attr) => currStateVar === attr?.name,
const withSelected = currVar?.attributes?.nodes?.findIndex(
(attr) => attr?.attributeId === state?.[currStateVar]?.value,
return [
attributes: {
withSelected >= 0
? currVar?.attributes?.nodes
: filteredAttrsByName,
}, []);
}, variations);
export function formatVariations(filteredVariations, variations) {
const defaultSelects = variations?.reduce(
(accVars, currVar) => ({
(accAttrs, currAttr) => ({ ...accAttrs, []: {} }),
return filteredVariations.reduce((accVars, currVar) => {
const filteredAttrs = currVar?.attributes?.nodes?.reduce(
(accAttrs, currAttr) => {
const exists =
0 <=
(option) => option.value === currAttr.attributeId,
return {
[]: {
placeholder: currAttr.label,
options: exists
? accVars[]?.options || []
: [
...(accVars[]?.options || []),
{ label: currAttr.value, value: currAttr.attributeId },
return { ...accVars, ...filteredAttrs };
}, defaultSelects);
import "./styles.css";
import Select from "react-select";
import { useVariations } from "./hooks";
const product = {
variations: {
nodes: [
attributes: {
nodes: [
name: "pa_size",
attributeId: 254,
id: "NTY5MHx8cGFfc2l6ZXx8MTItc3BlYWtlcg==",
label: "Size",
value: '12" Speaker',
name: "pa_color",
attributeId: 304,
id: "NTY5MHx8cGFfY29sb3J8fGdyYXBoaXRl",
label: "Color",
value: "Graphite",
name: "pa_flavor",
attributeId: 320,
id: "NTY5MHx8cGFfZmxhdm9yfHxnb2xk",
label: "Flavor",
value: "Gold",
name: "pa_pallet",
attributeId: 336,
id: "NTY5MHx8cGFfcGFsbGV0fHxncmVlbg==",
label: "Pallet",
value: "Green",
attributes: {
nodes: [
name: "pa_size",
attributeId: 255,
id: "NTY4Nnx8cGFfc2l6ZXx8MTAtc3BlYWtlcg==",
label: "Size",
value: '10" Speaker',
name: "pa_color",
attributeId: 67,
id: "NTY4Nnx8cGFfY29sb3J8fGJlaWdl",
label: "Color",
value: "Beige",
name: "pa_flavor",
attributeId: 320,
id: "NTY4Nnx8cGFfZmxhdm9yfHxnb2xk",
label: "Flavor",
value: "Gold",
name: "pa_pallet",
attributeId: 337,
id: "NTY4Nnx8cGFfcGFsbGV0fHxwZWFjaA==",
label: "Pallet",
value: "Peach",
attributes: {
nodes: [
name: "pa_size",
attributeId: 255,
id: "NTY4N3x8cGFfc2l6ZXx8MTAtc3BlYWtlcg==",
label: "Size",
value: '10" Speaker',
name: "pa_color",
attributeId: 439,
id: "NTY4N3x8cGFfY29sb3J8fGZhdGFsLWFwcGxl",
label: "Color",
value: "Fatal Apple",
name: "pa_flavor",
attributeId: 319,
id: "NTY4N3x8cGFfZmxhdm9yfHx2YW5pbGxh",
label: "Flavor",
value: "Vanilla",
name: "pa_pallet",
attributeId: 336,
id: "NTY4N3x8cGFfcGFsbGV0fHxncmVlbg==",
label: "Pallet",
value: "Green",
attributes: {
nodes: [
name: "pa_size",
attributeId: 254,
id: "NTY4OHx8cGFfc2l6ZXx8MTItc3BlYWtlcg==",
label: "Size",
value: '12" Speaker',
name: "pa_color",
attributeId: 67,
id: "NTY4OHx8cGFfY29sb3J8fGJlaWdl",
label: "Color",
value: "Beige",
name: "pa_flavor",
attributeId: 320,
id: "NTY4OHx8cGFfZmxhdm9yfHxnb2xk",
label: "Flavor",
value: "Gold",
name: "pa_pallet",
attributeId: 337,
id: "NTY4OHx8cGFfcGFsbGV0fHxwZWFjaA==",
label: "Pallet",
value: "Peach",
attributes: {
nodes: [
name: "pa_size",
attributeId: 254,
id: "NTY4OXx8cGFfc2l6ZXx8MTItc3BlYWtlcg==",
label: "Size",
value: '12" Speaker',
name: "pa_color",
attributeId: 436,
id: "NTY4OXx8cGFfY29sb3J8fGJlbGdyYXZlcw==",
label: "Color",
value: "Belgraves",
name: "pa_flavor",
attributeId: 319,
id: "NTY4OXx8cGFfZmxhdm9yfHx2YW5pbGxh",
label: "Flavor",
value: "Vanilla",
name: "pa_pallet",
attributeId: 336,
id: "NTY4OXx8cGFfcGFsbGV0fHxncmVlbg==",
label: "Pallet",
value: "Green",
export default function App() {
const [selects, state, setState] = useVariations(product);
function onChange(select, value) {
const newState = {
[select]: { ...value, name: select },
if (!value) {
delete newState[select];
return (
<div className="App">
{Object.keys(selects).map((select) => (
// value={state[select]}
onChange={(o) => onChange(select, o)}

React component only rendering one item in my object

So I have a react component set up to map through all the items in my array to display them on the page. I'm importing my component onto my homepage and passing the object as a prop from the imported component. However, when I load the page, only one item from the object is being rendered. I'm not entirely sure if I'm passing my object correctly. Any help would be appreciated! Code is below.
This is my Modal component. I'm mapping through the listGroupArray that has a spread operator with my data that is being passed from the home page.
export default function ModalButton({ setData, title, arrayData, dataTitle }) {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const [button, setButton] = useState("Choose...")
const handleClose = () => setShow(false);
const handleShow = () => setShow(true);
const listGroupArray = [{...arrayData}]
const changeButton = e => setButton(e)
return (
<h5 className="inputFont text-center">{title}</h5>
<Button style={{ backgroundColor: "black", opacity: "1", color: "white", borderColor: "red" }} variant="primary" className="w-100 mb-4 inputFont" onClick={handleShow}>
<Modal show={show} onHide={handleClose}>
<Modal.Header closeButton className="modal-bg inputFont">
<Modal.Body className="modal-bg">
{ => (
<ListGroup.Item key={} className="modal-bg">
backgroundColor: "black",
opacity: ".8",
color: "white",
borderColor: "red",
className="inputFont w-100"
onClick={(e) => {
This is my homepage where I'm passing the array data as an object. I'm pretty sure this is where I'm going wrong. When I load the page, the component should render all the data in the object, however it's only rendering the last data, Classics.
<Modal title="Genre"
dataTitle="Pick A Genre"
id: 1,
name: "Action and Adventure",
value: "10673,10702,11804,11828,1192487,1365,1568,2125,2653,43040,43048,4344,46576,7442,75418,76501,77232,788212,801362,899,9584"
id: 2,
name: "Musicals",
value: "13335,13573,32392,52852,55774,59433,84488,88635"
id: 3,
name: "Sci-Fi",
value: "1492,108533,11014,1372,1568,1694,2595,2729,3327,3916,47147,4734,49110,50232,52780,52849,5903,6000,6926,852491"
id: 4,
name: "Fantasy",
value: "9744"
{ id: 5,
name: "Thrillers",
value: "10306,10499,10504,10719,11014,11140,1138506,1321,1774,3269,43048,46588,5505,58798,65558,6867,75390,78507,799,852488,8933,98911,9147,972"
id: 6,
name: "Anime",
value: "10695,11146,2653,2729,3063,413820,452,6721,9302,7424"
id: 7,
name: "Children and Family",
value: "10056,27480,27950,28034,28083,28233,48586,5455,561,6218,6796,6962,78120,89513,783"
id: 8,
name: "Comedies",
value: "1009,10256,10375,105,10778,11559,11755,1208951,1333288,1402,1747,17648,2030,2700,31694,3300,34157,3519,3996,4058,4195,43040,4426,4906,52104,52140,52847,5286,5475,5610,56174,58905,59169,61132,61330,6197,63092,63115,6548,711366,7120,72407,7539,77599,77907,78163,78655,79871,7992,852492,869,89585,9302,9434,9702,9736"
id: 9,
name: "Documentaries",
value: "10005,10105,10599,1159,15456,180,2595,2616,2760,28269,3652,3675,4006,4720,48768,49110,49547,50232,5161,5349,55087,56178,58710,60026,6839,7018,72384,77245,852494,90361,9875"
id: 10,
name: "Dramas",
value: "11,11075,11714,1208954,1255,12995,13158,2150,25955,26009,2696,2748,2757,2893,29809,3179,31901,34204,3653,3682,384,3916,3947,4282,4425,452,4961,500,5012,52148,52904,56169,58755,58796,59064,6206,62235,6616,6763,68699,6889,711367,71591,71591,72354,7243,7539,75459,76507,78628,852493,89804,9299,9847,9873,5763"
id: 11,
name: "Sports",
value: "180,25788,4370,5286,7243,9327"
id: 12,
name: "Horror",
value: "10695,10944,1694,42023,45028,48303,61546,75405,75804,75930,8195,83059,8711,89585"
id: 13,
name: "Romance",
value: "29281,36103,502675"
id: 14,
name: "Classics",
value: "10032,11093,13158,29809,2994,31273,31574,31694,32392,46553,46560,46576,46588,47147,47465,48303,48586,48744,76186"
screenshot of the homepage
This image shows the component only rendering one data item which is Classics. Any advice on how to get all data rendered would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The error is in how you referenced the arrayData and the problematic curly brackets you used on an array. In your JSX code, you have a syntax error, you are supposed to enclose arrays in curly brackets, or better still just separate them to their own variable.
Your JSX should then look something like this:
function JSX(props) {
const arrayData = [
id: 1,
name: "Action and Adventure",
id: 2,
name: "Musicals",
value: "13335,13573,32392,52852,55774,59433,84488,88635",
id: 3,
name: "Sci-Fi",
id: 4,
name: "Fantasy",
value: "9744",
id: 5,
name: "Thrillers",
id: 6,
name: "Anime",
value: "10695,11146,2653,2729,3063,413820,452,6721,9302,7424",
id: 7,
name: "Children and Family",
id: 8,
name: "Comedies",
id: 9,
name: "Documentaries",
id: 10,
name: "Dramas",
id: 11,
name: "Sports",
value: "180,25788,4370,5286,7243,9327",
id: 12,
name: "Horror",
id: 13,
name: "Romance",
value: "29281,36103,502675",
id: 14,
name: "Classics",
return (
dataTitle="Pick A Genre"
setData={(data) => console.log(data)}
The next bug you had was in using the spread operator. While arrays are technically objects in JavaScript they can't be spread with curly braces. This [{...arrayData}] is syntactically incorrect. Instead it should be [...arrayData]. With these in place, your code should run correctly.
I made a sandbox of your code in a working state for reference, check it out here:

How manage resources childs when using resourceRender?

I'm using fullcalendar in react and all works fine until I start using the resourceRender prop and the child resources are displaying not as a part of the resource parent expansion anymore.
How show the child of a resource as to how the default designs?
This is how my resources looks like
export const resources = [
id: 1,
title: "Conversación estaciones",
id: 2,
title: "Renovaciones Las Americas",
id: 3,
title: "Remuneración II",
children: [
{ id: "d1", show: true, title: "Room D1" },
{ id: "d2", show: false, title: "Room D2" }
id: 4,
title: "Actividades cotidianas",
id: 5,
title: "Actividades rudimentarias ",
And this is how the children resources render in the calendar
this is how the children resources render in the calendar
