I am working on ReactJs for a will. I used Typescript in both client and server side for development. I used npm run build to build my project, I will deliver only the build folder now.
everything is file, For few cases I need get ReactjsComponents from server. These new Components are created by each user.
New ReactJs
I converted .tsx file to .js using babel
And In server I rendered to plain html and sent the html as string to client and printed.
import React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import ButtonList from '../../NewComponents/ButtonList'
export function ExportReactComponent(){
var reactHtml = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(ButtonList);
return reactHtml
But I used functional Components and materialUI the hooks are not working. So instead of create reactComponents and converting to js. I wrote Plain html and sent to client for printing. but in those case scripts are not working.
export function ExportReactComponent(){
var htmlInput = `<h1>The script element</h1>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello JavaScript!";
return htmlInput
someone help me, if tried these things but not works as expected, is there any other good solution to this? Thanks in advance.
Git repo: https://github.com/nivedhauswin/ReactApp.git
I used Iframe to display user components. I want to track location change in Iframe contentWindow.location.href but i get
SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "http://localhost:3000" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
I have my site's images stored in the src/images folder in my Gatsby project. I reference those files in <StaticImage> components after importing them from the images folder, like so:
Within index.js:
import myImage from '../images/flag.jpeg'
import { StaticImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"
and later inside the same file:
<StaticImage className="flag" src={myImage} alt="flag"/>
I can see this image and others just fine when running the site locally (gatsby develop), but when I deploy the site to AWS activate, I do not see ANY images.
What could be going wrong? Could this be a React issue?
Also, I cannot see videos either, though I am not aware of a <StaticVideo/> component
Since I can't use browser's pdf viewer in the network where the app is going to be used, I am testing a react-pdf package for loading PDF's with React.
I have made a component where I am sending a url of my PDF that I get from backend:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Document, Page } from 'react-pdf';
const PDFViewer = ({url}) => {
const [numPages, setNumPages] = useState(null);
const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(1);
function onDocumentLoadSuccess({ numPages }) {
function onLoadError(error) {
function onSourceError(error) {
return (
file={window.location.origin + url}
{[...Array(numPages).keys()].map((p) => (
<Page pageNumber={p + 1} />
export default PDFViewer;
But, on opening the PDFViewer I get an error
Error: Setting up fake worker failed: "Cannot read property 'WorkerMessageHandler' of undefined"
In documentation it says that you should set up service worker and that the recommended way is to do that with CDN:
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdf.js/${pdfjs.version}/pdf.worker.min.js`;
But, I can't use CDN links for my project, and in the documentation it also says:
Create React App uses Webpack under the hood, but instructions for Webpack will not work. Standard instructions apply.
Standard (Browserify and others)
If you use Browserify or other bundling tools, you will have to make sure on your own that pdf.worker.js file from pdfjs-dist/build is copied to your project's output folder.
There are no instructions on how to do that with create-react-app. How can I set this up locally then?
Install pdfjs-dist
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from "react-pdf";
import pdfjsWorker from "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.entry";
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = pdfjsWorker;
Reference: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/8305
found a more efficient way of including the worker
by including the library from the dependencies of react-pdf itself, this way you will never get a version mismatch like this The API version "2.3.45" does not match the Worker version "2.1.266"
if you install pdfjs-dist manually you will have to check react pdf dependency version on every build
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from "react-pdf";
import pdfjsWorker from "react-pdf/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.entry";
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = pdfjsWorker;
see similar error on pdfjs library : https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/10997
hope it helps people
You can install worker loader module for webpack:
npm install worker-loader --save-dev
Then use it inline where you are going to work with a worker:
import SomeWorker from 'worker-loader?inline=true!../workers/some.worker'
const someWorker: Worker = new SomeWorker()
I haven't tried this solution with react-pdf, but it might help.
You may need to add types for TypeScript if you are using it:
declare module 'worker-loader*' {
class SomeWorker extends Worker {
export default SomeWorker
Just to add that in some .d.ts file in your project.
Install pdfjs-dist then use the webpack module:
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf'
import worker from 'pdfjs-dist/webpack'
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = worker
If your build process uses cli commands, (i.e. AWS buildspec), you can use this:
mkdir -p build && cp ./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.js build
If you are in a corporate codebase environment and have little to no experience configuring WebPack, I wanted to share a little more info if (like me) you struggled with this for quite a long time.
My environment has several complicated WebPack config files (base, production, and development), and the resolution ended up being pretty simple but it escaped me for quite a while because I was unfamiliar with the complicated build process.
1) The Implementation
Quite simple, just as the docs recommend (I went with the minified file). Our React environment required me to use React-PDF#4.2.0, but there aren't any differences here.
import {Document, Page, pdfjs} from 'react-pdf'
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'pdf.worker.min.js'
Note: a previous solution recommended grabbing the source from the react-pdf node_modules folder, however, my codebase is setup to install dependencies separately somehow because when I npm install react-pdf, pdfjs-dist is also installed separately. Regardless, this method did not work for my codebase (importing the worker as a variable) due to the way the project is built. The import command acted like it couldn't find the proper named export inside a node_modules folder. It was top-level or nothing.
2) WebPack Config
Since I do not know WebPack at all, but found pretty easily that what I needed to do was take advantage of CopyWebpackPlugin, I searched through those existing dev and prod webpack config files, and found existing copy commands for JQuery and polyfill and added a new plugin to that array:
new CopyWebpackPlugin({from: 'node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js})
I had to do this in multiples places in both config files as this large project has several entry point server files for the different services of the website.
3) Inserting Script Tag to HTML Head
This was the crucial part I was missing. There was a "ComponentFactory" file whose job it was to insert chunks of html in the <head> and tail of the html file. I wasn't used to something like this on small projects. So there, I simply copied what was already done for the jquery and polyfill, which included a string literal of the location of the assets folder the webpack was building out to. In my case, that was something like "assets/v1/". So the tag looked like this:
<script src=`${STATIC_ASSETS_URL}/pdf.worker.min.js` defer></script>
It works perfectly, however I am still getting the "Setting Up a Fake Worker" but immediately after that, it loaded it successfully in console and checking the dev tools, it was using the proper file. It's probably just a timing thing of the src set not running high enough in the code, but it was not effecting the outcome, so I let it go.
(Sidebar, if you also get the "TT unknown function" (paraphrasing) error, that can be ignored. It's just a font issue with whatever PDF you are loading and is just a warning, not an error.)
I was facing this issue once I had to use "react-pdf" from within a package.
It was solved by importing the worker conditionally into the code:
Conditional import:
export const getWorker = () => {
try {
return require('react-pdf/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.entry.js')
} catch () {
return require('pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.entry.js')
import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from 'react-pdf/dist/umd/entry.webpack'
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = getWorker()
I'm new to Gatsby, but familiar with CRA. I'm using the default Gatsby setup generated by running gatsby new <project_name> from Gatsby CLI.
I have some general config that I want run in my whole project, regardless of current page - for example:
import { enableMapSet, enableES5 } from "immer";
In CRA projects I put this stuff inside App.tsx, but can't figure out what the right place is in a Gatsby project.
In Gatsby, you don't have a single configuration file per se. There are several APIs exposed by Gatsby that allows you to configure one specific part of your site.
To run a set of functions regardless of the page you can use a gatsby-browser.js (placed in the root of the project).
Basically, Gatsby exposes a bunch of APIs that lets you respond to actions within the browser, and wrap your site in additional components. The Gatsby Browser API gives you many options for interacting with the client-side of Gatsby. One of them, onClientEntry fits your requirements. From its documentation:
(_: emptyArg, pluginOptions: pluginOptions) => undefined
Called when the Gatsby browser runtime first starts.
Applied to your code, your gatsby-browser.js should look like:
import { enableMapSet, enableES5 } from "immer";
import React from 'react';
export const onClientEntry = () =>{
The snippet above will trigger enableMapSet() and enableES5() on every page.
I am very new to react and drupal 8. I know to create custom modules in drupal and react SPAs, but I m not able to call my react app using a drupal8 controller .
Can someone please make me clear of the flow and the correct way to integrate react app in drupal 8?
So there isn't really a good means of calling a React application from within the regular Drupal controller layer or in the twig templates of Drupal 8.
There are two ways people usually connect a React Application to D8.
Option 1 - Progressively decoupled sites - This is where Drupal still uses the TWIG engine to generate the vast majority of the site views, and can use React for some small part of the site while communicating with Drupal through a Drupal based webservice. Check out this project for more information - https://www.drupal.org/project/pdb. This is a nice option if you just want to add a small React based widget, but want to keep the bulk of your site in using standard TWIG.
Option 2 - Fully decouples sites - This is where you render 100% of your applications view layer using React, and just use Drupal as a CMS that provides a web service. There are multiple options for the webservice portion including https://www.drupal.org/project/graphql and https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/restful-web-services-api/restful-web-services-api-overview. So an example of this would be serving a create-react-app on a static server and communication with D8 through a web service.
Here is some additional information that might help guide your decision.
Best of luck!
Long post with some assumptions(but it works):
I was seeking to achieve the same (Drupal 8 and react decoupled block), and I searched and searched, I found myself returning to this page more than once, so I will leave the little thing I discovered here.
My Assumptions:
you have created a custom block that has it's own twig template.
you have defined your libraries in your libraries file (we will review this)
you have created your react app in the root folder of your module with npx create-react-app my-app.
create-react-app my-app creates a react app inside my-app folder, my-app contains all the react code and configs. To get our app(custom react js library) to play well with drupal we will need to override somethings, like scripts to rename our files (build command),to something drupal can identify(recognize) and load.
Run yarn add react-app-rewired --dev, to download react app rewire, that let's us override the default react-app configs without having to eject our app.
In the root of your react-app folder, create a file named config-overrides.js that should contain the below code
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
config.optimization.runtimeChunk = false;
config.optimization.splitChunks = {
cacheGroups: {
default: false
return config;
and edit the scripts in in the package.json to
"build": "react-app-rewired build && yarn run build:dist",
"build:dist": "cd build && copy static\\js\\*.js main.js && copy static\\css\\*.css main.css",
NB: I have edited the build command and added the build:dist script (however if not on windows please
replace copy with cp and \\ with / in the build:dist). This will make sure every time you run the build script, your build files will be renamed to main.js and main.css without the filename..js/css which we can then reference in our libraries.yml file.
my modulename.libraries.yml looks like this (filename = modern_js_drupal.libraries.yml)
version: 1.x
my-app/build/main.js: {}
my-app/build/main.css: {}
and my block.html.twig
<div class="row">
<div id="root">
<h4>React App</h4>
{{ attach_library('modern_js_drupal/react_local') }}
The reason I named my div 'root' and not anything else if because react app uses the same id when rendering your app.
Look into react_js/public/index.html and react_js/src/index.js. index.html provides the div to hook our app into and index.js renders the app on the div provided ( ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));), The advantage of this during development is, you get to create your app and view the changes instantly on your app (http://localhost:3000/) and you can later run yarn build to view the most recent changes on your drupal 8 site.