Perl: Negative range indexing of array reference - arrays

I have an array reference that I would like to slice the last two elements of the array. I found that using -2..-1 would work. I was using the following syntax:
This gave me the following error:
Use of uninitialized value $. in range (or flip)
Argument "" isn't numeric in array element
I changed the line to this and that worked:
I don't understand why the second way works though and the first doesn't. I thought using the array operator was the same as dereferencing with #. Is the context ambiguous with the arrow operator?

-> is the dereference operator. $aref->[$i] is to an $aref like $arr[$i] is to #arr. To get a slice from an array, you need to change the sigil: #arr[$i, $j]. It's similar for dereference, but instead of changing the sigil, you first dereference the reference, then slice it:
#{ $aref }[$i, $j]
which can be shortened to #$aref[$i, $j].
So the -> operator can only be used for single values for array and hash references. You need #{} for slices.


Perl unit testing: check if a string is an array

I have this function that I want to test:
use constant NEXT => 'next';
use constant BACK => 'back';
sub getStringIDs {
return [
I've tried to write the following test, but it fails:
subtest 'check if it contains BACK' => sub {
use constant BACK => 'back';
my $strings = $magicObject->getStringIDs();
ok($strings =~ /BACK/);
What am I doing wrong?
Your getStringIDs() method returns an array reference.
The regex binding operator (=~) expects a string on its left-hand side. So it converts your array reference to a string. And a stringified array reference will look something like ARRAY(0x1ff4a68). It doesn't give you any of the contents of the array.
You can get from your array reference ($strings) to an array by dereferencing it (#$strings). And you can stringify an array by putting it in double quotes ("#$strings").
So you could do something like this:
ok("#$strings" =~ /BACK/);
But I suspect, you want word boundary markers in there:
ok("#$strings" =~ /\bBACK\b/);
And you might also prefer the like() testing function.
like("#$strings", qr[\bBACK\b], 'Strings array contains BACK');
Update: Another alternative is to use grep to check that one of your array elements is the string "BACK".
# Note: grep in scalar context returns the number of elements
# for which the block evaluated as 'true'. If we don't care how
# many elements are "BACK", we can just check that return value
# for truth with ok(). If we care that it's exactly 1, we should
# use is(..., 1) instead.
ok(grep { $_ eq 'BACK' } #$strings, 'Strings array contains BACK');
Update 2: Hmm... the fact that you're using constants here complicates this. Constants are subroutines and regexes are strings and subroutines aren't interpolated in strings.
The return value of $magicObject->getStringIDs is an array reference, not a string. It looks like the spirit of your test is that you want to check if at least one element in the array pattern matches BACK. The way to do this is to grep through the dereferenced array and check if there are a non-zero number of matches.
ok( grep(/BACK/,#$strings) != 0, 'contains BACK' );
At one time, the smartmatch operator promised to be a solution to this problem ...
ok( $strings ~~ /BACK/ )
but it has fallen into disrepute and should be used with caution (and the no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch' pragma).
The in operator is your friend.
use Test::More;
use syntax 'in';
use constant NEXT => 'next';
use constant BACK => 'back';
ok BACK |in| [NEXT, BACK], 'BACK is in the arrayref';

Perl - Assign an array to another variable

I'm trying to assign an array to a value in my hash as follows:
$authors->[$x]->{'books'} = #books;
$authors is an array of hashes that contains his/her first name, last name, date of birth, etc. And now I'm creating a books key where I want to assign an array of books. However, when I try to print it afterwords, it's just printing the size of the array, as if I'm doing $value = scalar #books.
What am I doing wrong?
Array elements and hash values are scalars, so when you are nesting arrays and hashes, you must use references. Just as $authors->[$x] is not a hash but a reference to a hash, you must set $authors->[$x]->{'books'} to a reference to the array.
$authors->[$x]->{'books'} = \#books; # reference the original array
$authors->[$x]->{'books'} = [#books]; # reference a copy
You would then access elements of the array using something like
which can be abbreviated
or access the whole array as
Your original attempt
$authors->[$x]->{'books'} = #books;
is exactly equivalent to
$authors->[$x]->{'books'} = scalar #books;
because the left operand of the = operator is a hash value, which is a scalar, so the right operand is evaluated in scalar context to provide something that can be assigned there.
On rereading this answer I realized it may be confusing to say "a hash value is a scalar" because of the possible interpretation of "hash value" as meaning "the value of a hash variable" i.e. "the whole hash". What I mean when I write "hash value" is an item that is stored in a hash as a value (as opposed to a key).
While the first awnser is absolutely right,
as an alternative, you could also fo this:
push #{$authors->[$x]->{'books'}}, #books;
Then $authors->[$x]->{'books'} will be an Array that contains a copy of all
the elements from #books.
This might be more "foolproof" then working with references, as
mentioned above.

Perl return array from multidimensional array

I've got this multidimensional array:
#valid_values = (["val00", "val01", "val02"], ["val10", "val11", "val12"]);
Via grep I want to check, if a certain value exists within the first array of the multidimensional array.
I've tried something like this:
if (grep $_ eq $check_value, #valid_values[0]) {print "ok\n"}
This doesn't work though. I've also tried using $valid_values[0], but I think this will only return a reference to the array, so I used # to dereference it.
Any suggestions on how I can return the whole first array of the 2d-array, so I can use it for the grep function?
The first element of #valid_values is accessed as $valid_values[0].
The value in the first element is an array reference. To dereference an array reference, you use #{ ... }.
So to get the array referenced by the array reference in the first element of #valid_values you want #{ $valid_values[0] }.
For more details about how to deal with data structures like this, see perllol, perldsc and perlreftut.

Fun with array of arrays

I'm a total Perl newb, but still cannot believe I cannot figure this out with all the info I've read through online, but, I've burned too much time and am suffering from block at this point. Hoping to learn something based on my real life example...
Ok, I think I have an array of arrays, created like this:
my #array1 = ();
my #array2 = ();
my $ctr1 = 0;
my $col;
[sql query]
while(($col)=$sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
print STDERR "#array1";
##results in 10 rows, a mac address in each
##00:00:00:00:00:00 00:11:11:11:11:11 22:22:22:22:22:22 33:33:33:33:33:33 ...
Now I do another query. While looping through results, I am looking for those 10 mac addresses. When I find one, I add a row to array2 with the mac and the sequential number accumulated to the point, like this:
[sql query]
while(($col)=$sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
if( my ($matched) = grep $_ eq $col, #array1 ) {
push( #array2, ($col,$ctr2) );
print STDERR "#array2";
##results in 10 rows, a mac address and an integer in each
##00:00:00:00:00:00 2 00:11:11:11:11:11 24 22:22:22:22:22:22 69 33:33:33:33:33:33 82 ...
Now the easy part. I want to loop through array2, grabbing the mac address to use as part of a sql query. Therein lies the problem. I am so ignorant as to exactly what I am doing that even though I had it almost working, I can't get back to that point. Ignorance is definitely not bliss.
When I loop through array2, I am getting a host of errors, based on the different forms of the statement. The one I think is right is listed below along with the error message...
my $ctr3 = 0;
foreach $ctr3 (#array2) {
my $chkmac = $array2[$ctr3][0]; <--- gacks here with the error below - line 607
[SQL query]
[Thu May 30 14:05:09 2013] [error] Can't use string ("00:66:55:77:99:88") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /path/to/test.cgi line 607.\n
I believe the issue is that my array of arrays is not an array of arrays. If it were, it would work as coded, or so I think from the reading... That said, I cannot fathom what I am dealing with otherwise. This will be a head slapper I'm all but sure, but I am stumped.... Little help, please?
For an array of arrays you want to use an array reference, e.g.
push #array2, [$col, $ctr2];
When accessing an element within an array refernce, you'll want to use the -> operator. Also, when looping through an array, it's not necessary to index back into that same array. So the last part would look more like:
foreach $ctr3 (#array2) {
my $chkmac = $ctr3->[0];
When you do the foreach there, $ctrl3 won't have the index in it, it'll have the value. So you should just need to do $ctrl3->[0]. Note the -> which dereferences the array reference (#array2 is actually an array of array references).
EDIT: As AKHolland pointed out, #array2 actually isn't an array of array references, although that's what it should be. You also need to change:
push( #array2, ($col, $ctr2) );
push( #array2, [$col, $ctr2] );
This makes an array reference, rather than a list. A list in this context just collapses down into regular arguments to push, meaning you're pushing two separate strings into #array2.
You are correct that your array of arrays is not an array of arrays, since in Perl there is no such thing. So what do you have instead? There's two ways to see.
First, when you print #array2, you come up with a string composed of alternating MACs and counts, separated by spaces. Since the spaces sort-of-signify the division between array elements, we might surmise that what we've got is a single array of heterogeneous elements, such that element 0 is a MAC, element 1 is a count, element 2 is another MAC, and so on.
The other perspective is to look at how #array2 is constructed:
push( #array2, ($col,$ctr2) );
From the documentation for push, we find that push ARRAY LIST works by appending the elements of LIST to the end of ARRAY. This has the effect of flattening the list into the array such that its original identity as a list is lost. You can add all the parentheses you want, when Perl expects a list it flattens all of them away.
So how do you achieve the effect you want? The List-of-Lists documentation has a detailed treatment, but the short answer is that you make a list of array references. Array references are scalars and are therefore legal elements in an array. But they retain their identify as array references!
The anonymous array reference constructor is the square bracket []. In order to push an array reference containing the elements $col and $ctr2 onto the end of #array2, you simply do this:
push( #array2, [$col, $ctr2] );
The code you wrote for accessing a particular element of the array-reference-in-an-array now works. But since I've already written a bunch of paragraphs on the subject, let me finish by explaining what was wrong originally and how changing the push statements suddenly makes it work.
The expression $array2[$ctr3][0] is sometimes written as $array2[$ctr3]->[0] to clarify what it's actually doing. What it does is to take the value of $array2[$ctr3] and treat it as an array reference, taking its 0 element. If we take $ctr3 to be 0 (as it would be at the top of the loop) the value of $array2[$ctr3] is the first element, 00:00:00:00:00:00. When you then subsequently ask Perl to treat 00:00:00:00:00:00 as an array reference, Perl dies because it doesn't know how to treat a string as an array reference.
When instead the value of $array2[$ctr3] is an array reference because that is what you pushed onto #array2 when constructing it, Perl is able to do as you ask, dereferencing the array reference and looking at element 0 of the resulting array, whose value happens to be 00:00:00:00:00:00.

Why doesn't ||= work with arrays?

I use the ||= operator to provide default values for variables, like
$x ||= 1;
I tried to use this syntax with an array but got a syntax error:
#array||= 1..3;
Can't modify array dereference in logical or assignment (||=) ...
What does it mean and how should I provide arrays with default values?
Because || is a scalar operator. If #array||= 1..3; worked, it would evaluate 1..3 in scalar context, which is not what you want. It's also evaluating the array in scalar context (which is ok, because an empty array in scalar context is false), except that you can't assign to scalar(#array).
To assign a default value, use:
#array = 1..3 unless #array;
But note that there's no way to tell the difference between an array that has never been initialized and one that has been assigned the empty list. It's not like a scalar, where you can distinguish between undef and the empty string (although ||= doesn't distinguish between them).
eugene y found this perl.perl5.porters message (the official Perl developers' mailing list) that goes into more detail about this.
This page has a good explanation, imho:
op= can occur between any two
expressions, not just a var and an
expression, but the left one must be
an lvalue in scalar context.
Since #x ||= 42 is equivalent to
scalar(#x) = #x || 42, and you aren't
allowed to use scalar(#x) as an
lvalue, you get an error.
