How can I troubleshoot a "Please Connect Camera" browser message from appearing after an image is captured? - reactjs

I'm working on a React site with an image capture page and after the image is captured, the Chrome browser shows an error: says
Please connect the camera.
The issue is intermittent. Has anyone seen this? How would I troubleshoot this error?
I'm using Gatsby JS for the framework.


Magento2 PWA Venia - Error Message not showing correctly

I have successfully installed Magento2 with PWA studio using the Venia theme. While playing around with the SignIn Component I have noticed that the error message is not showing properly with respect to detailed information. It is always showing the default error message Mostly: "An error has occurred. Please check the input and try again. "
I would like to show the graphql error message if any error is there. Screenshot for quick reference is attached. The console is showing the correct error message. I need to show the same above the form. Please guide.
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot of PWA

ReactJS App not opening on Instagram webview

I have a ReactJS App which I am able to open on browsers such as Chrome, Edge etc. However, when I try to open it in Instagram App's webview. it tries to load and fails probably as nothing shows up but I can see the Website Header meta defined in index.html file.
Can someone please help me debug Instagram app's webviews?
I have been trying several things and failing to resolve this for days now.
Any help will be much appreciated.

Unable to switch to Iframe using WebDriver or Katalon Studio

We are automating the 2 different brands of e-commerce websites for same country. So most of the functionalities are same.
When i try to enter the payment details which there in Iframe, It is working fine for brand1 website. But in brand2 website, i am unable to switch into iframe.
when i use selenium code, it is displaying the error message "no such frame: element is not a frame".
when i use katalon studio code, it is displaying error message "Unable to verify image 'Object Repository/Japan/Payment/iframe' present"
Code from WebSite
Katalon Script
Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

How do I find Image resource while doing web performance test

I am creating Web performance test for an Angular Application using Visual Studio, which contains image logo. I’m receiving an error like: “No resource found” related to that image logo after recording its web URL, while testing that URL as shown in the below picture. Can you give any suggestion for this problem?
From what I can see, you have the link to the image as
notice that app is in the absolute path twice, and this is probably what's causing the 404 error.
Let me know if this resolves the issue

canvas app being directed to weird URL

My canvas app has all started showing a 404 error from my website. I have not had any success in trouble shooting how the app is being redirected a website page rather than showing the original splash screen to install the app. Any ideas on troubleshooting this?
the app address is:!/AyopaSoftware?sk=app_155882081129524
You need to fully configure the application that hosts that tab, including the canvas url.
