What can make dlclose() fail? - c

On a POSIX (or GNU) system, what can make the dlclose() function fail?
I know that it fails on repeat-close; and that it misbehaves on a null pointer argument (got a segmentation violation on my system). But are there other situations it can fail?
Edit: I tried looking at the source code and was kind of stumped - could not really figure out where to look (dlclose.c is not the place apparently).

The actual implementation is here.
Look for calls to _dl_signal_error() -- there are two.


how to catch calls with LD_PRELOAD when unknown programs may be calling execve without passing environment

I know how to intercept system calls with LD_PRELOAD, that occur in compiled programs I may not have source for. For example, if I want to know about the calls to int fsync(int) of some unknown program foobar, I compile a wrapper
int fsync(int)
(int (*) (int))dlsym(RTLD_NEXT,"fsync");
into a shared library and then I can set the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to that and run foobar. Assuming that foobar is dynamically linked, which most programs are, I will know about the calls to fsync.
But now suppose there is another unknown program foobar1 and in the source of that program was a statement like this:
execve("foobar", NULL, NULL)
that is, the environment was not passed. Now the whole LD_PRELOAD scheme breaks down?
I checked by compiling the statemet above into foobar1, when that is run, the calls from foobar are not reported.
While one can safely assume most modern programs are dynamically linked, one cannot at all assume how they may or may not be using execve?
So then, the whole LD_PRELOAD scheme, which everybody says is such a great thing, is not really working unless you have the source to the programs concerned, in which case you can check the calls to execve and edit them if necessary. But in that case, there is no need for LD_PRELOAD, if you have sources to everything. LD_PRELOAD is specifically, supposed to be, useful when you don't have sources to the programs you are inspecting.
Where am I wrong here - how can people say, that LD_PRELOAD is useful for inspecting what unknown programs are doing??
I guess I could also write a wrapper for execve. In the wrapper, I add to the original envp argument, one more string: "LD_PRELOAD=my library" . This "seems" to work, I checked on simple examples.
I am not sure if I should be posting an "answer" which may very easily exceed my level of C experience.
Can somebody more experienced than me comment if this is really going to work in the long run?

Is there a Windows API memory allocator/deallocator I can use that will just give me an error code if something goes wrong & in a cross-compiler way?

This is probably a crazy question but:
For the purposes of debugging and error handling I'd like to be able to make a note of why an allocation or free call failed. I'd like the same code to be compilable by both Microsoft's C compilers and MinGW-w64 (but not other MinGWs).
I could use malloc()/realloc()/free() but they don't provide any defined method of getting an error other than ENOMEM. Or is it safe to assume that the only reason malloc() can fail is lack of memory, which HeapAlloc() and others seems to disagree with? (This will also stop being an option if I choose not to use the C runtime in any future DLLs.) Or is it safe to assume that errno has any other error code? I would need to check my standards again...
I could also use HeapAlloc()/HeapReAlloc()/HeapFree(), but they don't return a last-error code. Instead, they can be made to throw an exception, which you are supposed to catch with a __try block... which is not supported by MinGW. libseh is not an option here; my programs and DLLs should be freestanding. I'm going to assume it is not safe to assume that the only reason it can fail when set to not throw an exception is out of memory because heap corruption is listed as a possibility; is this correct?
I tried using LocalAlloc()/LocalReAlloc()/LocalFree() but it failed to allocate more than a 256-byte-or-so structure and 2 ints, returning ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY.
There's no VirtualReAlloc(), so I assume I would need to write my own malloc() implementation if I go the VirtualAlloc() route.
Or am I just being crazy about all this?
And what about other allocators that I would be required to use, such as SysAllocString(); would it be safe to assume those can only ever fail because of out of memory?

Changing glibc but nothing happens

I want to modify glibc. So I have downloaded a version of it and made some changes in the code. For example I've made changes to memset. However, I don't see any difference if I use the .so file produced by the compilation (using LD_PRELOAD) as compared to when I don't do any LD_PRELOAD. memset behaves like it does. Why is that so? Is that maybe the compiler is inlining memset and not using anything from the shared object? I don't understand this. I even made changes to printf, but still nothing. Why is that so. How can I modify glibc (for testing purposes), so that I do see a change?
Moreover, when I tried to change pthread_create (and ofcourse LD_PRELOAded libpthread.so) by introducing printf( "pthread_create") in the beginning of that function, I just get a segmentation fault. What is going on here? Also if I check the difference in the libc.so after making changes in glibc source, I see no difference in the produced versions. What is happening here. This is driving me nuts!
GCC provides built-in versions of several functions, including memset() and printf(). It does not link to glibc's implementation of these functions.
Try passing the -fno-builtin compiler option to inhibit this behavior.

Handling null pointers on AIX with GCC C

We have a code written in C that sometimes doesn’t handle zero pointers very well.
The code was originally written on Solaris and such pointers cause a segmentation fault. Not ideal but better than ploughing on.
Our experience is that if you read from a null pointer on AIX you get 0. If you use the xlc compiler you can add an option -qcheck=all to trap these pointers. But we use gcc (and want to continue using that compiler). Does gcc provide such an option?
Does gcc provide such an option?
I'm sheepishly volunteering the answer no, it doesn't. Although I can't cite the absence of information regarding gcc and runtime NULL checks.
The problem you're tackling is that you're trying to make undefined behavior a little more defined in a program that's poorly-written.
I recommend that you bite the bullet and either switch to xlc or manually add NULL checks to the code until the bad behavior has been found and removed.
Making a macro to null-check a pointer
Adding that macro after pointer assignments
Adding that macro to the entry point of functions that accept pointers
As bugs are removed, you can begin to remove these checks.
Please do us all a favor and add proper NULL checks to your code. Not only will you have a slight gain in performance by checking for NULL only when needed, rather than having the compiler perform the check everywhere, but your code will be more portable to other platforms.
And let's not mention the fact that you will be more likely to print a proper error message rather than have the compiler drop some incomprehensible stack dump/source code location/error code that will not help your users at all.
AIX uses the concept of a NULL page. Essentially, NULL (i.e. virtual address 0x0) is mapped to a location that contains a whole bunch of zeros. This allows string manipulation code e.t.c. to continue despite encountering a NULL pointer.
This is contrary to most other Unix-like systems, but it is not in violation of the C standard, which considers dereferencing NULL an undefined operation. In my opinion, though, this is woefully broken: it takes an application that would crash violently and turns it into one that ignores programming errors silently, potentially producing totally incorrect results.
As far as I know, GCC has no options to work around fundamentally broken code. Even historically supported patterns, such as writable string literals, have been slowly phased out in newer GCC versions.
There might be some support when using memory debugging options such as -fmudflap, but I don't really know - in any case you should not use debugging code in production systems, especially for forcing broken code to work.
Bottom line: I don't think that you can avoid adding explicit NULL checks.
Unfortunately we now come to the basic question: Where should the NULL checks be added?. I suppose having the compiler add such checks indiscriminately would help, provided that you add an explicit check when you discover an issue.
Unfortunately, there is no Valgrind support for AIX. If you have the cash, you might want to have a look at IBM Rational Purify Plus for AIX - it might catch such errors.
It might also be possible to use xlc on a testing system and gcc for everything else, but unfortunately they are not fully compatible.

Learning C coming from managed OO languages

I am fairly comfortable coding in languages like Java and C#, but I need to use C for a project (because of low level OS API calls) and I am having some difficulty dealing with pointers and memory management (as seen here)
Right now I am basically typing up code and feeding it to the compiler to see if it works. That just doesn't feel right for me. Can anyone point me to good resources for me to understand pointers and memory management, coming from managed languages?
k&r - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language_(book)
nuff said
One of the good resources you found already, SO.
Of course you are compiling with all warnings on, don't you?
Learning by doing largely depends on the quality of your compiler and the warnings / errors he feeds you. The best in that respect that I found in the linux / POSIX world is clang. Nicely traces the origin of errors and tells you about missing header files quite well.
Some tips:
By default varibles are stored in the stack.
Varibles are passed into functions by Value
Stick to the same process for allocating and freeing memory. eg allocate and free in the same the function
C's equivalent of
Integer i = new Integer();
int *p;
Memory Allocation(malloc) can fail, so check the pointer for null before you use it.
OS functions can fail and this can be detected by the return values.
Learn to use gdb to step through your code and print variable values (compile with -g to enable debugging symbols).
Use valgrind to check for memory leaks and other related problems (like heap corruption).
The C language doesn't do anything you don't explicitly tell it to do.
There are no destructors automatically called for you, which is both good and bad (since bugs in destructors can be a pain).
A simple way to get somewhat automatic destructor behavior is to use scoping to construct and destruct things. This can get ugly since nested scopes move things further and further to the right.
if (var = malloc(SIZE)) { // try to keep this line
free(var); // and this line close and with easy to comprehend code between them
} else {
return; // try to limit the number of return statements so that you can ensure resources
// are freed for all code paths
Trying to make your code look like this as much as possible will help, though it's not always possible.
Making a set of macros or inline functions that initialize your objects is a good idea. Also make another set of functions that allocate your objects' memory and pass that to your initializer functions. This allows for both local and dynamically allocated objects to easily be initialized. Similar operations for destructor-like functions is also a good idea.
Using OO techniques is good practice in many instances, and doing so in C just requires a little bit more typing (but allows for more control). Putters, getters, and other helper functions can help keep objects in consistent states and decrease the changes you have to make when you find an error, if you can keep the interface the same.
You should also look into the perror function and the errno "variabl".
Usually you will want to avoid using anything like exceptions in C. I generally try to avoid them in C++ as well, and only use them for really bad errors -- ones that aren't supposed to happen. One of the main reasons for avoiding them is that there are no destructor calls magically made in C, so non-local GOTOs will often leak (or otherwise screw up) some type of resource. That being said, there are things in C which provide a similar functionality.
The main exception like mechanism in C are the setjmp and longjmp functions. setjmp is called from one location in code and passed a (opaque) variable (jmp_buf) which can later be passed to longjmp. When a call to longjmp is made it doesn't actually return to the caller, but returns as the previously called setjmp with that jmp_buf. setjmp will return a value specified by the call to longjmp. Regular calls to setjmp return 0.
Other exception like functionality is more platform specific, but includes signals (which have their own gotchas).
Other things to look into are:
The assert macro, which can be used to cause program exit when the parameter (a logical test of some sort) fails. Calls to assert go away when you #define NDEBUG before you #include <assert.h>, so after testing you can easily remove the assertions. This is really good for testing for NULL pointers before dereferencing them, as well as several other conditions. If a condition fails assert attempts to print the source file name and line number of the failed test.
The abort function causes the program to exit with failure without doing all of the clean up that calling exit does. This may be done with a signal on some platforms. assert calls abort.
