Snowflake grants to role keeps resetting everyday - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I have created a new user 'u' using my 'security_admin' role, and assigned role 'r' (which already has some select/usage permission on few tables) to the user. Now I want add more permissions to the role. I have ran below statement:
grant select on all tables in schema db_name.schema_name to role r;
The above statement gives necessary permission to the user 'u', i have checked with show grants to role r statement. However the granted permission is valid only for one day, the next day the user does not have the permission that is granted using above statement. It keeps happening for sometime. I do not know what the problem is. I do not have any automated SQL script to recreate users & grants daily.

If you could share the actual error message you get, that would be helpful for us to understand where the problem lies. But I suspect that it's just a case of not having access on FUTURE TABLES (tables that has been created after the grants was applied).
These commands should cover you:
use role securityadmin;
grant usage on database db_name to role r;
grant usage on schema db_name.schema_name to role r;
grant select on all tables in schema db_name.schema_name to role r;
grant select on future tables in schema db_name.schema_name to role r;

One plausible scenario is that tables are recreated with CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE command. It could be checked using query history view.
FROM snowflake.account_usage.query_history
In such case the permissions may not be preserved, unless specyfing COPY GRANTS option.
Optional parameters:
Specifies to retain the access privileges from the original table when a new table is created using any of the following CREATE TABLE


Change "postgres" user ownership to another user

I am using PostgreSQL 9.5.19.
I want to change the owner of some tables. All these tables are in the same database my_db in the public schema.
I have read the post Modify OWNER on all tables simultaneously in PostgreSQL.
Thanks to this post the operation succedeed but partially.
Most of the table are owned by postgres user and not new_user.
I tried to manually change the owner but it failed.
You can change the ownership of tables owned by postgres if you are a superuser.
But you won't be able to REASSIGN OWNED, because postgres has to own the system objects.
Perhaps you can use psql's \gexec:
SELECT format('ALTER TABLE %I SET OWNER = willi;', table_name)
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE ... \gexec
You can fill in the appropriate WHERE condition.

Azure DB - How to give 1 user read-only permission for 1 table

I've been reading many answers but I am too weak at TSQL to filter out what I need.
I created a contained user for 1 DB...
CREATE USER appuser WITH PASSWORD = 'strongpwd';
So I need to allow a user in to read only the contents of 1 table - tableA (there are others in the DB) and do absolutely nothing else in the DB.
I do not want to affect any other users. I just want the user to be able to access the DB via say SSMS, see only tableA (well this is not that important), read it.
There are two ways one is to directly grant explicit SELECT only on Table 1 and the second one is to create a role, grant SELECT to role and addd the user to the role. Typically second way is the preferred way and can be done as below
CREATE ROLE [role_name]
GRANT SELECT ON [Table] to [role_name]
EXEC sp_addrolemember '[role_name]', 'appuser'

Informix how to find all users in a database?

When I create a user in a database it is not showing in 'sysusers' table of the database until the user is granted with any database level privilege , how to identify a user with no privileges in a current database?
The sysusers system catalog table only shows who holds database-level access privileges.
If you want to check users that have been granted a role but don't hold database-level access privileges you can cross the sysroleauth with the sysusers system catalog table:
SELECT grantee
FROM sysroleauth
SELECT username
FROM sysusers;
When granting a role to a user, or to another role, it will not validate if this exists.
It will only give a error if you attempt to grant a role to yourself, unless you have DBSECADM, or if you include the WITH GRANT OPTION keywords in a GRANT statement that assigns a role to another role.
For the follow up question:
is it legitimate to grant privilege to the user who is not granted any db level privileges?
Yes, it's legitimate. If you create a role and assigned it has the default to a user that does not have a db level privilege it will be granted an implicit connection to the database.
And in this case the user will only show up on sysusers after you issue the GRANT DEFAULT ROLE statement.
Other cases:
If a user is created using the CREATE USER statement you must look into the sysuser database.
If you mean creating objects on behalf of others schemas that don't have a user on the database you need to get all those owners.
You can find the system catalogs tables that store owners by querying:
FROM systables t
INNER JOIN syscolumns c ON (t.tabid = c.tabid)
WHERE c.colname = 'owner' AND t.tabid < 100
But probably you want to take only a look into systables, sysobjstate and sysprocedures.
Try the following:
SELECT owner
FROM systables
WHERE tabid > 99
SELECT owner
FROM sysobjstate
SELECT owner
FROM sysprocedures
SELECT username
FROM sysusers;
Bear in mind that some internal users, like sqlj, sysibm and sysproc, can appear because the sysprocedures is not filtering internal ones.
If you want to see all the OS users that don't have database-level access privileges you can, in UNIX, do:
username CHAR(32),
password CHAR(1),
uid INT,
gid INT,
gecos CHAR(256),
home_dir CHAR(256),
shell CHAR(32)
LOAD FROM '/etc/passwd' DELIMITER ':'
INSERT INTO os_users;
SELECT username
FROM os_users
SELECT username
FROM sysusers;
You can filter the OS users by the uid, normally 0 is the root user and the range [1-99] is reserved for special system users
Then some system begin UIDs for non-privileged users at 100. Others, such as Red Hat, begin them at 500, and still others, such Debian, start them at 1000.

sybase privileges grant from one shcema to another

I have 2 schemas database1#server and database2#server.
I want to know how to grant priveleges for database2 to read from database1.
example executing in database2:
select * from database1..table1
You will have to make sure the user in database2 is added to database1 (sp_adduser or sp_addalias).
You can find your current user by doing select user_name() and get a list of users within a database by executing sp_helpuser in that database.
Assuming we have db_user1 and dbuser2, we would add the alias like this:
use database1
sp_addalias db_user2, dbuser1
From that point forward, when db_user2 is accessing database1, it will be with db_user1's credentials, rights and privileges.
If you add the user, instead of adding the alias, then you will have to grant privileges for tables in the schema to the user (or group that the user is a member of).

prevent some user from seeing db2 tables structure

How can I restrict some users in DB2, not to see the table structure. I set the user privilege and restrict user from table access. so that user can not select data or change table but still can see the table structure or describe it.
This problem refers to row access in tables which is added in db2 version 10.
I had this problem too.
you can use this version - if applicable- and restrict user access from specific table structures.
You need to remove the select grant on catalog tables. For example, the following query should return 0 rows when executing with q restricted user.
db2 "select tabschema, tabname from syscat.tables"
All tables and views in the following schemas should not have select on public, nor in any group the restrictive user is in.
db2 revoke select on SYSIBM.SYSTABLES from username
