Im running this code and it's only saving the last element of the list. Each time it prints out I only get the price.
let link = prompt("whats the link");
let item = prompt("whats name of the item");
let price = prompt("whats the price, only put in numbers otherwise will causes error")
let whyNoWork=[link,item,price]
price = parseInt(price);
//TODO have this line working console.log(this.state[whichList]);
// look at this to add object into state
// okay I think to by pass I can just run it as a list:[(da link here),(name be here),(price)]
Note that works in a normal envoriment, but when i put this into a
function myFunction() {
/////////////////////////////////////Fill planning/decor package
var managementSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1P3EF4Edu0efzJVV1Sx-0ayAPaAAiRK8Sl0Y1qZHmcf4");
var packageSheet = managementSheet.getSheetByName("Order Contents");
//Order Contents iterater
var c = packageSheet.getMaxColumns();
var n = packageSheet.getLastRow();
var items = packageSheet.getRange(2,1,n,c).getValues();
var filteredItems = items.filter(function(row) {
if(row[2].toString().includes(firstName +" "+lastName))
var results =new Array();
var info = new Array();
results[0]= info;
// result = results.every().valueOf();
var row=22
results.forEach(function(value, index) {
Logger.log("The value at index " + index + " is " + value + ".");
row= index + 22+1
Hello. First off, I'm new to appscript/javascript/script in general... Secondly, I'm the worst at explaining things and am so over this as I've been working on it for 2 days with only a few food/water/sleep breaks and just can't figure it out.
I'm trying to take rows from one sheet and copy only some of that row's values to a template...
Customer orders are on one sheet.
Order CONTENTS(for all customers' orders) are on another sheet.
I want to generate an invoice containing everything that the customer has ordered. The code I have currently lists only the final row of the "results" array into my template sheet. I want all of the items that the customer ordered to be added to the invoice. I'm trying to figure out how to use "index" to move to the next line and add the next set of values, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. By logging info, I see that everything is being called correctly and adding to the correct spot in the template. The problem is that it only adds the final line of data into the template when I want all of the lines that match a customer's name.
I have a list of names in a google sheet. I'm trying to create a function in google apps scripts that outputs the next name in the list to a different cell in the spreadsheet. Once I've returned each name, I want to go back to the beginning.
I've tried to use a for loop as well, but then the script just loops through every item, and I end up with the just the last item being returned.
function returnNextName() {
var nameList =
Homeroom").getRange(2, 1, 22).getValues();
var outputCell =
Homeroom").getRange(1, 4);
var i = 0;
i = i + 1;
i = i%nameList.length;
var nextName = outputCell.setValue(nameList[i]);
My goal is that every time I run the function, I will get the next name in the list. However, I only ever get the first name.
Every time you call the script you redefine
var i = 0;
i = i + 1;
i = i%nameList.length;
So your element nameList[i] will be always the same.
To avoid this, you need to use PropertiesService, as suggested by TheMaster.
ScriptProperties allows you to store the last index in the script properties and retrieve and modify it every time you use the script.
if(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getKeys().length==0){ // first time you run the script
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('i', 0);
var i = Number(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('i'))%nameList.length;
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('i', i);
I'm trying to create two spreadsheets: one tracks student attendance at school, the other tracks their attendance at Track practice. The goal is to write a function, that I can set up as a button, that I can click that will automatically send emails to several people if the student is present at school but is absent for sports without getting excused.
Right now, the whole thing is working pretty well, but I have one issue. I have a column that will read "Good" or "Bad" depending on whether the student meets the above condition. The function turns these into an array. I would like to use the index of the "Bad"'s to find the necessary email addresses, which are stored at the same index point in another array that I make from the spreadsheet. I'm not sure how to save this index point and use it to reference the email addresses. Code below.
function sendEmailsMonday() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("TrackAttendance");
var dataRange = sheet.getRange("D2:D30");
var data = dataRange.getValues();// Gets array of "Good" and "Bad"
for (i in data) {
if(i = "Bad") {
var place = data.indexOf(i);
var dataRange2 = sheet.getRange("M2:M30");// Gets array of email addresses
var data2 = dataRange2.getValues();
var emailAddress = data2[place];
var message = "This is an automated email informing you that your child/advisee ____ was present at school today, but missed Track without being excused. Feel free to email Mr. # with any questions.";
var subject = "___ missed Track Practice";
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);
So, the issue comes in with the index lines. If I get rid of
var place = data.indexOf(i);
and replace
var emailAddress = data[place];
var emailAddress = data[28];
or any other number, it will grab the email address and send it. But then it has nothing to do with the values in the other column.
Seems like this should be an easy fix but I'm bad at this.
Very late responding now. I think you are almost there.
Your IF statement should read:
if(i == "Bad") {
And then replace 'place' with i:
var emailAddress = data2[i];
It should work as expected now.
So my question is: how do I scan the JSON in angular to find the first instance of isPrimary:true and then launch a function with the GUID that is in that item.
I have a webservice whos JSON defines available Accounts with a display name and a GUID this generates a dropdown select list that calls a function with the GUID included to return full data from a web service.
In the scenario where theres only 1 OPTION I dont show the SELECT and simply call the function with the single GUID to return the data from the service. If theres no options I dont show anything other than a message.
Code below shows what I currently have.
The Spec has now changed and the data they are sending me in the first service call which defines that select list is now including a property isPrimary:true on one of the JSON object along with its GUID as per the rest
I now need to change my interface to no longer use the SELECT list and instead fire the function call to the service for the item that contains the isPrimary:true property. However there may be multiple instances where isPrimary:true exists in the returning JSON so I just want to fire the function on the first found instance of isPrimary:true
Equally if that property isnt in any of the JSON items then just fire the function on the first item in the JSON.
My current Code is below - you can see the call to retrieve the full details is from function:
Where the GUID is supplied with each JSON object
Code is:
if (data.Accounts.length > 1) {
vm.hideAcc = false;
//wait for the user to make a selection
} else if (data.Accounts.length == 1){
vm.hideAcc = true;
// Only 1 acc - no need for drop down get first item
vm.accSelected = data.Accounts[0].UniqueIdentifier;
} else {
// Theres no accounts
// Hide Drop down and show message
vm.hideAcc = true;
setMessageState(false, true, "There are no Accounts")
Sample of new JSON structure
accName: "My Acc",
isPrimary: true,
GUID: "bg111010101"
Still think that's a weird spec, but simple enough to solve. Just step through the array and return the first isPrimary match. If none are found, return the first element of the array.
var findPrimary = function(data) {
if (!(Array.isArray(data)) || data.length == 0) {
return false; // not an array, or empty array
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].isPrimary) {
return data[i]; // first isPrimary match
// nothing had isPrimary, so return the first one:
return data[0];
I need some help with my lua script for a game. I need to check if my inventory in the game contains any id from a list.
Here's a piece of my list:
local Game_Items = {
{id = 7436, name = "angelic axe", value = 5000},
{id = 3567, name = "blue robe", value = 10000},
{id = 3418, name = "bonelord shield", value = 1200},
{id = 3079, name = "boots of haste", value = 30000},
{id = 7412, name = "butcher's axe", value = 18000},
{id = 3381, name = "crown armor", value = 12000}
The following code might look a bit weird since you don't know what it's for, but it's basically this: the list above is a list of items in my game, and inside the game theres an inventory where you can keep items and stuff. Now I want to check if my inventory contains any of those IDs.
I tried adding 2 of the id's manually and it worked, but my list of items contains over 500 items in total and I don't want to write them all out. Is there a way to put the whole list and check if it's in there somehow?
if not table.contains({ 3035, 3043, Game_Items[id] }, then
This is what I tried so far. Those two first id's work 3035 and 3043, then I tried all my whole list and only check the Ids. but I dont know how to do that. That code does not work. Could anyone just help me include the whole list of id's in the table.contains ?
Basically wanna include my whole list in that line, without typing out all IDs manually.
Shouldn't Game_Items[id] work? Doesn't that mean all the "id" inside "Game_Items"?
No it doesn't mean that. If foo is a table, then foo[id] looks for a field in foo that is called whatever id refers to, such as a string (so if id is 1 you will get foo[1], if id is "bar" you will get, etc).
You can't do it in one line, but you can create a function that will allow you to write your if condition. I'm not sure what tempItemCounter is but assuming that your inventory is a map of keys to entries of the form
inventory = {
[1234] = {....},
[1235] = {....},
where each integer key is unique, and assuming you want true only if all items are in inventory, then you could do this:
function isAllInInventory(items, inventory)
for i,item in ipairs(items) do
if inventory[] == nil
return false
return true
if isAllInInventory(Game_Items, inventory) then