Why does changing this picture in any way ruins the way it displays in unity? - file

I downloaded a picture from a tutorial on how to create Flappy Bird in Unity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihvBiJ1oC9U
When I use it in Unity it works perfect however when I try to make any changes to it, whether by simple "Paint" or "Photoshop", the picture turns blurry and I can't understand why, here is a video where you can see the problem: https://imgur.com/a/RtB14Wu
Here are 2 of the picture's details page, on the left, the one I downloaded from the tutorial that works good, on the right the one I simply changed some pixels in "Paint": https://imgur.com/a/W48Gte2

Make sure you apply the right settings for your new image. Specifically the Alpha and Filter Mode.


How do you design an image for Codename One TouchCommand?

I am 2 days in experimenting with Codename One and Mobile development in general and tested out some basic navigation and features so far. Now I want to work on the look and feel of the app.
I looked at the 9-border vid which was helpful, but not sure of the best way to add an image for the touchCommand that takes 3 tabs on that bar ( Example: home, profile, settings.. Similar to how instagram's TouchCommand is at the bottom of the app).
If I add the image, it does not line up with my Commands.
What is the best way to approach this to ensure the "TouchCommand" image appears as one, but is broken up to 3 parts for each individual commands when pressed, home, profile and settings? I might be asking this all wrong, forgive me as this is all new to me.
This is what was done.
In Theme -> Constants added commandBehavior= bar . This gives the default bar at the bottom. Created in photoshop a new bar 300x80 and added it to the TouchCommand. (See ScreenShot 1). Took this bar and broke it up in photoshop into 3 different buttons for the tab press etc. In GUI Builder, added Home, Profile, Settings in the commands. Added the image to Press Icon for Home and it didnt line up (screenshot 2). Very Frustrating to design layouts. I am hoping there is a much better technique as I am still experimenting with Codename one?
What is unclear to me, is I cant find any documentation on how to approach this and what the dimensions of each image should be as it seems that codename one has issue aligning them. I am assuming the steps would be to create the background image and add the icons as interactive layers for the user. I really care for the image being pressed and changes color like the instagram example. I dont see a way to do this in codename one GUI builder and themes.
Okay, I have decided to use tabs instead of the bar at the bottom. If I add my image to it, I get the results (screeshot 3). Is this the right method to use to accompolish what I want? If so, I dont see a way yet to alter this to become what I want :( .
Plus adding the background, shows one size in the display and looks different in the simulator. (screeshot4)
Answered Here: How do you get ActionBar from SocialBoo theme to show up in your GUI?
Tabs are customized individually so the border should apply for an individual tab to create the background. The foreground element is the icon which you define in the Tabs component itself thru the icons property which allows you to define 3 icons for the 3 tabs (assuming you use the GUI builder). If you add the tabs via addTab in the code you can specify an icon there.

Silverlight 5 - PivotViewer Details Pane Disappears on a touch screen

We've got a fairly basic implementation of the PivotViewer that we've put on a HP touch screen PC. Everything works as expected - and on the left hand pane you can select options, clear options etc.
The problem is when you select a card, the right hand pane is displayed as expected, but if you choose an item from this right hand pane (although this action works and the screen animates to show the new results) the next time you select an item the right hand pane is blank.
You get this behaviour even when you use the mouse on the touch screen.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
This same implementation works fine on every other PC - just not the touch screen where it is to be deployed!!
Although other samples I downloaded gave the same behaviour on the touch screen I found that a sample showing a custom details pane sorted things out.
I downloaded the sample from here:
It worked much better on the touch screen anyway as I made big buttons on my custom pane, rather than the hyperlinks that were there before.

Downloaded Panorama background image is cropped to screen size

If I set the Panorama.Background image brush source to a URL of a photo out on the internet, the image is centered and cropped, rather than starting at the left edge and bleeding off the screen to the right, widescreen style.
If I set the source as a local pack URI, its fine.
Smells like a bug.
Anyone got a simple workaround? Microsoft should be equipping us with a working SDK that allows us to create experiences at least as good as the phone's hubs.
The problem appears not to be images on the web, but images that are smaller than the screen size of the phone - all my web-hosted images are quite small for bandwidth reasons.
Taking my original background art 1024x768 and halving its size results in the phone cropping the right edge of the image.
Found someone else with the same problem:
Side-by-side images demonstrate the bug, clearly. I'll throw it over to Cliff on the team in Redmond and see what he thinks.
It's a problem I've found since my earliest days with the phone, and I assumed it'd be quite a well-known issue. So I expected people to quickly say "Oh yeah, that old chestnut, you need to do XYZ."
Thanks for the -3, everyone. Keep up the good work.
Before running around with "IT'S A BUG!" claims, I would do my research.
That being said, you are downloading an image, and most likely using a combo of BitmapImage/ImageBrush. Now, ImageBrush has a Stretch property and that is where you have to look.
The panorama background is intended to be a rich, high quality image.
I would expect what you're seeing ("inconsistent" resizing) if you're using an image smaller than the space you're filling and not specifying how it should be stretched.
If you're claiming a bug, what is the behaviour you're expecting?
Based on your blog post (liked in update 3) it seems you're expecting a different default stretch behaviour for an image when used in the background in a panorama. As a general rule, introducing inconsistencies or conditional defaults is likely to introduce more confusion and work in the long run.

How to achieve rotating form effect in wpf

I would like to make a rotating form WPF effect like the one in the norton antivirus 2010.
The effect is a rotating form that changes the contents when the other side is shown. But the axis is not in the center of the form but moves from side to center and back. Like a three step effect.
The rotating form can be seen at 8' 07" in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3hHPdgi9Nk&feature=related (I'm sad but this was the only video I found on YouTube)
Have a look at the Thriple stuff on CodePlex: http://thriple.codeplex.com/
It's almost exactly what you're after.
Hope this helps.
I did not examine the details, but I know that Microsoft's patterns & practices team also uses a similar animation in their "StockTrader Reference Implementation" for the "Composite Application Guidance". They sub-classed the TabControl and added some animation to it. I think the relevant code parts can be found here:
just verify this link. It has code as well as the Sample.
From the Sample take the TransitionPresenter link from the left panel and choose the 3D Rotate item from the listbox. Then select the images from the top list. You can see the same effect in the video. I saw some initial sanp of the video and may be this link can help you.

Creating "flippable" content in Silverlight

I'm currently trying to build my personal website with Silverlight 3 and I've got this idea that you should be able to flip through the content in a certain way. I haven't seen exactly what I wanted before, so I uploaded a screenshot of the design for you guys to get a better idea of what I'm talking about:
Picture of desired effect http://www.bo-mortensen.dk/bmdkflip.jpg
As you can see it's more or less a carousel on the X axis. I've seen a fair number of carousel tutorials, but it seems to be quite "complicated" for what I'm looking for.
My main problem is that I fail to understand how to make this thing dynamic. I can sure do the flipping animations, but when it comes to the best approach of making the bottom page (the mirrored one) the previous etc, I'm a bit lost :)
I'm looking for any good advice on how to make this dynamic in such a way that the only thing that needs to be changed is the content itself (text, pictures etc) Also, I believe that each page/usercontrol should be using the same two (flip up and flip down) animations, if that's possible at all?
Hope I made myself clear on this - it's late after all ;) If not, just let me know and I'll see if I can elaborate!
Looks like you are looking for a Flippable 3D control. So check out my blog for one and you can tweak it to make vertical rotation.
