Is there a way to refactor/reduce this code please. I have the impresssion yes but I don't know how to do. I'm getting my data from my API.
export default function Plant() {
const [plant, setPlant] = useState([])
const [value1, setValue1] = useState(null);
const [value2, setValue2] = useState(null)
const [value3, setValue3] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {, { plantId })
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
}, [plantId]);
useEffect(() => {
if (plant?.water) {
setValue1(WATER.find((t) => t.label === plant.water));
}, [plant]);
useEffect(() => {
if (plant?.sun) {
setValue2(SUN.find((t) => t.label === plant.sun));
}, [plant]);
useEffect(() => {
if (plant?.date) {
setValue3(DATE.find((t) => t.label ===;
}, [plant]);
return (
<MyDrop options={SUN} value={value2} setValue={setValue2} />
Please check MyDrop and Label code here here:
The last three all depend on the same plant, so there shouldn't be an issue putting them together.
useEffect(() => {
if (plant?.water) {
setValue1(OPTION1.find((t) => t.label === plant.water));
if (plant?.sun) {
setValue2(OPTION2.find((t) => t.label === plant.sun));
if (plant?.date) {
setValue3(OPTION3.find((t) => t.label ===;
}, [plant]);
If you wanted to be more DRY, consider using an array of values instead of multiple separate states, something along the lines of
// feel free to add properties to the below
// which can also be declared outside the component
const plantProperties = ['water', 'sun', 'date'];
const [values, setValues] = useState(() => => null));
useEffect(() => {
plantProperties.forEach((prop, i) => {
if (plant?.[prop]) {
setValues(, j) => i === j ? options[i].find((t) => t.label === plant.water) : val);
}, [plant]);
The plant state also looks pretty suspicious to me; the initial state is an array, since you're doing
const [plant, setPlant] = useState([])
but then you have to check if it's nullish. If you never do something like setPlant(null) or setPlant(undefined), there's no need for the null checks. If you do do that, consider whether you could instead reset the plant to the initial value with setPlant([]) or setPlant({}).
Another issue is that you check if it has certain properties directly on it, as if it was a plan object, which is really weird. Arrays generally shouldn't have arbitrary key-value pairs on them; arrays are for numeric-indexed collections of data only. If you want a collection of arbitrary key-values, consider using a plain object instead.
Another alternative you can consider is to not duplicate the same sort of data in different states. You could have only the plant state, and then calculate the dependent values synchronously afterwards, rather than in an effect hook.
const [plant, setPlant] = useState({})
const values = useMemo(() => calculateValues(plant), [plant]);
I was trying to setState and use the new value inside of same function.
const { setTasks, projects, setProjects } = useContext(TasksContext)
const [input, setInput] = useState('')
const handleNewProject = () => {
setProjects((prevState) => [...prevState, {[input]: {} }])
const tasksSetter = (findKey) => {
const obj = projects?.find(project => Object.keys(project)[0] === findKey)
const taskArray = Object.values(obj)
<input type='text' value={input} onChange={(e) => setInput(}></input>
<button onClick={() => handleNewProject()}><PlusCircleIcon/></button>
I understand, that when we get to tasksSetter's execution my projects state hasn't been updated yet. The only way to overcome it, that I can think of, is to use useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
}, [projects])
But I can't really do that, because I would like to use tasksSetter in other places, as onClick function and pass another values as argument as well. Can I keep my code DRY and don't write the same code over again? If so, how?
Here's something you can do when you can't rely on the state after an update.
const handleNewProject = () => {
const newProjects = [...projects, {[input]: {} }];
tasksSetter(input, newProjects);
const tasksSetter = (findKey, projects) => {
const obj = projects?.find(project => Object.keys(project)[0] === findKey)
const taskArray = Object.values(obj)
We make a new array with the update we want, then we can use it to set it to the state and also pass it to your tasksSetter function in order to use it. You do not use the state itself but you do get the updated array out of it and the state will be updated at some point.
This is my current code:
useEffect(() => {
profile.familyCode.forEach((code) => {
onSnapshot(query(collection(db, "group-posts", code._id, "posts"), orderBy("timestamp", "desc")
(querySnapshot) => {
const posts = => ({
setMessages([...messages, posts])
There are TWO code._id's and currently it is only setting my messages from one of them. What am I missing here?
Ive tried using some of firestores logical expressions to do the same thing with no success. This way I can at least pull some of them, but I would like to pull ALL of the posts from BOTH code._id's
You are missing the fact that setMessages is not updating messages itself immediately. So messages are closure-captured here with the old (or initial value) and calling setMessages will just overwrite what was previously set by previous onSnapshot.
Next issue - onSnapshot returns the unsubscribe function which should be called to stop the listener. Or you will get some bugs and memory leaks.
Here is a fast-written (and not really tested) example of possible solution, custom hook.
export function useProfileFamilyGroupPosts(profile) {
const [codeIds, setCodeIds] = useState([]);
const [messagesMap, setMessagesMap] = useState(new Map());
const messages = useMemo(() => {
if (!messagesMap || messagesMap.size === 0) return [];
// Note: might need some tweaks/fixes. Apply .flatMap if needed.
return Array.from(messagesMap).map(([k, v]) => v);
}, [messagesMap])
// extract codeIds only, some kind of optimization
useEffect(() => {
if (!profile?.familyCode) {
const codes = => x._id);
setCodeIds(curr => {
// primitive arrays comparison, replace if needed.
// if curr is same as codes array - return curr to prevent any future dependent useEffects executions
return curr.sort().toString() === codes.sort().toString() ? curr : codes;
}, [profile])
useEffect(() => {
if (!codeIds || codeIds.length === 0) {
setMessagesMap(new Map());
const queries = => query(collection(db, "group-posts", x, "posts"), orderBy("timestamp", "desc")));
const unsubscribeFns = => {
return onSnapshot(x, (querySnapshot) => {
const posts = => ({
// update and re-set the Map object.
setMessagesMap(curr => {
curr.set(x, posts);
return new Map(curr)
// we need to unsubscribe to prevent memory leaks, etc
return () => {
unsubscribeFns.forEach(x => x());
// not sure if really needed
setMessagesMap(new Map());
}, [codeIds]);
return messages;
The idea is to have a Map (or just {} key-value object) to store data from snapshot listeners and then to flat that key-value to the resulting messages array. And to return those messages from hook.
Usage will be
const messages = useProfileFamilyGroupPosts(profile);
I am building a messaging feature using and react context;
I created a context to hold the conversations that are initially loaded from the server as the user passes authentication.
export const ConversationsContext = createContext();
export const ConversationsContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
const { user } = useUser();
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState([]);
const { socket } = useContext(MessagesSocketContext);
useEffect(() => {
}, [conversations]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!socket) return;
socket.on("userConversations", (uc) => {
let ucc = => ({
participant: c.participants.filter((p) => p._id != user._id)[0],
socket.on("receive-message", (message) => {
setConversations((convs) => {
let convIndex = convs.findIndex(
(c) => c._id === message.conversation._id
let conv = convs[convIndex];
convs.splice(convIndex, 1);
return [conv, ...convs];
}, [socket]);
return (
The conversations state is updated with the values that come from the server, and I have confirmed that on the first render, the values are indeed there.
Whenever i am geting a message, when the socket.on("receive-message", ...) function is called, the conversations state always return as []. When checking devTools if that is the case I see the values present, meaning the the socket.on is not updated with the conversations state.
I would appreciate any advice on this as I`m dealing with this for the past 3 days.
You can take "receive-message" function outside of the useEffect hook and use thr reference as so:
const onReceiveMessageRef = useRef();
onReceiveMessageRef.current = (message) => {
setConversations((convs) => {
let convIndex = convs.findIndex(
(c) => c._id === message.conversation._id
let conv = convs[convIndex];
convs.splice(convIndex, 1);
return [conv, ...convs];
useEffect(() => {
if (!socket) return;
socket.on("userConversations", (uc) => {
let ucc = => ({
participant: c.participants.filter((p) => p._id != user._id)[0],
socket.on("receive-message", (...r) => onReceiveMessageRef.current(...r));
}, [socket]);
let me know if this solves your problem
I'm working on a hotel feature where the user can filter through and display the corresponding rooms available, however when I set the onClick to update the filters and display the filtered rooms, the rooms display correctly after the second click and there after.
const toggleSelection = (e) => {
setFilters((prevFilters) => ({
const filterRooms = () => {
setRooms((prevRooms) => ({
filtered: filtered_rooms,
useState() (and class component's this.setState()) are asynchronous, so your second state updater won't have an up to date value for filtered_rooms when it runs.
Rather than:
const [some_state, setSomeState] = useState(...);
const [some_other_state, setSomeOtherState] = useState(...);
const someHandler = e => {
setSomeOtherState(() => {
// Uses `some_state` to calculate `some_other_state`'s value
You need to setSomeOtherState within a useEffect hook, and ensure to mark some_state as a dependency.
const [some_state, setSomeState] = useState(...);
const [some_other_state, setSomeOtherState] = useState(...);
useEffect(() => {
setSomeOtherState(() => {
// Uses `some_state` to calculate `some_other_state`'s value
}, [some_state]);
const someHandler = e => {
It is hard to give an suggestion for your code since it is fairly edited, but it'd probably look like this:
const filterRooms = () => {
// ...
setRooms((prevRooms) => ({
filtered: filtered_rooms,
useEffect(() => {
}, [filtered_rooms]);
const toggleSelection = (e) => {
setFilters((prevFilters) => ({
See this codepen for a simple (albeit a bit contrived) example.
I have the following code:
const [ ddFilterData, setddFilterData ] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
}, [ddFilterData]);
const getDropdownData = async () => {
if(optionDetails) {
let filteredData = Promise.all( (item, i) => {
const fltData = await filterData(item, props.items);
return fltData
filteredData.then(returnedData => {
What I need is for useEffect to execute eah time ddFilerData changes with NEW or DIFFERENT data.
From my understanding it should only update or run when teh ddFilterData is different no?
Currently it runs on each change. The code above enters into an infinite loop even thou filteredData isn't different. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Your returnedData is an array. So when you do setddFilterData(returnedData) you're setting a new value for ddFilterData. Because React uses for comparison, even if the array elements are the same as previously, it is still a different object and will trigger useEffect again, causing the infinite loop.
your getDropdownData method is updating ddFilterData which causes re-render. And on re-render you getDropdownData is called which updated ddFilterData due to this cyclic behavior your are getting infinte loop.
Modify your code like this:
const [ ddFilterData, setddFilterData ] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// put your code here if you want to do something on change of ddFilterData
}, [getDropdownData]);
const getDropdownData = async () => {
if(optionDetails) {
let filteredData = Promise.all( (item, i) => {
const fltData = await filterData(item, props.items);
return fltData
filteredData.then(returnedData => {