SQL Search for pgAdmin - pgadmin-4

I use SQL Search when working with SQL Server Management Studio and it works to find even comments written in sp. I would like to know if there is similar tool/function in Postgres/pgAdmin.


Find when was last SP\CU was installed on SQL Server using T-SQL query or powershell

I need to find when was last SP\CU was installed on SQL Server using T-SQL query or PowerShell.
Currently we can see it in
control panel--> installed updates
I have so many servers and I don't want to login to each server and need some query for the same. Is it possible? Thanks

How to batch database modifications from SQL Server Management Studio

I'm struggling to figure out how to batch modifications to our databases in SQL Server Management Studio. We'll perform actions like editing columns, creating tables, renaming tables, etc. that we need to perform on all of our environments - but not until we're ready to push the application. I'm trying to use the SQL profiler to grab the SQL but this seems horribly inefficient.
Is there a solution built into the application that will track such changes for me?
Looks like I found my answer: http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1723/auto-generate-change-scripts-in-sql-server-management-studio-ssms-for-tables/
you can easily create scripts using the osql utility if you are on a version lower than SqlServer 2005.
From sql server 2005 onwards we use sqlcmd

How to debug stored procedures in sql server 2005

How can I debug stored procedures in SQL server 2005.
It appears that in SQL Server 2005 you need to use the Visual Studio IDE - see this SO post.
This may have been changed in later service packs (because frankly, removing that from the management studio seems like a silly idea).
In SQL Server 2000 you could use Query Analyzer (right click procedure, debug)
In SQL Server 2008 debugging is back in SQL Server Management Studio (now an option in the toolbar).
Of course, the classic, tried and true way is to cut the contents of the procedure into a new query window, create the parameters you want, then use print and select statements to figure out what may be going wrong.
Use Visual Studio, by making a Data Connection to your SQL box, but don't do it on a production server, because it pauses execution using all kinds of scary low-level locking techniques. It will cripple SQL on whatever server you do it on, so do it on your local machine only if possible.

Creating SQL Server 2008 Add-Ons: current equivalent of sqlwb.exe

I'm trying to create a simple Add-On for SQL Server 2008; it is simply going to pass a parameter from SQL 2008 to a console application.
Although Add-Ons are not specifically supported, according to these articles (1, 2), it is possible in 2005 and I'm assuming also in 2008. However, I've fallen almost at the first hurdle; I can't seem to find SQLWB.EXE (SQL WorkBench) in the expected place. I'm assuming that this file has been replaced in 2008, but I can't seem to pin down the equivalent version.
Has anyone any experience in general in developing 2008 Add-ons? Any good resources?
And can anyone indicate the 2008 replacement for SQLWB.EXE?
Sql Server Management Studio:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe

SQL data comparison tool for SQL Server Compact

Does anyone know of a tool similiar to RedGate's SQL Data Compare that works with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5?
For me the following process worked:
Install SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension.
Run the "Script database schema and data" command on both databases
Use a diff tool on generated files to see the changes.
In the end I solved this problem by Exporting my 2 SQL Server Compact Databases to SQL Server Express 2005 (although 2008 would work) using Data Port Console.
I then compared them using Red Gate SQL Data Compare.
This solution works just fine for me.
Not sure, but you could also have a look at the Apex SQL tools - Apex SQL Diff and Apex SQL DataDiff. There website is here. They don't specifically mention SQL Server Compact - but I'm sure you could inquire with them.
Red-Gate and Apex are my #1 choices for any kind of SQL tools :-)
Have you tried SQL Compare from starinix? They say it supports SQL Server (All Editions) so that may include compact edition.
This software does work as I have used it (for Yukon). It's also freeware which saves worrying about licensing.
