I am working on my react js project. I need to integrate Instamojo payment gateway. I can't find any proper documentation or procedure for React js on their website.Do Help for integrate Instamojo payment.
I'm quite new to React.js. I tried to access the Spring Rest Api call through Axios and it worked. Would like to know how to add authentication to the same and is there any possibility to access Spring Login functionality through React Js. Please provide some suggestions.
I am unable to identify what code should I use to integrate Shopify with Salesforce
I have a backend admin panel created in Laravel 8, and i have installed passport security also. Admin frontend is working on vuejs by using laravel frontend scaffolding.
I have another one website in react js and one mobile application in React Native. The api to the web and mobile application is from laravel admin application. So what my doubt is, when i use external react js application what are the grand types should i use for authorization. And how will i segregate api routes for login user data and common data to the external react application.
Anyone can help me to get into the track.
Thanks in advance.
I need your guidance/suggestion on the scenario I am into.
We have a legacy GWT application(version 2.7), this application has 2 controllers which implement EntryPoint class - LoginController and OTSController. These have their respective presenter and viewer.
N.B. - this GWT application runs as a spring-boot application.
This GWT application is a ui application(and there is another spring-boot application which would act as a server app). The GWT app uses default way of handling user authentication i.e. using /j_spring_security_check.
Now I am trying to re-write the Login functionality in React(and I am quite new with React). I am trying to use oauth2 for authentication, can you please point which oauth2 library I should use and is their any sample which I can look into.
I have searched for authentication for React web-app and seen examples for -
Okta Sign-In Widget
Auth0 - provides authentication-as-a-service
Stormpath React SDK
JWT(JSON Web Token)
But couldn't find any specific js library that gives oauth2 implementation(and which doesn't have much strict license obligations) that I can use in my react app, please give me pointers so I can use any existing/implement oauth2 authentication for my Login page(using react).
You can use these two libraries from Okta for integrating authentication into a React app with Okta - #okta/okta-auth-js and #okta/okta-react. You can also checkout the guide here - https://developer.okta.com/code/react/okta_react. Hope this helps.
I'm working on cakephp project & want to add paypal payment portal in my project.
Can anyone help me out to integrate paypal payment portal