SDL, how to fix key input lag [duplicate] - c

I am making a game where a nozzle of a tank rotates around when space is pressed to shoot enemies. However, right in the beginning when the space is pressed, it seems to stop for a few milliseconds and then continues without any problems. How can I make it so that the rotations is smooth and consistent as soon as the space is pressed, right from the start? Here is a minimal reproducible example:
#include "SDL.h"
#include <iostream>
class Nozzle
void draw(SDL_Renderer* renderer, int cx, int cy, int l)
float x = ((float)cos(angle) * l) + cx;
float y = ((float)sin(angle) * l) + cy;
SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, cx, cy, (int)x, (int)y);
void plusAngle(float a)
angle += a;
float angle = 0.0f;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow("RGame", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 1200, 600, false);
SDL_Renderer* renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
SDL_Event event;
Nozzle nozzle;
bool running = true;
while (running)
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
running = false;
if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE)
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0);
nozzle.draw(renderer, 600, 300, 70);
return 1;

if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE)
This is not how you do controls in a game.
If you open a text editor and hold a key, you'll see one letter being typed, then, after a delay, a steady stream of the same repeated letter. And SDL does the same thing, it gives you fake repeated "key down" events in this manner. This is normally used for editing text, not for game controls. (Those repeated events are marked by event.key.repeat == true).
What you should do is to create something like bool space_key_down, set it to true when you get SDL_KEYDOWN for the space key, and to false when you get SDL_KEYUP for the same key. Then, outside of the event loop, if the variable is set, you rotate your nozzle.
Or you can use SDL_GetKeyboardState. SDL does this thing automatically for every key, and you can access the list of flags it maintains using this function.
Also, while we're at it, you normally don't want to use keycodes (.sym == SDLK_SPACE) for game controls. Prefer scancodes (.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE). The difference only becomes apparent on exotic layouts (e.g. AZERTY): keycodes represent the letters printed on the keycaps, while scancodes represent physical key locations. For example, on AZERTY you want to use ZQSD instead of WASD. If you use scancodes, it will happen automatically (SDL_SCANCODE_W will represent Z, and so on).
scaling rotation with frame-rate isn't really what I am looking for. Its a different problem
You need to solve this problem too. If you don't want the rotation speed to depend on FPS (bad thing), you must either mutliply the rotation angle by the frame length (it works, but it's easy to make mistakes this way), or make sure your game logic runs the fixed amount of times per second regardless of the FPS (I prefer this solution). See Fix Your Timestep!.


Why does my window lag when I run multiple instances of it?

I created a Win32 window app that moves around the screen occasionally, sort of like a pet. As it moves, it switches between 2 bitmaps to show 'animation' of it moving. The implementation involves multiple WM_TIMER messages: One timer moves the window, another changes the bitmap and windows region (to only display the bitmap without the transparent parts) as it is moving, and another changes the direction the window moves.
The window runs perfectly smoothly by itself, but when I open multiple instances, the animations and movements start to lag - it is not so noticeable at 2 windows, but 3 instances and above causes every single window to start lagging very noticably. The movement and animations are choppy and even freeze occasionaly.
I have tried removing portions of the code to pinpoint the cause of the issue, and apparently this only occurs when a section of the following code is put in (I have marked it out with comments):
BITMAP infoBitMap;
hBitMap = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDB_BITMAP2);
if (hBitMap == NULL)
HRGN BaseRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
HDC winDC = GetDC(hwnd);
HDC hMem = CreateCompatibleDC(winDC);
GetObject(hBitMap, sizeof(infoBitMap), &infoBitMap);
HDC hMemOld = SelectObject(hMem, hBitMap);
COLORREF transparentCol = RGB(255, 255, 255);
for (int y = 0; y < infoBitMap.bmHeight; y++) //<<<< THIS SECTION ONWARDS
int x, xLeft, xRight;
x = 0;
do {
xLeft = xRight = 0;
while (x < infoBitMap.bmWidth && (GetPixel(hMem, x, y) == transparentCol))
xLeft = x;
while (x < infoBitMap.bmWidth && (GetPixel(hMem, x, y) != transparentCol))
xRight = x;
HRGN TempRgn;
TempRgn = CreateRectRgn(xLeft, y, xRight, y + 1);
int ret = CombineRgn(BaseRgn, BaseRgn, TempRgn, RGN_OR);
if (ret == ERROR)
while (x < infoBitMap.bmWidth);
SetWindowRgn(hwnd, BaseRgn, TRUE); //<<<<---- UNTIL HERE
BitBlt(winDC, 0, 0, infoBitMap.bmWidth, infoBitMap.bmHeight, hMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject(hMem, hMemOld);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, winDC);
The commented section is the code I use to eliminate the transparent parts of the bitmap from being displayed in the window client region. It is run every time the app changes bitmap to display animation.
The app works perfectly fine if I remove that code, so I suspect this is causing the issue. Does someone know why this section of code causes lag, and ONLY with multiple instances open? Is there a way to deal with this lag?
You're iterating over each pixel in each update (correct me if I'm wrong.) which is a fairly slow process (relatively.)
A better option would be to use something like this: to create a mask color and simply use masking to remove the transparent pixels.
creating multiple regions and concatenating them is a very slow and resource/cpu-intensive operation. Instead, use ExtCreateRegion() to create a single region from an array of rectangles.
Alternatively, forget using a region at all. Simply display your bitmap on the window normally and fill in the desired areas of the window with a unique color that you can make transparent using SetLayeredWindowAttributes(), as described in #Substitute's answer.

How box() is adopting max width after resizing terminal

I don't know how reexecuting the function box() is adopting max width automatically and here is test code :
WINDOW *titleWin = update_title_win(NULL,2,x,0,0);
while((ch = getch()) != 27) {
if(ch == KEY_RESIZE) {
update_title_win() code :
WINDOW* update_title_win(WINDOW *win, int height, int width, int y, int x)
win = newwin(height,width,y,x);
return win;
The ncurses library uses resizeterm to do the adjustments when getch returns KEY_RESIZE. That function will reduce the size of windows if the (terminal/screen) shrinks, but the behavior when the screen increases in size is less apparent.
The manual page for resizeterm does not mention this, but a comment in the source code explains the behavior:
* If we're increasing size, recursively search for windows that have no
* parent, increase those to fit, then increase the contained window, etc.
A window created with newwin has no parent (unlike something made with subwin). Since the titleWin started off with the full width of the screen, as the screen width changes, ncurses will attempt to keep the title window full-width.

SDL2 CreateTextureFromSurface slow down

im doing a graphic interface in SDL2 but if i create the renderer with the flags SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC i get a notable slowdown in comparation with the flag SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE what i think shouldn't be possible.
I can't use SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE because i need enable VSYNC for avoid the tearing and i need double buffer for that.
Actually i realize that the bottleneck is with the function SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface().
Like my code is pretty big i'll try to explain it instead of past everything here:
Initialize SDL and create a SDL_Surface named screen_surface with SDL_CreateRGBSurface with the same size than my window where ill blit any other surface.
I draw a big square in the middle of that surface with SDL_FillRect and draw a rack inside that square using two times SDL_FillRect for draw two squares, one 2 pixels more big than the next one and like that simulate a empty square (i know i can do the same with SDL_RenderDrawRect but i think is more optimal draw in a surface instead of the Render) for every cell of the rack until i have 4096 cells;
now using SDL_TTF i write info in each cell for that i use TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended for get a surface for each cell and i use SDL_BlitSurface for 'fusion' this surfaces with the screen_surface
And finally i want to go through the big square illuminating the cells that are being cheked for that i use SDL_FillRect for draw a little square that travel throught the rack.
Finally i use the SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface for transform screen_surface in screen_texture followed for SDL_RenderCopy and SDL_RenderPresent
This five steps are inside of the main while with the event management and following the recomendations in the SDL_API i do SDL_RenderClear each loop for redraw everything another time.
Said all this how i said at the begining i realise that the bottleneck is step 5 independent from the another steps because if i take the steps 2 and 3 and i do them before the while leaving inside the while only the creation of the rack illumination on a black window (cause im not drawing anything) i get the same slowdown. Only if i manage to draw things without use textures the velocity increase notably.
There are my questions:
Why could this happening? Teorically use double buffering shouldn't be faster than use Software Renderer?
There is any form to simulate vsync in Software Renderer?
Can i Render a Surface without build a Texture?
PD: I have read a bunch of post around the internet and im gonna answer some typical questions: i reutilize the screen_surface, i can't reutilize the surface that TTF returns, im creating and destroying the texture each loop (cause i think i can not reutilize it).
I let here my code
int main(int ac, char **av)
t_data data;
init_data(&data) /* initialize SDL */
ft_ini_font(data); /* Initialize TTF */
ft_quit_graphics(data); /* Close SDL and TTF */
return (0);
void main_loop(t_data *data)
while (data->running)
SDL_BlitSurface(data->rack_surface, NULL, data->screen_surface, &(SDL_Rect){data->rack_x, data->rack_y, data->rack_w, data->rack_h}); /* Insert the rack in the screen_surface */
void ft_ini_interface(t_data *data)
data->screen_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, data->w, data->h, 32, RED_MASK, GREEN_MASK, BLUE_MASK, ALPHA_MASK)
/* stuff for calculate rack dims */
data->rack_surface = generate_rack_surface(data);
void generate_rack_surface(t_data *data)
int i;
int j;
int k;
data->rack_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, data->rack_w, data->rack_h, 32, RED_MASK, GREEN_MASK, BLUE_MASK, ALPHA_MASK);
SDL_FillRect(Graph->rack, NULL, 0x3D3D33FF);
/* ini i, j, k for drawn the rack properly */
while (all cells not drawn)
if (k && !i)
data->celd_y += Graph->data->celd_h - 1;
data->celd_x = 0;
SDL_FillRect(data->rack, &(SDL_Rect){data->celd_x - 1, data->celd_y - 1, data->celd_w + 2, data->celd_h + 2}, 0x1C1C15FF))
SDL_FillRect(data->rack, &(SDL_Rect){data->celd_x, data->celd_y, data->celd_w, data->celd_h}, 0x3D3D33FF)
data->celd_x += data->celd_w - 1;
void ft_write_info(t_data *data)
SDL_Color color;
char *info;
while (all info not written)
color = take_color(); /*take the color of the info (only 4 ifs) */
info = take_info(data); /*take info from a source using malloc*/
surf_byte = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(data->font, info, color);
/*stuf for take the correct possition in the rack */
SDL_BlitSurface(surf_byte, NULL, Graph->screen.screen, &(SDL_Rect){data->info_x, data->info_y, data->celd.w, data->celd.h});
void ft_illum_celd(t_data *data)
int color;
SDL_Rect illum;
illum = next_illum(data) /* return a SDL_Rect with the position of the info being read */
SDL_FillRect(data->screen_surface, &pc, color);
void set_back_to_front(t_data *data)
SDL_Texture *texture;
texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(data->Renderer, data->screen_surface);
SDL_RenderCopy(data->Renderer, texture, NULL, NULL);

Does this SDL_gfx code involve a race condition?

When I run the following code on my machine, it doesn't behave deterministically. The triangle it should draw only appears sometimes:
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_gfxPrimitives.h>
int main(int argc, char* args[])
int xres = 250;
int yres = 250;
SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(xres, yres,
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
filledTrigonRGBA(screen, 10, 10, 170, 170, 75, 100, 255, 0, 255, 255);
//SDL_Delay(1); // this fixes some race condition?
return 0;
But if I uncomment the first SDL_Delay() call, the triangle always appears. I have also observed this when using SDL 2.
Is there a race condition in one of the libraries here, or is something wrong with my computer?
There are many things involved, especially if you have compositing window manager. Like if you flip your resulting image but window wasn't visible at that moment. With compositing it is even worse since it implements its own double buffering.
Just repeatedly draw it a loop, like every single example does. If you absolutely have to, you can redraw only on window events (mostly 'exposed' one).

How to set mouse cursor position in C on linux?

how can I set the mouse cursor position in an X window using a C program under Linux?
thanks :)
(like setcursorpos() in WIN)
I've tried this code, but doesn't work:
#include <curses.h>
move(100, 100);
12.4 - Moving the Pointer
Although movement of the pointer
normally should be left to the control
of the end user, sometimes it is
necessary to move the pointer to a new
position under program control.
To move the pointer to an arbitrary
point in a window, use XWarpPointer().
Display *dpy;
Window root_window;
dpy = XOpenDisplay(0);
root_window = XRootWindow(dpy, 0);
XSelectInput(dpy, root_window, KeyReleaseMask);
XWarpPointer(dpy, None, root_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100);
XFlush(dpy); // Flushes the output buffer, therefore updates the cursor's position. Thanks to Achernar.
This is old, but in case someone else comes across this issue. The answer provided by tusbar was correct but the command XFlush(dpy) must be added at the end to update the cursor's position. The libraries needed are: X11/X.h, X11/Xlib.h, X11/Xutil.h.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
//Get system window
Display *dpy;
Window root_window;
dpy = XOpenDisplay(0);
root_window = XRootWindow(dpy, 0);
XSelectInput(dpy, root_window, KeyReleaseMask);
XWarpPointer(dpy, None, root_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100);
return 0;}
PS: You can use this command to build the code gcc main.c -lX11
You want to write a X11 program that uses the call XWarpPointer function to move the point to a relative or global position. (Xlib Programming Manual, Vol 1)
In general, using Xlib for programming the X Window System, is the most basic, and quite low-level interface for graphical programming on a Unix or Linux system. Most applications developed nowadays using a higher level library such as GTK or Qt for developing their GUI applications.
Curses or NCurses (New Curses) is for programming terminal-oriented interfaces, so are not useful in this case.
use Jordan Sissel's excellent utility xdotool.
it provide XWarpPointer wrapper function like xdo_mousemove(), here is some example:
Display *display = NULL;
xdo_t *xdo = NULL;
void mouse_left_down(int x, int y)
xdo_mousemove(xdo, x, y, 0)
xdo_mousedown(xdo, CURRENTWINDOW, Button1);
void mouse_left_up(int x, int y)
xdo_mouseup(xdo, CURRENTWINDOW, Button1, 1, 0);
void mouse_left_double_click(int x, int y)
xdo_mousemove(xdo, x, y, 0);
xdo_click_multiple(xdo, CURRENTWINDOW, Button1, 1, 0);
doubleclick = TRUE;
int main()
display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if(display == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "can't open display!\n");
return -1;
xdo = xdo_new((char*) display);
//some task here
// ...
return 0;
You can use XWarpPointer to move the mouse cursor in an X window.
XWarpPointer(display, src_w, dest_w, src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height, dest_x,
Display *display;
Window src_w, dest_w;
int src_x, src_y;
unsigned int src_width, src_height;
int dest_x, dest_y;
All modern terminals should support ANSI escape sequences. For anything more complicated (and more portable), however, you should look into using a library such as ncurses.
