If you want to create a user or a group, you can do it using Active directory or Computer Management. So what's the difference between Active directory and Computer Management?
In an organization, what are the different ways to create users and groups?
Computer Management is a local applet on your system. If you create a user here (MyComputer01), that user can only login on that computer (MyComputer01).
Active Directory is a centralized management system for a network of computers (Computer02, Computer03, etc.). If a user is created in Active Directory, it can then login to other systems on the network, it's not bound to a single system.
I have two Microsoft Active Directories (AD) on two separate networks. Both networks have the same CIDR.
I am performing an environment copy and need to copy AD1 to AD2. All content in the copy needs to maintain the SIDs. VMs in the target network need to come up with the same IPs and see the target AD and connect and work. Target VMs will be created. User account/user groups/managed service account provisioned on the source image will connect to the new Target AD.
This is a straight environment copy; however, the source AD cannot be copied as an image.
How do I do this?
I have a server running Windows Server 2019 with a lot of OS running. For one of these machines I need that every time a domain user first logs in, the "Documents" folder contains a copy of an Administrator folder and the desktop contains a shortcut for an application.
Is the correct way to do this create an user profile?
I tried creating an user profile but I could only foresee a situation where all users would share the same files. What I need is that each user has a separate copy of the files.
I Just Started Learning Active Directory. I Saw that when we add or join a computer to a domain a computer Account is created. If a new Computer Account is Created Every time, is there any use in Creating Computer Account by right clicking and creating a computer account. Is there any way to connect this created computer account when a new machine is added?
Your question is off-topic for SO but yes, there is use for creating computer accounts manually if you have i.e. only the permission to join computers but not to create them (another department/person does that part). You'll find such scenarios normally only in huge environments.
I have to leave a active directory domain for several machines.
What is happening when a user goes out the domain and connect locally on the computer?
Does he still have access to its applications (Outlook, Office) and its documents stored on the hard disk of the computer?
Thanks for your help!
When taking a machine off of a domain the programs will remain in tact, as well as the files on the HDD.
The only quirks to this might be if the software on the PC is licensed using a license server on the AD domain, or maybe if there is redirected folders enabled for users.
I want to add a GPO for a few computers at first then deploy this rule to all computers when everything is confirmed OK on the test systems.
I am having troubles getting the GPO to deploy to only test computers.
I have the GPO linked to the specific OU. (thankfully a test OU not the real OU)
I have the security filtering set to 'Authenticated Users' and the 1 computer within the test OU. (2 items in the security filtering column)
But it seems both computers in the test OU are still getting this GPO deployed instead of this single computer that is listed in the filtering.
Is 'authenticated users' the same as 'everyone' including all computers in the domain within the linked OU?
Authenticated Users includes Computers. You need to either a) Remove Authenticated Users from the ACL all together or b) Remove the Apply Group Policy right for Authenticated Users from the ACL.