Snowflake :: Role to Privilege mapping information - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I need information within Snowflake which captures "Role to Privilege mapping".
Example :: If I am an user "USER_01" & I have the role as "ANALYST", then this "ANALYST" role has access to which all the objects (database/schema/table/etc..) in Snowflake account I would need that information.
Any pointers like queries/metadata tables/etc.. would help as there has to be some metadata tables which would keep this role to privilege mapping.
For e.g., queries like :
show grants to user USER_01
--> This gives what role has been assigned to this user. But this do not convey any information regarding what all privileges has been given to that role. Like if this role has got below access:
grant usage on database DB_01 to role analyst;
grant all privileges on schema schema_01 to role analyst;
grant all privileges on all tables in schema schema_01 to role analyst;

Key point: Access Control Framework
Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Access privileges are assigned to roles, which are in turn assigned to users.
Access priviliges are not assigned directly to users.

If you want to list all the privileges given to a user, you may use the stored procedure described in this KB article:


What permissions are required to access information_schema.warehouse_load_history from snowsql?

What permissions are required to access information_schema.warehouse_load_history from snowsql? I created a role and user like the below and this shows 0 results.
create role TESTROLE;
grant imported privileges on database SNOWFLAKE to role TESTROLE;
create user TEST_USER
password = 'Testsnowflake$1234'
default_warehouse = TEST_WH
default_role = TESTROLE
grant role TESTROLE to user TEST_USER;
grant usage on WAREHOUSE TEST_WH to role TESTROLE;
Please see this link for required privileges
To get results from this function, one of the following roles or
privileges are required:
The ACCOUNTADMIN role can get results from this function as it has all
of the global account permissions.
A role with the MONITOR USAGE global privilege on the ACCOUNT can
query this function for any warehouses in the account.
A role with the MONITOR privilege on the WAREHOUSE can query this
function for the warehouse it has permissions on.
A role with the OWNERSHIP privilege on the WAREHOUSE has all
permissions on the warehouse including MONITOR.
For more details, see Access Control Privileges.
When calling an Information Schema table function, the session must
have an INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema in use or the function name must be
fully-qualified. For more details, see Snowflake Information Schema.

Snowflake - Give full access on database to role; revoke access on specific schemas to user that is part of the role

Is there a way to do this?
There is a admin role which is the owner of the database, schema & all other objects.
There is tester role with only read/write permissions on 1 schema of the database.
The tester role needs to be a part of the admin role for that 1 specific schema (so that any new objects created - the ownership will be on the admin role).
Have to revoke access to users of the tester role access on all other schemas in the database
I've tried these scripts:
grant role testerrole to user tester1;
grant usage on database DEMODB to role adminrole;
grant usage on database DEMODB to role testerrole;
grant all on database DEMODB to role adminrole;
grant select,insert,update,delete in schema "DEMODB"."DEVSCHM" to role testerrole;
--Adding tester role in admin role
grant role adminrole to testerrole;
-- revoke all other schema access to tester1 (This fails. How to fix this?)
revoke usage on schema "DEMODB"."PRDSCHM" from user tester1;
revoke usage on schema "DEMODB"."QASSCHM" from user tester1;
Looking to accomplish this - The testerrole needs to be able to create objects in the DEVSCHM, but ownership of the object should still be held with adminrole
If I've understood your question, you want the admin role to own all objects regardless of the role that created them. If that is the case then just grant future ownership on the relevant objects to the admin role

Roles on Snowflake - I do not want to see all databases

I want to create a role on snowflake limited only to one database and one schema and give there a read access on all tables.
I create a role, grant:
grant usage on database1,
grant usage on database1.schema1,
grat select on all tables in database1.schema1,
and I grant usage and operate on one warehouse1.
However, additionally to this I am seeing also other databases and other schemas with this role, despite no grants were added, also there is additional warehouse to warehouse1.
How I can limit access with this role and not see something that appear as default
'databases' even for roles with no grants?
You will be able to find out what the role can and cannot do.
Check the which users and/or roles are granted the privilege of the role:
show grants of role ;
Then check what privileges were given to the role:
show grants to role ;
All the users are granted the PUBLIC role. Hence, never grant any privileges to the PUBLIC role, as this simply means giving the whole world access to a database, schema and tables/views etc.

How to create snowflake security admin role and at same time restrict the permission only on one database

Environment: snowflake database.
i am trying to find a way to create a role which have security admin permission but should limit the permission only to specific database. is this doable or not? if so, anyone can help me on this? thanks so much.
Thanks, Alex
SECURITYADMIN is a role created by default in Snowflake and a lot of his permissions are not database-related (for example role and user management). Indeed most of the database-related grants belongs to SYSADMIN role.
So if you want to create a custom role having limited permissions on a specific database. You should list the permission which are database related and grant this permissions to the custom role.
For example if you want to give all privileges to a role on a specific database you can use :
Roles are account-level, not db-level objects. So I am guessing you are trying actually to do the same role mgmt that SECURITYADMIN does, but at db-level. In that case:
create role SECURITYADMIN_DB1;
grant create user, create role to SECURITYADMIN_DB1;
After that create Access Roles for your db:
Then assign all access roles to the custom SECURITYADMIN_DB1 role, so your role will manage that particular db only.

Create database overwrote my data from recently copied data from s3 bucket

I did not set any permissions on this database. Another person at my company ran the SQL above and replaced the data. How can I prevent this from happening in the future using the permissions in Snowflake?
TL;DR: The global privilege CREATE DATABASE in Snowflake permits a user/role to run such a statement. Removing it requires designing a role based access system and revoking administrative level rights from existing users.
At the very minimum, severely restrict the users who are allowed to run statements as ACCOUNTADMIN, SECURITYADMIN or SYSADMIN roles. Revoke these privileges from the set of users you want to prevent from performing DATABASE level operations:
REVOKE accountadmin FROM USER other_user1;
REVOKE securityadmin FROM USER other_user1;
REVOKE sysadmin FROM USER other_user1;
REVOKE accountadmin FROM USER other_user2;
REVOKE securityadmin FROM USER other_user2;
REVOKE sysadmin FROM USER other_user2;
(… repeat for all users that need to be limited …)
Next, design custom roles and define a desired level of accesses over them. Also decide which usernames will belong to each role depending on their function in your organization.
The following is a very generic and basic example just for illustrative purposes that divides all "Orders" database users into two levels of access. Specific needs will vary depending on your organization's unique situation.
CREATE ROLE orders_read_and_write;
CREATE ROLE orders_read_only;
-- Snowflake recommends you create a hierarchy of roles so you can allow any
-- SYSADMIN-allowed users to manage these newly created roles instead of
-- requiring an ACCOUNTADMIN level user to do so in future
GRANT ROLE orders_read_and_write TO ROLE sysadmin;
GRANT ROLE orders_read_only TO ROLE sysadmin;
The two roles orders_read_and_write and orders_read_only created above can then be granted privileges appropriately to control their level of access for schema and tables under the "Orders" database. Continuing the example:
-- Allow both these roles to access schema and tables under "Orders" DB
-- This does not allow them to perform any DB-level operations
-- such as replacing/overwriting it
GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE "Orders" TO ROLE orders_read_and_write;
GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE "Orders" TO ROLE orders_read_only;
-- Allow read and write access appropriately to schema under the DB
-- Note the difference on using ALL vs. USAGE in the privilege granted
-- to each role here:
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA "Orders"."SCHEMA-NAME" TO ROLE orders_read_and_write;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA "Orders"."SCHEMA-NAME" TO ROLE orders_read_only;
TO ROLE orders_read_only;
Finally, grant the roles to their respective username(s).
GRANT ROLE orders_read_and_write TO USER other_user_1;
GRANT ROLE orders_read_only TO USER other_user_2;
Any role lacking the CREATE DATABASE level privilege will no longer be able to perform a statement such as CREATE OR REPLACE DATABASE "Orders";.
In the above example, both roles only receive USAGE level access on the Orders database, which does not permit them to run such statements anymore.
If you ever need to permit such a privilege to a role, you can GRANT it explicitly to the role of choice that has trusted users under it:
I highly recommend going over Snowflake's Access Controls feature section a few times to get acclimated to the terminology. This makes it easier to implement and manage effective access controls in your organization.
Note: Introducing access control is a wide-impacting change and will require communication and coordination within your organization to be truly effective. It is always difficult to remove freedoms as this may be ingrained into scripts and programs already in use.
