How to read data from the Telegram database? - database

I have installed Telegram on MacOS.
"~/Library/Group Containers/XXXXXXXX.en.keepcoder.Telegram/" this folder contains the db_sqlite, db_sqlite-wal files. I can't open them via SQLiteBrowser, when i try to do this i get this message:
How to read data from these files?


The error happens when I get access to the .hdf file using the h5py in google colab

everyone, I want to use the Google Colab to train the TSception framework. I have use the code showed to get access to the Google Drive. And it reveals that I have link the Google Drive successfully just like figure shows.
enter image description here
And then I use h5py.File("/content/drive/My Drive/sub_0.hdf", 'r') to read the file in Google Drive. But it occurs the error "OSError: Unable to open file (file signature not found)".
It's just because the hdf file is generated by HDF4 function, so it will occur erros when read it by HDF5 function. And the HDF4 and HDF5 function can write to the file which has the same suffix '.hdf'

Streaming the zip file to the calling application using Vert.x

One Gateway application is going to send a GET request to my Vert.x application. For this request, I need to read a large zip file from Amazon S3 server which I am able to read in BufferedInputStream. I don't want to download this file but rather I need to send this stream data to the gateway application (NOT a downloadable file with application/zip content type but stream data or byte chunks) which it will further send to end application where this stream data will be downloaded as a zip file. So the sending the zip file in form of stream to the gateway application I need to achieve using Vert.x. Already gone through lot of documentation and blogs but everywhere it is given to download the zip file which is not my intention. Could anyone please suggest how I could achieve this streaming of zip file in http response of calling request using Vert.x? Do I need to use Java NIO? If yes, could you please put details? Sorry, but I have nothing to put here as part of code. Thanks in advance!

Pythonanywhere Loading data from local files

I'm new to pythonanywhere. I wonder how to load data from local csv files (there are many of them, over 1,000) into a mysql table. Let's say the path for the folder of the csv files is d:/data. How can I write let pythonanywhere visit the local files? Thank you very much!
You cannot get PythonAnywhere to read the files directly off your machine. At the very least, you need to upload the file to PythonAnywhere first. You can do that from the Files tab. Then the link that Rptk99 provided will show you how to import the file into MySQL.

AppEngine Bulk upload along with files

I need to do bulk upload data from CSV file to Datastore. Although the data in the CSV file is also having a field which should be URL to a file.
Each row(person) is mapped to an associated file. which either i can upload in Google Cloud Storage. Although at runtime how can i upload the file and then get the URL and update the CSV file. Then use the CSV file to do Bulk upload.
Need to have a solution for this.
THanks for Help
Two ways of doing this
Write stuff in your request handler and perform the task, raw data can be uploaded to gae as a project resources, there are some size limits obviously
The better way is to enable remote api , then use remote api python script to batch upload stuff or write some code in python which points to your remote datasource.

How to get file in Silverlight Application?

Suppose, we have a sivlerlight application - SLApp. SLApp is located on the WebSite Link on file likes this -"" .
How to get this file in the silverlight app&
It's difficult to understand what you want from your question:
For getting a file from the client machine and sending it to the server:
You can't do that directly, it's a security risk, and hence disabled. You can only access files via the file open dialog.
For getting a file from the server to the client:
Now if you are wanting to download a file to the client via a link, then you can just open a web page with the link/url, that way you use the standard browser functionality.
