How to loop in tbl_cross - loops

I have seven variables X1,...,X7
I need to crosstabulate all my variables: X1 with 6 others.
Is it possible to do it and how with tbl_cross?
AGR %>%
col =X2,
percent = "row",
digits = c(0, 1))

Is this what you're after?
#> [1] '1.6.0'
tbl <-
c("stage", "grade") %>%
~ trial %>%
tbl_cross(row = all_of(.x), col = "trt", margin = "col") %>%
) %>%
Created on 2022-05-20 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


Do loop in tidyverse

I have a data set grouped by clusters and would like to
find the covariance matrix of each pair of clusters.
For example:
df %>%
filter(clust %in% c(1,2)) %>%
Is there a way to do so for many clusters and
save the output in a tibble?
The following code run but it is not pretty
cv12 <-
df %>%
filter(clust %in% c(1,2)) %>%
cv13 <-
df %>%
filter(clust %in% c(1,3)) %>%
cv14 <-
df %>%
filter(clust %in% c(1,4)) %>%
cv <- rbind(cv12,cv13,cv14)

How can I use tidyverse to loop through the dataset, perform multiple t tests conditionally on another variable and return all p values?

I would like to perform several t.tests to check the math scores differences between base conditionally on quest. After, check the english scores and the the science scores. By "hand", I'll have to loop within the dataset to do the following:
ds %>% filter(quest == "age_10") %>% {t.test(math ~ base, data = .)$p.value}
ds %>% filter(quest == "age_10") %>% {t.test(english ~ base, data = .)$p.value}
ds %>% filter(quest == "age_10") %>% {t.test(science ~ base, data = .)$p.value}
ds %>% filter(quest == "age_12") %>% {t.test(math ~ base, data = .)$p.value}
ds %>% filter(quest == "age_12") %>% {t.test(english ~ base, data = .)$p.value}
ds %>% filter(quest == "age_12") %>% {t.test(science ~ base, data = .)$p.value}
Visually, my question is below
My hunt was almost there
ds %>%
select(quest, base, math:science) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -c(quest, base))%>%
group_by(quest) %>%
summarise(pout = list(broom::tidy(t.test(value ~ base, data = .)$p.value))) %>%
unnest(pout) %>%
ds <- data.frame(quest = rep(c("age_10","age_12","age_14","age_16"), each=10),
base = c("base1","base2"),
math = rnorm(80,10,2),
english = rnorm(80,8,1),
science = rnorm(80,13,1))
if someone is looking for this answer, I could figure out the solution
Please use this following code
ds %>%
select(quest, base, math:science) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -c(quest, base)) %>%
group_by(quest, name) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(p = map(data, ~t.test(.x$value ~ .x$base)$p.value)) %>%
unnest(p) %>%

R codes to extract ROC from Logistic regression model in 10 CV

I fitted a logistic regression model in 10-fold cv. I can use the pROC package to get the AUC but it seems the AUC is not for the 10-fold CV because the cvAUC library gave a different AUC. I suspect the AUC from pROC is for one fold. Please how can extract the joint AUC for the 10-fold using the pROC library?
data <- iris[which(iris$Species=="setosa" | iris$Species=="versicolor"),]
data$ID <-
data$Species <-as.factor(data$Species)
confusion_matrices <- list()
accuracy <- c()
for (i in c(1:10)) {
folds <- caret::createFolds(data$Species, k = 10)
test <- data[data$ID %in% folds[[i]], ]
train <- data[data$ID %in% unlist(folds[-i]), ]
model1 <- glm(as.factor(Species)~ ., family = binomial, data = train)
pred <- predict(model1, newdata = test, type = "response")
predR <- as.factor( pred >= 0.5)
df <- data.frame(cbind(test$Species, predR))
df_list <- lapply(df, as.factor)
confusion_matrices[[i]] <- caret::confusionMatrix(df_list[[2]], df_list[[1]])
accuracy[[i]] <- confusion_matrices[[i]]$overall["Accuracy"]
names(accuracy) <- c("Fold 1",....,"Fold 10")
accuracy %>%

SSAS (Sexual Segregation and Aggregation Statistic) in R - calling C

I am running the following code, found in this appendix of a paper to calculate the Sexual Segregation and Aggregation Statistic in R - but keep getting the following error - presumably there is an issue with calling a function from C, but I cannot resolve it.
# Main function, computes both the SSAS (Sexual Segregation and
# Aggregation Statistic) and the 95% limits of SSAS
# under the assumption of random association of both sexes
SSAS <- function(x, = 0.95, B = 10000)
x <- as.matrix(x)
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
sr <- rowSums(x)
sc <- colSums(x)
n <- sum(x)
E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
dimnames(E) <- dimnames(x)
tmp <- .C("chisqsim", as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc),as.integer(sr),
as.integer(sc), as.integer(n), as.integer(B), as.double(E), integer(nr * nc),
double(n + 1), integer(nc), results = double(B), PACKAGE = "stats")
obs <- sum(sort((x - E)^2/E, decreasing = TRUE))/n
sim <- tmp$results/n
p0 <- (1 -
return(c(obs, quantile(sim, p0), quantile(sim, 1 -p0)))
# This function formats data to be run with the SSAS function
splitmfd <- function(mfd) {
loca1 <- function(x) {
x <- t(x[, 1:2])
dimnames(x) <- list(c("mal", "fem"), as.character(1:ncol(x)))
l0 <- split(mfd, mfd$mon)
lapply(l0, loca1)
# Example 1: Isard
rup <- read.table("",
h = T)
# Load data from the web
plot1 <- function(w, titre = "") {
plot(1:12, w[, 1], ylim = range(w), ax = F, pch = 19,
type = "n", ylab = "IK", xlab = "")
title(main = titre)
axis(1, 1:12, c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
"Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
axis(2, pretty(range(w)), tck = 1)
polyx <- c(1:12, 12:1)
polyy <- c(w[, 3], rev(w[, 2]))
polygon(polyx, polyy, col = grey(0.9))
points(w[, 1], pch = 19, type = "b")
# Function to plot data and 95\ levels of significance
l1 <- splitmfd(rup)
# Format data to be used with SSAS function
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
# "w" is a matrix having 3 columns and 12 rows. In the first columns are
# the SSAS estimates for each month, and the lower and upper limits in columns 2
# and 3 respectively.
plot1(w, "Isard")
# Plot figure 3a
# Example 2: Red deer
cer <- read.table("",
h = T)
l1 <- splitmfd(cer)
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
plot1(w, "Red deer")
# Plot figure 3c
# Example 3: Roe deer
cap <- read.table("",
h = T)
l1 <- splitmfd(cap)
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
plot1(w, "Roe deer")
# Plot figure 3e
Here is my error:
w <- matrix(unlist(lapply(l1, SSAS)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
Error in .C("chisqsim", as.integer(nr), as.integer(nc), as.integer(sr), :
"chisqsim" not available for .C() for package "stats"
This is a prime-example why you should not call internal C functions in R user code. R internals can (and do) change. Here, these changes are relevant: "more use of .Call" by Prof. Ripley.
Thus, you can change the function to this:
SSAS <- function(x, = 0.95, B = 10000)
x <- as.matrix(x)
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
sr <- rowSums(x)
sc <- colSums(x)
n <- sum(x)
E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
dimnames(E) <- dimnames(x)
tmp <- .Call(stats:::C_chisq_sim, sr, sc, B, E)
obs <- sum(sort((x - E)^2/E, decreasing = TRUE))/n
sim <- tmp/n
p0 <- (1 -
return(c(obs, quantile(sim, p0), quantile(sim, 1 -p0)))
Then, the code runs, but I have not checked for correctness. So, no warranties (as usual on Stack Overflow).

Read multidimensional NetCDF as data frame in R

I use a netCDF file which stores one variable and has following dimensions: lon, lat, time.
Generally speaking I wish to compare it against different data that I have already in R stored as dataframe - first two columns are coordinates in WGS84, and next are values for specific time.
So I wrote following code.
# since # ncFile$dim$time$units say: [1] "days since 1900-1-1"
daysFromDate <- function(data1, data2="1900-01-01")
round(as.numeric(difftime(data1,data2,units = "days")))
#study area:
lon <- c(40.25, 48)
lat <- c(16, 24.25)
myTime <- c(daysFromDate("2008-01-16"), daysFromDate("2011-12-31"))
varName <- "spei"
x <- getBinaryURL("")
ncFile <- nc_open(x)
LonIdx <- which( ncFile$dim$lon$vals >= lon[1] | ncFile$dim$lon$vals <= lon[2])
LatIdx <- which( ncFile$dim$lat$vals >= lat[1] & ncFile$dim$lat$vals <= lat[2])
TimeIdx <- which( ncFile$dim$time$vals >= myTime[1] & ncFile$dim$time$vals <= myTime[2])
MyVariable <- ncvar_get( ncFile, varName)[ LonIdx, LatIdx, TimeIdx]
I thought that data frame will be returned so that I will be able to easily manipulate data (in example - check correlation or create a plot).
Unfortunately 3-dimensional list has been returned instead.
How can I reformat this to data frame with following columns X-Y-Time1-Time2-...
So, example data will looks as follows
X Y 2014-01-01 2014-01-02 2014-01-02
50 17 0.5 0.4 0.3
where 0.5, 0.4 and 0.3 are example variable values
Or maybe there is different solution?
Ok, try following code, but it assumes that ranges are dense filled. And I changed lon test from or to and
nc <- nc_open("")
lon <- ncvar_get(nc, "lon")
lat <- ncvar_get(nc, "lat")
time <- ncvar_get(nc, "time")
lonIdx <- which( lon >= 40.25 & lon <= 48.00)
latIdx <- which( lat >= 16.00 & lat <= 24.25)
myTime <- c(daysFromDate("2008-01-16"), daysFromDate("2011-12-31"))
timeIdx <- which(time >= myTime[1] & time <= myTime[2])
data <- ncvar_get(nc, "spei")[lonIdx, latIdx, timeIdx]
indices <- expand.grid(lon[lonIdx], lat[latIdx], time[timeIdx])
df <- data.frame(cbind(indices, as.vector(data)))
ok, looks like I got the idea what do you want, but have do direct solution. What I've got so far is this: split data frame using either split() function or data.table package. After splitting by X&Y, you'll get lists of small data frames where X&Y are a constant for a given frame. Probably is it possible to transpose and recombine them back, but I have no idea how. It might be a good idea to continue to work with data as columns, Lists are nested, could be flattened, and here is link for splitting in R:
Code, as continued from previous example
colnames(df) <- c("X","Y","Time","spei")
df$Time <- as.Date(df$Time, origin="1900-01-01")
dt <-
# Taken from
# x data.table
# f use `by` argument instead - unlike data.frame
# drop logical default FALSE will include `by` columns in resulting data.tables - unlike data.frame
# by character column names on which split into lists
# flatten logical default FALSE will result in recursive nested list having data.table as leafs
# ... ignored <- function(x, f, drop = FALSE, by, flatten = FALSE, ...){
if(missing(by) && !missing(f)) by = f
stopifnot(!missing(by), is.character(by), is.logical(drop), is.logical(flatten), !".ll" %in% names(x), by %in% names(x), !"nm" %in% by)
.by = by[1L]
tmp = x[, list(.ll=list(.SD)), by = .by, .SDcols = if(drop) setdiff(names(x), .by) else names(x)]
setattr(ll <- tmp$.ll, "names", tmp[[.by]])
if(length(by) > 1L) return(lapply(ll,, drop = drop, by = by[-1L])) else return(ll)
} else {
tmp = x[, list(.ll=list(.SD)), by=by, .SDcols = if(drop) setdiff(names(x), by) else names(x)]
setattr(ll <- tmp$.ll, 'names', tmp[, .(nm = paste(.SD, collapse = ".")), by = by, .SDcols = by]$nm)
# here is data.table split
q <-, by = c("X","Y"), drop=FALSE)
# here is data frame split
qq <- split(df, list(df$X, df$Y))
