My image is not changing to another image in React on a darkmode click handler - reactjs

Converting a vanilla javascript file to react and I'm trying to get an image to change when the dark mode button is clicked I'm having trouble getting it to work in React do I use onClick or onChange or maybe something else to accomplish this? Whenever I try to change it I just get an empty PNG instead of a changed image. To clarify, when I first load the page the first image shows up correctly. So I believe its just my changeImage function that's not working and I'm struggling to figure out why.
On another note, I don't believe my local storage command is working either because when I switch to dark mode and then reload the page, it's going back to light mode instead of staying in dark mode.
Thank you.
import React from "react";
import logo from "../images/portfolio logo option 2.png";
import darklogo from "../images/devjon darkmode.png";
function About() {
//changeImage function
function changeImage() {
let image = document.getElementById("myLogo");
if (image.src.match({ logo })) {
image.src = "/images/";
} else {
image.src = { darklogo };
function changeImage2() {
let image = document.getElementById("myLogo");
if (image.src.match({ darklogo })) {
image.src = "/images/";
} else {
image.src = { logo };
//dark mode button
function darkMode() {
let darkMode = localStorage.getItem("darkMode");
const darkModeToggle = document.querySelector("#dark-mode-toggle");
const enableDarkMode = () => {
// 1. Add the class to the body
// 2. Update darkMode in localStorage
localStorage.setItem("darkMode", "enabled");
const disableDarkMode = () => {
// 1. Remove the class from the body
// 2. Update darkMode in localStorage
// If the user already visited and enabled darkMode
// start things off with it on
if (darkMode === "enabled") {
// When someone clicks the button
darkModeToggle.addEventListener("click", () => {
// get their darkMode setting
darkMode = localStorage.getItem("darkMode");
// if it not currently enabled, enable it
if (darkMode !== "enabled") {
// if it has been enabled, turn it off
} else {
//return the HTML
return (
{/* devJon logo */}
<div className="logo">
alt="devJon logo"
{/* Darkmode Button */}
viewBox="0 0 550 550"
transform="translate(-8 -8)"
export default About;


Why lottieRef returns only null?

Using the library "# lottiefiles/react-lottie-player"
You need to get lottieRef to interact with animation, but I get null.
Code reference:
import React, {useEffect, useRef} from "react";
import {Player} from "#lottiefiles/react-lottie-player";
export default function App() {
const player = useRef(null)
const lottie = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
if(lottie && lottie.current){
console.log(lottie.current) //return null
}, [])
return (
<div className="App">
lottieRef={data => lottie.current = data}
onEvent={event =>{
if(event === "load"){ //nothing
style={{width: "100%", height: "2.5em", padding: "0", margin: "0"}}/>
There is also an interesting point.
If you output lottie, we get an object with null (while there is something inside it)
And if you output lottie.current, we get null.
Reference to an example of this thing:
Can you pass the lottie ref into your ref like the following (see ref on the div):
export default function App() {
const player = useRef(null)
const lottie = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
if(lottie && lottie.current){
console.log(lottie.current) //return null
}, [])
return (
<div className="App">
lottieRef={data => lottie.current = data}
onEvent={event =>{
if(event === "load"){
lottie.current && //nothing
style={{width: "100%", height: "2.5em", padding: "0", margin: "0"}}/>
This way I am able to get the animation object when I console lottie.current
I'd prefer to use useState to save the animationData rather than a ref. But there was also an issue on the player where the 'load' event was firing but the player hadn't finish setting its internal instance of the animation therefor calling play() wouldn't work. This was happening only on functional components in React that's why it went undiscovered.
I've made a few changes to your code and to the player, using v1.5.2 you should be able to accomplish what you're looking for:
import css from "./HorizontalPicker.module.css";
import React, { useRef, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Player } from "#lottiefiles/react-lottie-player";
const HorizontalPicker = () => {
const player = useRef(null);
// const lottie = useRef(null);
const [lottie, setLottie] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (lottie) {
console.log(" Lottie animation data : ");
// You can also play by calling the underlying lottie method
}, [lottie]);
return (
onEvent={(event) => {
// console.log(event);
if (event === "instanceSaved" && player && player.current) {
console.log("Playing animation..");;
lottieRef={(data) => {
export default HorizontalPicker;
Well, according to official documentation, lottieRef represents a callback function which is fired by Player component (and this function returns AnimationFrame object)
I'm not familiar with this library, and whatever I'll describe next are just my assumptions :) Seems that whenever player "plays", it displays frames one-by-one (from json file in "src" attribute"). And whenever player displays frames from .json file - Player fires "lottieRef" event which you utilize to set lottie.current. And player starts displaying frames only when it loads .json data using "src" parameter in Player definition (see network tab in your browser to ensure that additional http request presents)
And in this case everything seems pretty logical: you try to access "lottie" variable in useEffect of your component but it's empty as far as Player did not manage to display any frame yet because the callback (lottieRef) did not fire yet as far as .json file is not loaded yet. No matter if .json file is large or small, Player requests it via additional http call, which requires some (even minital) amount time. And useEffect fires before .json is loaded immediately after rendering DOM (that's how ReactJS works)
On the other hand, if you delay a bit request to "lottie" ref - you'll see that it is populated:
Code example:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Player } from '#lottiefiles/react-lottie-player';
export default function App() {
const player = useRef(null);
const lottie = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => console.log(lottie), 50);
}, []);
return (
<div className="App">
lottieRef={(data) => (lottie.current = data)}
So if you delay onEvent callback event a bit, "lottie" ref would be initialized by that moment and .play() would work:
onEvent={(event) => {
event === 'load' &&
() => lottie.current &&
BUT, if the only purpose you have is to execute Player whenever it's ready - why not to use "autoplay" built-in property ? (autoplay={true})
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import { Player } from '#lottiefiles/react-lottie-player';
export default function App() {
const player = useRef(null);
const lottie = useRef(null);
return (
<div className="App">
lottieRef={(data) => (lottie.current = data)}
Hope it'll help

Match background with users current weather conditions

I am new to React, trying to learn and I have this unsolvable problem. I have developed a weather app, I'm still working on it, but at this moment I am stuck for 3 days trying to have a background image that changes depending on the users weather conditions. I have tried something using the icon, from openweather API. I used the same method to get the icon (image from my folder) to match users weather conditions.
import React from "react";
export default function Background(props) {
const codeMapping = {
"01d": "clear-sky-day",
"01n": "clear-sky-night",
"02d": "cloudy-day",
"02n": "cloudy-night",
"03d": "cloudy-day",
"03n": "cloudy-night",
"04d": "cloudy-day",
"04n": "cloudy-night",
"09d": "shower-rain-day",
"09n": "shower-rain-night",
"10d": "rain-day",
"10n": "rain-night",
"11d": "thunderstorm-day",
"11n": "thunderstorm-night",
"13d": "snow-day",
"13n": "snow-night",
"50d": "fog-day",
"50n": "fog-night",
let name = codeMapping[props.code];
return (
So... in order to get "icon" of the input city by the user I have to call "<Background cod={weatherData.icon} alt={weatherData.description} />" from the function "Search" which is the function handling the submit form and running api call for input city. But the image is not showing(img1), but to have the img as a background I would call <Background> from my App function(img2), but in this case I will not have access to the real icon value from the input city. I should mention I have a folder in "src" called background and the images names match the codes name from the mapping.
Thank you in advance!
current preview of my app
how I see in other documentation I should set a background
You can pass the code from Search.js as the state.
const codeMapping = {
"01d": "clear-sky-day",
"01n": "clear-sky-night",
export const App = () => {
const [code, setCode] = useState(null) // <-- We'll update this from Search.js
const [backgroundImage, setBackgroundImage] = useState("")
useEffect(() => {
// Set background value based on the code
}, [code]); // <-- useEffect will run everytime the code changes
return (
<div style={{
height: '100px',
width: '100px',
backgroundImage: `${backgroundImage || "defaultBackgroundImage"}`
<Search setCode={setCode} />
import { WeatherContext } from './App';
export const Search = ({ setCode }) => {
const handleClick = (apiResponse) => {
// Some API call returning the actual code value here //
return (
onClick={() => handleClick("01n")}
value="Change city"

Inject Props to React Component

For security reasons, I have to update ant design in my codebase from version 3 to 4.
Previously, this is how I use the icon:
import { Icon } from 'antd';
const Demo = () => (
<Icon type="smile" />
Since my codebase is relatively big and every single page use Icon, I made a global function getIcon(type) that returns <Icon type={type}>, and I just have to call it whenever I need an Icon.
But starting from antd 4, we have to import Icon we want to use like this:
import { SmileOutlined } from '#ant-design/icons';
const Demo = () => (
<SmileOutlined />
And yes! Now my getIcon() is not working, I can't pass the type parameter directly.
I tried to import every icon I need and put them inside an object, and call them when I need them. Here's the code:
import {
} from '#ant-design/icons';
let icons = {
'notFound': <QuestionCircleTwoTone/>,
'edit': <EditTwoTone/>,
'delete': <DeleteOutlined/>,
export const getIcon = (
someParam: any
) => {
let icon = icons[type] !== undefined ? icons[type] : icons['notFound'];
return (
My problem is: I want to put someParam to the Icon Component, how can I do that?
Or, is there any proper solution to solve my problem?
You can pass props as follows in the icons Object:
let icons = {
'notFound':(props:any)=> <QuestionCircleTwoTone {...props}/>,
'edit': (props:any)=><EditTwoTone {...props}/>,
'delete':(props:any)=> <DeleteOutlined {...props}/>,
And then if you will pass any prop to the Icon component then it will pass the prop to the specific icon component
let Icon = icons[type] !== undefined ? icons[type] : icons['notFound'];
return (<Icon someParam={'c'}/>)

component state doesnt change even after replacing data

My image component displays images with a heart over it every time a user submits a search. The heart changes colors if the image is clicked, and should reset to white (default color) when user submits a new search. For some reason, the clicked-color persists even after a search. What am I not understanding about react states? This isn't simply something that changes on the next render. It just stays like that until I change it manually.
const Image = ({image, toggleFav, initialIcon, initialAlt}) => {
const [fav, setFav] = useState(false);
const [heartIcon, setHeartIcon] = useState(initialIcon)
const [heartAlt, setHeartAlt] = useState(initialAlt)
const handleClick = () => {
setFav(fav => !fav);
toggleFav(, fav);
if (heartIcon == "whiteHeartIcon") {
else {
if (heartAlt == "white heart icon") {
setHeartAlt("red heart icon")
else {
setHeartAlt("white heart icon")
return (
<Grid item xs={4} key={}>
<div className={`${fav ? "fav" : ""}`} onClick={handleClick}>
<div className="imgBox">
<img src={image.url} className="image"/>
<Heart icon={heartIcon} alt={heartAlt} className="heart"/>
This is the handle submit func for the component:
const searchAllImages = async (keyword) => {
const response = await searchImages(keyword);
const imageObjects =, index) => {
let newImage = {
url: link,
id: link,
fav: false
return newImage;
dispatch({type: 'SET_IMAGES', payload: imageObjects});
I render the images through a redux store where it replaces the image state every time a new search is done. The state resides in Store.js where image is initially set to an empty list. The dispatch method comes from Reducer.js where the method is defined.
case "SET_IMAGES":
return {
images: action.payload
Have you tried setting the initial image to a different variable initially, then use a useEffect that checks the image variable for changes, and if it changes assign the value to the variable mentioned above. Anyways more like using useEffect or useCallback for actions.

How do I resolve React flash error using dark mode?

I am using a theme toggler function for dark mode. This function lives inside my src/components/Toggle/Toggle.jsx file, which renders a toggle button that changes the theme. When I reload my page, I get a white flash. I think this is happening because my scripts are not rendering before my HTML doc and it appears the solution is to add a script to my <head>....but I am unsure how to move my Toggle.jsx function out of that component into my <head>...any ideas?
Below is my dark mode function inside my Toggle.jsx...
import "./Toggle.css";
import Icon from "../Icon/Icon";
function Toggle() {
//optionally parse from localStorage
const [theme, setTheme] = React.useState(getInitialMode());
React.useEffect(() => {
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", theme);
localStorage.setItem("theme", JSON.stringify(theme));
}, [theme]);
function getInitialMode() {
const isReturningUser = "theme" in localStorage;
const savedMode = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("theme"));
const userPrefersDark = getPrefColorScheme();
// if mode was saved -> dark / light
if (isReturningUser) {
return savedMode;
// if preferred color scheme is dark -> dark
else if (userPrefersDark) {
return "dark";
} else {
// otherwise -> light
return "light";
function getPrefColorScheme() {
if (!window.matchMedia) return;
return window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches;
return (
onClick={() => {
setTheme(theme === "light" ? "dark" : "light");
<Icon />
export default Toggle;
I guess easy option would be to set dark mode as default so whenever you refresh the page before the selected theme is loaded your dark theme will load and prevent your screen from flashing
