Azure Data Studio: unable to restore SQL Server database - Access Denied - sql-server

I'm in the process of migrating the database from one server to another. When I try to select the backup file (.bak) within Docker, I'm getting an 'Access Denied' error. How to provide access permission to the Docker container?
enter image description here

I had the same error, and what I concluded is that the problem is the file is not in the format it should be, to be precise since I have remote access to my Linux server with GUI, I just copied the .bak file from the windows machine to Linux, which I repeat is not advised way to transfer files form one OS to another. I solved the problem by posting .bak on Google Drive and then generating a download link that I typed in the terminal later.
To generate a proper link from Google Drive I recommend the following guide:
When you get the link type in the terminal:
$ curl -L -o The_Name.bak "The_link"
For restoring the database follow this tutorial:


Load trace file into SQL Server - Access is Denied

So at work I've been given a 500MB trace file to try and diagnose some issues. We've found a few culprits I think are the problems but they want me to run some queries against the data to prove my hypothesis. I installed SQL Server 2017 Developer locally so I could have a local database to mess with and can't get it to work.
SELECT * INTO TraceTemp FROM::fn_trace_gettable('C:\Users\chalewis\Desktop\sql.trc',default);
I keep getting the following error. File 'C:\Users\chalewis\Desktop\sql.trc' either does not exist or there was an error opening the file. Error = '5(Access is denied.)'.
Database and file are on same machine so the path should be correct (used copy as path windows function to get it).
I'm logged in using Windows Authentication and can load the file into
SQL Server Profiler just fine.
The trace was captured by SQL Server Profiler.
I have given permission to my desktop to {ComputerName}/MSSQLSERVER
Anything else I can possibly do?
The access to the folder/file is normally done with the user your Sql Server service is running (check via services.msc) and give this user access rights to the folder (I guess it's NT Service\MSSQLSERVER in your case).

Restore SQL Server database from bak file to different partition (Permission Denied)

On Ubuntu 17.04, I have a .bak file in /var/opt/mssql/backup/ that I am trying to restore to a separate partition because the partition I have SQL Server installed on does not have enough room for the database to be restored to.
I am getting an error like the following: The operating system returned the error '5(Access is denied.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on '/media/<my-user-name>/<some-folder>/<mdf-file>.mdf'.
I've tried to use chmod and chown to change the permissions of that folder on the second partition, but I'm not getting it quite right because I still get the error.
What user is trying to write to that folder in the second partition?
How do I get that user account permissions to successfully restore the database to that folder?
I had this second hard drive connected via a caddy and was able to perform this task no problem. But as soon as I installed the ssd internally, Ubuntu has not allowed whatever user account I'm using in the SQL Server CLI for it this time.
I changed the owner of the second partition/ssd to mssql and now I have permission to restore the database to this location. I would assume that if the owner of that whole ssd is mssql, I might have other permission issues down the road using this ssd for other things. Is there a way to configure this so that my personal user account as well as mssql has permissions to this folder enough to own it? I don't think two different accounts can own a folder, but is there a way to permit multiple accounts with sufficient access to perform these actions?
I won't pretend to be knowledgeable about this, but I had a permissions issue while trying to restore a .bak that was on a network vm to my local device, it worked when I added it to a .zip with 7-share, then copied it to the location I wanted and extracted it.
I had the permissions issue when I tried to move it without zipping, and as far as I remember I still had this issue when I used send to compressed (zipped) folder. I'm not sure why, maybe someone else can elaborate
I solve the problem by deleting the old database, creating a new one and restoring the backup to the new one.
My problem was probably cause by the fact that I had created the database in evalutation edition of MS SQL Server and I wanted to rewrite it by backup in new instalation of developer edition.

Informatica Cloud - Picking up files from SFTP and inserting records in Salesforce

Our objective is as follows
a) Pick up a file "Test.csv" from a Secure FTP location.
b) After picking up the file we need to insert the contents of the file into an object in Salesforce.
I created the following connection for the Remote SFTP (the location which will contain "Test.csv")
Step 1
This is as shown below
Step 2
Then I started to build a Data Synchronization Task as below
What we want is for the Informatica Cloud to connect to the secure FTP location and extract the contents from a .csv from that location into our object in Salesforce.
But as you can see in Step 2, it does not allow me to choose .csv from that remote location.
Instead the wizard prompts me to choose a file from a local directory (which is my machine ...where the secure agent is running) and this is not what I want
What should I do in this scenario ?
Can someone help ?
You can write a UNIX script to transfer the file to your secure agent and then use informatica to read the file. Although, I have never tried using sftp in cloud, I have used cloud and I do know that all files are tied up to the location of the secure agent( either server or local computer) .
The local directory is used for template files. The idea is that you set up the task using a local template and then IC will connect to the FTP site when you actually run the task.
The Informatica video below shows how this works at around 1:10:
This video explains how it works at around 1:10:
Can you elaborate the Secure agent OS as in Windows or Linux.
For Windows environment you will have to call the script using WINSCP or CYGWIN utility I recommend the former.
For Linux the basic commands in script should work.

Error While trying to connect to DB2 SAMPLE database for the First TIme

I want to install DB2 UDW in my machine for learning purpose but I am having a hard time configuring the local instance. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I installed DB2 express edition -c . I have selected all the default choices. I am trying to connect using IBM data Studio 4.1, In the "DB2 first Steps" GUI I have chosen to create SAMPLE Database. I am getting the below error
Creating database "SAMPLE" on path "C:"...
Existing "SAMPLE" database found...
The "-force" option was not specified...
Attempt to create the database "SAMPLE" failed
'db2sampl' processing complete.
I tried connecting from Data Studio using the following options
Database- SAMPLE
Port- 50000
host - localhost
Error I am getting
An attempt was made to access a database that was not found, has not been started, or does not support transactions.
User response:
Ensure that the specified database name exists in the system database directory. If the database name does not exist in the system database directory, either the database does not exist or the database name has not been cataloged. If needed, issue a db2start command and then resubmit the current command.
SQL4499N A fatal error occurred that resulted in a disconnect from the data source.
Problem is I am having zero knowledge in DB2. If I need to run db2start command from where I should run this? Please help
Probably the instance is not started.
Once you have installed DB2, you need to have an started instance in order to use any database. The instance could be created at the same time of the installation. You can verify which instances exist in your computer by issuing:
The output should give you a set of users, where an instance has been configured.
You can change to that user and start the instance. For example if the user is db2inst1
su - db2inst1
Once the instance is started, you can now create a database and then connect to it.

mssql '5 (Access is denied.)' error during restoring database

I want to restore a database from a file (Tasks → Restore → Database; after I select from device and select file) via SQL Server Management Studio.
After that, I get this error:
The operating system returned the error '5(Access is denied.)' while attempting
'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Msg 3156, Level 16, State 8, Server XXXX, Line 2
How do I fix this problem? Is it a security error?
I recently had this problem. The fix for me was to go to the Files page of the Restore Database dialog and check "Relocate all files to folder".
The account that sql server is running under does not have access to the location where you have the backup file or are trying to restore the database to. You can use SQL Server Configuration Manager to find which account is used to run the SQL Server instance, and then make sure that account has full control over the .BAK file and the folder where the MDF will be restored to.
Well, In my case the solution was quite simple and straight.
I had to change just the value of log On As value.
Steps to Resolve-
Open Sql Server Configuration manager
Right click on SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)
Go to Properties
change log On As value to LocalSystem
Hoping this will help you too :)
I just ran into this same problem but had a different fix. Essentially I had both SQL Server and SQL Server Express installed on my computer. This wouldn't work when I attempted to restore to SQL Express, but worked correctly when I restored it to SQL Server.
A good solution that can work is go to files > and check the reallocate all files
I tried the above scenario and got the same error 5 (access denied). I did a deep dive and found that the file .bak should have access to the SQL service account. If you are not sure, type services.msc in Start -> Run then check for SQL Service logon account.
Then go to the file, right-click and select Security tab in Properties, then edit to add the new user.
Finally then give full permission to it in order to give full access.
Then from SSMS try to restore the backup.
I was getting the same error while trying to restore SQL 2008 R2 backup db in SQL 2012 DB. I guess the error is due to insufficient permissions to place .mdf and .ldf files in C drive. I tried one simple thing then I succeeded in restoring it successfully.
Try this:
In the Restore DB wizard windows, go to Files tab, change the restore destination from C: to some other drive. Then proceed with the regular restore process. It will definitely get restores successfully!
Hope this helps you too. Cheers :)
There are several causes for this error, I got this error because I checked "Reallocate all files to folder" in the Files tab of Restore Database window but the default path did not exist on my local machine. I had the ldf/mdf files in another folder, once I changed that I was able to restore.
The operating system returned the error '5(access denied.)' when restoring database in sql server can be solved by enabling the Relocate all files to folder in the Files options as follows:
I found this, and it worked for me:
CREATE LOGIN BackupRestoreAdmin WITH PASSWORD='$tr0ngP#$$w0rd'
CREATE USER BackupRestoreAdmin FOR LOGIN BackupRestoreAdmin
EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'BackupRestoreAdmin', 'dbcreator'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner','BackupRestoreAdmin'
In my case I had to check the box in Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE) under Options tab on Restore Database page.
The reason I was getting this error: because there was already an MDF file present for the database and it was not getting overwritten.
Hope this will help someone.
If you're attaching a database, take a look at the "Databases to attach" grid, and specifically in the Owner column after you've specified your .mdf file. Note the account and give Full Permissions to it for both mdf and ldf files.
I had exactly same problem but my fix was different - my company is encrypting all the files on my machines. After decrypting the file MSSQL did not have any issues to accessing and created the DB. Just right click .bak file -> Properties -> Advanced... -> Encrypt contents to secure data.
this happened to me earlier today, i was a member of the local server's admin group and have unimpeded access, or i thought so. I also ticked the "replace" option, even though there is no such DB in the instance.
Found out that there used to be DB of the same name there, and the MDF and LDF files are still physically located at the data and log folders of the server, but the actual metadata is missing in the sys.databases. the service account of SQL server also can't ovewrwrite the existing files. Found out also that the files' owner is "unknown", i had to change ownership, to the 2 files above so that it is now owned by the local server's admin group, then renamed it.
Then finally, it worked.
The account does not have access to the location for backup file.
Take the following steps to access the SQL Server Configuration Manager via Computer Manager easily
Click the Windows key + R to open the Run window.
Type compmgmt.msc in the Open: box.
Click OK.
Expand Services and Applications.
Expand SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Change User Account in Log On As tab .
Now you can Restore Data Base easily
The fix for me was to go into Options when trying to Restore the database and change the path to the new path.
Here is the screenshot
I encountered the same problem, but my setup is a bit different.
I run my database in a linux docker container
sqlserver management tool in Windows.
What I did was:
sudo docker exec -u root -it sqlserver /bin/bash
This enters the docker container as a root user.
chmod 777 /path/to/file.bak
777 gives read, write & execute permissions to the file for any group, user
