can I use simpy(Python simulation library) in C? - c

I was assigned project that make operation system scheduling program in C and show simulation result in university.
I want to use simpy so that find out how to use python in C.
but I'm not sure simpy work in C because it looks like python work in C, just low-level.
can I use simpy in C?


Receiving snmptraps in a C program

I want to write a C program which receives snmptraps sent from another machine and parses them.
I am able to do this from the command line, but have no idea on how to implement this in C.
I searched online and found most code was in ruby or the atleast C++ which had a traplistener class.
Is there any way to receive snmptraps from within a C program ?
One of the best library is to use net-snmp. It supports both C and C++ linkages.

Call MATLAB function from a C program [duplicate]

I have some code that plots triangles in MATLAB.
I need to be able to somehow execute this code from my C program which generates these points.
Is that possible? How can it be done?
Just a thought:
Can I somehow embed MATLAB code in C, so that it can compile on a C compiler?
The Mathworks site has full details; a demo video of calling the Matlab engine from C, and also the Matlab to C Compiler.
As mentioned previously by answerers, you can call a live copy of MATLAB from C via the MATLAB Engine interface.
If the end-product needs to be used where there is no live copy of MATLAB, you can deploy the application using MATLAB Compiler. However, MATLAB Compiler does not, as another answer has suggested, convert MATLAB programs into C code (and hasn't done for a few versions now). Instead, it archives and encrypts your MATLAB program, and packages it into an executable or shared library that executes against the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (shareable royalty-free). The executable or shared library can then be called from C.
Alternatively you could go the other way around, and call your C code from MATLAB, using either loadlibrary or MATLAB's MEX interface.
Update: As of release R2011a, you can also use MATLAB Coder to generate C code directly from a subset of the MATLAB language.
Look at this presentation about integrating MATLAB Algorithms in C or C++ Applications

How to write a C program for Unix that can process the Regular Expression ?

I want creat a C program for Unix that can porcess the Regular Expression,like a simple Perl interpreter. Do I have to personally write an regexp engine?
You might like to look for a library with it already coded. C uses librarys to allow you to include other peoples code into your work. I assume there are many regular expression librarys for you to use already to go!

Interfacing MATLAB with C/C++ programs

Hi I wanted to know how to use MATLAB as an external solver from a C program. Specifically in my code I wish
to solve several linear systems of the form Ax=b.
I have heard that to go the other way namely Calling C functions in a MATLAB routine one uses MEX files.But I am not really sure how to use Mex files either.
Thank you
Actually, MEX files allow you to include C code in Matlab programs, for example if you want to use external C libraries in Matlab.
What you want to do is use the Matlab Engine:
As an alternative, you could use linear algebra libraries that are written purely in C, such as LAPACK and BLAS. ( )
you can use the matlab engine as Lagerbaer points out. However sometimes it can be convenient just calling the matlab process commandline style. I use this often when I don't want to mess with mxArrays etc, or when the amount of matlab code that needs executing gets really large. PseudoCode:
WriteArrayInMFormat( "in.m", myInputNumbers );
LaunchProcess( "matlab", "-nodesktop -r \"myFunction( 'in.m' )\" -logfile out.m" );
ReadArrayInMFormat( "out.m", myResult );
For me this is especially useful when testing things out: instead of having to recompile the C/C++ program each time I change something, I just apply all changes in the myFunction.m file. At that point I don't even need the C program, instead everything can be tested in matlab.

Is there a way to translate C code to Ruby?

I'm sitting with massive amounts of legacy C code that needs to be converted to Ruby for a project.
I've seen Ruby to C translators online, but not the other way around. Would there be a simple way to approach this particular problem?
You'll either have to write a C to Ruby translator, which is possible but the effort might not be justifiable, or you could split the C code up into smaller modules that you can create Ruby wrappers for as a first step. Once they're all wrapped in Ruby and the main control flow is done in Ruby, you can write a test harness (both to verify correctness of your replacement code and to aid reverse engineering) and start replacing the C modules with Ruby modules.
The divide & conquer approach should work with regular Ruby if you use the modules as native extensions but obviously this will cause further problems if you're targeting something like JRuby as your runtime environment. If you want to do something similar in JRuby as per your comment, you're looking at wrapping the C modules in JNI and calling through from the JVM that way. Either way will allow your C code to interact with the Ruby code, but the two approaches are not interchangeable.
Neither approach is going to be quick and both are going to be a lot of work.
You could:
Write a C interpreter in Ruby (very hard).
Wrap the compiled C code with something like SWIG (much easier).
Programming in C and programming in Ruby bear completely different programming paradigms. So while the old saying that you can write Fortran (or C in this case) code in any language is true, the Ruby code that you would eventually get by machine translation wouldn't be Ruby at all, except syntactically.
So, IMHO, any way other than manual (and done by proficient Rubyists, I might add) would be either impossible, or at least not useful at all.
Maybe you can try this
It's fresh for cpp but existed longer for c to ruby
You can try Abap2Ruby. It can also convert cpp to ruby.
